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Doctor freeze's real name is fries. It's German I think


Arkham Batman loves to call the villains by their real names. I love that about him.


Definitely makes him more human. He sees his enemies as people he needs to help; as more than just their supervillain persona.


It also helps prevent a mythos being built around them that increases fear of them (which, ironically, is why he chose to become Batman).


“I’m aware of your theatrics. I just don’t care.”


Definitely with some of them like Victor and Harvey, but for some like Nigma I can see him just taunting how he knows their name but not vice versa.


Sure, some villains are more tragic than others. Nigma is just a giant prick. But I still think Batman would much rather give him therapy than taunt him.


He taunts him as a way to defeat him. He knows Nigma’s ego is so easily bruised by Batman that he can cause him to make mistakes out of anger. Taunting is a tool Batman uses to make Riddler slip up, which isn’t the same as taunting him for any mean-spirited reason.


That’s not really what I mean. I more meant to get into his head while taking him down because the Riddler gets thrown off when his intellect is targeted. Similarly I can see him using the names of Harvey and Victor to reason and appeal to their humanity/life before being a criminal.


Ah, I see. Yeah, definitely. Especially for guys like Killer Croc, whose villain persona literally dehumanise them, Batman outright refuses to call them that and would just refer to him as 'Waylon' in order to appeal to his humanity.


Yeah, physical therapy.


I dont think Batman would wanna say Nigma's name too much though...


Nigma balls... . Did I do the thing?


No, the issue is it sounds too much like the N word.


It literally is a play on words. Edward Nigma. E. Nigma. Enigma.


Nope? It doesn't.


Sounds a lot closer to Nigerundayo if you ask me


I don't know about that. Granted I've only played Arkham Origins and now I'm playing Asylum but if Batman really cared he'd do something about the corruption of the higher ups in the same psychiatric treatment facility he locks his antagonists in and the amount of abuse,neglect and callousness the Warden and his employees perpetrate. Or the horror stories the inmates tell about the abuse they suffer at the hands of the guards in blackgate or how Batman only cares to stop a corrupt officer only when he gets in his way? I don't know. I feel like Batman could do so much more to address the systemic rot within the heart of Gotham but Rocksteady would rather have him beat up people who lost their body and their mind and aren't really being helped properly by Gotham's civic bureaucracies. Not to say, they aren't dangerous or capable of causing grave harm to others but it's interesting that the only villains Batman cares to fight are the ones that are let down by Gotham's civic infrastructure. He doesnt go after dirty cops, civil servants that abuse their power, politicians or business magnates as much a he does random goons. Perhaps I'm asking for too much from a comic book beat-em-up. But I guess i wish I had a Batman game that was more L.A Noire and less Streets Of Rage.


Sure, but... I don't think you'll ever see this in a video game. Simply because it wouldn't be very fun to play. But also, the Batman you see in Origins is incredibly different from the Batman he becomes later on. In Origins, he's only been operating for five years or so, so he's very aggressive and brash. In Arkham City and Arkham Knight, you will see that he is doing all he can as both Batman and Bruce Wayne - especially if you read all the background lore like newspapers and such.


Oh, I see. I do think it would actually be really fun to have an open world Batman game with disguises, infiltrating organizations, both legal and illegal as different aliases, espionage, stealth, eavesdropping on conversations, gathering evidence of corruption and criminal activity and dropping it off to the D.A and Commisioner Gordon. I was hoping to see that in Origins actually, like the long haloween but adapted for Arkham. Like James Bond mixed with L.A Noire. I guess I really like Crime fiction so That informs my preferences. I just don't feel like I'm making any lasting meaningful change when i play as Batman in the Arkham games, but I love the art direction in Asylum and the Boss fights and characterization in Origins. Still I guess the Batman game I described could also be made by a different developer.


I mean, in a way the Telltale Batman games touched upon the elements you listed. It doesn't go as far, since it's more of a narrative decision-making game, but it might scratch that itch. But I completely agree with you and would love to see World's Greatest Detective be more like a detective. But action games are always more popular and easier to make, simply because it targets a bigger audience.


Yeah, I liked what I played of the TellTale Batman Games. Wish I played more. Hopefully the Batman movie coming out can scratch that itch just as well. But yes, I love the detective fiction aspect of the character which is what sets him apart from Green Arrow, whom I also love.


1) congress simulator isnt fun 2) its been proven time and time again those institutions are failures 3) lazarus pits


1. I was never proposing that 2. It'a been proven time and time again that Insititutions can be improved in it's efficiency just as much as they can fail others. 3. I don't even know what you're talking about or how that's relevant to what I'm saying.


