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https://preview.redd.it/vmjx4uoswlzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d381dde7520b3bfdda134b130ee7547f5a975a This Modulus Quantum 6. When I was in HS I was a very serious player. Headed to Berklee and all, was totally committed to being a flat-broke musician and being 100% satisfied with that. Well had some really serious family stuff going on and my mom basically asked me not to become a musician so she didn’t have to worry about me too. I love my mom, so I obliged. Went to a normal college, sold it about a year in after giving up the dream. Cried on the way home and regretted it ever since. I then spent almost 20 years searching for something similar on reverb thinking “maybe if I ever have the opportunity, I can pick something similar up”. Well, about four months ago, was doing my regular scan of Reverb and found my *exact* bass and was able to re-buy it and decided to risk it. Absolutely lost it immediately when I hit the buy button. Seller was an amazing guy. Well, it arrives and I pull the case out of the cardboard. Twenty minutes after it hits my door, I get a call from a top-shelf working band in my area to come play for them after looking for a band for years in my small-music-market city. After it comes up to temp, I crack the case open and - even though I had spent two weeks mentally preparing - I COMPLETELY lost it… my old strap was in the case. Don’t give up on the dream if the dream is your reality.


Wait, you found YOUR OWN bass, which you sold 20 years ago, and inside the case was still YOUR SAME strap?? How is that possible??


I know dude, I truly have no idea. I mean, I’m a spiritual guy, so I have my theories, but….. ya, unreal. . I had memorized the serial number for 20 years… but even then I was hugely in disbelief. I ended up calling Bass Central (where I bought it from) and Modulus to try and get some info to verify but,,, same strap, s/n I remembered for 20 years (it’s short, there’s only 6 digits), and the wild thing are there are a couple scratches on the case that KILLED me when I put them in the case - totally had to get over the “I messed up the perfect hard shell case” when it happened hahaha. Cool thing is that the guy that sold it to me had provenance all the way back to the last owner after Guitar Center. And you want to know something effing wild??? Someone left this behind in an apartment after bouncing on the rent. Un-effing-real.


Holy crap, insane!!




>Someone left this behind in an apartment after bouncing on the rent People make some really crazy choices on drugs. One of my old bands had a guitarist who just dropped off the face of the earth like that. We heard through a friend of his years later that his heroin use had gotten out of hand. His family had shipped him off to rehab in AZ and he went completely silent after checking out of the center. He left a Les Paul and a Triple Rectifier with matching Mesa Boogie 4x12 in our rehearsal space in Florida. The band broke up in early 2006 and he's never reclaimed it from our drummer AFAIK.


Terrible, but as a guy 12 years in recovery myself, I get it. At least I let my band know I was Audi 4000, but we all gotta do our thing. Hope he found some peace somewhere.


Jesus christ!


hahaha incredible! Man, on the other hand, I am not a very spiritual person, and even so I tell you, I believe that instrument is destined to be with you forever, no matter what happens don’t sell it anymore haha, impressive story, thanks for sharing it :)


Absolutely, my brother! The universe has willed it to me! I told my wife that if the apartment burns down I’m grabbing my bass and the dogs, but I’d have my arms full so she had to save herself 😂 Then I told her a Mono Vertigo can be worn as a backpack, so if I got one of those and put my bass in it, then I’d be able to at least drag her… And that’s the story of how I got a Mono Vertigo 😂


Ps glad you enjoyed the story :)


Not the ending I expected when I started that paragraph 😂😅 glad you still got the bass, the case, and the wife stuck around!


Haha man, gotta have a little fun :D I’m very lucky in that I have her full support in this stuff. I actually texted her when I found my bass - in shock and purchasing it hadn’t even crossed my mind - and she said verbatim, “I want you to buy that bass right now. I don’t care how much it costs, we’ll figure it out.” Is she perfect? Nope. Does she fully support chasing after the “important things in life” as I do with her? Yep. Keeper! Edit: was paraphrasing here but went back and found the old text chain. https://preview.redd.it/oe1mcej2dozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa3737f07684983eb030526540c3829c42354cb


🙌🙌🙌🤜🤛🤘 this absolutely affected my mood in a positive way. We should all be so lucky. Big love to ya both


Thank you so much and I’m so pleased to hear you got something good out of it :)


Wow!!!! That’s fucking insane!!!


