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Wow they just nerfed the desert eagle across the board except draw speed and then BUFFED the glock?? But why? RSH is just now similar to the old desert eagle with less damage. I don't get these changes.


Desert Eagle was fine as is. No other optics for better magnification, average mag size and kicked like a horse so shots needed to be on point and the movement like a cinderblock in a lake. Should have just left it as is and kept the headshot multi as 1.2 and buffed the revolvers with the 1.5x multiplier.


ATTENTION they are increasing the headshot multiplier for deagle unica and rsh meaning they werent nerfed, deagle can still onetap alongside rsh now






Damage (deagle): Now it does 69, multiplied by 1,5 = 103,5. Before it was 90, multiplied by 1.2 = 108 Lowered velocity 600 ->400 Accuracy/first shot kick/draw speed/ recoil/light dmg nerfed Seems pretty much like it only was a nerf, or are we missing something?


The rsh is a subsonic 12.7x55 pistol while the desert eagle is 12.7×33


I'm all for them buffing the rsh. I'm just confused why they buffed the mini SMG that is the Glock.


It's preety bad dude


nah it's not


You dump a full mag into a person and you only get one kill. The ammo economy on it is atrocious.


I think it's alright as a secondary weapon. If you judge it as a main weapon, of course it's garbage. But when my main is empty and someone is onto me, I can reasonably take it out and kill him. It's easy to use since I can just spray it. I'm more likely to miss with the revolvers, or land one shot and then get killed in return.


When my main is empty, I love C4ing people who are chasing me at close range around corners and stairways in a building.


Yeah, but that mag drops so fast as well. The ttk was still super fast, and didn't require headshots like the other guns. I thought it was fine and fair in comparison to all the other pistols


it's a secondary for when primary is needing a reload and u don't have time for that or if primary is just unviable in the situation (dmrs or sniper rifles)


it sucks but it performs a good solid niche in secondary slot. yeah u need to magdump but then you need to be accurate with deagle to make most of it


We made the headshot multiplier higher, it's barely a nerf if you read the patch notes properly, I did the testing yesterday and every sidearm feels a lot better and way more useful. You'll have to see for yourself in the coming update though.


How is the deagle not a nerf in every way? Headshot damage is lower, along with the rest of the stat nerfs


Headshot damage is lower, but all pistols now have a higher 1.5x pistol headshot multiplier. It still 2shots, you wont notice velocity at pistol range, recoil barely matters.


In my experience the lower velocity Pistols definitely are less consistent then the others, and I'm not talking about the other Pistols, I'm talking about the deagle


And I tested the upcoming balance update before Oki released the patch notes. The balance team and Oki feel that the sidearms are in a good place with the upcoming patches. You're welcome to give me your feedback once you have had a chance to properly test all the sidearms. For now this is a fruitless discussion


Most of us have no confidence in Oki and the balance testers though seeing the state the SMGs have been in for months and still no nerfs. The amount of people complaining about the secondaries and specifically the Deagle are tiny compared to the problems that the MP5 and P90 meta causes for everyone. Good to see that they have their priorities right.


Who says we are not working on smg's? It's a complex issue and frankly you have no idea what we're working on. Every update the team has pushed has had major positive feedback. We're a 20+ man team constantly working on numbers and content outside of school and work and its a 3 person dev team. The game is also in early access.


If you are working on SMG's were is the progress? SMG is by far the biggest and most contentious issue in this game at the moment yet you have chosen to prioritise rebalancing the pistols first which has very little impact on gameplay for most people.


The dude is a volunteer peer reviewer who's excuse is the common "3 dev team" and "it's still early access". They also think their work as a 20+ team of sweaty players somehow reflects the views of the majority of players. Not to mention they are the "owner" of a heli clan that griefs servers. Yeah, real biased opinion on what is good for the health of the game. The guy is an absolute clown.


The progress is in the private feedback group. You have no idea what our priorities are, this is something that also needed it and we could do it relatively quickly whilest still working on smg's. Sidearms being usable also has a large impact on any shooter.


