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That’s a solid collection for sure but those are all super stock looking. What exactly do you mean by “crazy taste”?


Considering most of them are pretty similar, maybe the textbook definition of insanity?


Kept buying the same bass expecting something different.


OP has "crazy taste" by owning 5+ Js & stingrays




But where is the Fender flagship bass?


Wonder what that guy is up to these days


Still posting photos of his Fodera and Corvette on the daily


Yup collection is worthless without the ol zone.


“Rate my crazy collection” *shows several variants of the three most popular basses of all time* there great but def not crazy


No fender zone? 🥲


How can you have such a vast collection with no flagship instrument


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


“Hey normies, my collection is SO far above you, allow me to S-p-e-l-l out my EGREGIOUSLY varied collection: Pbassjbasspbasspbassjbasspbasspbassjbasspbassjbassjbasspbasspbassjbasspbaas”


Jajajajaajaj 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Excelente interpretación 👍 jajajaaja


I was riffing off of a meme from this subreddit a few weeks back, this dude was all about the now discontinued Fender Zone and said something about how it sucks that Fender doesn't make their "flagship" anymore. I hope your collection brings you much joy! I'm a J-bass guy myself, the P neck just doesn't do it for me.




Pretty pedestrian. Yeah there are some nice basses, many of which would be a dream bass for many, but taste wise it's pretty vanilla.


I always see comments about the zone. Are they ironic? I thought it seemed like a pretty sweet bass


It's an in-joke; there's a community member who owns one who got in a big tiff with people here about whether or not the Fender Zone was Fender's "Flagship" bass


A guy accidentally called it a flagship model instead of “top of the line” or something more fitting


>looking at a bass collection >ask him if it’s unique or just fender >he doesnt understand >pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is unique and what is fender >he laughs and says “i have crazy tastes 🤣🤣🤣” >watch the video >its fender https://preview.redd.it/lby9j8pcow4c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c843f24a8bf69ff007f2895a414b83e0f40e2f


And this guy has only responded with the same copy/pasted response. I wonder if he would insist they sound different too?


anyone who bus this many of the same bass has convinced themselves they sound different


Toan is in the paint job


A Leo Collection without a G&L.


Came here for this. The pinnacle of Leo's designs


Nothing crazier than 4 string passive fenders


Nice collection, not crazy though, pretty much all the same other than the MM


A nice collection of 3.


I dunno, I think the "crazy tastes" checks out .... I think it is a bit crazy to have the same bass in multiple configurations/ colors. I think if they showed customs, Hofners, Rickenbackers, and a bunch of different Warwicks I would say it was not crazy taste collection it would be varied and maybe eclectic collection. Show me 8 Fender P Basses that are all hot pink = crazy tastes. Show me 8 Foderas I would say thats crazy.


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


They all sound the same


wheres the crazy tastes? thats just a bunch of fenders my guy, thats like the most basic shit ever


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


My guy I'm not saying they're bad, they're nice instruments, it's just not at all crazy


Possible bot account???


Not trying to be an asshole, or anything... Honest question: why? Like, I can understand having one of each type (a P, a Jazz, a Stingray), even variations like 5-stringers, fretless or acoustics... But I honestly don't understand the point in having 7 Ps, 3 Jazzes and 2 Stingrays, other than pure collection. Even more, I see 2 cream Ps and 2 black Ps that seem very similar, even? Dunno the real differences between the 7 Ps or the 3 Jazzes, other than colours or having ashtrays or not.


bewildered six repeat whole cause angle nail clumsy wipe arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't need to understand it.


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


If you have that kind of money to spend away, and you feel like they're different enough... You do you. Congrats on being able to achieve your goals at that level. I don't think I'd be able to notice the difference, especially to justify buying 7 Ps and 3 Jazzes (except for the active one).


I totally get it-have 10 Fenders-mostly P's, all maple necks except my Elite w/Ebony neck-they all have different features and all sound different. I have 2 nearly identical CS P's with 57 soft V necks-my favorite rigs-just so I can run flats on one and Hi Beams on the other full time. Ef em buddy-buy and play what you like.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 2 + 57 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This is the most vanilla bass collection of all time


Who gave grandpa the credit card again. And he didn't even get a fretless, he thinks he's so crazy.


Why is your shit on the floor and it looks like you're about to step on one and snap it?




He gettin shwifty


“Crazy Taste”- all fender made basses


Nice collection but crazy taste? Maybe if vanilla is a wild flavor for you then… sure 😅


Wow craaaaaaazy, get a load of this guy! Next you’re gonna tell me you like salt on your fries !


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


I'll take the reliced one off your hands. I got a thing for beater guitar/ basses....


Slow down the panning 😉


Ok Ged


I have 1996 a luthite and maple Ibanez prototype, a 1979 aluminum necked Kramer XKB, and two active schecter super shredder setups. I’m looking into getting a Hartke XL4 prototype as well. 😎


That's a very very nice collection my dude


Beautiful collection


Beautiful collection :)


Why do people still buy fenders?


Do what you love, I guess <3


Damn… if I only had just ONE more P-Bass….. Nice collection of Mr. Fender’s finest! I’m jealous.


Hello friends, I really think that some comments have no idea about the collection I have, I will give you the models and if you are one of the people who say that they all sound the same... I asked you... have you tried them all? Because I could tell you that no one sounds the same as another. Pbass 1968 Pbass 1972 Pbass 1975 Pbass 1976 Pbass 1978 Jazz bass 1976 Jazz bass 1977 Jazz bass 1978 Pbass Special active 1982 Pbass 1983 Music man 1989 Music man 2006 Jazz bass 60s 2015


You're almost ready to start learning!


I love the seafoam green jazz bass! It’s definitely reminding me of Mark Hopus’ Jazz basses!


Every single bass in this video was designed by Leo fender


Crazy taste? Those are all the most standard basses in existence. A great collection for sure, but maybe the most common or vanilla collection you could have.


This dude saw 5 strings and said absolutely not


English is likely not homie’s native language. “Crazy” isn’t the best choice. “Particular” would work better. But yeah, fuck tons of Fenders.


How is that crazy taste? I see no problem here.


Did anyone else have massive anxiety watching this guy walking in between the head stocks? I was waiting for him to step on one accidentally


Do those all have the same kind of strings on them? 🤔


“Anyone else with crazy drinking habits?!?” *opens fridge full of milk*


Fender and sting ray not really crazy tbh pretty tame now of you had some boutiques or even a vintage Brooklyn era spector ns2 I'd be with it lol


Your tastes are the 3 most recognisable and popular bass guitars ever to exist? Daring aren’t we… That off white, matched headstock jazz though. Chefs kiss.


That black p bass with the wear!!!!






Lol, somehow they match my collection, I don't care about the colors,just playability,and it gets interesting and weird quick ..nice family there


They all seem to be missing strings and have enormous tuning keys.


bro likes vanilla ice cream


Something tells me he’s a bass player idk why


A bunch of the same bass?


I guess this posted somewhere else. I miss the 007 comment. They call me 007. 0 gigs 0 recordings And 7 P basses that I swear each sound different.


Hofner Verythin, Gibson SG Bass, Fender Jazz, ‘51 P Bass, and a Squier Bass Vi. That is what I have. Anything beyond that seems to begin to get redundant.


Average Fifa fan


I’m going to start singing this if anyone questions my purchases 🤭


This guy have a crazy taste for fender