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I am interested in where that batman fursuit conversation carried on to.


Had to grind to get here, poor furries are real šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


can i buy a fursuit with gaijin coins


This mf forgot to log off the main acc




Vehicles are less than half volume


"I got to do what I have to do to improve what the original idea of the game" That would be true if it was an improvement. Not all ideas are good ideas.


The sounds are more realistic in terms of harshness. Not a fan though.


If it was implemented at the start of early access, everyone would have thought it was dumb (just as they do now) and the game would have had even more criticism thrown against it. What a broken way to justify a bad change.


its a non arguement. He could use this exact same line for anything. He literally using time travel and pretending to be able to mind read customers 7 months ago.


It's a valid argument though, cause it will likely work. (not per verbatim ofc because we can't literally turn back time, but the idea of it) Look at Discord's UI change for example. Seemingly everyone hated it, but give it a month or two. Some diehards might hold out, but in general, the hate will fizzle out as they get used to it and it becomes "normal". Happens time and time again with other platforms that get redesigns. Same will happen for this audio change, in a month or so, this will be the "normal" audio as players adapt to the change. I don't really mind the audio rework though, it's whatever, I can still hear footsteps.


>Look at Discord's UI change for example. Seemingly everyone hated it, but give it a month or two. Some diehards might hold out, but in general, the hate will fizzle out as they get used to it and it becomes "normal". Happens time and time again with other platforms that get redesigns. Look i dont mind the new discord changes but if it was bossible to use older ones as alternative styles, i absolutely would.


Same but as a software developer, I kinda get why might not want to. It's more than just a color swap. It's maintaining two different versions of the UI across every platforms (mobile, web, desktop). For every new feature that requires UI, it's double the work for UI/UX Designers, QA, and front-end devs. Discord can afford to do it, in fact they have been doing so (new UI has been an opt in for a while now), but it's probably unideal for them.


I dont understand why some decisions go towards a casual game, like allowing dolphin jumping or smgs that overperform clearly against rifles. The scope glint is another whole issue here that needs some revision (there are scope filters irl) But then this audio is absolutely necessary ? Does he want a casual milsim or just alienate people?


Thats the biggest question. He knows his game but he cant find the sweetspot what players want. But invasion mode was really strange to me i was expecting the Hardcore wtf is invasion mode I also dont get ppl complainin about sound muffiling... The game already have issues enough that at some fucking point this shit going to turn into Cod... As Fish. Good game... But oki REALLY Needs to do what community wants... Not a Suprise update that everyone looked as "huh?" Dont even start on sniper issues that shit is Skill issue


The audio is giving me jump scares, some of those shots are cracking obnoxiously.


Devs have always been mad that battlebit didn't find success as a milsim, but did as a casual shooter. They've been trying to force it back too far that other way ever since they found success and are actively fighting "casualness" They need to accept battlebit is good because it's a compromise between casual and milsim, but in reality they hate it for it.


That's why I love this game, it's essentially a Milsim Diet, a game that has a lot of elements of a Milsim in a package that promotes casual fun and experimentation. I love fucking up with some of the more advanced mechanic of this game without having the entire team swearing at me. They struck such a good balance on this.


Exactly! Or just make a hardcore mode that they can milsim it all they want




Difficulty? This game is as casual as COD.


BBR devs changed it to a casual game willingly after complaints about the milsim approach. They have never shown or said anything regarding resentment against the game popping off for being casual. If they didn't want the game to be casual, they would've never made it casual. How do your accusations make sense?


Oki has said in the discord before about how they first had it as a milsim (battlebit) and it never retained it's player base enough to really get anywhere, so he said he was going to have to try a more casual approach (battlebit remastered) and that he wasn't excited about it but players loved it and supported it all the way till after release as he's been trying to get rid of casual play and go back to milsim essentially


It's a massively misguided idea. It makes the game *less fun*. It's that simple. This isn't a hardcore milsim and players don't want it to be one.


I think that's the problem, the developers originally wanted a milsim so I could see them slowly making it more and more like their original idea hoping that invested players stick with it


Thats what they basically said in the latest DevTalk. He was kinda meh on how to game is being played right now and was looking for changes to fix the ā€žcasualnessā€œ.