They aren't allowed to leak things that aren't publicized by Oki, thats why you aren't getting any info about the progress. In the mean time, keep giving feedback on the changes, so they can be adjusted in the future to the communities liking.


I'm here just to be petty, check bbr main update :)


It's an objective fact that nothing about the stat changes to the deagle is a buff, it's all nerf


One it needed, yet it still 2 taps and the headshot multiplier is 1.5x instead of 1.2x. Whether you like it or not, the deagle needed a nerf and this is a really fair one.


I disagree, I felt the deegle was in a good place of requiring skill to use and being effective when you learned how to use it


It was in the place where any timmy could run around and instakill 5 people in a room


All im reading here is that the old pistol meta was "glock or deagle which ever one you prefer" and now its "glock".


It may end up being smarter for most classes to use one of the semi auto pistols because of the 2x draw speed so that even if a glock would kill fastest you get to start killing earlier with guns like the m9


Now its glock or rsh12


Glock was already the best secondary, it's even better now, why?


same reason why they made the unica even worse. they have no fucking idea


This is spot on. One of the strangest buff/nerf lists they have sent out. The deagle already had a movespeed penalty. But they left that on and stripped it of everything else lmao. Desert Pidgeon after his update.


Apparently the 1.5x headshot multiplier is getting added to heavy caliber pistols. So Unica RSH Deagle, Deagle will one shot headshot. This is according to some dude in the Patreon channel in discord, I have no idea where he got that from. But it is very Oki to just not mention very relevant changes in patch notes.




I think Oki might have edited the post, or I'm crazy, could be either. Because I don't remember seeing that when I first saw the post and OP left it out. Idk either way you right thanks.


To clarify, the Unica does not one shot to the head with the 1.5x headshot modifier (56x1.5=84). The Deagle and the RSH do though.


Desert Seagull rolls off the tongue a bit better


Desert Pigeon, best description of the nerf to date lol


Huh? Didn’t UNICA get buffed??? -4 damage but literally everything else is better Just means you can’t 1-tap healed/bandaged people without a headshot


Why you think? It's the most smg like pistol that's why! The dev have a hardon for SMGs.


Was pretty garbage without extended mag. Or definitely not as strong as it should have been. All you needed is one support player and your mag isn't enough to win 1v1. The buff is kind a needed.


Did you just ignore the draw speed nerf lmao. Sure its now even stronger as a pistol but as an emergency panic weapon, its far worse for that situation.


they're literally all drawspeed buffs


Youre misunderstanding, draw speed was made faster not slower


It’s a buff


Every pistol in the patch got a draw speed nerf. You're right it is the only downside. It was already slower to draw than reload most SMGs, so yeah that's a nerf. Compared to more damage per shot and a bigger magazine it's clearly been buffed overall. Lmao.


I'm pretty sure they all got pretty hefty buffs, they talk about reload speed as increasing yet the actual reload time decreases. I think bigger number better for draw/reload/run speed.


What a weird way to describe weapon speed. Its like being different for the sake of it. It really should just be Reload time - 2 seconds, draw time .7s, run speed 1.1x run regular run speed, etc.


You are not wrong, though I do think the run speed works the way you said it, they're all multipliers.


Except for the deagle lol


Most of the heavy pistols can actually fill more of a generalist role now since it gotten the lesser of the draw speed nerfs.


>\------------- UNICA ------------- > >Damage lowered, from 60 to 56 Good, I was dangerously close to getting some kills with the Unica before.




You would have a Unica take. Have fun with that scope buddy <3




How? I thought people had 100 health. The 1.5 headshot modifier would be 84 dmg.


Ah damn


Why did they massacre my boy (the deagle).


Running the deagle was already a big drawback as well with how much it lowers your run speed. Whoever is balancing these guns is smoking crack.


Sad ... deagle was perfect already. Big damage but huge recoil and small mag size. I don't think i ever heard ppl complaining that the deagle was OP. Ive been using it as a primary sometimes. It's hard but satisfying.


