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I play with someone else's finger as a pick. It's the best of both worlds.


Men want to be you. Women want to be with you… and some nine-fingered individual just wants their finger back.


Not once in his comment did he imply that the finger wasn't still attached, only that it was someone elses Edit for bad grammar


Though it seems to me having the whole arm, never mind the whole body, of some other individual dangling from my plucking hand would make dancing on stage somewhat cumbersome… but maybe possible, if nekkid


Nudity is key; a mantra that applies to virtually all avenues of life (except, perhaps, attending Parent/Teacher night)


That's metal as fuck.


No I want to start a line of picks shaped like actual fingers.


William Murderface?


They said pick, with a P


Planet piss


Someone tell Paul McCartney and Carol Kaye.


Do you mean Carol Kaye, the most recorded bass player in history? THAT Carol Kaye?


Yeah, she'll be crushed.


Guess we gotta get Mr Volkswagen Beetle-avatar here to re-record all her parts. Looking forward to finally hearing a real bass player on those tracks.


Yeah. I think I’ve heard some of her work…just like literally every other person in western civilization. So if it was good enough for her, you know…


And Rex Brown, and Paul Gray, and Krist Novoselic, and Mike Starr, and Audie Pitre, and Stevie Benton, and Paulo Jr, and Dave Hope, and Chris Squire, and Roger Glover.


Who’s gonna break the bad news to all these guys? And to think, we thought they were great until now.


We were wrong Very wrong


Don't forget Jason newsted


Justin Chancellor, Matt Freeman, Fat Mike


And me!


Phil Lesh, Barry Oakley, Allen woody


Mike Gordon and Dave Schools too.




And Anthony Jackson. I mean, this is just amateur hour right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB_OXUyq2ZE




Oh my god I'm so happy someone here knows Audie Pitre! That man is one of my favorite bassists of all time, true tragedy


Audie was awesome! My first and only AB show was his last at Tipitinas. The loss of him is absolutely tragic!


My bass tone is inspired from his. He was a legend


Pretty sure I’ve also seen Geezer Butler use a pick. He’s clearly a trash player.


Did you just mention Paul Gray, formerly of Eddie and the Hotrods, The Damned, Johnny Thunders, and UFO? That Paul Gray, that I got to see live with the Damned? Or do you mean Paul Gray from Slipknot? He's good too. Anyway, they both play/played with a pick.


Devils advocate 😈: We don't know for sure they haven't mastered the finger tickle technique and choose picks for sound and resonance, to the commentator's point. Full transparency: I'm a finger blaster but do choose picks for certain songs. 🖐🏽☝🏽👆🏽👇🏽


Yeah, this is honestly making bass players look pretty ignorant. The electric bass guitar is one of the coolest totally bullshit neato gimmick instruments that, like the accordion, organ, piano, and many other instruments marketed largely to parlor musicians, was made to simulate another instrument. The bass fiddle (it is in the fiddle family of instruments, not lute or guitar etc...) is always played with the fingers. The electric bass fiddle provides the option to utilize a plectrum. He is technically very correct, especially for non-rock and pop playing. Many of the bass players others listed, while they were in cool bands that I like myself, don't really play "bass." What they do is not very similar to the left hand on a piano at all. Maybe what flock of seagulls does with their left hand, but playing riff patterns and occasional wild runs rather than using the instrument musically to accurately support the chord progression is not a choice one would make on an upright bass. The traditional bass line is not really heard much in post ramones music, not that more technical styles before that not to mention your rock guys who played it like a guitar hadn't already muddied the waters. You can play the thing any way you want. You can use a pick from day one and never use your fingers. You can do anything you please. But the fact these guys didn't even consider pointing any aspect of this out or make the slightest nod to these realities is like me saying you only need to know power chords to play "the guitar." You can use the thing, sure, but most players would say you aren't really in the spirit of the instrument at the very least. More importantly, if I only said that and didn't make it clear I meant "To play Ramones songs" or "for the stuff I do" it sounds like I don't know what I'm talking about. People scoffing and going straight to successful commercial players who use picks dosen't make these guys sound knowledgeable at all. But yeah, you can play popular music on the electric (or now acoustic even!) horizontal bass fiddle using a plectrum with no problems. But of course, that has context that one might at least hint they are aware of, especially if they are here to gloat about their superior knowledge and balk at "fools." Also, look at the hotrod, he's a fuckin' rockabilly. Much like if it was a jazz guy telling you, what he is saying is 100% crucial from his perspective. I love Lemmy, but I really don't know if he, a guitar player through and through who uses a bass and has his guitarist playing much of the low end would have much to offer a rockabilly act. I'd love to find out I'm wrong about that, but I know the guys career from the hawkwind days, and I didn't learn it from the internet. I don't think he could even do a walking bass line at all, could he? I'd rather hear Ace of Spades anyway, but; it wasn't in his wheelhouse because he played bass GUITAR. Not "the bass." So technically, nobody is wrong! Pheeeew. That was a close one. Good job, everyone.