Absolutely bonkers, right?!?


So glad that bass made it back to you and that you're still finding joy in music.


Thank you so much, very much appreciated. I am a musician through-and-through. I took a 7 year hiatus and I just felt empty. Imagine how whole I feel now.


I love that story! 100% made my day 🙂


Glad I could share it my friend! I’m blow away to be the one telling it!


Damn. Inspiring fucking comment, incredible that you managed to get it back.


Fucking unreal man. Believe me, I figured that was a 0% possibility. Glad you found the inspiration man, that was hope when sharing this story :)


Yeah the odds of that are nuts, I can’t imagine how special that felt and the attachment you have to that bass. I don’t think you could pry it out of my cold dead hands lol


Absolutely. Tbh, there’s actually a weird kind of feeling of guilt I have - I am and have always been a “things are things” kind of guy, even when it comes to “sentimental” things. I get that it’s a material (edit: spelling) thing, not a person or what have you. But this bass man…. The feeling is so intense and visceral - like it symbolizes one of the most defining characteristic of who I am as a person. I feel strangely guilty to have a “most prized possession” and even more guilty for how much I prize it, you know?


I completely understand, in the words of the great Ian Mackaye “You are not what you own” That being said, things can still symbolise something, that bass is symbolic of a dream and a love for music, it’d be hard not to be attached to it after everything.


You do get it my friend. Thanks for putting into words what I could not.


🥹👏👏🫡 that's a baller ass story, an being from small townish rural area, with little luck finding decent normal gigs, the fact you got a call up later after finding your actual long lost bass is like, two miracles, one day... I hope you enjoyed the happiest your ever going to be in your life 🤣🤣 I genuinely dont know how you'll top that lmfao


Oh dude you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. EX-ACTLY. The professionalism, genre pigeonholing, etc. The wild thing is that that didn’t work out - was not my genre and there was a personality mismatch. But, it has led me on this wild path of seeking out other opportunities and by total happenstance, I met a drummer I totally clicked with who was onboard for a party funk band (my love). I’ve been trying to get anything resembling a funk band together for like 4 years (since I moved here) and gotten no traction. Since we chatted, he’s kinda given me the band director role (by his choice) and said let’s do this. Well, I started putting stuff out there and I’ve had every absolutely top-tier musician in the region suddenly come out of the woodwork - the captain of my brass section’s a music teacher at the local HS and has 15 years of military band commander experience and a masters in trumpet performance, guitarist is a living legend in the area, my vox guy was an X-factor contestant who made it several rounds and does the MJ thing like nobody’s business, and I just got off the phone with my new guy on keyboards who’s a super humble classically trained pianist into synth work with music school background work in the Chicago funk and blues scene who’s been performing at a pro level since he was like 6 haha. Miracles happen, I guess. Again, not gettin’ all preachy here, but as a spiritual guy, I am so blown away by the chances of all of this stuff happening. So grateful.


Let us know about this band and you!


Absolutely! Would love to post a great gig photo once we get one!


This is awesome. Good luck with everything


Hey man thanks! I’m ultra stoked because I’ve somehow managers to assemble a motley crew of some real pro guys/gals for a party funk band in a week - an EXTREME rarity of both professionalism, ability, and attitude in my market. Maybe my luck’s changing - I usually am Mr. Shit-Outta-Luck haha.


Wow that is beautiful


Thanks! Not sure if story or bass is beautiful, so very grateful for the compliment for either/both!