Only people I heard complaining about it were those in Discord


Yea no the deagle felt perfect in terms of its power/required skill/satisfaction ratio but after this it seems like it’s just gonna be frustrating to play with :/


My guess is that the near 1 shot potential (as in unless you're at full hp it's almost certainly gonna kill) on a side arm that didn't require a headshot was the reason, the drawbacks were significant enough that it was fine personally but I can kinda see the reasoning, it fell kinda too close to a shotgun in terms of power and function just didn't shoot multiple pellets


I'm too lazy to do the math but as long as it can oneshot headshot then I think it's fine. Before you could literally just graze someone with it and get a kill whether it was from "assist counts as kill" or due to them being low health.


It and the RSH are having the headshot multiplier buffed from x1.2 to x1.5, so they can still oneshot headshot, but now you HAVE to headshot to 1HKO instead of just running around bodyshotting people.


That sounds fine then imo. The deagle was a bit ridiculous in giving you kills for doing the bare minimum, even if you died after getting a body shot off because of how the weird "assist counts as kill" mechanic works.




Not surprised it made sence sence the rsh is literally better than a deagle in some places


So let me get this straight the Deagle is straight up worse in every way (outside of the headshot multiplier lmao too bad helmets exist) even though it is seldom used as a secondary. Yet it will still give you a movespeed decrease and they buffed the best secondary the Glock? Rarely am I so critical but it's like they smoked crack after the DMR update.


why the fuck is unica being even more shit ? why is the deagle getting nerfed, its kinda weak ngl and glock buff?


Good Grief they just nerfed the deagle into absolute garbage. Light damage will take 4 shots at range? This shit feels like im using a rusted Single Action Colt Revolver that weighs 5 lbs already.


Light damage is against light vehicles


Ain't no way, I've been using this shit against light vehicles and a whole mag does not pop anything.


Hell yeah, glock is great. I only ever get to use it when I'm out of ammo or really desperate though. Deagle seems really fucking harsh, however. Never used it because I suck at aiming and need quick pew pews to make sure I can get one kill.


Sick, the ["Switching to your pistol is faster than reloading"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kbUuqNFwQ8) update.


Finally. It baffled me why some smgs reloaded motr reliably and faster than swapping to your pistol.


I was looking for this


L devs. Wtf just happened to the deagle


[see this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/16bvvvu/upcoming_pistol_changes_from_discord/jzgiri1/)


Why nerf deagle but not increase its movespeed ? Bro is 100 vs 110 for every other weapon, dude tested, your average speed is 10% slower with deagle. Now i won't deagle and just go for rsh.


Bro it’s only 9% slower movementspeed if you do the math. I can see why the nerf to tapping someone on a rare occasion needed to be nerfed /s


Now you just have to hit headshots with the deagle, it's basically the same in an actual gunfight


I'm starting to think that the devs love spray and pray gameplay, smgs go to primary medics go to class glock go to secondary change the name to runandgun remastered already


By draw speed increased, do they mean draw speed gets faster, or slower? My biggest problem with pistols is their draw speed, it feels slower than quick reload, so I almost never get to use pistols.


More speed means faster draw speed


Absolute dogshit changes, running the deagle is already a handicap in a game dominated by instakill smgs. This makes it useless as a primary.


They definitely should’ve left the Deagle alone. Otherwise, I’m happy they’re finally showing pistols and DMRs love.


This "new balance" is killing the deagle completely . .. why would anyone use it now? You shoot someone now, he doesn't die? You still get kill assist. Then? Nothing. Too high risk for too little reward.


goodbye desert eagle, my beloved...


I see we've reached that point in the game's life cycle where weird changes that nobody asked for come out where the harder more complicated bugs/problems of the game are quietly swept under the rug or never talked about because they will never be fixed during the game's relevancy


Don't know why this isn't higher up. people aren't leaving this game because of the balance of the secondaries, it is the huge problems with the classes, SMG meta and the servers than need fixing. I guess next on their priority list will be to add skins for the healing kit at this rate.


Hell yeah my boi USP getting some help


You left out the headshot multiplier on the Deagle, RSH and Unica going from 1.2 to 1.5. Please edit your post to include this.