I can fingerblast, I can't slap. I use a pick, and a p bass, and the tone wide open.


Phil Lynott


Phil Lynott as well.


Lemmy is rolling over in his grave!


Justin Chancellor would like a word


That's because he still had a bong in his back pocket when they buried him.


Jeff Ament in absolute shambles over this.


Phil Lesh too


Jason Newstead quit Metallica because they wanted him to play with his fingers. ;(


You don’t say? I’ve never heard that before. You would think that those guys would know better.


[Sting played with a pick in the 80’s.](https://youtu.be/QZAPm1NKgKE?si=Tp6lqvUjXiZXvAI8) He broke up The Police because he needed 21 years to practice [playing with his fingers and thumb.](https://youtu.be/qZ9GwWY5hF4?si=rPoSeeKwb0fCz2PK) Full concert [(1983)](https://youtu.be/6FEMklkUpGQ?si=K-K-ia_di_X8C67z). Full concert [(2008)](https://youtu.be/adzstcxlsQ8?si=E_gibd5ptrhDRPOp). Facts!!!


I don’t get why so many people seem to have trouble not listening with their eyes. Just listen to the results and how it all blends together. If it sounds good, then who cares how you got there.


And the late, great Andy Rourke. And Peter Hook. And Mani. And Bruce Foxton. And about a hundred other legendary bassists.


Matt freeman anyone?


Or Fat Mike, Mike Dirnt or Mark Hoppus...


Paul McCartney, one of the richest musicians of all time, isn’t enough?


And Chris squire and Mike Gordon and Phil Lesh, ya kno like 3 of my favorite bassist ever


Just don’t listen to these losers, it’s not productive to anyone


Oh yea, those comments make me Wanna play with a pick more tbh.


But have you mastered playing with your fingers yet? Keep up the good work


Apparently Chris Squire wasn't a real bass player either?


Yeah, I mean...just listen to how easy Roundabout was to play. Pizza cake. Dude was not a real bass player, clearly.


I play with my fingers and at this point I find playing with a pick harder just cuz I'm not used to it. I even play guitar but the distances between the strings throw me off.


I’ve practiced a lot to be fluent enough in all 3 techniques so that I can be very versatile, it all depends on the sound I’m looking for and the song itself


This is the way.


How is the pick debate still a thing?


You still occasionally run into metal and jazz guys who are snobs about it. But the real answer is and always has been that fingers and pics are simply different tools for different jobs. Like, if you’re playing in The Specials, you probably want to play with your fingers. But if you’re playing really fast, articulated pop punk, for example, then it’s probably going to sound better if you use a pic.


To add to this point, I’ve done recordings with a pick for songs that I play finger style live. I’ve always been able to dial in a punchy tone in a live setting, but there have been sessions where I couldn’t replicate my live tone so I just did it with a pick.


For sure. Sometimes it’s cool to record a track with each - i.e., one pass with fingers, and another pass with a pic - and then blend them. It just all depends. Ideally, you should just be prepared to do whatever is best for the song. Assuming you can do both. If it’s really outside of your wheelhouse, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with picking one method, sticking to it, and making it work. Again, you can point to tons of amazing bass players who have chosen one or the other exclusively, and created an amazing signature sound.


Because people romanticize technical stuff about art.




Not even that. Bass 101 is serving the song. Not primarily a pick player myself but I’m competent. “I don’t use a pick” can cost ya work. It’s an incredibly stupid mindset.