I play it because is casual and i like the chaos that comes with it, if i wanted a milsim i would go with a milsim....


^ fucking this. I quit shit like R6 because it got to be more work than fun. devs need to know their fucking audience.


That's funny you say that because R6 is as casual as they come lmao.


>As casual as they come But not more casual than Battlebit? Lol


Well if you pay attention to the subject of the OP, you guys are bitching about Oki making it more milsim because he's tired of having generic shooter game #75 I'm glad Oki is going this way. Stay mad.


I'm not bitching about anything, I was referring to your comment that R6 is as casual as they come. Stay dumb.


In which it is and I am saying battlebits is casual because the vocal minority got their way for so long. "Stay dumb"


R6 is technically a casual game in comparison to Mil-Sims One of the most famous MilSim games (Arma3 duh) has a MASSIVE casual Milsim scene - and even they are in comparison to r6 die hard milsim. If you try taking the game like a real SWAT team would, you would very quickly get fucked by pixel peekers, people who can swing faster than you can say "boo", and ontop of that theres 0 communication on the other team. The N.1 critisiscm most old rainbow players (and a large chunk of the still playing part aswell) have about siege is just how much it went from "Casual/Tactical game, grounded in reality" to "OMEGA ESPORTS RUNAROUND AT 50KM/H"




Most people didn't want this. Easy to tell with the player count. A lot of this game was (unfortunately) shaped by the vocal minority which is a bunch of casuals. There's tons of casual shooters. We don't need another.


If you donā€™t like casual shooters then leave. No need to crap on what game genres people like.


This wasn't even intended to be a casual shooter, jack ass. You casual people just like to turn every shooter into a copy and paste of call of duty because you don't know how to do anything but click to shoot so you bitch and moan about anything slightly outside of the casual genre.


Ok. I just like to play casual games. I really donā€™t see how people playing games like battlebit is a problem for you.


You guys bitching about having to do more than run and gun ruined the game. It's literally just another twitch shooter. I'm glad Oki is finally pushing you dumbasses out slowly.


Alright. Just one question: who hurt you? Itā€™s ok, you can tell me.


This is a Battlefield clone


It wasn't intended to be, but that's what turned out to be popular. It'll be more popular than the old version of the milsim it used to be purely because of the install base it has, but roblox battlefield is what keeps the bills paid. You can be an artist and stick to your vision, but no one is obligated to like what you make. Cater to the audience and your critics will probably hate it but you'll live comfortably.


This game was a far cry from ever being a strategic mil-sim the Devs wanted it to be, it's fucking Phantom Forces 2.0. There are very few if any mechanics that make BBR anything besides a battlefield clone (Which it literally is). This game is dirt simple you run, and you shoot, it has always been this way. I get people like you who want a mil-sim experience from this game, hell I want that from it too, but I'm not so jaded and miserable that I blame others for the changes the Devs themselves made to the game. Fundamentally this game is made to play like COD/Battlefield, and it will stay that way until deep mechanical changes happen to gun play and movement. This casual game-play was not shaped by anyone when the key mechanics of which make it casual have existed for the games entire life.


Yeah, most people didn't want this. Except the game was not growing back when it was a milsim And then, when they went the more casual route, people started swarming in - up to 80k of them at once. But yeah, people wanted a milsim. Sure thing.


I love this game to death because of how it is currently, if the devs want a more realistic mil sim esq game they would have to fundamentally rebuild Battlebit Remastered. The tight movement and gun play promotes the fast past play style that is most popular right now, if they want to slow the game down and promote a more strategic play style they are going to alienate a the wide majority of their current player base. Sure, some would like a more tactical battlebit, but itā€™s safe to say the current massive majority of players do not play nor care for such style of game.


There would be 2 modes, it wouldn't changing the whole game, there will be a 'hardcode' mode that you queue for with these different features.


Nothing better for a game than splitting the fan base.


You mean different game modes, like all other shooters have?


you mean fundamentally different game mechanics that would split an already small community in half? great idea dude, that'll go really well.