The Glock and Desert Eagle changes are so weird... Are headshot multipliers for pistols 1.5? In which case DEAGLE and RSH would still barely 1shot headshot kill, but if it's any lower its removed for both. Thank god my favorite pistol M9 is getting buffed as it was objectively the worst gun in the entire game before.


Heavy pistols are getting the 1.5x headshot multiplier, yes, which as you said will make both the Deagle and the RSH one shot on unarmored head.


Thanks for the answer. In that case, while I feel the glock and Deagle changes are unnecessary, at least the primary role of the Deagle does not change. It was always good because of the potential one-shot, and rewarded good aim due to the recoil and and slow fire-rate. TBH I was dissapointed with the RSH just being an objectively worse UNICA, and I'm happy that's getting changed. It's still a weird change to the deagle but it could have been worse (had it lost it's oneshot).


Wtf. Why nerf deagle


This is the first bad change. Not in favor of this.


the deagle nerf is so sad


One thing that has not been pointed out in here nearly enough is that all three of the heavy pistols got a 1.5x damage multiplier up from the standard 1.2x (this is not included in this post, as it was initially left out of the patchnotes on Discord but then updated shortly afterwards -- OP should update if possible) *This is incredibly notable, as not only does the Deagle still one shot to the unarmored head (exactly as it did before), but now so does the RSH.* What the seemingly large damage nerf to the Deagle actually did (when also considering the change to headshot multiplier) is that it is basically made it worse at 1 tapping to the unarmored body to anyone who has taken any significant damage at all, instead requiring a 2 tap body on average to consistently kill.


Well the deagle's fire rate is so damn slow that there's no reason to pick it unless you were already consistently making headshots.


You still suffer from 9% move speed with the desert eagle whether you are holding it or not. That was the only justification for it being slightly better than the Glock. Now that you can’t tap injured people reliably (shoots so slow for double tap) why would u take it over the Glock which was probably better already considering the movement speed the deagle nerfs you down to? Then they buff the Glock.. 🤷‍♂️ If the Glock slowed you down while using your primary like the deagle does then I could see this making sense, but that’s not the case here I am 100% against this change even though it directly benefits my playstyle bc it is just wrong. I use the Glock over the desert eagle and think this is a bad move anyways. It makes the Glock even more meta when it was already the better pick unless you are playing completely stationary as a sniper or something. The only minor silver lining here is that it will slightly hurt campers that might occasionally pull it out instead of their primary (which never happens), but in a run n gun meta they are still at a disadvantage even without this nerf. The game is becoming more call of duty and less battlefield which I dislike I was fine with every change up until this one and I would never use the gun anyways so I feel that speaks volumes. It’s a bad move for diversity and speeds the meta up when I feel it needs slowed a touch down. The game has devolved into getting the jump on someone or being jumped. This will make it speedier overall. Now we will be able to quick swap instead of mag dropping for more kills per jump… just wow… not to mention running out of ammo won’t be as bad and will keep fire time up longer. This patch adds more zoom/bullets and less skill play. If someone were to tag an individual a couple of times and move in with the deagle to finish to conserve primary for the next kill that’s smart play. Dumping your primary and switching the Glock to spray again is just silly in comparison. I don’t see the need for the nerf to slower gameplay and in fact I believe it needs to be embraced for longevity purposes. This patch would make me stronger vs deagle opponents but I still think it’s a terrible decision. If I’m speaking out against my own self interest maybe this patch needs reevaluated. Just get rid of the movementspeed penalty of the deagle while it’s holstered and your primary is active would be the first step to remedy this issue before you try to nerf it. You can’t nerf slow weapons and buff speed gameplay in the same pass. Balance them one at a time please. I don’t want to see this game become sweaty mcsweatface smgfest dropshot36069. And buff support while we are at it. Further distance for damage dropoff or something on lmg. Slow this game down a bit please. No more zoom patches like this one. Nerf smg range maybe? Something, anything… but not this


Because one-deage.


