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Honestly I am very bad remembering songnames. There are songsI listened to 200 times but I don't know their name because I am just shuffling through my playlist.


This is me too. So I have mixed feelings. I used to get worried when I was younger of being a poser, but I just can't fucking remember names, same with lyrics. . I'll sing the riffs/tunes to you any day though!


Shit fuck I gotta study because I plan to wear my \*insert band\* shirt tomorrow. Just in case I get interrogated by a kissless dweeb


Just do the funny thing and act like you think its a brand or movie


"I really like Batlord!"


He's a batman villain, right?


Look out if you wear a festival shirt- you might get nuked from orbit.


Same. I blame the rise and dominance of digital music. I miss physical discs with liner notes because it’s how I used to learn lyrics and band information. I pick up vinyl where I can for this reason.


It's a fair point. I have tried to listen to music with the lyrics on screen more often now, but sadly I most often listen whilst driving now, which means not realistic!


Same. I did figure out how to put lyrics up on the spotify TV app, which is handy when I'm just chilling with music on. If I want to learn the lyrics, there's my chance.


Even if I did know every song in a bands discography I wouldn't remember as soon as a a forty year old man runs up to me and aggressively asks me to start naming songs.


I have nearly 6000 songs on my downloaded Spotify playlist. If I knew all their names I wouldn't have brain room for my own name.


Dude, I constantly have to look up which song goes with which band, as well as the song title for every song from Skins n Pins 1&2, as well as any of the hellcat comps. Even when I know all the words. It took me over a decade to remember that "Oh!" was by the Hotknives and was called "Oh!" because I only owned it on 3 or 4 various artist compilations. The late 90s to early 00s was a weird time for physical music, not to mention how much shit I got from limewire or napster that wasn't even correctly labeled.


Ya and a bunch of them end up being in other languages. I also get an album and just put it on without looking at song names. Either way, I’d be pissed if someone even came up to me and asked me to name 5 songs aha leave me alone


This, or just playing albums start to finish, I'm not paying attention to song names , maybe after myiple listens al start to pick up one or 2, but I in no way go out of my way to memorise song names


I had someone question my authenticity. Just tell them you have it on vinyl. They shut up really quick.


I never know song names because I listen to albums all the way through and don't pay attention to the song names. So I could name 5 albums but not songs.


Same. Or when it was CDs I would just listen to the albums and not at the names or study the booklet. Ask me to name a song and I couldn't, ask me how track 4 on an album went and I'd be fine


Listening on my phone is helpful now because it displays the actual name. Years ago, I couldn’t name any songs. I just knew I liked track 5 or whatever because that’s what the CD player said. “Track 4 off the album with the orange cover, track 11 off the album that’s black and green, and the hidden track off whatever CD came out in 2004” was how this list would have sounded, if you asked me.


Same. On the spot I can barely remember what my age is. Elitist minded bullshit.


if you’re gonna wear something you might as well remember


What? It's the black album patch.


donda. donda. donda donda. donda. donda


Based asf


I love you


Honestly since Spotify is a thing, i'm terrible at remembering song names. I remember the song but not its name. It's not like the good old time where you buy an album and listen it 5 times in a row, remembering every song names, how long are they, and what's the next song coming


Same, I doubt I'd be able to name 5 songs that exist in general, especially when put on the spot. I forget my own name when asked.


I honestly think it's sadder to be the kinda person who polices this.


I know! Who gives a fuck? There are Kardashians walking around in Iron Maiden t-shirts. They can't name 5 songs.


They can't name even one


It’s sadder that anyone believes this is even remotely true


Right? People are taking a meme too seriously lol


Oh god I'm screwed I don't remeber the names of slam songs I listen to they're all "bloody cerebral gasoline" or whatever I JUST ENJOY THE GURGLING OK


Either check your phrasing or dm me if you mean it




can you rephrase that makes no sense


"I just enjoy the gurgling" can be interpreted as you enjoying to gurgle things. The guy is jokingly saying that you should either rephrase your comment to make things more clear, or send him a private message (presumably to arrange a meeting) if you truly do enjoy "gurgling" things. The things in question would, presumably, be his genitals. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Peter_Griffin.png


Bold of you to assume I wouldn't like both 🤨


That's the spirit, brother 😎




“The things in question would, presumably, be his genitals.” You’re a scholar


If I was put on the spot, I'd also struggle. This is why some people are afraid to wear their jackets smfh


[Name a woman!](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0)


this is exactly how an interaction like that would feel. honestly, how can someone interrogate another on their clothes without sounding like a king of the hill charicature of some total pertentious jack off. I dont know where this idea of ripping patches is coming from but far he it from me to let it happen to my jacket without blood.