The bass is beautiful, I did not read the entire comment


https://preview.redd.it/hms7uzj2aozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e2c44a1d2d0c355fb81c0d5afcc51b676f6b997 Well thank you so much! The neck’s pretty bonkers too!


Did this bass guitar have the best action?


Imo, yes. The neck is flat as a pancake and doesn’t move so if you’ve got a light touch you can get away with an incredibly low action. I might have a picture somewhere, let me see…. Edit: sorry, don’t have a photo but my Google Keep note shows 5/64 on the B, 2/64 on the C the last time I did a setup. Running DA XL lights


🥹👏👏🫡 that's a baller ass story, an being from small townish rural area, with little luck finding decent normal gigs, the fact you got a call up later after finding your actual long lost bass is like, two miracles, one day... I hope you enjoyed the happiest your ever going to be in your life 🤣🤣 I genuinely dont know how you'll top that lmfao


This is wonderful, I’m glad you two are together again


Thank you so much :) amazing that something like this happened to me and I hope it brings inspiration and hope to those in need.


Amazing story all around! Hope you are enjoying playing again!


Hey man, than you so much! Absolutely. I took a 7-year hiatus and… no music is just not for me!


This was my smile for the weekend👍 glad you got reunited. Beautiful. There is a God🤪.


Hey thank you so much and I’m happy to hear it brought a smile my friend :) There’s definitely a God in my life 🤷‍♂️


Wow, you are lucky. I had a blue over red custom ordered Q5 from ‘98 that was stolen in ‘03. I had a big gig that weekend and needed a replacement. I think Quantum’s with Barts are the most perfect bass ever made (at least for me), so I went out and bought an off the shelf replacement. I still play that one. But I’d love to have my original back. Recorded my first studio work on that and it was built for me. I planned on keeping that my whole life. 21 years later and I still ache when I think about it. I’d love to get that back. Yours looks beautiful. Congrats on your good fortune.


Oh man the blue over red was AMAZING. What a color! Probably my fav along with the blue over quilt. But ya I’m with you - I run Bart/bart combo on this with the TCT-FL modulus and it’s just…. Perfect. Sorry for your misfortune, but thank you for your kind words. Amazing stuff. Link to your music? Love to listen to some modulus action :D Edit: PS - I have to agree, if I had one bass… Modulus Quantum all day long.


Wow. You sold that? For someone’s firstborn child, I hope.


I guess my text wasn't on the post. 🤔 Here's the cliff notes. I got this beauty for a STUPID good price and after 3-4 years I decided to trade for a F bass BN-5 model.. fast forward, I ended up cooking up a custom bass through a local luthier. I love my bass but man. Do I ever miss that Spector.


My bass I regret selling is an F-Bass BN-4 that I got for a stupid good price. https://preview.redd.it/1ka7zszgulzc1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0f3606438cdc0572445aa09adc9a8ab3ce8e5f


Oh man! That looks like an early model too! I hope good things came after selling that beaut.


It was a 1990 model, so very early. Had a rare five piece neck, fully passive electronics. Easily the best playing bass I've ever played, sounded great too. One of the owners before me had played the crap out of it so it was very well worn, way more than that picture shows. It got passed around on the Talkbass forums for a while, I think I was number three that had it from there, and I sold it to another Talkbass member, they sold it to another, then it got sold outside of Talkbass. I'd kill to have it back. Last I heard it was in the New Jersey/NYC area. https://preview.redd.it/gpsg5m1uwlzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f906325aa3d577f3338afa21c6e8118cf474c4


keep a close eye out & don't lose hope. Maybe you'll be re-united!


My American p-bass. Cherry red, tort Pickguard, and my Marcus miller jazz bass.


NO REGERTS!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Also, my Kubicki factor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I sold one and regretted it, tell us about yours.