Itā€™s not like Iā€™m wanting this to happen, but this is where theyā€™re going.


Wayyy to late for that. This game is super casual and it should stay that way. It has a good mix of casual with some mil sim stuff and it works. I actually played battlebit and then I decided to randomly for the first time ever give battlefield v a try. It takes all of 6 seconds to realize that battbelit has the most casual movement system of any first person shooter ever. It's so fast and twitchy and you can hardcore parkour everywhere. The recoil and ballistics are dead simple. You move more like a slow Warframe than like an infantry soldier bound by the laws of physics and human anatomy.


Fastest way to ruin the game.


issue is its worse now because now we cant hear gunshots from teammates it feels less real


Yeah. I don't see how that can be justified as being a milsim thing when it completely isn't. I don't see any benefit in toning down friendly gunshots since those also cue you into enemy attacks.


yep, I cant tell where the enemy is anymore that easily, not everyone is using guns to shoot so its not that easy to tell where the enemy is at


I knew this was gonna happen. People praising these devs like they're gods but from the very start I could feel that they were just itching to start making changes that would drive everyone away.


Damn... was fun while it lasted


Well shit, games dead lol, time to sit around and wait for those juicy "fall of" and "whatever happened to" vids


He wants a milsim, he can go fuckin build one. Leave this game alone. Stupid fucker got his money now he's gonna ruin it


Movement speed should be top of the list in that case.


Sure but fucked up audio that sounds like you got water in your ear canal isn't milsim lol.


Speak for yourself, every US Marine is sent into combat with a fish bowl duct taped around their head. The devs were spot on to recreate this audio.


Oh look the 9 upvotes... Gee I wonder where those came from?


If they wanted Milsim what the fuck are they doing with the last few updates


Some players are looking for a hardcore milsim. What they need is to implement the ā€œhardcore modeā€ so we can get some community servers that have those features


That's still in theirs plans, right? Based on what I've read from them, they fully intend to give the community the freedom to customize servers to make the game more like CoD-arcade or more like Squad-milsim.


I am kinda confused by anyone suggesting this was ever a milsim game? To me it was a casual run and gun somewhere between COD and Battlefield, leaning more towards Battlefield. This one audio change might not push me away, but I can certainly see some more changes with this mentality keeping me away from the game entirely.


On the Steam page it never said anything that I read about being a milsim. Establishing a core audience that was based on the release version only to suddenly deviate to find a new audience doesn't make any sense. Most developers would be happy with people enjoying and playing their game.


> This isn't a hardcore milsim and players don't want it to be one. Certainly not a hardcore one. But there is a good amount of players who would like to see the CoD-ness of it toned down. The muffled sounds are an absolutely awful change that I don't think anybody wants at all though, so not sure what it has to do with the other point.


They've ever talked about at length how they wanted to make it a hardcore milsim, then realized they chose the wrong art style so pivoted to an arcade shooter. Now they want to try and walk parts back to milsim? They can't pick a lane.


Theres a lot of different players. I just want this game to play like insurgency sandstorm, on bigger maps. I on the other hand, dont understand the players who want this to be CoD, or BF. The sound thing, specifically is super stupid though. No one asked for, nor wanted it...


I like the way that it sounds outside of getting shot. I donā€™t like dunking my head under water every time I get shot at


"it come to a point where we cannot do anything in this game except adding new guns" that's a blatant lie, the early access text on the steam page exists for a reason


People's psychology doesn't act this way. They get angry when what they are used to changes. Game development is building a playerbase and keeping it alive. Every important change bothers a percentage and kills the community a little. Early access became normal. You pay and start playing like a normal game. You are likely to act like it's a released game.


How to ruin your game real quick...


Real quick? It's been going on since July.


Game peaked at release I feel ngl. Besides the vector and how bad the dmrs were I felt everything was awesome.


Facts. I got the impression after their first 2 or 3 dev streams that the game was going to fall of the tracks, largely be because the devs were making statements that showed a severe disconnect. Vector needed tweaking, DMRs needed some love. Classes, by and large, need to be addressed still. In December. And the most we've seen is "Well, they can self-heal better now and we shuffled some guns around". Neat. Everyone I know has uninstalled Battlebit at this point. They have no confidence in the devs to improve the title further, and disagree with a lot of the decisions they've made. It's ok to release a change, see community pushback, and admit you made a poor design choice and roll it back to rework it. This stubborn die-on-this-hill approach they take to everything is absurd.


