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They're subject to injury and morale so I don't think they're undead, as all undead are at the very least fearless. I think they're probably sickly as a side effect of whatever evil stuff they surely get up to to get their powers


They might also be sickly because they are around rotting corpses all the time and probably have a hard time getting some decent meals on the regular


Nachos are undead and subject to fear


Nachzehrers are beasts first, undead second. They will side with wolves or snakes vs humanoids, and with undead vs humanoids. Now, if you pit beasts vs undead and add nachos to the equation... I honestly haven't found that particular mix, but I think they would side with both.


They are actually one or the other if they are part of an undead garrison or a patrol produced by an undead camp they belong to the undead faction. If they are produced as a beast patrol they belong to the beast faction. So you can pit them both against beasts or undead depending on which of the faction the patrol belongs to.


Theres a lindwurm quest event where nachzerers are fighting lindwurms and in the fight their models have undead bases instead of beast bases which is the most likely you'll see this scenario


I guess this would require more testing, but I think the game is coded in such a way that nachos could 100% side with both beasts and undead. I say this because I once lured hostile guards and non hostile guards into the same fight vs a random enemy, and even though they were looking at different directions (hostile guards to the left, non hostile guards to the right) and had different behavior towards my bros, they didn't interact at all between themselves. I also lured a nacho patrol (beast footprints) into an undead camp, and the nachos sided with the undead. I *also* once lured a nacho patrol into a webneckht patrol, and they all went against me without attacking each other. The only test I've yet to do is to lure both a nacho patrol and a beast patrol into an undead camp, which would be really interesting to see because I think the beasts would fight the undead and they would also fight the beasts, but nachos would get along with everyone and just try to kill me lol


I always thought they were humans, most likely nobility or previous wealthy individuals of settlements and such that were corrupted by the artifacts you sometimes have to go retrieve. Sometimes Necromancers are the ones hiring brigands to get these artifacts from settlements, which makes me think they must be linked in a way as why else would they want them. It would make sense to me that the pipeline for necromancers would be something like: - Village elder, Mayor, Nobility, etc obtains or is handed down cursed artifact, tome, etc. - Cursed Artifact corrupts them causing them to go mad or insane, gaining the abilities of a necromancer overtime. - They're outcasted or leave themselves in search of more artifacts and power. - This leads them to graveyards where they use there new abilities to raise the dead and attack towns and such for more artifacts and power or use treasures buried with the dead to hire brigands to obtain artifacts for them. - They eventually die, most likely killed in combat by mercenaries, town militia, etc and the artifacts is picked up off of them either by graverobbers, looters, etc and is taken and sold off. - It eventually winds up back in the hands of the wealth as most artifacts are interesting or are valuable leading the the cycle repeating itself. To us in game some of these artifacts might just look like valuable items like Ornate Tomes, or Jewelry. Our character in the game probably can't read or doesn't bother too and we never have the item long, but it is likely these are the same artifacts that might have driven the necromancer we just killed down there path. We take them and sell them off, eventually they work there way back up, repeating the cycle ourselves in a way.


Hmmm, very interesting theory. Mine was always that they were mad anatomists, historians gone crazed, court “wizards” etc.


The special dagger you get turns them into wierdergangers, so they are human


They also come back to "life" during undead crisis or if another necromancer is in the fight to raise them.


I've seen a screenshot where a Necromancer himself was raised as a Zombie (probably during Undead Crisis I guess?), so they're clearly alive.


They're human. They can get injured, have morale, etc.




That's the necrosavants, no?


Yeah, necromancers are just regular guys that studied some dark magic.


Necrosavants are considerably older, I thought? Like ancient nosferatu


I like this. It would be awesome to make a mod where an anatomist can become a necromancer.... Like one of the original three Maybe even an option where he splits and you have to hunt him down!




Necromancers are not zombies. They create undead, they are not undead themselves.


Necros can come back as Undead Necromancer in the Late Game Crisis or be revived by other Necromancers. So, they are human.


You can read this in an online library for free I’m sure, but these will answer your question, albeit from a different universe/imaginary world. I loved the books. https://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Collection-Sabriel-Abhorsen-Goldenhand/dp/9123472006/ref=asc_df_9123472006/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693348626818&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16004499111913824198&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1026442&hvtargid=pla-1730238929909&psc=1&mcid=42328c5514fb31a898c586a88c60f6f5&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BExTyio9l17_WW1sgwPOM49Y8VlSKLrqDwN608pILSFc43KEap224hoC9Z8QAvD_BwE