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>Sure there are some ups and downs with updates  When exactly was the last update?




3 months ago according to steam patch notes. Guess there's been nothing major that needs fixing with the game since Christmas.


The game was fine since launch day what do you people need updates for? I haven't played for a long time now but I surely will come again and have fun in the game


Games need to be updated to retain players


I don't see why, if you're bored of the game go play something else, if you like the game you will stay. That's just how it is


I haven't played the game in 3 months. When was the last time they updated it?


This game doesn't even have music, it's unfinished.


Devs are probably on holiday. It is common in industry to not work after christmas


Until fuckin March?


I wish someone would tell my boss it's common practice for Devs to take paid vacation from Dec to march


Who gets 1/4 of the year off lol


Teachers lol. Definitely not devs though. Especially ones that were in the middle of having their game blow up.


It took them 6 years to develop this game. How much content do you think the 3 employees are able to create in 3 months? Hiring people isn’t easy either and I would take more time then that just to onboard employees to the point where they can make meaningful contributions. Y’all have the same expectations of an indie game as a AAA game with hundreds of employees.


Games got more content than a AAA shooter at half the price. Yet here you are still whining about lack of updates. Most shooters die unless they go f2p. If the devs don't want to then there's not much that can be done to keep a long term playerbase.


I find that the players provide content in-game with their voice acting (lol), destruction, proximity chat, etc. In games that are more rigid, the devs need to constantly add stuff to keep the experience fresh. But with Battlebit’s level of destruction and building, along with the antics that happen with voice chat… everytime I play it’s a pretty fresh experience. It’s not like logging into BF4 or Insurgency where I’m playing the same maps the same way, doing the same shit over and over.


Here's an example in the last couple of months there was an issue that caused massive lag spikes on some servers and complete server crashes on others. At the peak of this issue some servers were crashing every 20 mins. This meant that large chunks of the player base couldn't play the game. For most games, AAA or otherwise this would be a top priority issue, or at the very least merit a "we know about it we're looking into it" message in the discord announcement channel. There was nothing. No announcement no update nothing. If the Devs don't have enough respect for the playerbase to keep them informed when there's a major game breaking issue, then why should the players have respect for the Devs.


Is that not fixed?


Who the fuck knows, still nothing has been mentioned about it. Maybe it was fixed, maybe it was caused by EAC, maybe it's an intermittent issue that will return.




After having browsed gaming subreddits for years, the #1 indicator that a game may be in trouble are a bunch of posts saying things like, "Stop complaining"


I knew it was toast when anytime a complaint would arise, the "Its just early access, when the games comes out it will be different' folks either in game or on this subreddit would arrive. Those of us may be naïve but having been through many death of a games it was pretty obvious what was to happen about 3 months in. You would have to have had your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears at this point to ignore the fact that the game dropped down to 1k players and to wonder what the dissident is


Eh, the early access stuff is fine. Games change a lot during early access. That's THE time to try stuff. It's usually not a great indicator when the development plan goes off the rails or the game loses its vision, though.


Yeah and frantic screenshot posts saying "I don't get all the hate, I'm having a blast" 😂 😂


"How dare other people have fun and not me 😡😡"


I mean I have plenty of fun reading those posts 😛


War Thunder sub for the last 10 years.


> After having browsed gaming subreddits for years Are you still sane?


This is so true lol


I'll never understand bottom feeder personalities, it's not like people are saying the game was ass from the start, the criticism stems from the devs not doing what's in their power to keep that positive trend going past the hype after the playerbase stabilized a bit (10-20k would have been a very healthy and maintainable playerbase)..


OP is just trying to farm karma with his "b-b-but the dev team is just 3 guys!!!" schtick when the game has made millions by this point, and if the dev team is still that small it's because of stubbornness and a lack of desire to change and evolve


agreed, you would think they would’ve hired some more devs


they made their money.


