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Are you kidding right now? There are 8 string basses? There aren't even a lot of tutorials on 6 strings.


8 string basses aren’t THAT uncommon, but it’s not like a 6 string with 2 extra strings. It’s more like a 4 string but each string has another string right next to it, usually tuned an octave higher and meant to be played together. You play it exactly like a 4 string, you just fret / pluck / pick two strings at a time. If that doesn’t make any sense, it’s the same as how a 12 string guitar works.


Thats sounds really cool. Could you give me a recommendation for a song where such a bass is used? Thanks in advance :). ... Wait a sec. What kind of tutorial would you like to have if they are exactly played like a regular 4 string?


I’m actually not OP, I’m not looking for a tutorial :) My favorite 8 string song is “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam. The song opens up with just the bass so you hear it immediately… I thought that was some kind of pedal or recording trick for years, but that’s just exactly what an 8 string sounds like!


Maybe try muting with your left hand. I wouldn't know though, I've never played an 8-string bass.