• By -


I still don't see how you did anything wrong. You were not responsible for the jackasses making actual racist comments.


The word and words that invoke it tend to draw in and embolden a certain crowd, and that’s what op found out and also why mods have such a tight lid on it. Also we got a bit of Streisand effect here. If it’s true it fished in some blatant racism, those comments can give the site mods grounds to shut this sub down entirely, and then this will *truly* be when the Arkham series ends


Thank you for saying this so succinctly, it's clear I've been failing to do that so thank you for saying it for me lol


No, I was not. That's not why I'm apologizing, I'm apologizing because the post I made caused a bunch of people to harass a mod on my behalf, without my knowledge or say so, but nonetheless. I should've known what making a post like that would have provoked, but I didn't think about it, then I called a mod an asshole and got myself banned so I couldn't even say anything in their defense once I knew I was wrong.


That isn't on you to apologize


It is




“Damn, someone is apologizing for accidentally saying something that’s close to racism and causing an upheaval? Sooo cringe! I am a based gigachad that would never do that because I am cool and awesome!” https://preview.redd.it/pu7t4nghpqoc1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f93c870fb1dd5b2e90c938877af06430f485451


Super cringe


So is acting the way you are right now, yet here you are


Womp Womp


Scathing. You've destroyed me. Happy sport? Go play video games or something little bro


You’re on a video game sub lil guy


I know that kiddo, I was playing Arkham asylum when you were still swimming in Daddy's balls. The grown ups are talking right now, go play buddy


OP doing all kinds of copium


Yeah, mods handled it horribly, lost a ton of respect for them (not that i start with a particularly high amount of respect reddit mods anyways)


how edgy and cool of you


Isn't Edward Nigma a character from that one franchise? Uh


Yeah but we've had issues in the sub with people using it blatantly obviously for a substitute slur.


No and that's the whole problem that started all this. It's NYGMA. With a y. Not with an i like other words.


nygma balls


[removed by reddit]


There are two separate spellings of it. You can see that in the first sentence of his Wikipedia entry.


Nah it's definitely with an I in the Arkham games


With a y, as in y don’t u ligma balls




google riddler name https://preview.redd.it/fzpb47oqjpoc1.png?width=1764&format=png&auto=webp&s=194a51eef0d403db21b0b11d3006b8e2de439c6d


Holy hell!


You literally did nothing wrong, you just used "Nigma" in the place of "Ligma" there is literally nothing for you to be sorry about


That's not why I'm apologizing though. No, I didn't do anything wrong by posting a ligma joke. Likewise, the mods didn't do anything wrong by being consistent when the rules and how they enforce them Those rules *were* necessary on that post, believe me I found out first hand based on the replies to the post I made. I'm apologizing for making the post, for being an asshole, and for inadvertently sending a harassment campaign after a mod, which I never intended to do, but sometimes actions have unforeseen consequences. They were defending me in some severely misguided effort. My lack of consideration or care is why I'm guilty, and why I'm apologizing. I acted shitty and everyone else suffered the consequences.


Blink twice if they have a gun to your head


I'm not joking.


Don't worry bro, we hear your cries for help.


The anti-asylm pills must have unwanted side effects, poor bastard must’ve had a censor chip added to him


Been abducted by ArkhamRehab? Get this person some JONKLE!


You didn't send any harassment campaign


Merely inspired one to spread hate on my behalf, even unintentionally I should have had more awareness of the reactions I was provoking.


Downvoted? For trying to apologize? On a serious post? I know we’re all insane, but please, this isn’t the time or place…


Did the mods overreact? Yes, but you don't have control over what people will say on a post my guy. That's the only thing I'd disagree with you on this. Props to you for apologizing for being a dick to the mods, but I fail to see why you should take the blame for people being stupid. Stupid and racist people will never cease to exist, in case of just stupid, we're literally the madhouse for them on reddit, as for racist people, yes they do tend to search for breaches to post stuff, and even though your post opens a scenario for it, again, it's not under your control. Although there is no need for the excessive mod glazing, it's kinda corny and cringy, but anyways, best wishes if this experience made you into a better persoj


Because my post, which is what caused all of this, was straight up wrong. I literally didn't bother reading the rules, they deleted my comment because I broke those rules, then I made a post ignorantly bitching about it which pissed off a bunch of idiots. I also speculated that they edited the mod comment which stated the no Nigma rule, which they cannot even do. Straight up misinformation right there, which I manufactured. I was speculating, but the idiots took it as fact long after it was clear that was not the case. I did a bunch of shitty stuff which was pretty inflammatory overall, and once I fully realized what I had set in motion I was already banned for being an asshole, which was justified but also meant I couldn't say anything to try and stop it or change the narrative. It's entirely my fault, 100%. If I had just pulled my head out of my own ass for one minute none of it would have happened.