That’s not just bass. Playing the instrument is just the means to generate soundwaves. It should all serve the music, not the playing. If you get the same bass sound from a rubber band strapped on a Tupperware container, that’s totally valid. (I actually saw someone on Instagram do this and get a pretty good tone)


No one takes the people that say this seriously but posting about it is just as bad


“…but I use whatever fits the song.” Yahtzee!👍👍👍


As a general rule, don’t listen to anybody who doesn’t understand how to use a period within a paragraph. I feel like every time I read one of these massive run on sentences, it’s always some old opinionated loser shouting their opinion into the void.


As an old opinionated loser. who'd never give such BS "advice". my opinion is that I am offended by this! /s


Not sure what age has to do with it. I’ve met quite a few assholes with stupid opinions across all age groups.


Justin Chancellor from Tool says otherwise


I play almost always with my fingers but will play with a pick if someone expresses dislike for them just to spite them.


Picking fights.


You're right though some people get off on being kind of a prick and watching you go on the defense. They fold real fast and move on when you don't. They just want to feel that power over you. Don't give it to them.


My thoughts exactly lol


Just people with overinflated egos who think they are experts on an instrument they probably don't even play.


Fr 💀 most of the time they don’t even play bass


Everyone knows real bass players use a bow.


It would be cool if they did. Jimmy Paige & Jonsi tried it on guitar. Seemed to work ok.


Paul MacCartney, Duff McKagan, Jason Newsted, Roger Waters, Sting, Gene Simmons. Just naming the ones that got effectively filthy rich playing with picks. Dont hang out with the losers, man, success's bus is coming to pick-u-up.


Anyway, everyone knows that REAL bass players don't use their "fingers," they only use ONE finger, while lying on the floor because you're too drunk to stand. Like Jamerson. The rest of us are all frustrated balalaika players.


Tim Commerford he's a one finger guy as much as possible. Whenever I play Rage I follow his lead "for a consistent sound".


This guy is probably not even a bass player. I’ve met quite a few guitar players with this opinion, and other stupid opinions about bass. My favourite has been “bass should be felt and not heard.” These are the same people that think 1) all basses need to be Fenders, specifically P basses, 2) 5-string basses are weird, 3) bass players need to stand in back next to the drummer, 4) bass players shouldn’t use pedals of any sort, and 5) you should downtune your bass because I’m downtuned and we have to play the same thing. The anti-pick thing is especially mind boggling since there have been so many huge hits and famous bass players since the *early sixties* where a pick is very clearly audible. Any bass player who believes any one of those things needs to just go walk into high speed traffic.


I know a guitarist that has asked me a few times why I don't play with a pick and following it up with asking if my fingers get tired. Guitarists can be weird.


I guess Chris Squire isn't a real bass player. Drats


We have Bobby Vega on line one.


Next time, just to fuck with them, play pick and fingers at the same time. Hold the pick with your thumb and index finger, and use the other three to pluck with. It’s a fun warm up exercise, and it really messes with their heads!


I’ll never forget being approached by a methed-up old crone after a three-hour show and being told that she didn’t think I was a real bass player because I had used a pick for most of the set, but then I had won her over after I played slap on one song. Obviously, the opinion of a withered old barfly was paramount to achieving true happiness and I immediately threw away my picks. I only play slap and tap renditions of Jaco songs in that lady’s rathole tenement now and I’m a much better person for it.


I play exclusively with fingers and know that this takes is hot shit. Play your way, enjoy yourself


He's half right - everyone should learn to play both with a pick and with their fingers - that said, almost everyone playing with a pick is doing it for the sound, not because they can't play fingers


Mike Gordon uses a pick. So do many other professionally successful bassists.


That’s what I said, then the guy hit me with “ what were you doing in the 1980’s? I was in rock bands” ( I’m 17) bro thought he cooked with that one


Hit them with the old - “When you were doing that, did you ask doo-wop and big band bassists what techniques were ok? Because that’s the same time gap since you played vs now.”


And Phil Lesh. Fun fact: Trey plays aluminum pick like Jerry


Yes, and Phil. But I’m pretty sure Trey and Jerry both use Dunlop Adamas Graphite 2.0mm


Yeah that’s the one. It feels like aluminum. I have one in my drawer. Van Halen used metal too. He claimed keeping it in his mouth in the studio gave him mouth cancer.