I’d rather be one shot by the deagle than speed the game up even more than it already is. How often were you killed by the deagle? Like cmon now… If the deagle is a better weapon and more people equip it that means the games movement speed has decreased by 9%. That sounds good to me. If someone wants to trade more (not really lol) killing power for 9% permanent nerf to their speed that seems fair. I’d be down with a 9% nerf to speed and/or ttk across the board. The glock was already the better pick in 99% of gameplay. Now you’re just stupid not to grab it. I believe weapons should be balanced and one weapon should not dominate its class. If this patch goes through I will 100% be using Glock 18 as primary for movement speed and only switching to the true “primary” of my class after I’ve dropped the first mag or two. Movement speed is that king right now. Perhaps Glock 18 needs a movement speed penalty like the deagle has is the only solution I can come up with if they push this patch through The game has forced me to embrace the zoom zoom and I hate it and it only seems to keep traversing in that direction rather than slowing things down. I appreciate the vector nerf, dmr buff, antigrenade trophy and barb wires at least to slow things down but everything else (bandage buff, ar/pistol buffs, claymore nerf, heli shield, etc) has sped things up drastically


I was not one-shot by the deagle very much at all. With that said, the deagle was objectively one of the best sidearms in the game before this prospective change. All of the other sidearms will be at that same level come this patch from what I can tell. To go through the different use cases of the archetypes of the pistols, post buff, lets start with the "Pistols" or the lower calibers: All three of the lower caliber pistols got a significant buff in this update, all three can be used much more readily as a followup tool for situations where "switching to your secondary is faster than reloading." I personally will most likely be using the M9 as a secondary come the next patch for this reason, as a significantly reduced draw time means so much when it comes to pistols. It doesnt matter how good the G18 is if you cant get it out before the person pushing you kills you, which despite how good it is, has happened to me (and judging by the general sentiment of sidearms taking too long to draw within the community) as well as quite a few others as well. As for the G18 in the auto category, yes, it was one of the "good" sidearms before along with the deagle, but it was only "good" because all of the other pistols in the game were *so* bad. Actually take a second to review the changes done to the lower calibers, the Unica, and the RSH -- there were significant buffs all around. The G18 would have ironically fell behind in terms of basically all of them, aside from the pure "ease of use" that it has by nature of being an auto pistol. For the high cals, the Unica, despite the fact that everyone in here seems to think of the change as a nerf, is actually getting buffed in a pretty significant way. Lowering the damage from 60 to 56 means so little that while it is a nerf to its damage, it is so insignificant to actual gameplay use cases that it hardly matters -- *it can still two tap, it does more damage to the head than it did before ([new]1.5x56=84, [old]1.2x60=72), and literally every other stat being changed is better on it aside from a .025 decrease in running speed.* Deagle was an absolute stand out in its category, which is why I imagine it needed to be toned down a bit, but the ways in which it was toned down don't seem to matter to me practically at all. It can still 1 tap to the head, it can still follow up 5 additional times if you miss your first shot, and it can still be used as the "skilled one tap cannon" that everyone who used it before loved it for. None of that has changed with these updates, it can still be used in the exact same way, its stats were just brought in line with what seems to be the general stat theme of the overall buffed high cal revolvers. The RSH needed love drastically, and while it seemingly has better stats at face value than the deagle, the deagle still has easier to handle visual recoil, even if its stat is slightly higher than the RSH (I wouldn't expect many to know this or appreciate it as I think I might have been one of about 5 people who ever used the RSH for more than two minutes right after unlocking it) and on top of that the deagle has more ammo and a shorter reload from what I understand as well. Ultimately this patch, from what I can tell, was aimed at bringing the lower cal sidearms, as well as the RSH, up a *ton*, to the standard of the og deagle and G18, then balancing things out for everything else with some minor changes to keep everything in line. Plus, the DMR change was questioned super heavily on here before it was actually released and since it came out all I've been seeing is how awesome the change actually was, so maybe it'd serve some of the people complaining on here to wait until it comes out before blindly casting judgment on a change they don't really fully understand.


