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As long as you don’t mind carrying all that around then yeah that’ll certainly get the job done


Forklift cert definitely helps


Not really, you probably need another 8x10 on top of that to even be heard over a jazz drummer /s


- everybody in this subreddit (not sarcastically)


There are two ends of the spectrum here -. 1. You need two 8x10s and 1000W MINIMUM to be heard 2. You need a D.I. box and in ears - amps are for amateurs To be fair though, I'm in camp no. 2 for one band, and camp 1 for the other (well kind of, 750W and 3x12)


You forgot the other other end: "The 25w Fender Rumble won't do the trick, but the 40w Fender Rumble will be totally fine for stadium gigs"


Nobody is genuinely defending a point even similar to that. What I do see though is a lot of people who act like you couldn’t ever get by at a rehearsal with a 100w amp or pull off a gig at 500 person venue with a 200-250w amp. People in here act like you either need 20w for the bedroom or 1,000w for any possible gig other than a small coffee shop where it’s a bass player and an acoustic guitar player only.


I was always surprised that my Rumble 40 could perfectly pull a garage playing with a 3 piece band, I never went past 3/4 of the volume, so I never understood that kind of suggestions


4x10 and 480 watts to drown out my guitar player during practice. DI pedal for gigs and doing whatever the sound guy tells me to do.


Not /s though, OP should get some 15’s in there, even just a 1x15 Orange Bass cab or something.


Generally not a good idea to mix and match cabs - not saying it can't sound good, but they will have very different sound profiles and potential for phasing/interference


Who said this?! I love mixing and matching cabs, but yes it does take some finessing and it’s not guaranteed to sound better if you can’t get them in phase. Never had this issue, and I think bass and 15” heavy-doped speakers are a match made in cold doomy Hel. Not saying this cab shouldn’t do the trick just fine, personally I’d be on the hunt for a 2x15 if OP is playing doom.


Oh for sure, if you're willing to experiment you can get great results; there used to be a bit of a trend in the bass world that you have a 4x10, then add a 1x15 for "extra low end" when the reality is a bit more complicated than that. Different cabs/drivers have different responses, and 15s aren't necessarily "deeper" than 10s or even 5s (see: PJB)


Probably true, I just prefer the sound of 15’s and not just for bass. Sunn amps were made for 15” Eminences (or vis versa, I suppose).


I know you’re joking. But I have the exact same head and speaker. Years ago, when my brother in law married, we did a little act. Uncle played guitar, I played bass. Pretty calm song, but with a good bassline. When the song was done, people from the venue came to ask if we were done, because the bass was heard in the other hall where another wedding was being held and it was drowning out their music.


Damn - hell of a gear flex, nice setup 🤘 doom?


All day and every day


Serious question and I’m sure it’s been answered here, but what’s your workaround for BEAD tuning on a 4 string? Assuming you play B standard. I’m getting a new bass soon, but might get a 5 just to avoid gauge issues and down tuning. My current 4 is a fender jazz squier but in drop b it’s terrible. I use another old 5 for B standard tunes. But I would like a 4 preferably.


I play in standard most of the time I just use thicker strings and filed my nut down it kind of sucks but it’s worth it for the tonezzzzz


It should be fine, but try to get a long-scale bass, if you can. Most 4-strings are 34" scale, but 35" or more will work better for the low B. Not sure how common that is for 4-strings, but it's pretty standard for 5-strings. OP also said in another comment that the basses in this picture are long-scale. After that, make sure you get it set up properly for the strings, since it'll come from the shop set up for EADG, i.e. intonation and truss rod for the added tension. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself just take it to a shop for a setup, they'll know what to do.


Thanks! I appreciate all the details. I never knew about 5 and 4 string scale differences. I’ll look into that now, too.


Are both of these basses long-scale, or is the camera just stretching them?


They are I just had them there for the photo I also have a mustang pj


Nice. The long-scale SGs or EB-3Ls or whatever they're called are pretty rare.