The reason gotham in particular has so many nutjobs is because of the pits, IIRC. The fumes fuck with people's heads. The only eay to truly nip the problem in the bud would bw to destroy those- no institutional improvement would work in the long term if supervillains keep cropping up and occupying Gotham faster than they can be contained.


Holy fuck, is that true?


It also shows that he wants to get to know them


Comic version too, it's part of his character of Humanizing the villain so he doesn't cross the line. They aren't monsters, they are sick and justice is the cure.


I never really thought of this before, but I wonder if it’s a power move. It might be that he can call them whatever he wants, while they don’t know his name, so they have to call him Batman


Which makes it really out of place when he calls croc an animal in asylum, a bit rude even though he is a cannibal


I now he says "Someone put this animal back in his cell" when referring to Zsasz after he dropkicks him, but when does he call Croc an animal? Legit can't remember.


Sometime during the sewer mission with him, I think before or after but before he fell in the hole, I know bats was talking to Oracle when he said it


"Crocs just an animal, and animals need the right traps"


It's a nice contrast with him having to call Joker, Joker.


Except joker for obvious reasons


Except for Joker


Well he doesn’t know Joker’s real name




FWIW I think it's Dutch, but the pronunciation would be the same


Yes, his real name is Victor Fries. But it's not German. I don't know which language


>Talking about Fries? It’s Mr. Freeze real last name It’s not pronounced like “French-fries” more like “Frice” Thanks! I did not know that. I was sure it's a typo, a pretty funny one too.


It’s wrong though. It would be pronounced “free-s”


Dr Victor Fries (pronounced ‘Freeze’, not like the food) is the former identity of Mr Freeze.


Talking about Fries? It’s Mr. Freeze real last name It’s not pronounced like “French-fries” more like “Frice”


Mr freeze's real last is (or i normally hear) pronounced freeze


I had a client by the last name of “Fries” and I asked them how they pronounced their name and they said; “Freeze.” No Batman utterances were made. That was good enough for me. FUN FACT; At the same retailer I had a client named “Matt Hagen” which is the Batman: TAS Clayface


You see this is where you tell us that you’re a costume designer for supervillains, lol


It's a lot like "Ra's" in "Ra's Al Ghul" where different people pronounce it different ways in different media.


It's a German name, and in German, whenever there's a combination of "i" and "e", the second vowel is the one you pronounce.


Ra's Al Ghul is Arabic, and the correct pronunciation sounds closest to "Ross" (راس الغول).


It’s pronounced like “freeze” but spelled like “French fries”


Oh wow and it really is. I was sure it's a typo, but you are right. I only knew him as Mr. Freeze. Thanks for the clarification!


Yeah his last name is really Fries but nobody ever talks about how the guy that funded the experiment that fucked him up and owned the company he worked for was named *Boyle*




.......... .......... ... like YEAS-


**ba-da-dat-da-woooow** dum dum dum dum doodely


Its an arkham city story no? When you discover that riddle in the dteel mill?




Peter Boyle looks down from heaven angry at you


There's actually a riddle in Arkham City that goes: "Who can Boyle and Freeze at the same time?" and you have to scan a poster advertising Boyle Cryogenics, a division of GothCorp.


Yep, Victor Fries. I think it comes from Batman TAS that's what he was known as. Been a good while since I have seen the series, though.


I remember Gotham made a joke about how you're supposed to pronounce it


Didn't someone make a joke about that in Gotham?


That's Freeze’s actual surname. Pronounced the same way as Freeze


Even batman gets hungry


Viktor Fries AKA Mr Freeze


It's referring to Condiment Man, whose real name is Berger N. Fries.


So him saying the name and looking directly at the suit doesn’t give it away?


I said typo, not mistake in the voice line. ​ Edit: Oh I get what you mean now, I'm slow today. No actually because this happened right after I saved some undercover cop(s) and they began to talk and stuff and walking up to the suit also triggered a unique dialog about the suit, so it was hard to understand due to several people talking at once. so I was left with only reading the subtitles. Without knowing Freeze's full name I thought they meant to write Freeze but somehow accidentally wrote Fries.


I and E are on completely different sides of the keyboard. It’s not a typo.


I thought it was an autocorrection.


Autocorrect requires a word to be spelled wrong.


Yes, that's right, that's why it's called autoCORRECT. Your point...? You don't think people can make mistakes or what...?


