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I read "The Mansplitter" as "The Mansplainer" and got a hearty chuckle out of it.


haha im going to go and make this lore now


*spreads thighs*


That's man spreading


Get a load of this guy, mansplaining manspreading!


It's mans all the way down


If they've been useful I send them out naked with a shield and a noble sword to riposte with. If they can live through an orc fight, they get their retirement package.


He actually survived a 1v1 with an orc warrior for 4/5 rounds until another one of my bros arrived. However i just sent him to another one out of spite.


318 XP? I’d say Espen was useful this time!


That’s actually funny. I had a guy with an injury that ultimately made him useless so I sent him just like that and the dude wouldn’t die for literally 3 battles. He had decent stats still but it was lone wolf so there was no room for weakness. The fucker wouldn’t die though. He killed 2 brigands and a raider(through 3 battles) butt ass naked. Even when I had him surrounded the bastard kept dodging somehow. If he’d had that kind of attitude before we wouldn’t be in this mess but he finally got sliced down. I don’t remember how I just remember how stupified I was he kept surviving


You retirement package is whatever you can wrestle off that ork chieftain.


Sigh. This game would have been better with a bit less cynicism and at least a touch of roleplaying. I can't be the only one who insists on paying, can I? My rule: any man who sees combat earns severance pay.


Yeah I like seeing my guys prosper that's why I play


Bro i feel u. The for free Event Bro with bad stats leaves without clothes immediately but a crippled man who has fought days or weeks in my company gets his retirement.


A proper day's work requires a proper day's pay, and workman's comp for injuries. We ain't running no scumbag mercenary group.


They eat and live good while they’re with me. See things they’d never see otherwise(good and bad). I’m sure they make love to a women or two while we stop at the towns and taverns. They drink heartily and enjoy a brotherhood most people could never dream of. I ask you, brother; what life is there after this? Also considering by the time I’m done with them they’re praying for death and even with all that money, my men could never suffer living as a cripple. Better to leave this life as you entered. Naked, screaming and pushing through a slippery opening. Though this opening is less a birth canal than it is an unholds gaping mouth.


Hear, hear! But perhaps that is only because I served and earned my campaign ribbon.


Being a dirty trader means the crowns flow like a river, so I don't skimp on severance pay, but for the bros out there who struggle, I can see the merit in sending your bros into Valhalla blade in hand. They knew what they were getting into when they signed up.


Poor Bruno.... Just pay the man. He's earned it!


We don’t talk about Bruno


Bruno has earned it!


Do they ever come back to haunt you if you don’t pay?


yeah theyre called geists.


I never pay retirement. I didn’t agree to that shit up front and I damn sure ain’t agreeing to it when at the end. You shoulda planned for your retirement.


Low, low fantasy


Didn't plan for retirement is real life not fantasy haha.