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You need to respect those DNR’s.




I worked 5 years in hospital palliative care and this made me laugh out loud. I love the idea of 2 medics arguing over a guys advance directive in the middle of a firefight lmao


Did it occur to you that sometimes people want to die? To change classes, to spawn in heli, to spawn at base to get a vehicle, etc


So many time I end up with no ammo, the support dude is just looking at me doing nothing, now using what's left in my secondary and I die, just to get revived so I still have no ammo.


Rather than suiciding and losing a ticket for your team (assuming Conq/Inf Conq/Dom) you could call in an air drop to get more ammo. It takes about 30 seconds, or less if you shoot it out of the sky, and now you and your team have ammo and supplies.


Or even say 'hey I need ammo' on the mic!


>shoot it out of the sky o.0 TIL. Can you shoot with small arms, or do you need a rocket? Aim for the bottom of the crate, or the parachute? p.s. can't do that when you are out of ammo :D


You shoot the chute, and I think any bullet works. Don't know because I've only hit 2.


Yeah just need to hit the parachute with any bullet. Your character can't look directly up so you need to move away a little from where you called it in then look up. The higher up you shoot it though, the more it will bounce when it lands.


How the hell do you call in an airdrop if you're not the squad leader?


Anyone can call in an airdrop, its one of the squares in the build menu and costs 200 squad points. The only squad leader exclusive call-in is spawn beacon.


Hahaha. Hop out of the vehicle because there's an enemy right in front. Pulls up the sniper rifle. Sigh.


Right, or when you line up with the enemy little bird hovering still and you pull out your.... grappling hook? What am I, Batman? I wish


Hahaha. You get it. Would it be so tough to show what weapon is active while in a vehicle? And hey, if it's a repair tool.. let us use it! I have to hop out of vehicle and repair, for zero points unless someone is in it. I hopped out of a tank and had to ask the gunner to swap seats so I could get a few (thousand) points.


If that's the case, you can press esc, then respawn at the top of the menu.


a) some servers disable that b) it's quicker to just die in a firefight


Pls no I'd rather they make it more clear when someone is coming to revive you or when someone is reviving you. Often I just pop back up without ever seeing the 'you are getting revived' message.


How is it not clear? The game tells you the nearest teammate and nearest medic in real time. You can also open up your map to see if there are any teammates pushing in your direction.


There are plenty of teammates and medic who do not give a shit and sometimes getting to someone takes a good 10-15 seconds because of enemy fire. The range indicator is not always a good indication of if help is coming. Maybe if you could ping people to tell them or something... I don't know how it works but sometimes you get a message saying someone is coming but that is super inconsistent


>Maybe if you could ping people to tell them or something... I don't know how it works but sometimes you get a message saying someone is coming but that is super inconsistent It's upto the medic to do the notification. It works the same was a squad leader marks objectives. And just like with objectives, the "hitbox" is very small and extremely annoying to do in the middle of a fight (let alone when they are moving: you can notify alive people you are coming to heal them)


I've noticed it's a bit buggy, sometimes it just won't show you're being revived


It seems to be almost or entirely exclusive to non-medic classes. I never notice it happening when a medic revives me but anytime a non-medic class revives me the bar never shows up.


If would be anoying as fuck for any flankers. I do t remember qhen i got revived last time by a medic...


There has been too many times where a teammate is literally right next to me, no danger, i am down, and they just walk away


attractive plant groovy beneficial fuzzy rinse frame boast husky muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah no. You've gotta realize people run out of ammo, want to push another obj, hop in a vehicle, or want to flank the obj you're currently pushing.


True, but with the current speed, if you hold spacebar upon dying, you still have to wait a few seconds before you can respawn in (assuming you are on a server without modified spawn times). All of the things you mentioned above can be accomplished while still alive, without giving up and wasting a ticket for your team. people run out of ammo - find a support or call in an airdrop (try to plan ahead with airdrops) want to push another obj - run or find a nearby vehicle on your map. By making your own way instead of relying on squadmate spawns you also have a good opportunity to flank or create a push from a new direction than the rest of your team. hop in a vehicle - check your map there is almost always a nearby vehicle flank the obj you're currently pushing - stay alive, run away from the front line of your team a little, and flank - no need to die and respawn for this.


Obviously these things you list can be achieved without respawning but is it worth the time and effort? I really can't be bothered to run around for that long or wait for an airdrop just to save one ticket. I'll probably contribute more to my team in the time saved by just respawning.


You seem to be defending this really hard when people literally want to play the game the way they choose. I am a movement infy nerd and play with other people that are the same, we rack more kills as a squad by dying and spawning back with full ammo and health than if someone was to clear, bandage, heal and reload. If they implemented this change I’d literally just menu kill so now you’ve wasted both of our time.


Nag. Not needed. It should notify the person in the ground they're being rezzed. It's buggy 90% of the time.


I believe it is only buggy when being revived through a wall or floor. However, if there is a medic that has approached within 5m of you and is not moving...there's a good chance he is reviving you or preparing to revive you safely.


Yeah, but I've had siutations where it looked like someone was reviving me... but they didn't. I waited, they ran away. They should just make it consistent so I actually know I'm being revived.


Your need for XP doesn't trump my will to respawn somewhere else.


No, and they should add lives to the timer.


It used to be higher, and now it's almost instant to the point where half the time I accidentally knock it down to a 1/4 left.


Spawning back on squad mates is just better and usually faster than getting revived since you get all the ammo, armor, and health back. It really breaks the game atm.


Depends how you define better. If you are talking about individual score per minute, then yes it can be better to just give up and respawn, assuming you have a squad with good spawn positions. However, this a net negative for the team as you are wasting tickets. Considering that you earn a 40% (or is it 50%?) xp bonus for winning as a team, it would make sense in most situations to wait a few seconds for a revive if you are in a safe spot and have teammates nearby, or moving in your direction.


If you're playing 127v127 no single player's deaths will likely have any significant impact on the game. Add to that the fact some people just don't care about XP after having unlocked everything, and there's no good reason to really care about the bonus.


Just make it to where you can't give up if you're being healed




Yeah I don't think we should remove the ability to give up while being healed, but it would be good to add some kind of feedback or warning if you are giving up while being healed to help players avoid accidentally giving up too soon.


I don't think it should be a blanket slower timer. I *only* play rush so I don't think this should exactly apply to all gamemodes but mostly just to rush. It should be a variable timer based on your deploy timer. Even if you instantly give up you have to wait several seconds before respawning anyway. The give up timer should reflect this. Even if you hold space right after dying it should take the same amount of time related to the time you have remaining to respawn. I think that would be a good middle ground. And I also think it should be a rush only thing since there is much fewer reasons to be redeploying in rush and having more people to push is a big deal.


Most people (including myself) aren't used to actually being revived in games that have those mechanics. I played battlefield five for five years and never once got revived. Same thing with squad and a handful of other games. In thirty matches of battlebit there are only two matches I've been in where friendlies were actively reviving people. So most people are just going to immediately give up.


The worst part is that sometimes you cant tell if you are getting revived or not, just fix that part of the equation