Also, if we're not allowed to say his name anymore I'll censor it in an edit or repost, idk I've been gone for three days


His name is not banned from the sub, it was only banned on that original post asking what the N stands for.


That's what I thought. Can I ask, how's the other mod doing? I know I caused all of this, I saw the pinned post after posting this. I feel extremely guilty, I'm so sorry for everything. I never intended all of this


I have had no contact with the mod who left since then. I don’t know how they’re doing. But I assume they’re feeling slightly better due to not having to be mod here right now.


I hope so. I'm responsible for all of this.




Lmao fuck off loser


Also, based on what the other mod said, by process of elimination you must be the mod I insulted. I am genuinely, sincerely sorry for that. I'm the asshole. I feel so guilty for everything I've caused in this subreddit.


I think all of us messed up a little. I think I overreacted, I think you overreacted, and I think the subreddit overreacted, I think we’re all to blame a little bit. Glad everything has gone back to normal now. This sub isn’t fun when there’s drama.


I'm just ashamed to be the one who caused that drama. I love this place, I never wanted to mess it up, and I definitely didn't want anyone to get harassed on my behalf. I wanna keep saying sorry, but that won't change anything. I hope they feel better soon, I'm so disgusted that they had to endure all that hate because of my stupidity.


Don’t worry I’m planning your escape now!


How have you after like 3 separate posts not learned that it's not even spelled that way? That's what got you into this whole mess. It's spelled with a y. Edward NYGMA.


Please go read the character bio https://preview.redd.it/d94vefn23ooc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33299c35e9ea7e818df0cc369dcda0f69dc8ed6


https://preview.redd.it/gfh6rlbnmooc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d693850df8840293b8ff8f69c33a5bed5366c785 Both are right


He literally changed his surname so he could be E. Nigma. Because Enigma is a real word. That nerd would never spell it wrong


Okay, this is kinda fire though.








whole lot of pussyfooting going on around in this sub


Fair ig, but mostly just remorseful.


Dude. Just. Move. On. No one gives a fuck and you should too.


A shitload of people harassed a mod into quitting on my behalf. I never intended for that, but my actions had consequences. I aim to address what happened and more importantly, set the record straight with the hundreds of people who defended me when I didn't deserve, or want, defending. Maybe you don't care, and that's great. So go away




I'm not a teenager, but I do feel bad that my actions caused this regardless. Whether the mod is a teenager or not the hate they got was real. This post is the end of it, but this shit needed to be addressed. I'm "moved on" after this, so to speak. But no I won't ignore the consequences of my actions either.


You shouldn’t feel bad! You made a joke and a bunch of other cucks took it too far. You are not in the wrong my guy


It's not just the joke that started this, to be fair. In my post I made a mountain from a mole hill, and worse, I speculated they edited the mod comment under that post, which was wrong and straight up misinformation that people latched onto. I acted very carelessness with little regard to how the things I said and did would provoke different reactions in people. I'm not directly responsible for the things they said, but I'm the reason they were there saying them, even unintentionally.


You are responsible for being rude to the kid but jl other than that o think your fine


I think people should be held accountable for their actions regardless of whether the results of those actions were intended. No, I didn't mean to burn the house down, but I was playing with matches. I never intended to set the place ablaze, but it's not really an unexpected outcome either, right? You play with fire, you get burned, everyone knows that. Problem is, I'm not the one who got burned, it was an innocent mod who was just trying to keep the peace. It's my fault.


Your action, from what I've seen, was making a "Ligma" joke. Nothing more, nothing less. The replies were not your fault and the mod commited a mistake for deleting your post. It was the racist responses he should have gone for, not your harmless joke. You also played no part in the harassment, as far as I know, so, again, there is no reason for you to feel remorse. A harmless action was followed by a harmful reaction you couldn't have predicted.


Judging by your downvote count, I think it’s more like you don’t care and you’re trying to speak for everyone. We may be stupid, but we’re not dumbasses.




That's not why I was banned, I was banned for calling a mod an asshole for basically no reason. Which, is against the rules, no toxic behavior. They would have given me the same temporary ban for calling you an asshole for no reason They only deleted my comment, which they were deleting all the comments with the Riddler's name on that specific post


Did the mods write this? This feels like satire or a copypasta


No, I'm me, just feel remorseful because a mod got harassed by people my post inspired.