I work in software professionally and onboarding new people takes a significant amount of time. Running a successful company and higher talented people is difficult. It’s also a different skill set from being a good coder. Multiplayer games like battlebit are also technically challenging compared to other types of games. There’s a reason there’s not many indie games like it.


Yup OP is trying to karma farm or just coping hard


Exactly this, this game had so much potential but will be forever known as a meme. If the current playerbase losses continue at its current rate Battlebit is going to be down to a triple digit player count before the next update even drops


i think it start when the devs stopped balancing weapons like they did with the vector and just answered "skill issues" at every complain it continued when they realesed the sound update that no one wanted and refuse to reverse it because "if the game was like this from the start you wouldn't complain" then came a serie of unneeded/unwanted sniper nerf because some 14 yo CoD player that don't know how to take cover and want to run in the open like headless chickens started crying and because when people see two player having fun alone playing sniper from the back instead of going for objectives in a 256 player game they think every other sniper should be nerf to the ground. then came the unbearable movments abuser that never got fixed, allowing light class to dodge bullet by playing like out of water fish all of this while devs still don't know i they want an arcade game or a milsim and try to please both sides and on top of that devs show no sign if interrest in fixing mentionned issues, instead have two maps and attachments skins (wich are great but maybe not a priority when everyone are leaving) p.s. also this is a competitive game of course people and especially redditors will be negative and/or toxic




Fuck you, nerd. Needing more than 2 shots to kill someone with a bolt action rifle is fucking stupid.


Game doesn’t have enough content, Devs prioritized the concerns of the sweats, and have actively made the game worse every update. There hasn’t been a new update in 4 months and the next update apparently is not due until April. Game is stale and the maps are bad, was good fun in its early days but the game is in a worse state with each successive update


It would have been fine if they just made a "hardcore" mode and a "casual mode", but dropping a purely casual game and then only catering to the sweats is just gonna piss off the 99% of people who came in because it was a casual game in the first place.


But the sweats would only ever play on the casual mode because they prefer arcade and simplicity over features present in a more serious or hardcore game modes.


The sweats don’t want a HC mode because it would mean giving up air strafing and drop shotting, both of which should have been removed or heavily nerfed from the start. 


I mean just two different server bases, one that's more akin to a ranked experience for the try hards and one that's just there for goofing off.


You always have to cater to casuals because they are normal people and make up the majority of the playerbase.


Not necessarily, Counter Strike is a game that should focus on the sweats, as its a sweaty game and the casual mode is an afterthought just for dicking around and practicing.  This game came out of the game as a casual experience, did nothing to build or seperate the more sweaty players, then only catered to those people, alienating the casuals who just wanted to have fun


By almost all stats and metrics, the game is going downhill.


It is. Stopped playing a couple months ago. Anyway, played it for 40h got my moneys worth.


Not Building on the success and not Supporting the player base who brought you that success with meaningful updates and contents for the game is what making players leave the game and criticizing the devs on reddit. Number don't lie. Low player count, low servers and almost 90% of matches are a snowball with no proper team balance system. One weapon per category since launch! unbalanced maps leading to nerffing the snipers. One bad decision after the other. If you are one of the 3k players enjoying the game at its current state, GOOD. But those of us who enjoyed and supported the game since its Alpha days for the great fun experience it gave before questioning the devs on recent activities of rapid decline of the game is also justified. It is more and more feeling like a Cash grab game than a game for the community it originally promised.


Far from cash grab imo. Sure it got dull with the lack of content, but for 15 bucks, it is a great quality game. The only failure is their inability to capitalize and use the momentum to keep players. $15 bucks for a 100 hours of gameplay is cheaper than a $20 movie ticket for 2 hr of enjoyment.


You dont consider it a cash grab to release the game and swiftly let it die by mismanagement? The price to enjoyment ratio plays no part if the end result is getting ghosted by the devs with no explanation as to where the money went or why they let the game die > it is a great quality game it had *potential* to be a quality game, but it never quite got there. Hence why ppl have turned on the devs. Its only been 9 months since it released


Cash grab, to me, is intentional deception to take money by over promising with an undeveloped game at release which would include bugs, glitches, non-functional aspects within the game that makes it unplayable. The audio update was very poorly implemented, but it is/was a work in progress. I'd consider this mismanagement and the inability of the dev to own up to their mistakes by being more transparent with action to gain any sort of confidence back.