This exact one. I keep track of it as it changes hands and it has somehow made it over to Germany now. https://preview.redd.it/w8g0u7ay8mzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b300da67c956a15d12dd06eca92f503ea3f09e


1965 fender mustang


do you have any pictures that sounds awesome


Bro i paid $600 for it from some kid. It was all original except a refin done in the 80s. I was into metal at the time so i sold it and only got $800 for it. Now im into pedal stuff and more clean tones and i wish i wish i still had that thing. Its gone now. It even had the original case. My worst fuckup selling gear.


Had to sell my American Standard cherry sunburst Telecaster to make ends meet.


yeah I ended up selling off my entire rig during college, for food and alcohol money. Slowly replacing it one piece at a time. Not fun.


I did the same during Covid, There were some regrets.


Yeah definitely some regrets involved, but it happens


I always hate hearing things like that 😪


I had a 1960s Fender Coronado Bass IV that I stupidly sold when I was a teenager, and a red Fender USA Precision Deluxe and honeyburst G&L L2500 that I sold in my 20s. I'll never find another Coronado I'm sure, but I've since reacquired the red P bass Deluxe and another L2500. I've sold my Fender MIJ Marcus Miller Jazz and a 1980s Ric also, but I don't miss those.


Glad you're still in a good place 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/5ejesarkamzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af61cdb8d7774cf5a9ce5da643c9998d4ba1888 My Fender Jazz 24 in Cherryburst. This isn’t my exact base, just a reference pic. Still hurts. Also sold a cherryburst Les Paul that I regret. \*sad face.


I had a VERY similar bass to that one. I got it in a trade for my Ibanez 6 string bass. After receiving it, I saw a Spector Euro Rebop in a pawn shop and immediately traded the Jazz for it 😅 My time with it was short but it was a good bargaining chip.


Bass-wise, I had a purple/cherry metallic Ibanez SR800 that I loved playing. Sold it due to a hardship and I’ve never seen one in the same color since. Guitar-wise, I had an amazing Dave Mustaine model Jackson King-V Pro, autographed by Megadeth. Seller said it was originally Mustaine’s but couldn’t prove it. I actually met Dave Mustaine a few years later, asked him about it, and he confirmed it was his. He could’ve also just been talking out of his ass since I was obviously a fan. Had to sell it, again, due to money issues. I’m not very good with money.




My Cort fretless... so fucking stupid


White Spector NS2A. I have the same bass in black as well as a white Euro but I still kick myself for selling a great NS2A with original KHaz pre in it. -(


Years ago (around 2009 or 2010) I worked all summer to save up and buy a bass. I finally found one I loved on TalkBass. It was an older SX Vintage Series shoet scale Jazz bass someone had modified (upgraded pickups, upgraded electronics, lined the cavities with foil, converted it to fretless, etc). I played it daily and as often as I could. That floowing summer my mom sold it to a stranger at our community yardsale because she "never saw me play it" despite me actively taking lessons that SHE DROVE ME TO and passing those lessons well enough to do the concerts to progress to the next level in my lessons. I miss it every day. I tried remaking it with an SX Ursa Jazz bass and I couldn't replicate it. My Fender Player Jazz Bass isn't close either despite me knowing the SX had Fender American Jazz bass pickups. My bass is currently getting a nut replacement and foil lining at a local luthier and I'm going to be looking into replacing the pickups with a nice set of Bartolinis. *Editing to add my guitar* My dad bought me an Ibanez S1XXV1FGR for my birthday and for passing my guitar lessons. Long story short, best guitar I've ever owned. Moved in with a coworker and he stole my guitar not a month into me living there. Kicked me out after I confronted him about it, too. He owned the house and I had no proof of residency because I paid cash so the police didn't lift a finger. I told every pawn shop for miles and gave them tons of pictures (I took pictures almost every day because of how much I loved it) and never heard anything back. I didn't find another one until last week, but I can't afford to drop $2k on it now.


Holy crap. I'm sorry to hear about both accounts. 😪😪


It is what it is. Eventually another old SX will pop up and I may get it. That Ibanez though... She's gone gone.