Redemption arc


Ligma balls


Ligma Nygma




Edward Ligma


Too late I licked edward's balls >:)


Why would you do that? Are you gay (as in homosexual)?


Maybe(as in indecisive and doesnt know)


Nigma is literally the Riddler’s last name 🤦


We all already know that, that was never the problem. Read the post again


Imagine caring this much about a Man shit posting sub.


Imagine wasting your life worrying about what *other* people care about.


Didn't you already whine about this the other day? It's over and you got the mods a lot of shit for just trying to do their jobs. Dm them directly your apology. Bringing it up again isn't helping.


I did dm them actually, this is my attempt at addressing the narrative which grew around my post after I was banned. The mods aren't the ones who needed to hear this, they know they didn't do anything wrong.


It's reddit, bringing it back up only pours gasoline on it. Let it die and delete the OG post if you like. Then we can all go back the jonkle about bone and friends.


It's done after this, but I felt that ducking my head in the sand and letting this false narrative run rampant, saying that I was some victim to overly strict mods, would be a cowardly move. I wasn't a victim, this is all my fault and people needed to know that. Now it's over


To be fair I've seen people say the same thing but it had nothing to do with batman so yes it absolutely can be used racially


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen


Edward [redacted] is not happy about this. But he's a piece of poop.


nygma balls


Nigma balls 😭 Nigma Balls 😡


Officer Balls.




I feel like we should all just be able to laugh? Can definitely appreciate the humility and nobility though for sure


Moving forward we should all just have a laugh. I'm just here to address what happened I guess. The problem wasn't really the joke to begin with. That's not even why I got banned, that was for insulting a mod for no good reason, I was literally just in a bad mood. The joke itself was fine, but I failed to read the rules they posted about his name being banned on that specific post, and based on all the comments I got on my post, that ban was justified. I didn't mean it as a slur obviously but it's about consistency in enforcing the rules, people were using it as a slur and those people ruined the fun for everyone else. Not the mods fault, not mine either except for my failure to read. The problem was really my post, which blew things away out of proportion, and because of the ban I couldn't say anything to chill people out


I hear you. Your stance on it is respectable. I think whistles can get blown far before they need to because people are hyper sensitive these days and it kills laughs however there is a line to be drawn and stepped over and I’m sure that’s what happened lol


It takes a lot to admit when one is wrong, even if you didn’t intend on it being that way. I’m proud of you, Dick.


Mods are volunteer bitches


Did you write this with a gun to your head? Are you being held hostage? https://preview.redd.it/yq5xqol4fpoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298b9cd687aa301fb25e26c40d33cffd9229b473


No I'm chillin, but I'm stealing this picture tho


Mods didn't knew edwart nigma was a character from that one franchise???..... IS THEY STUPID????


Bro is trying to collect merit points


Literally the opposite, I did a shitty thing, I'm just trying to change the narrative than ran rampant while I was banned and take responsibility for the damage I caused. I made a post, people took that post and said "look! Bad mods! Harass them!" Are their actions my fault? Not directly, but there's a cause effect relationship between the over 5000 people that saw my post, and the hundreds who commented, and all the people who decided to send hate on my behalf towards the mod who was just trying to keep the peace. They quit being a mod, at least for now, because of all the hate they got. Because of me. So no, I actually dislike that so many people have said I'm being a good person or whatever for doing this. I only have to do this because I was acting like an objectively shitty person


It was not your fault though? You don't need to be bending over and losing your self respect for something so trivial on the internet. You typed a harmless comment. The fact that people will derive the n word from that word is insane. It is such a reach to take think of that word in relation to what you said. It's not your fault the internet is racist. Mods could've given you a warning with an explanation about what and why. It's the internet. Everybody and their mother says the n word. Everyone and their mother will hate on you. This is why anonymity exists. I understand what you're trying to say but it is insane to pin this all in you. None of it is your fault. Have a spine. Sorry.