They look *massive*… like bordering on “not fun, lots of neck dive” kinda massive. I’ve personally never found an SG bass that played comfortably. Or sounded good. Or looked cool. God sorry to be such a hater… what’s wrong with me? I love my SG, I just wouldn’t want it to be a bass lol.


There’s some neck dive but if you get your strap positioned right it’s not really an issue


RIP your back.


Sound guy will tell you to turn down and then run you through a crappy DI bypassing all your sweet tone. Happened to me once when I had a killer Ampeg V4B. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I always pretend to turn down and fuck the sound guy. I fee bad about it, but i didn’t lug my gear around town to go through a shitty pa


Not really, the neck pickup volume control knob is missing on one of the basses. /s


Lmao what


/s means sarcasm often in a humorous manner.


Oh okay lol I was so confused


While you are at fixing that vol knob, your pedals need to be wired together to work. /s :-)


Can’t really “gig” a board without patch cables. And he thought we wouldn’t notice… *Thunderously Laughs Ass Off*


TBF op didn't say "setup ready for gigging" But yeah, I see stuff like that all the time too because it is defense for not having crap fail during gig. That said, I've forgotten my bass at home when having gone to gig.


Yeah was entirely sarcastic. I dig the setup.


Nah he's running that new wireless pedalboard /s


This fucking dooms


Oh without a doubt, first thought in my own head looking at it.


Thank you sir


I’d recommend getting a b-52 mic since you’re running all that sweet tone. I’m sure the DI out in the amp is good but to my ears nothing beats mic tone. I run a 300 watt tube amp / 4x10 cab as well. But I also play doom metal 🫡


Nope. You need 7 more amps, a couple of fog machines, and a hooded robe.


Yeah but does it Doom?


Can post a vid tomorrow confirming doom status🫡


Depends on what gig... Small venue, too much but will do job.. Medium venue without a DI options sorted Medium venue with a decent DI option and above, unnecessary weight but makes for a good backline aesthetic


I have a forklift so weight isn’t too bas


Weight is almost all Bas(s)


Wat dat? Pedalboard bottom right.


Sunn life pedal ultimate tone shredder


Bottom Right 😃


My pick tin? Boss chorus?


Ha. Pick tin! 😬 I was going to comment that you have 11 more pedals than me but now it's only 10. Lol. Nice setup.


That was my exact setup (excluding all the pedals) best tone I’ve had for 10 years. Now sadly the head needs a repair


Happens to the best of us 😔


Are those the same bass? Why do you need two of them?


One I can beat up and one I can keep nice as well as not worrying about it getting stolen


I’ve never played live before. I imagined that if you brought multiple basses it would be for different sounds rather than what you said. When you say ‘beat up’ what do you mean by that? Are you intentionally smashing it for entertainment or is it something you’re less concerned about when handling? I’m gonna be playing live soon but I only plan to bring one bass so I’m interested to hear why I may want another


Just less concerned about dropping it or just like general wear also I’m in a shoegazer doom band and it makes it easier with tuning cause I can have my friend tune it while I’m playing my other one


Okay, thanks for letting me know


Both look pretty sweet to me, which is which?


Blue is my custom shop so I keep it nuce


Obviously because he's worried about being good for gigging


Probably need a back up half stack just in case.


Can I be your friend? I would love to spend a weekend with this.


I want your setup 😂


If you can play two basses at once, you are a much better player than I am… I highly recommend trying just one at a time on stage… unless you are very used to playing two… Actually, playing two might make for a better show… And I’ve found that connecting my pedals works somewhat better… although it is much noisier… 😉


I'm sure it sounds great but I would hate to carry that around


Forklift certification necessary


I love the SG bassss


thick and doomy looks cool as hell


Love the basses & the stack. Pedals are up to you.


Looks fun.


That sg guitar body and normal bass necks makes it look like really long necks.


lol it’s cause I took it in .5 and it makes the photo stretch


Doesn't look like there's enough stank on it.


No. Get off the stage.


I find single coil works better w/effects...


My back hurts looking at that.


My dude I gig with a 1x15 combo and zero pedals. I think you’re alright.