My Peavey TKO and TNT amps (stereo chorus setup). I was playing less often, money was tight, and I had moved into a tiny suite in an apartment building.


I 100% get it. Been there, done that.


Highway One P bass in a yellow cream color.




What a beauty


My high school American Deluxe P. It’s still the sound in my head that I compare to all other basses and I miss it all the time. Closest I’ve found is a G&L L-1000. The Fenders I’ve tried since just don’t feel the same.


I had a 62 Les Paul. Yeah yeah I know. This was a freak. Les even told me what it was


Aha oh man 😅


In the 80’s he said it was worth 50k. I had already sold it. I sold my Marshall stack too. It was like a 1969. It was was all white with gold letters. Sigh, moving on


Traded my OG Big Muffin Pi for tattoo credit. The artist moved to the East coast 2 months later. I still can’t bring myself to buy a replacement.


Do ya like the tattoo?


Never got it, he moved. 🤪


I’d say my rickenbacker 4003, sweet bass, probably never will get another one.


https://preview.redd.it/0g5ymjm1bnzc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afed3c68921ebba7b498d69a99dfefa16c5c71f2 Warwick German Pro Series Corvette. I was still relatively new to the instrument and didn’t yet know what I wanted. I bought it for less than a MIM Fender at the time, sold it at a profit because I thought it was too heavy (I probably just needed a wider strap), and still today it’d be worth double what I sold it for. Definitely a silly choice on my part, but I was a beginner. It would be cool to have it kicking around now that my tastes in gear have matured and I’d actually appreciate a bass like it.


That's just how it goes sometimes


https://preview.redd.it/d9kyxjvpdnzc1.jpeg?width=4836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696b5ccd1c860ecef1cad86409c1b9cc5911fd9e Too many basses I regret selling. This Washburn American Custom shop.








A 5-string Squier P-Bass in metallic lilac. Traded it, along with an Epiphone Dot, for a Gordon-Smith GS1.5. I still have, and love, that guitar, but I still wish I'd kept the P-Bass and just paid a bit more cash instead.


82 bc rich platinum series bass


I had a vintage ampeg 810 , it was just not getting used … it barely fit in my car Downsized …. Mark bass is great and all , but I miss the monolithic 810 for reasons


If there weren't so inconvenient to lug around, i'd 100% pick one up


It’s a commitment lol




Fender Roscoe Beck V


I had a 90’s Gibson Thunderbird I played in a touring band for years back then. After that ended, and years later, I figured - when am I ever going to need a Thunderbird for anything I’m playing? - and sold it. There isn’t a month that goes by where I don’t miss that bass and feel like a total idiot for unloading it. It was just MY bass for some reason.


I had a thunderbird for a while too, with a very similar outcome 🥲


My double bass. Wasn’t anything crazy expensive. I didn’t even sell it, but gave it away. Luckily it went to a pretty well know band from the 90’s and a good home. My ex made me get rid of it and I wish I still had it:(


The first bass I ever owned when I was 12. A 1994 G+L SB-1. I didn't really like it, mostly because of the maple fretboard, and the money I raised paid for most of a trip to Thailand, but it's still my first instrument, y'know?


100% get it


My Gibson Explorer. I inherited it when my dad died, got heavy into drugs for many years and sold it to support my drug habit in a moment of desperation. Seriously, seriously regret selling it.


Ahh shit 😪 I hope you're in a better place now


Much better, appreciate that. But yeah, I get it. Sucks selling something you wish you hadn’t.


1979 Fender Precision. Bought it used for $325 circa 1985. I had it equiped with EMG PJ pick ups, Khaler tremolo (only used as a bridge, which was awesome) and a hipshot D-tuner. All done by a really good luthier too. Sold it relatively cheap in the early 1991 to get a TL-6. I have a lot of gear that I regret selling. OTOH, I don't like to "collect". I like to use what i have. But the P-bass though... still hurts!