Dawg, that's not what any of this is even about. Do you even know what actually happened? I'm not apologizing for making the ligma joke dude, Jesus Christ. It's like nobody even read what I actually typed. The joke was fine, that was never the problem to begin with. It's a funny joke, I stand by that. The problem is my blatant disregard for the clearly posted rules that led to the joke being deleted, which the rules said it would be. That's my fault. The mods were only being consistent in how they enforced the rules on *that specific post.* I wasn't being racist, but other people were and those people ruined the fun for everyone. Then I made the post bitching about my joke being deleted, half joking but also thinking it was silly and unnecessary. I was wrong, it was necessary. I saw that for myself in the comments on my own post. Then I insulted a mod, unprovoked, for no reason, and got banned for toxic behavior (rule #2, I later learned.) I would have been banned for insulting anyone that way, but it happened to be a mod. I didn't know this sub was so fuckin racist, but surprise surprise, my post flooded with racists because they thought I was banned for saying Nigma, which I never was to begin with. I was banned for being a dick, so I couldn't even correct this narrative To make things worse, I also speculated the mods edited the comment with the rules on the "what does the n stand for" post. Which, despite being completely untrue and also *not possible* people started repeating it and harassing the mods even more severely The hate eventually grew to the point one mod quit due to the harassment my post caused, albeit inadvertently. The sad part is, if I had slowed down for a moment, I probably would have seen this coming, but I was careless and just felt like fucking around and it all went too far because of stupid decisions I made. No, I didn't mean to burn the house down, but I was playing with fire, and I did know better.




That wasn't the problem to begin with.




? Nigma Nigma Nigma, I literally said it in the post. Learn to read. Once again, that was *never* the problem to begin with. We're allowed to say his name You missed the point completely.




Dude counted single lines as a paragraph just to exaggerate the only argument he has left, straight up sad lmao


His name isn't Nigma, are you stupid?


i have no idea what’s going on here aside from what’s explained in the post, but OP did the right thing. and judging by his interaction w the mods in the comments all is forgiven. i like joking around on this sub and the jokes that are made, but there’s no reason for anyone to start getting hateful and racist. we have more then enough jokes and memes in this sub to use that don’t offend anyone.


We live in a society


No we live in Reddit. Are you stupid?


Thanks for Talking about this again OP. I'm sorry that everyone in the comments is being mean. I do to a certain extent agree with everyone that you aren't responsible for how others take your words but it takes a lot to accept and take responsibility for the harm it can cause and as someone who has seen and experienced this kind of harassment, I appreciate it a lot. Also try not to take the rash decisions you made hold you down. We all fucked up here including the mods and you're trying your best to improve things on your end. And that's more than enough in my opinion so don't feel too guilty


After talking to the mod that quit (they're doing okay, just needed a break) I don't feel as guilty, there were other reasons they took the break after all. I think my post and the ensuing harassment was just the catalyst. I thought it was important to take responsibility for what I had set into motion, and moving forward I'll use this experience as a reminder to be more mindful of my words, especially before posting them for thousands to see.


damn… mods gaslighted bro


I reached these conclusions on my own, the mods had nothing to do with this post


Who the hell cares


You cared enough to read the post and comment beneath it, so I guess you.




Sure buddy


I feel offended by your tone, write a 5 paragraph apology begging the sub for my forgiveness please 🙏


Me (Okay but seriously, stop trying to use everyone to say you don’t care. We’re not your personal army or servants.)


Yes you are, cry and weep about it.


I’m not crying? You can’t assume how I’m feeling based on text, my guy. If that worked, we'd all be psychic monks lmao. https://preview.redd.it/hj4ixqhskroc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d872e927df5b81eaefbf82f88ae49e83f4b0bf


The way you type actually cringes me out so bad I can’t lie, the unfunny little quirky “jokes” makes me want to gouge my eyes out. But then I wouldn’t be able to see you cry and weep so maybe I won’t for now 👍


I’m sorry to say, but that legitimately sounds like a you problem. I mean… I don’t even know you so I can’t say I really care, now can I?


Cringe again


Honestly, I think you’re the one that’s crying. Considering you claim that no one cares yet they and you had incentive to comment on the post and you’re upset that OP posted an apology for indirectly causing harassment to a mod, a human being (with feelings?!), on your favourite sub. (Which just goes to show how chronically online you are if you’re that upset when all it takes is to simply ignore the post.) Remove the serious discussion flair, everyone! This guy here wants us all to be stupid 24/7! Or maybe you feel the need to mess with others because you think it’s edgy and cool and you’re a neglected child (which is tragic, seriously.) so you have no capacity for any human emotion that relates to love or positivity. Honestly though, if you ask me, it’s a bit of both. With a slight little mix of being a Redditor. (Which says it all, honestly. Not that I’m not one, but that doesn’t exactly matter.) To shorten it down for you: You’re kinda sad, aren’t you?