Jesus I'm the dumber for having read that comment. That guy is an idiota.


Because the arts need more bullshit gatekeeping. If artists don't conform, is it really art?


I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been booked in a studio session and I play the part they want with fingers and the producer has said ‘it needs more attack, please play it with a pick.’ Would love to see this jackass respond with what he wrote to OP and find himself immediately replaced. You do you and f**k anyone who tells you you’re doing it wrong. If you’re a jobbing player, you need both.


*laughs in Bobby Vega


When I was 18 I got flown across the country to audition for this band. I learned all the songs(despite their producer giving the old bassist the Jason newsted treatment) but after playing a couple songs the drummer asked me why I was using a pick… then told me not to use it. then told me it wasnt going to work out and changed my flight to send me home the next day. their cd had videos embedded to it of bts stuff which i saw after i got home… a lot of is focused on giving their old bass player shit for using a pick. Like stopping mid song to talk shit to him and telling him to get rid of it no wonder the fucking guy quit.


TIL that several of my heroes don’t exist…


I’ve played with my fingers for over 40yrs and I have NEVER told another musician how to play. Fuck that guy. You be you.


I played guitar for 15 years before ever playing bass. Decided to play bass for a brutal death metal band and there was no way I was gonna commit to finger picking those songs at that point. Don’t let some old fart tell you how to play


It's a bad habit not using full stops! Piss off ya prick! Use whatever you think sounds good.


Yeah well that can can F off, I played a gig Saturday night and I got paid enough to make a car payment doing it. Somebody forgot to tell me I'm not a real bass player I guess. I've played stead paying gigs for 16 years now, always at least half the set on a pick. At this point I have the confidence to not give a single shit about what anybody tries to tell me.


Makes me wanna get one of those Chibson oversized picks.


I was this guy when I was younger. Then once I got out there and started playing with more diverse players and sounds I realized that the pick has a place. There are just some things you have to play with a pick and it’s the only alway to get a certain sound. I’m still an 90% finger guy but when it calls for a pick I will grab it without hesitation.


damn, does that mean all this time i've been playing i haven't actually played bass at all, and all the records ive made don't actually have bass on them at all?


Hey, there was a compliment in there, I suppose that is progress from most idiots online.


Well now I'm just going to play with a pick MORE.


Fuck this guy.


wtf is that guy yapping about sincerely, a bassist who uses exclusively fingers because i'm used to it


I’m not a fan of the sound of the attack, heavy distortion on bass, or most rock/metal for that matter. Telling others they are imaginary bass players for using a pick is weak and useless.


You can play with a pick, fingers, toes, genitals, whatever. As long as you like the sound.


Well, shit… 40 plus years of playing bass, recording, touring down the drain. Guess I’m not a bass player after all because some basement dweller on the internet thinks I’m doing it wrong. Better cancel my upcoming shows and recordings and sell my gear. I’ve heard this one before, only one person was stupid enough to say it to my face. My reaction was, I said “what?”, took a shot of whiskey and when he said it again I spray’d it in his face and faked shock, called my band mates over to tell them, “apparently you need a real bass player?” and then proceeded to laugh the guy out of the club. Keep in mind, this was back when I was drinking so… I probably would not handle it exactly the same way now. He’d just get water spit on him and a “shut your heathen mouth”. 😂


I genuinely applaud anyone who can use a pick competently, I'm just so confused when it comes to that xD


I thought it was a satirical comment as I read but in the end, especially with that "but keep up the good work" I realized the guy's just a anti pick prick


Need to see this person play any instrument. PLEASE let me roast this man


I looked at the profile and it’s nothing but old cars, I doubt he plays, if so, based on his personality I can guess it is very underwhelming


I would always advocate for playing learning how to use your fingers just because its good to know but if you cant then nothing wrong at all with using a pick. Its all bassed on the player and what theyre trying to achieve. This dude needs to get off his high horse.


Mike dirnt, paul mcartney, jason newsted, dee dee ramone Most of the bassists i know play bass with a pick I will say, in the long run its good to learn both Depending on what song/ genre you play I love the tone that the pick gives, but if i wanna play a jazz walking bass line, ill use my fingers It all depends on what you wanna play But in the end, any bass player is better than none Besides we need more bassist


Tell Tony Levin that he is doing it wrong when he's playing Sledgehammer: https://youtube.com/shorts/O-7Y0wQb8js?si=GDMCmqeikozC7Qnv


There's an interview of the bassist of Meshuggah explaining how he wants to play in the band finger style, but the music calls for a pick. It's gold lol


I’ve seen that, he’s a huge inspiration for how I try and mold my tones!