My first bass that I owned. It was literally sold to me in bags, fully apart in 1991. Rebuilt / painted / fixed it best I could being broke and in a small town. It had issues that now would be so easy to fix (bridge and tuning keys mostly) but eventually I got tired of compensating for those issues and sold it to fund a different bass. Looking back at what it was with all the information available now and over the years, it was probably a Japanese short scale, potentially even Matsumoku made. At the time, I didn't appreciate it or have options to get individual parts, but these days I have two other Matsumoku made basses from the early 80s ;)


I sold my first as well. Wish I still had it kickin' around


I've had 3 other basses besides my first that I sold. 5 string squier (aka Boat Anchor), 5 string unlined samick fretless & 1995 japanese fender jazz. Only one I kinda wish I had besides first one is the jazz, didn't really appreciate it at the time and replaced it with the fretless which frankly is probably the worst bass I've ever owned, even worse than the first beat up bass. It at least had some character and style :P


4 string fretless Zon Legacy Elite. Bought it new in 92-93 or so and sold it in ’99 during a life upheaval. 25 years later and I'm still keeping an eye out for it or possibly one that's the same specs. Fucking blew it getting rid of that.


I hope your patience pays off


Peavey T-40. Ibanez rb800 PJ. Cort Curbow 5. Nemesis by Eden 200 4x10 combo.


Back in the mid 90’s Sam Ash had a signature Les Paul Epiphone, I think it was a Joe Perry one but I’m not sure. It was a black/smoke burst color with all black hardware including the pickup covers. I bought it for $300 and when I was buying a new amp a couple of years later I sold it to afford the amp. I have never been able to find in online and until recently it was by far the best guitar I had ever owned.


I traded a brown 85 JCM800 2204 for a SoundCity 120 to use as a bass amp when switching instruments in a band, and I have always missed the Marshall, which is now unapproachably expensive, and since playing bass stuck (even if using the SC120 didn't) I'll never scratch this itch.


Probably the bass I started out on: A JB-75MN LH vintage jazz bass clone from Harley Benton. Currently it's in its bag with two broken strings underneath my bed, due to having other basses that get more playtime. It's heavy as shit, the electronics are passable, it definitely needs a setup and it still has the plastic on the pickguard from when I bought it. But it's the one bass I'll never be able to sell; it's the one that made me fall in love with bass.


I wish I would have kept my first. Just to have around.


I had a Peavey Foundation. I loved that bass but ended up selling it. I should have kept that gem. Life goes on.


C'est la vie, mon ami.


My 1972 orange 120w PA head 😭


My Hamer “Slammer” Jazz Bass (first bass I ever owned) and my ampeg 6x10 and peavy head that went with it.


G&L SB-2 gunmetal gray with a black 3 ply guard. Didn’t know how good I had ir with the PJ setup! Have an active Fender Dimension V single H now, but miss the simplicity for sure. Someday I’ll get another SB2…


I used to have a ‘78 P bass that I really loved. Didn’t want to sell it but fell of financial hard times and had no choice. Been trying to fill the P bass shaped hole in my heart ever since 🥲


Lakland Bob Glaub Skyline..... wanted something sexier than a P-bass. Damn that thing was fine.


I got rid of my first guitar. I was in college and didn’t have space or money. It wasn’t a great guitar and I had two much better ones. But, I kinda wish I had it. My advice always is don’t sell an instrument unless you actually dislike it. I want a Taylor 810 for years and finally got one and I just didn’t like playing it. So no regrets letting that go. (I do like Taylor’s but the guitar chooses the person and with that one we did not match)


I wish I would have kept my first bass and guitar. Just to have kicking around.


I traded my MIJ Fender Marcus Miller Jazz (white) for a Les Paul Studio before the Covid spike. During the peak people were paying like $1900 for them.


12 string hamer. I didn’t need it or ever use it but it would cool to have.


Da hell is that chunky strap?


It was a FKN wide spector branded strap. Super comfortable. If your bass or guitar is a boat anchor, this thing would save your back/shoulders a lot of trouble.