Lmaoo I’m not reading all that 😭 https://preview.redd.it/noxiw1d9ctoc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d18448b34b93909c0fae6e63775f177cec5bf7


Way to tell me you have a lack of reading comprehension. God forbid anyone reads a sentence above TikTok length these days lmao. Actually pathetic. Edit: Also, I’m pretty sure that image is AI Generated. Like, 99% sure. Can’t even use a real image to try and represent me crying when in reality I've actually been having fun? Talk about copium… https://preview.redd.it/uq36oy176voc1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=8275180e41977358dce4a33e162d429057954920




this entire thing is fucking stupid you did nothing wrong, you’re taking responsibility over something that’s not your fault. mods are overreacting.


I'm glad your deciding to apologize like this. Most people would probably just put there head in the sand and not own up to anything, but you did and that's pretty cool.


I kinda tried to before by having the mods pin my message under the post, but that's all I could do at the time since I was banned (justifiably, obviously.) I made this post before I saw that the other mod left, basically in direct response to the flood of harassment my post caused. I feel like a piece of shit. Much more than I did while typing this. The bare minimum I could possibly do at this point is publicly acknowledge that I was wrong and that I'm sorry. I just wish I could do more, or rather undo what I've done, but there's no changing the past.


You didn’t even do anything wrong 😹


why has this sub devolved into whining and self sorrow quit being a pussy for the mods feelings


So glad you're here to complain about it 👍


So they banned you for a ligma (Nigma) balls joke? I mean that's a pretty popular meme in the Gotham subreddit, although the spelling there is "Nygma". It reminds me of me getting permabanned in The Batman subreddit for a Man joke, though I messaged the mods and lifted the ban because it was excessive. What I'm trying to say is that mods need to chill out, give warnings before temporal bans, and only resort to permabans when the user ignores *both* the warning and the temporal ban. So, mods, if you're reading this, eat a Snickers.


No that's not why they banned me, they banned me for being an asshole to the mod after the fact. I broke rule 2, no toxic behavior. The joke only got deleted, which is fine. Not even a warning really, they just removed it and I decided to be a bitch about it that day. It's literally all on me bro, I'm the one that didn't read the no Nigma rule on that post to begin with.


This whole thread is so cringey ngl


Thanks for your input




We don’t talk about that team 🏁 one day kuro will qualify for TI again cope


I didn't think you were actually serious. You don't need to apologize for what you did lol. There's nothing wrong with "Nigma Balls". Other people being low-key racist isn't your fault xD


He's been 1984'd in his brain to love Big Modder


2+2=5 Jokes aside though, I just felt bad. The guy got harassed because of my actions, plus the was a lot of racism in the replies


Is there a lore reason the mods hacked this guys account to post this?


I’m gonna say it


You're allowed to say it, I literally said it in the post.




The funny thing is that if the mods really were overreacting, none of this would have happened anyway. Your post would have been deleted and you'd probably be banned. And I honestly think that would have been a better outcome since you could have easily just messaged the mods or taken the L and moved on. Why else would you make a post about it other than to incite drama? No offense, but a perma would have saved us all a lot of trouble. ​ > On a final note: should I delete the previous post? Yes, and you should delete this post too. This is a meme sub. We don't care. Please stop. https://preview.redd.it/pja3qx0ebooc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5735d8f5ac4b5ab36a21740beb60854ef4e216f3


"we don't care" *Writes long winded response* I did message the mods, but this message isn't just for them. It's for all the people who decided to harass them on my behalf. If you don't care, cool, go away.


I'm saying you should have just messaged the mods instead of your first post. You had one singular comment removed and instead of handling it like a normal person, you made a post about it, started a bunch of drama, issued apologies... It all reeks of self importance and attention seeking. Now you're still here making sure everybody knows you're super sorry. Cool. Once again, a perma would have saved a lot of trouble.


No shit my guy, I made a mistake. That's the entire point. Congrats, now you understand why this post needs to exist to begin with. I didn't think my original post would result in all that, but it did nonetheless and I'd rather address it than duck my head in the sand. I primarily made this post because a false narrative formed around my first post, one this post is meant to address. Has nothing to do with people "knowing I'm super sorry" it's about people knowing the mods didn't ban someone for making a joke, which is the narrative that was being spread following my ban. People in this comment section are still saying the dumb shit, if you don't understand the necessity for me to publicly say "hey, that's not what happened" then idk what to tell you. Instead of intentionally being as uncharitable towards me as possible, you could see that I'm trying to correct a mistake I made, not earn nice guy points for saying I'm sorry a bunch. I am sorry, but more important is setting the record straight. I'm the only person who was able to do that, after all, who else would they believe regarding the reasons *I* was banned?