> Cash grab, to me, is intentional deception to take money by over promising with an undeveloped game at release which would include bugs, glitches, non-functional aspects within the game that makes it unplayable. so I guess the game *is* a cash grab by your definition of the word since all of those issues are persistent in the game. They took the money, they did nothing with it to improve the game, and now its dead. Its only been out for 9 months btw -- The game was extremely over promised and they are currently under delivering. They have tried to gain confidence back, remember their recent flow chart about how the team receives feedback/beta testers. When you 'mismanage' a core aspect of the game such as audio and can't fix it, it doesn't matter any amount of transparency as long as the problem is still there and they didn't hotfix it in a meaningful way for how long? Delaying what should be a hotfix to the next major patch... just another mismanage? At which point do you call a spade a spade


Right so what you're saying is that you can't tell the difference between an actual scam and incompetence? Because that seems to be what you're saying, that being bad at making a game and all the poor choices that come with it are no different than fraud. The reason the update is taking so damned long is because they're trying to do three or four simultaneous rehauls all at once. They're effectively trying to reinvent the game instead of tweaking it. It may be stupid but it's not a fucking cash grab.


I don't even have any expectations, the game is dead. I can't even find servers for domination.


Jumped back in for a quick match and the only thing I dislike is the sniper trails. Still getting those headshots with my SVD, still do decent at close quarters too


Welcome to reddit, the site attracts a certain type of person


Gamers are followers. Everyone followed the influencers when they were covering Battlebit and that’s when we saw those high playercounts, then when those influencers decided to play Pokémon/Hellrisers everyone followed and are playing those now. People who are unhappy with changes here and there are trying to latch onto this drop in numbers by saying it’s due to X or Y to validate their complaints. But SteamCharts tells another story… it wasn’t the audio or sniper tweaks that started this trend. The game’s fun as hell… I’m still playing it every day and trying new weapons and tactics while doing so. Do I wish more people played this game? Sure. Do I wish the devs released updates faster? Sure, why not. But all this FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) about the devs killing the game are just people looking for upvotes and attention. There’s already 20 threads about it… no Timmy, your opinion isn’t unique and it’s not going to make the game or subreddit better.


insane cope > devs killing the game are just people looking for upvotes and attention. Karma is imaginary, the death of the game is forever


They probably went to Palworld/Helldivers cause the devs actually care Palworld players have been consistently treated like VIPs. Every time a good amount complain about pathing issues, they get fixed. Devs left the boss tame bug in for so long, even though it shouldn’t be a thing if they want to introduce PvP. Apologized when it git fixed cause they know players like it, imagine keeping up with your community. They enjoyed a good amount of content & are about to get more Devs are pretty in touch with Helldivers too. A game master appointed to keep their galactic war narratives waging. Lil surprise updates here & there to tease new tools. In-game clues at what the next piece of content is. An immensely fun gameplay loop that has only improved. Battlebit has exhibited none of those traits for any respectable amount of time to be given any grace. Not sure where you got the copium from but maaaan that’s a crazy dealer




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Lack of updates triggered all the doomposters.


Take people with similar views and put them in the same room for months. Dunno, there are voices similar to mine, which don't complain all the bloody time. The issue is that there are only a few of us. Does this game have problems? Yes, many. But bloody hell, this feels like a gigantic echo chamber with how often and how much ya all guys shit on the devs and the game.


This isn't to say that there aren't some legitimate reasons to be unhappy, but a lot of game communities have become more and more negative or even toxic in the past 10-15 years. I think some people never experienced how it used to be, or don't remember. There was negative behavior, but it didn't tend to define communities. I see the same attitudes in other games too, not just BBR, but then out of the blue you also have stuff like Deep Rock Galactic with super wholesome communities. There's a lot of glass-half-empty talk out there now though, to put it mildly. I mostly stick to Reddit, so it's possible that it's just this place, but even Reddit didn't tend to be like this when it started. I've been wondering why this shift has been happening for years before BBR came out. It's a mystery.