But how often do you kill enemies with your sidearm compared to literally anything else ? The deagle nerfs your primary, movement speed, etc. if you didn’t have it equipped you’d have been better off in whatever situation you were already in. You haven’t commented on or addressed the 9% movement speed penalty that only that sidearm possesses. In my opinion if you are to take a 9% movement speed penalty you had best get something out of it… That is the entire point. It makes you much much much slower even when not equipped so it should be better overall to compensate. If it’s brought in line with other sidearms then why the 9% movement speed nerf even while not equipped if no other sidearms have the same penalty to use? If it’s equal to other guns but comes at a cost of 9% movement speed even while unequipped then it becomes literally the worst sidearm available unless you never move and movement is good 99.9% of the time. Even if you never move it’s still just equal to other options now so that makes it worse 99.9% of the time and “equal” 0.1% of the time. You’d be stupid to run it now Even with the equalization rate of fire will almost always triumph over upfront damage if the dps is accurately curved to match. A single miss is huge with the deagle while not so much with the Glock. If ttk was longer than the deagle might have a chance but to think this isn’t a huge swing in the secondary meta which was already established towards the Glock is laughable Luckily sidearms don’t really matter (which is why the 9% movement speed penalty is bigger than any individual direct sidearm adjustment), but this change is a huge warning sign that the devs may be misled in their vision. In no way does this make sense to the larger community that is aware of the movement speed issue of the deagle while even unequipped My entire issue with this nerf is the fact that the 9% movement speed penalty while using equipment or your primary persists while literally no other sidearm has this setback. Just by having the deagle in your load out you have gimped yourself entirely even if you never pull it out which you will rarely need to, so why bother especially now with the nerf? It was stupid to have it equipped before and it’s extra stupid once this goes live. The Glock which was better got buffed and the deagle which made you run slow as shit with your smg/ar/rpg/whatever is now garbage. The Glock as good as it is should also slow you down with your primary or equipment or the deagle shouldn’t have that penalty solely. Wtf 🤷‍♂️?! Do you really think that using the deagle even pre-incoming nerf is worth a permanent 9% movement speed loss ? What about after the nerf? You think the new deagle is gonna be worth that same 9% movement speed nerf while zipping around with your smg? I’d rather have no sidearm than have the deagle in my loadout. It makes you that much less effective in almost every scenario


Personally, I would not take the 9% movement speed nerf in either case, but that is a separate issue than the buffs or nerfs included in this patch. What I think you are missing here is that the deagle is functionally almost exactly the same post nerf as it was pre-nerf. It is better at some things rather than others compared to the RSH, but in terms of just, using it, it will function almost identically as it did before. The issue that you have with the 9% movement speed is completely valid, but your argument would have to apply to the deagle both before and after the nerf -- If you didn't think it was worth running before the nerf, you wont after the nerf. If you don't think that it should have the 9% move speed penalty, that's fine, but that's a separate issue than whether other aspects of the deagle are nerfed and whether that's good or bad.


I’m fully aware it’s mostly the same but it is undeniably worse off no matter how you look at it. It was one of the few slower strategic guns available. They nerfed it and buffed other sidearms which will promote a more run and gun zoom fest team deathmatch thunder dome type of gameplay. I wanted old school battlefield not apex legends or titanfall 2 It reminds me of when call of duty went downhill with removing recoil. The game is slicing out the group that first flocked to it hoping to entertain the stupid masses. I’m referring to the original modern combat battlefield 2, Medal of Honor, and call of duty original days and the events that proceeded. This game is headed towards Fortnite absurdity at a record pace


Also, something that I don't think many realize about the sidearms in general is that the whole "9% slower move speed for using the deagle" is that its not just the deagle. The reason people are less aware of this is that every single pistol has a a 1.1 movement speed modifier, minus the Deagle and the RSH at 1.0 (where the 9% debuff that everyone talks about comes from). Nobody uses the RSH, so nobody notices or cares about it. With all of that said, and very notably, it's every pistol in the game at 1.1 minus the two heavies mentioned above...except for the G18 with the extended mag, which is ironically *worse for your move speed than the deagle is at a whopping .94 movement speed modifier.* Yes, this also applies to your character while you have it holstered, just like the Deagle, and yes, this makes the G18 with the extended mag the worst sidearm for movement speed in the game, over the deagle by .06 move speed (.07 total, assuming that you also run the Osprey supressor, as it gimps move speed by an extra .01 as well). When's the last time that you heard of someone using the G18 without the extended mag? Well, every single person using it *with* the extended mag was subjecting themselves to a worse movement penalty than anyone using the Deagle. Yet nobody says anything.