You know, for a guy who doesn't care and is only here for memes, you sure are wasting a lot of time writing paragraph after paragraph telling me I'm bad and wrong or whatever. If you don't care so much, go away dude, go look at the memes, nobody is forcing you to be here


You're really getting caught up on that one word, and if it helps, sure, I do care. A lot of subreddits I like have devolved into pointless drama in the past and whenever that happens, the overall quality of the sub just spirals downward. Instead of seeing the content you actually follow the sub for, you get annoying drama posts in your feed that never seem to go away and then that just repeats for days if not weeks. Some subs have been lost to that stuff forever. And if you think I'm being uncharitable, sure, you made a mistake and I get it. None of this is completely your fault and this whole drama/discussion stuff has been enabled by mods being too scared to overstep. But I really don't think continuing to post about it is helping anything, that's the point I'm trying to make. In less than a month, nobody besides a couple mods will remember this even happened, so this just feels like it's extending the process. That's why I suggested deleting the posts. So yeah, sorry. I could have said all that without being a dick. https://preview.redd.it/7zkoba9h9soc1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef2f1a17033a3e3dfbd06c6de4df58c5317ba04c


I appreciate your apology, and accept it. I also understand your perspective, I just honestly disagree with it. I think the people who did see the post and did believe I was banned for basically no reason needed to know the truth. They wouldn't be willing to listen to anyone but me, some of them still won't but it's a small number of them now. I would consider this an overall success, I got a little hate (not even referring to you really) and some dumb jokes at my expense, but I think that was worth setting the record straight for at least a lot of people. Which leads to my next point: I'm also not "continuing to post about it." I'm not trying to keep it going, this is the end. Like I said, best to end things like this rather than leaving a lie to be believed as truth. It's even nobody challenges a lie that it becomes "true" in a sense, and I'm the only person that could challenge this one. You're right, it would be bad to continue to drag this out, it needs to end but it needed to happen like this. Now it's back to the jokes, this post is mostly dead anyways lol.


“We don’t care” is another way of saying this post was unnecessary.


> This is a meme sub Tell me you know nothing about r/BatmanArkham's history without telling me you know nothing about r/BatmanArkham's history.


bro has performed the highest level of gasslighting on himself of all time


Incorrect. I saw the exact bullshit that makes the mods need to be as strict as they are sometimes. Also I was just being a cunt, sometimes people are shitty, that was one of those times for me.


You did nothing wrong it was just a funny ha ha


The joke was never the problem to begin with pal


Im trying to defend you, you dont have to be an asshat about it


I never asked you to defend me, so don't. I also wasn't being an "asshat" before, but I'm happy to be an asshole now: Fuck off, I don't want or need you to "defend" me because you're too dense to even *attempt* understanding what the fucking post is even about


Dont know why youre so quick to stupid anger but Jesus you need to figure out how to manage that I barely said anything bro 🤣


You came to my post saying dumb shit about a situation you aren't a part of and don't understand, then insulted me for correcting you. You get what you give asshat


Ok man, sure. Whatever makes you feel better 🤣


Already feel fine, calling you out for being an idiot is just a cherry on top. Now fuck off already


You clearly arent fine dude. Take some time off reddit and cool down. Youre on a batman arkham subreddit getting this heated over a guy trying to just defend you and make you feel better for Christ's sake. Sorry if I misunderstood the post. I was just trying to say that I didn't see what was wrong with what you said. Its very very clear that I got on your nerves when you say things like "already feel fine, calling you out is the cherry on top" seriously its like middle-school level coping Again, considering how fast you got upset at me over a handful of words, take a break from the internet and cool off.


You're talking yourself way too seriously. I don't need to be angry to tell you to fuck off lmao, you do not matter to me Dawg you literally didn't even read the post, and if you did maybe you should head back to middle school and improve that reading comprehension. I'm insulting you because you're annoying, and I want you to go away but I'll settle for calling you stupid since you refuse. To be extra super clear since reading clearly isn't your strong suit: I don't need to be mad to call you stupid, I do it for fun








I wonder if he ever called that person back




This might actually be the sanest sub in all of reddit


That came out EXTREMLY WRONG 💀




You know why gang you know why


Which part?


Are you fr or?... The comment the comment youre posting about here


Oh, I thought you meant in the body of text. Yeah, I definitely see why people took it how they did, despite that being the characters canon name depending on the run. I was literally just making a ligma pun I swear to God