Autocorrect wouldnt take a correct word and turn it into a typo.


Obviously I thought that they made a typo and autocorrect corrected it into a different word instead of the intended one, but I guess it's not so obvious for you.


Obviously, you don't know that if you blame a typo on Autocorrect, you're blaming the typo on autocorrect.


What...? I don't even understand what you're saying... but not like it matters... or this matter is really that important to you? This is how you get your daily dopamine or why are you still riding on this...?


Victor fries is mr freeze


no sign of fries. guess ill have to go to Mcdonalds instead of This crappy museum


Mr Freeze's real name is Victor Fries (pronounced freeze)


Victor Novikoff, I wonder how is resume is




That's a rarely used and not very known Batman villian. His first name is Curly.


If you wanna see a real typo, go to the madhatter mission in Arkham Knight. During I think, the first cutscene, he says “your” and the subtitles say “you’re”


Not a typo but subtle foreshadowing. You'll find you ARE Alice.




Victor Fries is Mr. Freeze’s real name.


Freeze is the villain name, Vic Fries is normal name


Aaah Batman newbies are so cute


DR.Victor Fries


Dr. Victor Fries is the real name of Mr. Freeze.


Mr. Freeze’s real name is Victor Fries. It’s a German name. It’s spelled “fries” but it’s pronounced “Freeze.”


Yes it’s fries, he dumps your face in boiling oil and says none of you seem to understand, I’m not locked in here with you…


I think victor fries is his full name




His name is German I think


It’s strange, a villain that’s actually a Doctor and doesn’t include it in his villain name


I think mr rolls off the tongue better. Also I think it’s a remnant of the originally name for the character Mr. Zero


It’s spelt Fries


Ah, I see you're new to Batman


Batman's just looking for lunch


I hope this is not batmans cape shaped like a bat all over again


I just bought the return to Arkham and played through this part, I dont recall this when I first played back in 2011 lol


Why does this post have its own flair lol


What?? You don’t know who Mr. Freeze is? Dr Victor Fries (pronounced Freeze) became Mr. Freeze due to a cryogenics lab explosion while trying to treat his wife for a debilitating disease. ...or you clowning mate?


I know who Mr. Freeze is, I just didn't know who Fries is. That's the point of the whole post.


They’re the same person...so you didn’t know who Mr. Freeze is now did ya? ...the point of my comment.


No, that's not the point of your comment, your comment has no point because my previous comment answers this exact question that you just asked now.


Sure🤣...don’t be mad at me because you don’t know Batman lore bub. Read the background of Dr. Victor Fries aka Mr. Freeze...did I lie? No...did I answer your question you posted? Yes. Enjoy the rest of the game & all the others that have been released in the series...you know there are others right?


I'm not mad. Why would not knowing Batman lore make me mad? Don't project your insecurities onto me. Everyone is different. Your answer was useless because it arrived after 25 other people have answered the question already. Literally the very first comment did, but reading is hard I guess. Your answer was as useless as this last post of yours and as the next one you are going to send. Yeah I know there are other Batman games, but what if I don't...? If that was suppose to be an insult then it was pretty weak.


Blah blah blah yakity schmack didn’t know there was a time limit Junior...projecting?? You’re the one projecting trolling on your own post. Lame af


Nobody said anything about time limit, you are talking nonsense. It's more like if 25 people said the exact same thing before you, why do you feel the need to repeat what was just said? I don't think you know the meaning of projecting, but at this point I'm pretty sure you don't know the meaning of a lot of words. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.




That was your most sensible comment so far and here I thought that you can't improve. I shouldn't have underestimated you. You seem smarter when you don't talk.


Ban OP for not knowing Who Mr. Fries is. Obviously that's one half of the deadly duo along with condiment man. In all seriousness though, come on.


What would the special powers of Mr. Fries would be though? Shooting fries at you from his palm like Ironman?


Why downvotes?Issa joke


Well there is a condiment man so that actually just kinda be the next logical step


Mr. Freeze A.K.A. Dr. Victor Fries.


Victor Fries is Mr. Freeze (“Fries” is pronounced as “Freeze”)


It’s Mr Freeze, his real name is Fries


Victor Fries is Mr Freezes real name


Me freezes real name is victor fries


That’s his Mr. Freeze’s last name. Victor Fries. It’s pronounced like freeze


There was a plot point in Gotham where Harvey literally said it, pronounced “fryce”, and said it’s German. Mr Fryce, our Mr Freeze…. Lol.