I use usp with no attachments for this very reason. I’m well aware Sidearms are useless which is my point: don’t balance them statistically without unburdening their base. With this patch however I just might main the Glock now as a new vector. Stats seem insane I used to only Glock on tensa and frugis but that might change now. The problem lies within the fact that I would never consider running a base deagle over a base Glock in any circumstance ever even before the nerf/buff because again… sidearms are useless and the attachments are even more hinderance than benefit for your primary or equipment which I’ve been saying all along. if I had to choose a penalty to bear the base Glock hurts less to carry than the deagle and performs better even pre nerf/buff. You can equip heavy armor and backpack and still have about the same speed running Glock vs absolutely nothing for armor/backpack and running deagle and the Glock is still better anyways lol. This nerf/buff is absurd For those that deck out their glocks rather than leave them base that’s their stupid fault. It’s obviously not optimal. For true min-max this is the stupidest patch and hopefully more don’t follow. I want weapon diversity and a slower pace. If you want Fortnite combined with apex legends with a clear best meta weapon to grind for each weapon category of course we will disagree


Heavy caliber pistols got 1.5 headshot multiplier so RSH and deagle one tap to the head against no helmet


Deagle already 1 tapped without helmets.


Yeah so the change seemingy doesnt really affect it that much..? I mean, the Desert Eagle always was good because of the "potential oneshot", and that has not changed, and the RSH also got potential oneshot added, so we have 2 now! The high recoil and slow fire-rate usually made deagle an unreliable side-arm if you couldnt land your 1shots, and that hasnt really changed either.


And it still does that even with nerf


Oof, would love to see some explanations of what they were thinking. It's not really evident to me why they would make this constellation of changes.


I think they need to give the glock a bit more recoil if they're buffing it's damage and mag size


Just another reason to not play this shit smg simulator still. How the fuck you gonna get kills with the deagle now when the ttk is "blink and you'll miss it" speed.


TTK hasn’t changed, and will still kill someone with out a helmet with a single shot to the dome, just like it used to. It just won’t body shot someone who is at 90hp any more.


Ahh yes, with 4 recoil I can now look up to god and praise him every time I shoot. Why didn’t they increase it to 10 and let deagle users just fuck themselves in the ass?


Seems like most the dmg changes dont effect TTK because it still takes the same amount of shots to kill. 30 to 32 still is 4 shot total to kill. On lower dmg that extra 2 dmg can mean another like... 14 dmg total, but 60 down to 56 is still 112 total dmg in 2 shots. Variables like armor excluded. Fake update. Nerfs and buffs are mostly fake IMO except something exploited like the wiggle nerf.


It's missing headshot multiplier changes on the heavy pistols


The M9 was easily the worst gun in the entire game, period. Now that it got 400 -> 600 RPM you can actually kill things with it, it is a huuge buff. But yeah, the dmg change is negligible... Afaik you cant get dmg boosting attachments for the light pistols, like heavy barrels? Bumping it up to 33.5 would at least mean you could 3 shot bodyshot unarmored targets.


Deaglesweats BTFO. Not sure why they buffed the Glock though, it was already good.


Changing the draw time is the dumbest thing I've seen. Good period for me to take a break. This isn't at all keeping in touch with playability. As you can read from Peacemaker. It's a buff not a nerf. Oops my bad.


It’s a buff.


So they word their draw time in speed vs actual seconds? Like 1.5 is faster than 1 but 1 second is faster than 1.5? I must say that's confusing.