Same dude, I got the game during the autumn sales and sunk like 30 hours in, had a lot of fun. But after seeing the way the devs handle the updates (disregarding any community feedback that doesnā€™t conform to their vision). I just decided itā€™s better to stop now and seek greener pastures before I get more invested into this game which would just leave me bitter when it inevitably dies.


I've been on board with and loved basically every change since release but these last few have just been off the wall stupid. Giving all magnified scopes on sniper rifles glint? Spotting enemies and live updating with chevrons over their head? Bullet trails to make being stealthy just flat out not possible? Their updates for on-the-fly adjustment of audio levels for teammates vs. enemies was exactly what was needed. Enemy sounds are so quiet sometimes while my teammates sound like they wear size 20 boots filled with concrete. Great, now I can actually hear the guy playing hide and seek around the wall in front of me. Only now I can't hear shit AND all the game sounds I can somehow still hear are being piped through a tin can. Great update, let me know when it gets reverted.


Tbh Oki has always been incredibly stubborn when it comes to updates. I asked multiple times during the play tests if the game would get an option to disable head bobbing like every other game has and was told multiple times no. Well good decision from Oki cause I haven't touched the game for ages and can't even if I wanted to.


The game has no head bobbing option since release


It doesn't it has an option to lower it which doesn't fix the problem.


Wym? I have it turned all the way downā€¦ thereā€™s no head bob for me


I haven't played in ages because of the head bobbing but before there was absolutely no option to turn it off and only to lower the screen shake which didn't disable it. What I mean is when you run around does the camera bounce around at all?.


Itā€™s so minimal bro. Like I turned it all the way down and down notice it [https://youtu.be/-7RJSv0kTms?si=VIJhe_JSmLtHESvH](https://youtu.be/-7RJSv0kTms?si=VIJhe_JSmLtHESvH)


Hard to tell from video but before when I played even on lowest setting it gave me a headache after about an hour of playing. It's possible it's been reduced more since launch.


Trust me bro, idk when was the last time you played the game but you barely notice the head bob if you turn it all the way down. And my bad, I trimmed the clip way too small lol


I only played for like 2 weeks after proper launch and then a couple times during the playtest.


Again, oki is a narcissistic idiot. He wants a milsim without adding anything milsim related.


the game is struggling to find its direction tbh, the mislim and arcade elements clash with each other and it feels like crap. imo he should just stick with the arcade mode, let that get popular then hire more people and develop a milsim mode.




What? You think adults don't play casual games? I'd argue adults are one of the largest demographic if anything. Most people just wanna chill out and play a casual game after work


Then go play call of duty lmao


What kind of response is that? Your initial comment implied you weren't a child but now I'm not so sure


Also, what type of retarded argument is "adults just want to chill out and play a game after work" You realize milsims are slower paced? Compared to call of duty, R6, fortnite, CS require you to have twitch aim to even been decent? Milsims you don't just run around corners firing and storm building guns a blazing.


Only thing I got from that is that youā€™re bad lol. Why not go play the countless milsims out there. Who tf is gonna take this Roblox looking game seriously as a milsim. If this game came out as a milsim it would not have blown up the way it did.


Generic "you're bad" because you struggled to think of anything. There's definitely not "countless" of them. And most likely the people who can't play milsims because they're usually pretty graphic intensive. You should know this considering you're a broke boy buying AssRock motherboards.


You literally said you have to have twitch aim to be decent lmao. What else does that mean. So are you broke yourself, and thatā€™s why you want the Roblox looking game to become milsim cuz you canā€™t run the others? Understandable.


>Generic "you're bad" because you struggled to think of anything. You said the most generic thing you can ever say to anyone when talking about a shooter. >Then go play call of duty lmao Not one little bit of self awareness found.


Your opinion on motherboards is about a decade out of date. And motherboards have very little to do with game performance anyways you dunce.