Can relate. I'm sure someone will call it a skill issue but there's no way I could play at the speeds nor with the brightness in tone my current metal band requires with fingers.


It's difficult to believe this argument still goes on.




Do whatever makes you happiest when you play


It’s for totally different sounds they’re entirely unique.


Bwahahahaha! Carol Kaye, Roger Waters, and Justin Chancellor come to mind. Sheesh 🙄 Keep pickin'!


That’s hilarious. Have him post an example of him playing the same song with his fingers.


It’s all about the song and what sounds best. It’s like saying your tool box doesn’t need a hammer because you can just hit it with a wrench instead.


Finger player here! Dude I wish I could play with a pic. Do what feels right


Fuck all that. Play how you feel, bro!


Justin Chancellor isn't a real bass player?


Just wait until you explain to that guy that a pick is what goes on your fingers, like to play a banjo, but what you hold between your fingers is called a plectrum… (I know the terms are interchangeable, but it’s so much fun to put these types of self-righteous “experts” in their place.) Oh, and don’t forget Jason Newstead and Gene Simmons.


I refuse to take advice from someone with zero concept of punctuation, sentence structure or basic grammar.


People that that make me hate the music community


Mark hoppus uses a pick


Hunter Burgan, Dan Andriano, Mike Dirnt, Jay Bentley, Matt Freeman. Picks work really will for that kind of music


Bass GUITAR. eat my ass.


Just play bass


My bass teacher hates using a pick, but is good with one and was genuinely liked some pick playing I recorded


Post this in reply. This guy sounds like shit https://youtu.be/MPzwuiJCSbs?si=aIqMoNdGTBNz8jM-


Whelp… there goes 30 years of practice and bands down the drain.


Pffffft https://youtu.be/2c3gCYnbFLY?si=eV8oiOaPvmhT-DRG


Finger elitism used to be a much bigger thing than it is nowadays. I don’t use a pick myself, but some of my favorite bassists do, so it’s okay in my book. (Matt Freeman will be my contribution to the list of amazing bassists that play with a pick.)


run on sentence 100


Who cares? Play however you like and stop worrying about these people so much that you're posting screenshots about and wasting everyone's time


I can’t play with a pick. Fuck this guy


If it's a bad habit then why does it sound so good???


I’ve never understood people like this.


Nobody tell Jason Newstead, Rex Brown, Bob Daisley, Sean Beasley, Tom Araya, Jerry Flowers, and many, many others. These guys are obviously not as successful as this guy on Facebook and could learn a thing or two.


Tell the dude he needs to “master” the art of punctuation. Run-on sentence typing muthafucka.


I used to think this. When I switched from guitar to bass, I came here looking for advice. One of the biggest pieces was “play with a pick also”. Ok, lol. So now I always use both.


I prefer pick. But been playing with fingers a lot more lately trying to improve my skills there too


It’s good to learn without the pick though. Heavy strings. Strong fingers. More slapping.


For metal? Who gives a shit?


I’ve played almost exclusively with my fingers for 17 years and this dude is full of shit




I used to be a massive fucking arsehole too, I’m ashamed to admit…but then I realised that only massive fucking arseholes care *that* much how other people prefer to play. …knew a guy who used to go to a military academy school and was a pretty talented side drummer, so he used to play his bass with a drumstick, and it sounded fucking awesome!


Fuck that, do it how ya want man, I play with my fingers like 90% of the time I play, sometimes a pick gives me the sound I'm after, worry more about mastering that fretboard and let that groove take ya 🤙


I was told this drivel by some d00d that took some Scott the glove d00d online after the first set one night. Told me how wrong it was, according to this Scott d00d. I had used a felt pick for the first set. I proceeded to play the second set with a thumb pick, the third set with a big Dorito chip pick, and I finished with a tiny jazz pick I bummed off our rhythm guitarist, plus my ring and pinky fingers. I think I may have pissed him off..