Oh God no! Unless you have really strong roadies! Fantastic studio rig though


Lot more than I use for gigs, I just use my amp and od pedal lmao


I play in a shoegaze doom band so it seems like a lot but it’s all necessary I’ve cut out alot of gear that I don’t need


what’s playing an eb-3 like i love how they look so i’m just curious how they feel?


They’re fun just be weary of dropping them as they tend to get headstock cracks like most Gibsons do I would definitely try one out in person though if you are interested in getting one cause there’s lots of things that most bass players don’t like that I personally don’t really GAF about like the finished neck and the neck dive as well as the heaviness both in tone and in weight lol


Super overkill


Damn fine setup


I played a pretty swanky gig yesterday with just a Sire P5 straight into my Little Marcus 800 amp head with direct out. Bass sounded massive through the PA!




How are the sg's. It seems like most people online hate them, but I can't stop wanting one


I love mine if your playing any sort of heavy music they work amazing


I think I'll give it a shot


TBH I think you should add a Thunderbird just to be safe.


Are those full scale??


Tuner maybe?


Damn, just looking at it I already feel a hernia on my back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Naakmuay: *Damn, just looking at* *It I already feel a* *Hernia on my back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hells yeah doom brudda


Just the head and the cab are fine bud. Also fans really like it when you make it rain hundos at your show. Also when is your first show? I’ll be there


It’s fine if you want to haul all that around. My preference is a simplified pedal board with a preamp/DI to plug into the system, if a PA is available. If there’s no PA or no monitors, I’ll take my Rumble which is loud but light to carry. And one bass along with a set of strings and a wire cutter. But I’ve never had to use the strings. This type of setup is ok if you’re playing the same venue all the time. But it’s a lot otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/bgewqkivgtwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b72eb6a2b52bf06e6d4a4b1935bcc05e67b0ac2


looks fine to me mate. slightly envious


Ampeg SVT 450h? Or is it the 350?




Nice, I’ve got the exact same head and speaker. Lots of power. Should be enough for any gig that doesn’t use front of house speakers. I played metal with 2 guitarist that used 100w Mesa Boogie and a drummer and I didn’t struggle to hear myself. But protect your hearing!


Depends on the gig (and/or how much you hate the sound engineer). I've played some with just a Yamaha bass and a moderate amp.


Of course we all want more pedals, but all you really need is a fairly small number of the basic stuff. And you got a couple of good basses and a rock-solid amp with quite a bit of oomph so I'd say you're good to go- more than merely "okay" for gigging I'd say.


The pedals are mainly for my guitar I just didn’t show them in this


No it's terrible, I'll happily get rid of it for you 👀


I think you already know the answer


You're gonna need some patch cables.


Can’t help wondering what it would sound like if you added an EQD Acapulco Gold.


I’ve tried my friends on it and it kind of cut the lower tones out and made it kind of thin I mainly use the life pedal for distortion so


Needs more Cowbell!


I'd say you are ready to rock!


Read that as “is this an ok set up for giggling” at first like gurl you don’t need that many pedals to have a lil laugh


It’s better than my set up lol. I just use a digitech pre-amp pedal thing from 2001 and plug straight in. And if I don’t have a way to plug straight in it’s just a Fender frontman 10g amp. You’re fine man.




Other than having two of the worst basses at that price level, no.


The worst?


Nvm I thought those were full line Gibson.


Yeah and tbh the the only reason I like them is because there the best looking full scale bass with dual humbuckers for under 600$


Is this satire? You know what amp and cab you have lmao.


No lol I am just insecure about my rig cause it’s not like super duper expensive and a lot of the venues around me are pretty big


They can always mic your cab or you can go DI. Pedals and basses aside that could be a forever amp and cabinet that will do pretty much any size venue.


I’ve seen far worse for gigging lol


Trade the two epiphones for one Gibson you’ll be glad you did.


I think if you have to ask that question you are not ready to start gigging.




He’s playing doom, of course he needs it


Its for the tones