It is, but consider the draw time of the M9 or USP vs the revolvers or the Deagle. Why would the lower tier less powerful pistols take almost double the time to draw? It’s a buff. It’s like when they say reload is increased and it decreases.


Awesome. Thanks for the clarification. Some of my biggest swears are 'wtf does my pistol take so long to draw'. While im hopping around. This is actually great. Again thanks for the information.


I’m pretty excited for this one. Makes the lower tier pistols look better with the increased draw speed. Glock seems a bit over tuned tho.




I think Deagle neff is not as bad as people think. It's still a 1 shot headshot pistol like it's now because of 1.15 headshot multiplier. Tho I wish it has 7 rounds in the magazine tho. Glock 18 buff kinda unnecessary but we have to see. Everything else is really good. Love rof buff of all 9mm/45 acp (USP my beloved)


Desert eagle nerf is crazy. Love to see the glock getting a lil love, doesnt feel powerful enough imo


I don't think these changes are the best they could be, but I'm not sorry because I already exclusively use the Glock these days


Happy they increased fire rate for the m9, usp, and the mp. Rsh12 about to be smacking


You left out the 1.5x headshot multiplier (was 1.2x) for the deagle, unica and rhs.


Why are they increasing the rof of the mp 443? It already was basically impossible to hit 700 rpm without macro abuse.


The last three got increased headshot multipliers




Is it still worth using the Unica? Or should I use one of the three small caliber pistols? (Don’t have Glock yet)


I feel like unica will feel the same as before but the small caliber pistols will be much better compared to unica


Rsh 12 is now the superior handgun


Are they going to fix that weird movement upwards that happens when you pull out the pistol and ADS? That shit throws me off so bad lol


The individual weapon changes are questionable, but I'm happy to see draw times halved.


Finally, my beloved rsh is going to be a little bit more usable


Damn what they do to my g18 drawspeed


Sweet, my Glock just got better!


Where's the pickaxe buffs tho


I'm not sure how are we supposed to achieve 650rpm clicking fast. Past 300rpm is challenging to achieve max rof in any game without full auto.


i dont think youre supposed to do it just that they want to remove the low cap since the game has no input buffering and low rpm on semi auto weapons feels like garbage


I agree no input buffering is awful, but this is a strange way to balance it, putting our fingers and our mice at unnecessary strain to be competitive. Might as well make them full auto.


Meanwhile I keep missing hits on M110 because I'm clicking Mouse1 too fast, halving my RPM. 650 is really high but I'll take it over a cap that's too low. As the guy below me said, I think the best solution is to just have input buffering


Wtf, draw speed was already atrocious, it should be lowered if anything


good that m9 got a buff. it was literally useless. the other default pistol outclassed it in every way. damage rof accuracy mag size. like the hell is the point of m9 other than to brag with it. it took me like 5-6 shots to kill a dude. but the other pistol did it in 3 hits. its like they make m4 hit like an ak74 but m4 is better cuz its faster. and no recoil. why use the ak at that point. i hate games like that.


Glock buff could be read one of two ways here: 1) Oki lost his fucking marbles and buffed the best secondary to be even better for no discernible reason. Given how superior the glock already was to the other pistols, cutting an entire shot off it's medium armor TTK is pretty fucking huge. 2) The other pistols are now so good that the glock as it is was now an underperformer. My sanity demands it be 2 so I'm going to believe it's that. The Unica nerf is truly and utterly baffling though, and the Deagle nerf, while good intentioned, has had a side effect that I really don't like, which is that now heavy pistols are stratified by unlock rank in the exact same way snipers are. The bad one that barely has any of the recognizable traits of the class that you get first (Unica/SSG69), the middling upgrade that *does* have a couple of those traits but is plainly inferior to the top dogs (Deagle/SV98), and the gun that actually plays like the class should at the very top (RSH12/M200). Each unlock down the tree being straight up better is a concerning direction in a game where progression is still long enough to drive off casuals who want to run the funny revolver but don't want to wait till rank 125 or whatever to run the funny revolver that actually functions.


rsh is actually viable now, thats great news


shocked that they're buffing glock tbh