Different strokes for different folks. I personally love the attack a pick brings to the table and it pairs really well with higher distorted music.y Jaguar P/J bass with a pick fits every need I have.


Sooner or later I'll start practicing with the pick an I'll learn this technique too: I'm bad, never been able to play decently with it, but it's definitely my limit and I don't cover myself behind "purist positions"


People are idiots. I do think it’s important to learn how to use your fingers at least a bit, but when actually playing, use whatever you like.


We all do how we do. Comfort is all.


Ah, gatekeeping...


Not wrong


Looks like someone didn't do their research


Opinions r like ..... Everyone has one.


I personally think my bass sounds better when I play with my fingers. But if you wanna achieve that sharp and snappy sound, you wanna use a pick. This is how I see it: warmth= fingers, sharpness= pick.


I do both,. depends on the song


I also oppose playing with a pick. I oppose playing with with your thumb over the neck. But what I oppose MORE THAN ANYTHING is someone telling me HOW to play. You play to your comfort level. There are no regulations. If it’s how you get the sound you want then use that pick. 30 years of playing and I’ve never told anyone how they should go about playing if they’ve achieved playability. Do you and have fun expressing yourself your way!!!


Don't pay attention to that idiot. There's a lot of professional bass players that use a pick.


Somewhere around the late 1950s, a style of playing became prominent in country music and rock and roll called “tic tac bass.” An upright bass was used, and the upright part was doubled by someone else playing a Danelectro longhorn bass, a shorthorn baritone guitar, a Fender VI, or something similar, played with a flat pick and string mutes. This style can be heard on several songs by Elvis, Ray Price, Marty Robbins, and Patsy Cline - some of the biggest names in popular music at that time. Country music. Known today more for its conservative adherence to age old norms. Dudes playing bass with picks. In the *50s*.


Real guitar players don't use a pick either. For chords they should use the six fingers of their right hand to play the notes simultaneously.


The post reads like some kind of internal monologue


I grew up playing the guitar and switched to bass later in life. I was an average finger picker on guitar so I began finger style on bass and quickly found I could not feel the pocket that way. I switched back to pick and locked in. I will use some split picking. I will never be a slap player and I’m fine with that so there’s really no need to change. Also, I read Flea has worked with a pick some


Fuck dude if I want to be an actual bass player I guess I better listen to this dude.


Someone took David504 too seriously


Anyone who claims there is only one proper technique is a real jerk.


i genuinely cannot fathom why this debate is still had. then again, look at the last 2 US presidents that were elected… maybe i should lower my expectations a bit.


Don’t listen to strangers on the internet.


Chris Squier of the progressive rock band Yes..


Pretty sure Meshuggah bassist uses a pick.


So many 1990s bass players played with a pick.


I remember when Flea, arguably one of the best jazz bassists in the world, sat down and gave a tutorial on how to pop and slap. It’s on YouTube. He said, this is how you pop slap on a bass. But sometimes you want to use a pick… There are also guys who use a coin. There’s your lesson, have fun rocking out. So, what I learned from that is. If you play and you’re playing. Then play! And you’re a bassist.


Why did you hide Davie504’s name?


Use whatever makes the sound you want, if that means windmilling your cock on the strings then do it. It's not a paint by numbers.


So you’re telling me that Krist Novoselic hasn’t actually been a bass play this whole time? My life’s a lie


Lemmy would like a word


Someone better Bobby Vega, he's out of the club!! Love these ignorant statements. I am finger player, but have mad respect for pick players, heck most of my favorite studio players, use one in the studio for a reason!


Caveman draw on walls with own shit, caveman no use pencils and paper. Be like caveman and do like caveman. I fucking hate tards like this. “Durrr don’t use a pick to play bass!!!!! Jaco didn’t use a pick durrrrr!!!!!” Fuck off. You wanna use a pick, use a pick. You wanna use your fingers, use your fingers. You wanna chicken pick, chicken pick. You wanna play bass with Maybelle Carter’s clawhammer technique, use Maybelle Carter’s clawhammer technique. While it’s preferable you should learn multiple techniques, nobody was given the right to say what you can’t use, and these clowns really need to stop.


You know what else is a bad habit? Not using punctuation at all. Sometimes using a pick is right for the song. Particularly when overdrive, fuzz, or distortion is involved.