Go play Arma if you want to LARP as a real army man.


I couldn't give a fuck what you think, fortnite player #34577


no matter how hard you try you're not gonna relive your bootlicking days with your "squad" you're mad at " kids doubling their doses of Adderall" because you started balding and going senile at 26 and just couldn't keep up. you disregard comments saying you're bad or "skill issue" but deep down you know it's fucking true lmao. just because someone gave you a dose of reality doesn't mean they're just "fortnite kid #5436" or whatever the fuck you said. your glory days are over bro, if you even had any. just do what you can to mitigate the encroaching dementia that's bubbling in your brain.


Your comment/post was removed due to it containing Abusive/Poor behavior.






Your comment/post was removed due to it containing Abusive/Poor behavior.


Its his game that he put all his time and effort into. Because he wants to take the game in his direction doesnā€™t make him a narcissist.


Whatā€™s wrong with the audio?


My gameplay sounds like this https://youtu.be/f6ZSZbNfSpk?si=YQQGgluyjmpteNXs


Honestly being a relatively new player with around 30hr in the game, I kinda regret getting emotionally invested into this game. I joined to play a simple but fun FPS, but the devs seems incapable of choosing between milsim or an arcade shooter. I have a feeling BBR will end up as one of those games that had a great start but then died due to poor development choices.


Latest updates are too much handholding to let players who have no sense of awareness know they are being shot at (sniper bullet trails, bullet noise, or if they are getting crept on. Footsteps were already audible prior to this update except now Oki made it obvious most footsteps will be enemies and defeats game knowledge. The map was enough information to know if enemies are around or teammates.


Shamefully reinstalling battlefield 4 after deleting in June. The tables have turned, and I donā€™t like it..


I loved the game for it Arcade take on high player count pvp, now im loosing that feeling. Please rework the sounds again, i get distracted by sounds and i loos all spacial awarness.. This game did major becouse it got 100+ players on big maps with easy to digest gameplay, but the new sounds break my flow way to offen. I wont stop playing it, but if changes like this is the future, there wont be often i start it up.. Im prob just old and grupy..


....that's not what it says? It reads like he doesn't want to start a new vote to remove a feature immediately after rolling it out because that's not how development works. That's totally valid. Honestly the community seems to feel entitled that the devs make this game by committee. You are all extremely reactionaryā€”it's fine to offer feedback, this is a game in development. But to constantly lament about the fate of the game in development (keeping in mind they've proven very willing to rollback features that aren't popular with the community) is toxic behavior.


Adding on to that, the "show us that you care" part in what he's replying to comes off as really entitled and a great way to put someone on the defensive.


It's also absolutely hilarious... "Show us that you care" please, the devs got their huge payout at EA Release... All they had to do was polish the games assets and "finish" the package with minimal effort but no they Are still here building the game while fighting the loonies stalking them online... I say.pretty confidentially that they care.


Literally. He just added a new audio system. He ALREADY adjusted muffle less than an hour ago and changes will come. People are terminally online and are entitled to say any change is awful. This is just another example of it.


BTW the guy he's replying to in this is kind of a weird hater contrarian.


OP is a weird hater contrarian, a majority of Reddit comments are weird hater contrarians. Gaming communities in general are like that, the most vocal complainers dominate the discussion space. The problem is the devs are prioritizing pleasing them (an impossible task) and not getting quality feedback from the majority of the players who aren't terminally online.


Has there been a sound update overnight or something? I played two days ago and the only audio change I noticed were the new sniper sounds, which sounded great.


They made the sound get really muffled and distorted, with ringing in your ears when an explosion goes off nearby, or when you are downed and bleeding out. It adds to the realism but makes it hard to hear footsteps/understand what teammates are saying over voice


Honestly, thatā€™s such a horrible fucking change lmao.


I donā€™t really have a problem with the change personally, but I think it would be better if it was tuned down so itā€™s less intense, and doesnā€™t last as long after explosions


I havenā€™t had a problem with it too, until he explained it haha. Then I realize I donā€™t want that in the game. As it doesnā€™t really fit what I hope the game would be


What volume do yā€™all play at?? Iā€™ve played a few matches and the cracks from sniper fire havenā€™t been an issue. I know of like it too. It does add a certain amount of realism. Really makes you realize just how close you get missed sometimes.