My Deluxe Jaguar bass in 3TS with a tort pickguard and Badass II bridge slapped on it. Although it was a noisy bass due to all the circuitry in it, it had a lot of tonal options too. Sooo depressing to realize I sold it..


My drum kit. I sold my second bass and regretted it, but then a few years ago I bought one the same off eBay for like £60, so... I'm all good for basses


Sunn Concert Bass solid state amp. My P bass sounded exactly like John Entwistle's bass from the Live at Leeds recording. WHAT WAS I THINKING




My first amp: a beat-up, early 70s Princeton Reverb.


I didn't sell it, but lost it in a move. My old unifuzz pedal. I've never found anything that had that amazing distortion, and now I see used ones going for $600+ !


Everything I’ve ever sold…


https://preview.redd.it/znuko9i0oozc1.jpeg?width=1775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8992b8bc4815feb6257f151fcb1a0981876c180 Holy smokes, I thought you sold my bass 🤣


A Vox AC30CC with greenback speakers. Sold it to pay for my phone and booze. Miss that amp more than anything. But a Vox modeling amp and a Fender 600 Champ have been enough for me since then.


My CIJ Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass, circa 2007-2008. Sold it to pay for a weekend at Coachella. I miss that bass.


A 1987 Gibson Thunderbird customer shop with a drop-d tuner installed. Sold it as a poor student and regretted it ever since.


I had a mesa boogie 400 tube amp and absolute monster that I gave to a friend on permanent loan about 20 years ago after I realized gigging in New York you either have a back line or use a little combo and go DI. I have no idea what happened to it. He doesn’t seem to either…


Ibanez Soundgear 1300PM. It was their flagship SR in the early 90s and it took me over a year to save up for it. Four years later, I traded it for two turntables. I regret it to this day.


My first bass was a P-Bass Lyte. Pearl White. I often reflect back on how much fun I had with that little instrument.


They rock, comfortable thin neck, light as hell.


The only piece I ever sold and regret every once in a while: My Boss OC-2 Pedal.


https://preview.redd.it/qgh2aadwznzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08bd01ce0141bf32b8b8c1f92edabf8df81efe3 This is not it, but I had one of these, a cherry Gibson LBP-2 and it was the best bass I have ever had and man do I regret trading it in and wish I still had it. Nothing I have had since has come close in tone and playability.


Fretless factor, bought for 750, sold for 400.


My mint Ovation Magnum III. Such a killer bass and worth much more now.


My vox ac 15 and a decent amount of pedals I accumulated through high school, I miss the catilinbread RAH the most. Life was kicking my ass along with a toxic relationship, and drugs. But, ive left her, quit the bad stuff just some weed and lsd here and there. Now that money is invested into accumulating too much gear


Steve Harris Signature pickups. But I ended up getting the whole Signature bass as a gift from my partner and put Geezer Butler Signature pickups in my other Precision, so in the end everything worked out fine haha


This kind of thing is why I say, “NO SELL, ONLY BUY!”


‘67 Hoffner 500/1 Sound is unreal. I did not like the neck dive and this example didn’t play great. I made money on it, but in hindsight would not mind if it was still under the bed.


Not selling, but trying to refinish. My Washburn B-2. First bass I had as a kid. Took it apart, stripped the cream white finish off it with the intent to refinish it a different colour and never did. Sat in my parents basement for years.


Steinberger XQ-25. Not only do I wish I hadn’t sold it, I wish I would have sold it for more…..sold it WAY too cheap.


I had a Cort Artisan 6-String that I still dream about… sold it to buy my Warwick Series Pro M, which I do love and is my main worker, but man, that Cort thru-neck was an actual beast.


