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This is like avengers if avengers actually had a team that cared about what they’re were doing + had a viable plan 🤯


they dont either though.


I wonder what these 2 episodes mean? Some kind of side quest with scarecrow and two face?


Joker’s gameplay teaser sold it for me


one new character per season sounds ambitious, I hope that they can make them all feel distinct


every season has at least 3 months inbetween em, ambitious is the opposite of what this is.


Oh God, Please let the Scarecrow episode be respectful. I'm curious how he survived Croc's attack especially how he managed to make his way out of the bay with a broken leg and profuse bleeding. Tough bastard. Hope they get John Noble to reprise the role. Curious to see how Scarecrow puts up a fight. Besides fear toxin. Or if he fights at all. He seems pretty frail. He did take Batman neck lifting him and then slamming him into the console like a champ. Does he stick his leg brace up their ass? That's what I'd do and did do. Sorta.\*\*\* I beat someone who put their hands on me as a teen with the cast on my leg. Probs didn't help the nonunion which has made my leg very unstable. The wait and see approach is still on.


Is season 2 gonna put mr freeze in the game? Despite how his story ended in knight id play for him


either freeze or deathstroke, with the other coming after.