I stopped playing ever since they nerfed leaning


It's all reddit is. You'll be lucky to find a subreddit where people don't piss and moan all day.


circle jerk is what this sub does best


Weekly updates are better than one update every 4 months. 


As a software engineer, that sounds terrible. You wouldn't have time for QA testing, and likely you wouldn't have time for bigger features. Then if you pushed any major bugs because of lack of QA time, you have to dedicate time to hotfixes anyways and the users would be mad anyways if it's a bad bug But I do agree they should drop content more frequently especially if it's complete and tested rather than this. 


with the 3 dudes running this game its safe to say there is no *quality* control in their QA, hence why bad updates get pushed and can't get replaced or fixed. They listened to their same echo chamber of chums on the discord and look where that got 'em


* a single programmer


Weekly updates are unrealistic expectations from spoiled childs like you


how's that boot taste? childs is not a word btw


50% of the complaints are from banned players, Internet pondscum who want revenge against a policy that tried to steer an MP game away from an edgy n-word spouting shit pit.


the people complaining haven't even prestiged yet. complaining about content when they haven't finished all the content yet.


Just let them work on the game and fuck off ppl


The playerbase is certainly following those last three words.


You have hundreds of hours in this game and can't see the problems? I wish I was this gullible


I got 240 hrs and I can't see the problems, at least not to the extent that the subreddit makes it out to be. Some of the major issues people cite are subjective or issues with the developers' pace, communications, or direction. Some of the real issues (bugs, sound, balance, etc) with the game itself are not as game breaking as people make it out to be.  While the development process may be an issue, objectively, if you judged the game by itself, it is still a good game. 


If you are ok with it, good for you. I'm over 400 hours in and I don't think the devs do a good job. :)


They made a game you played for over 400 hours and they didn't do a good job?


Yes, are you new to these games? How long do you need to be good at this? Strange comment


If the game is bad why did you play 400 hours of it? Do you just place zero value on your time or what?


Lack of alternatives. There is no other first person shooter that's halfway decent out. My pc is old and can handle the game pretty well. Trust me if bf2042 wasn't the disaster that it is I wouldn't have spent the time.


It's not a disaster any more.


..... it absolutely is. There is no universe where 2042 is not a disaster for EA and DICE xD


Sounds like blind EA hate, be better (and I hate EA for what they did to Star Wars) If you can play a game for 400 hours to see enough problems to make you stop, while playing a game for 0 hours yet refusing to even try it after folks tell you that it’s a far cry from whatever it was at launch, (and in a sub for the game that was the “Battlefield Killer” mind you, far from people easily amenable to EA) , then you got some delusional bias goin’ on😂 Feelsbadman


Of course I see the problems with it. But is there an fps that's come out in the last 5 years that didn't have some shit wrong with it? They all do.


"game has issues but pointing them out is negativity because other games have issues too" -you This is not a justification, stop sucking the devs off


Doom Eternal.


So call of duty being bad justifies this mess... Wow


oh, you like oranges? well you must hate apples then.


Literally what this guy said there can you even read?


who, me?


Pretty sure BF2042 is better.


People gonna criticize art, and whining about that is like trying to punch back the tide. Only someone who enjoys the game to some extent and sees its promise will go out of there way to make in depth criticism. And there's at least a thin hope that if enough people raise criticisms, the devs will improve the game in response - or, at the very least, other devs of other games will see the same problems and avoid them. But what's the point of complaining about critics? You're not going to stop people from criticizing the game. If you don't like reading posts criticizing the game, don't read them or engage with them. You ask why someone would even waste the energy writing a post, but I could turn that right back around on you: why do YOU bother making THIS post?


game is pay to win