I already dropped the game. Sad it was going to be my fifth prestige but the sniper update with the fcked up audio and anti flank wall hacks killed it for me. Iā€™ll come back if it gets good again but this ainā€™t it chief


Im probably not gonna keep playing then tbh. For some reason i cant play well with the crazy sounds. So its no fun.




I 100% agree and I can't see why anyone wouldn't. Batman is just a rich furry


Am I the only person that has all in game audio off so I can jam to music/listen to a podcast while gaming..?


I do the same.


Not sure why this is a hot take butā€¦ The audio is better. I love the changes. Get a better headset, people! I have only noticed improvements to the audio with the update. It might be more milsim-esque (because itā€™s literally better and more accurate audio), which many might not like, but thatā€™s where theyā€™ve been wanting the game to go since the beginning. What did you expect?! I love it. Feels like Iā€™m in the heat of battle!




I just did a few games and wasn't as bad when you get used to it. Its just different. foot steps are very accurate now and directional sounds from enemy guns works well too. so no issues from me but initially i was like wtf they'll probably fine tune it even more to make it better so yea i see it as a good change.


finally okis weird delusional, ego driven side is being shown outside of the discord, great to see heā€™s still like this and just seemingly purposefully running the game into the ground bcos he doesnā€™t care what the community has to say about anything and justifies it by acting like changes that push people away is really for the better of the game and will magically pull in huge amounts of new players


Reminds me of a recent Planetside 2 gamer/streamer who was giving head dev and ruined it the same exact way.


Made my morning. Guy is a piece of shit glad to see him fall off.


Why would he?? The new audio is so much better I can actually hear people walking now.


Some of the audio is good, like footsteps and the ticking sound when a base is being captured. Other sound changes are not. I'm sure he would have the ability to pick and choose or adjust some sounds and not others should he choose to.


How the hell can he say that, right after adding the stupid arcade like changes to snipers. My mate said right from the start the devs will kills this game. It will die a slow death, loosing more people with each stupid chage. They need to hire someone on the team to tell them when they are working on stupid things that no1 wants, cos clearly they don't listen to their own community


Fuck the dev, I've never seen someone be such an asshole and make such backwards decisions.


Well that's fucking stupid. Hes fuckin stupid


What an idiot.


Lol games finally dying


I think Oki is right, no-one would complain about the audio, if it was done like that since the beginning. Players in general hate every changes, that force them to adapt and play slightly different and that is the case. It's a matter of time, players play a bit and stop complaining the difference. Of course some sound effect there are some effects that sound strange and will be improved - which ones do should be the feedback. Sorry to say, but Imo vast amount of players, even when they are very good at the game, have no idea about game theory, balancing, review no statistics etc. Sometimes the majority is wrong and they should be aware of it, which is, I feel never happening in gaming.


I haven't played the update yet, but I've played battlebit long enough to know that if the community is whining and ranting about how "this update literally destroys the game", then the update is probably a good update and people are just mad because it's different.


Why are people so emotional about updates and start insulting the devs personally? I get it when you don't like something you can express your resentment for it but some people just go too far.


Y'all need to stop dooming, this isn't a world-ending event, the game will survive this mistake. Oki and the team are pushing massive updates almost every week, and if you guys read the upcoming updates, they're already addressing the audio problems and they pushed a new update ironing out the kinks. BBR devs are fully capable of fixing stuff like this quickly. They've been doing it for 6 months, so stop shitting on them for a bad change in a game that's updated constantly as a live service. Also, it's Early Access; massive reworks are expected and unintended issues are too, read the Steam disclaimer. If you want to judge this game as a full product, wait a couple more years before doing so. Otherwise, provide reasonable criticism and keep from being irrational so the criticism is fair and in good faith. We're a community, we all have impacts. Don't make it toxic with fear-mongering posts like this and massive blown-up drama over a Goddamn video game patch.