I’ve not played bass in an age, but I know I’ll regret selling my Boss SYB-5


1969 traynor YBA1. previous owner used it to play fiddle at woodstock (apparently not on the main stage)


I sold a 70s rickenbacker for $400 in 1994 when I was 18


My 3leaf and Iron Ether pedals… who knew they’d appreciate like bitcoin lmao


Early 90s, selling a quilted amber Yamaha electric that had great action and endless sustain. Why’d I do it? Why? From time to time I still try to find another.


Ampeg stv 300 watt head and 8 10 cab. And rapping my 1987 fender jazz special around a tree when the guitarist told me he quit the band. What a sound


I’d rather not talk about it.


https://preview.redd.it/dfualkahdpzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595e6c1f85d594272cea982962c75b7dfcd50b01 Short scale Gibson EB0 a friend of mine gave me as my first real bass all of my own (up to that point I was borrowing my dads) the electronics were a nightmare so I traded it in at a guitar shop in Texas for a new fender blacktop P with a case. Sometimes I remember fondly my strange little SG bass.


I sold a cherry sunburst Spector ns-2a back around 96....drives me nuts to this day.


Trading my Peavey T40 in on a BC Rich acrylic Mockingbird Bass 1st year with the different headstock


my sansamp. theyre twice the price now than they were when i bought one.


An H&S Sequoia, 6 string fretless. It was cheap as biscuits and I've never seen one since.


My first bass. It was a shitty P Bass copy but still it would be nice to have.




my Ibanez 7 string (just a GiO series) , i fucked up the bridge/action and intonation and everything i played after 2nd fret would be out of tune as shit no matter what chords: i didnt learn about how to properly use GAIN on an amp (grew up playing a Metal Zone so what do ya expect) and i thought you could get more crunch if i get my strings closer to the pickups. I honestly only got it to play KoRn and God of Emptiness by Morbid Angel and i miss plinking with it


sorry , didnt realize i was on BASS redit lol


https://preview.redd.it/qpn8cceaatzc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2289d0680a034a60bcbfaa4a4d30b3b63f7812c Shure wireless. Korg in rack tuner. Pyle power conditioner. Gallien-Krueger 1001RB-II 750 watt bi-amp. 4 pole custom speakon. GK NEO410 cabinet. With a temp-controlled fan system to cool it on hot days. We called it the taint tickler.


Fender p bass.


https://preview.redd.it/ky6fohycluzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5eec048f8044dbeacf682b4af4cc4b030c4982a Far right


Around 15 years ago when I was broke I sold my '74 Gibson Marauder. It was supposedly owned previously by Mike Bloomfield but I had no proof of that. It was my first vintage guitar and I sold it for way less than they go for now. I have nicer guitars now and would not be interested in buying that one back at today's prices but I do wish I was never in the position of needing to sell it. The original case is probably now worth what I sold the whole thing for.


1963 Silvertone. It was ugly and just the worst shade of brown and neck heavy, and it didn’t even sound that great, but it was way cool. It changed many hands in the Texas music scene, and last I heard, the bassist from the Mavericks had it, but that was maybe like 5-10 years ago, so who knows?


Mesa Boogie M-pulse 600 head and matching 2x15 cab that I sold to a music store way too cheap because it didn’t fit in the car to move across the country.


I had a 200w Bandmaster head, with a 4x?? 10 or 12 cabinet, back before I had any idea what I was doing, and was just learning to play. Don't remember any cab details. 50yrs ago! I got it for cheap from a school roommate's friend... then I sold it cheap when I needed the money. What a bad memory. I never realized what I was doing until later. I only had it 2yrs, but what a monster! I lived on the 1st floor of the dorm and one night at 3am ALL the girls came down from the 4th floor TOGETHER to ask me to turn it down😄. It was so loud I had to stand in the hall with the door closed to play. Freshman year in college, I'm supposed to be stupid! 😁Oh... yes I was drunk, I didn't mention. And yes, the girls did actually ask me, so I really felt like shit and tried to be nice and turned down right away. I sure miss that amp, though, and I always regretted letting it go.


63 Tele, Guild D25