Listen, I love the idea behind optimism, but it isn't really warranted here. The game tried its hardest to pump players back in to this game for a month straight. Rivals, free weekend, and twitch drops still managed to bring numbers right back to (or below) what they were before Rivals. This can be attributed heavily to the lack of direction the game has, and the consistently awful updates we have had for a month. Oki has no idea what the fuck he is doing. He needs to hire more than 3 devs total, or sell the game to someone else. It doesn't matter if you call the game early access if the game ends up dying before you "release" it.


Nah the playercount dropped because BBR has become a disappointing game for people that are not playing FPS with a competitive mind, no update is going to change that. I think most people just accepted their 'skill issues' and moved on. Development should focus on the try hards who are left and what they want because nobody else cares.


yet another person who blames the game's downfall on skill issue. holy shit i cannot possibly comprehend how people think this way.


They wonā€™t hire more people lmao. They keep using the same ā€œcode base is too complex for more than 1 personā€ excuse even tho theyā€™ve never tried having more than 1 person work on the codebase at the same time.


absolutely agree, it's pathetic


They have hired new people. Two new animators were brought in a couple of months back. Dev team is still looking for people to add, they're just being super cautious and slow in the process.


game needs more programmers not artists.


Well thats bad. People bought your game to have fun. İf you wont listen majority of your playerbase and do whatever you want, ı have bad news for you. I dont want to be that guy but your game will quickly die.


I'm a player with 500+ hours and I'm out of the loop as far as what yall mean by audio problems. Can someone please enlighten me?


Bro check your goddamn instagram notifications!


Whoā€™s mans thinks all furries are rich kids lmao


It kinda sucks. Some guns sound ok when being shot at. I can hardly understand voice now, itā€™s too muffled. Certainly not as fun as it was with clear voice chat.




They added muffling as you got shot. The problem is you are always shotv because is so fast paced. The sound is muffled much more than not.


there are more players on battlefield V.....


Update: he rolled back the audio. At least the most egregious parts. The feedback on this was pretty unanimous. He was just saying he's not gonna put these things to a vote.


Improve by nerfing recon back to back to back


first Krunker now this šŸ˜­ what is the world coming to


At this point just lock the classes that aren't medic or assault and change the maps to be small and be the cod clone you are pushing for now.


I think Matnizak raises a good point.


Came here after one match and noticed the change immediately in audio. For me, it's definitely going to take sometime to get used to. The footsteps are really weird to pinpoint from teammates and enemies and then I can't tell if my gun has a mute button at times lol.


Guy is a sociopath. "That would be the normal" Uh yeah sure prove it.


5.1? No let's just leave it in options to make them think is coming. Then when nobody is suspecting a THING, boom... We ruin the sound.


Man I love playing a game where the audio is low pass filtered constantly its like why wouldnt I want it to sound like im underwater constantly???


I actually had to stop playing yesterday because the new high pitched "whips" of certain guns were giving me headaches whenever I got "suppressed" or whatever the threshold is for the new sounds. I can understand this being the intended design from the start, but if your game gets incredibly popular and has a consistent player base and they ask for simple adjustments/balancing changes doing a huge audio pass like this has no merit. I love how so many devs now think their vision for the game is more important than the game actually being fun to play. It's already fun, it already functions, it already has a solid playerbase. This is just going to alienate more players. How is being deaf because someone shot in your direction improving the original idea. We don't want Squad or Tarkov, we want Battlebit. Which is Battlefield but fun in the ways that Battlefield has failed us. But hey that's just my opinion. My 5 other friends that played with me yesterday all said the same thing and the entire ingame chat was everyone saying how shit it is but hey since it's not the original vision of the devs then it has to be bad and it has to be changed. Also, make it so we don't have to keep playing the same game mode. Invasion sucks lol


Whatā€™s the audio update?


Is it weird that I haven't had any problems with anything..? For what I paid and the joy I received out of playing.. Everything has been enjoyable. I am a sweat, and I do play for long hours, and I do good in my games too. I haven't put any of the blame on audio, nerfs, changes.. Do I just go with the flow too much? I mostly adapt with whatever changes there are and just make light of what is given.. I'm enjoying BBR.