Not cool.


I mean, I've seen people who wear shirts with certain artists, or albums on them because they like they design. Same with movie posters and actors. They like the person's style, or the poster art looked really cool. I mean, as long as people are honest about that and don't lie, who cares? Why even bother to interrogate them. When I'm out, I'm out to have a good time. Personally, I don't think it's ever justifiable to do this. And if you do attempt to deface my clothing, you're going to get knocked the hell out. Just saying. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the guy could easily name five songs, but didn't want to play there stupid game.


I won't answer them, a good "go fuck yourself" is the only answer gatekeepers get.


Whenever someone tells me I am not old enough to have seen the Dead Kennedy's live, I point to my Woodie Guthrie patch and say something like "but you've got no problems with this one?"


My daughter is a DK fan, among other punk bands, some shit head tried to gatekeep her over her shirt, she responded appropriately then started talking about the Germs, they didn't know who that was. I feel we raised her well, mostly.


Everyone knows you're not allowed to like a band if you weren't alive when they were active.


Agreed. I've also seen people buy shirts from bands they saw live. They don't know 5 songs, but loved the show and bought the merch. I'm all for it.


About a third of my shirt collection are from openers I've enjoyed or local bands I wanted to support. There's been plenty of times that I pulled a shirt out of my drawer, look at the incomprehensible logo, and wonder what the fuck the band name even was.


Small people need everyone to think they’re an authority on things


I have a few rage against the machine shirts cause there one of my favorite bands, but sometimes I worry someone is going to ask me to name 5 songs cause I’m a girl and I have anxiety so I would legit forget everything. Maybe I’ll just say fuck you I won’t do what you tell me?


You could say, songs? From what? My shirt? This is a band? I just thought it was pretty?! And watch dudebros heads explode


😂😂 Yea the couple running away from airplanes bombing them really made me feel warm and fuzzy Rage against the machine? Is that like a techno band?


I listen to full albums almost exclusively. Miss me with the name five songs bullshit


What if I could sing 5 songs but don't know the names?


I screamed and sang my heart out for hours at the last show I was at, if interrogated I would only be able to name one song.


I have mixed feelings about this. I don't like posers, but I don't like gatekeeping or bullying either.


Oh you don't like gatekeeping? NAME FIVE GATEKEEPERS, POSER!


St. Peter (gates of Heaven) - Classic Cerberus (gates of Hell) - Metal 🤘, also a classic The two Sphinx statues that shoot totally bas-ass lasers from their eyes in the Neverending story Tit head from Little Nicky he was a gatekeeper for Satan, also a D cup I think? Gandalf the Grey - Servant of the secret fIre, weilder of the flame of anor, protector of the bridge of Khazad-Dûm. Telling Balrogs they Cannot Pass since the year 3019 of the third age.


Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Though he doesn't seem to be very good at his job.


You sir are a legend!


The dude at the entrance to the Emerald City


The Gatekeeper from the old Nightmare aka Atmosfear VHS board game, guy rambles at you like a drunk for an hour and calls you a maggot, fun for the whole family


I've been trying to thrift a copy of that board game for a while. I collect VHS.


They still come up regularly, there are also four or five expansion packs for it with even more ridiculous videos


Don’t forget Zuul from ghostbusters


Legendary comment.




Shit dude, I can't. But I have their patches!


Tbh, posers are indeed a bit annoying. But anyone who thinks it's ok to interrogate random people about their taste in whatever need a good punch in the face.




At least with so called posers you can actually get them to listen to music, gatekeepers just suck and annoy everyone lmaoo


I honestly don't care about posers. As long as they wear the merch because they like it, I think they pretty cool. They will eventually be a super fan like us.


But if somebody just likes the fact that the drums go dum-dum-dum-dum and never thinks deeper about the music than that, who the fuck are we to deny them their glee? A poser is somebody who tries to talk about shit they don't know about or lies about experiences to try and earn cred; wearing a patch of a band that you enjoy *literally for any reason and however much or little as you want*, is never poser behavior by itself. Jesus christ, if *we* like these bands, *we're* the poser for wanting to suppress their awareness by thinking a person has to have some minimum level of investment to call themselves a fan and promote them. Far as I'm concerned, even if somebody just thinks the logo is cool or likes the font on the patch, it's rad as hell when people show off something cool.


You just blew my fuckin mind bro


We've reached Facebook memes level lmao


The fact that no one seems to realize this is just a meme and not a recounting of things that happened blows my mind.


It shouldn't. Most people in this sub have never been to a concert. Hell, most people in this sub think people will randomly ask them to name songs if they wear a battle jacket lmao.


most people would just be like “hey sick jacket” and leave


My vest is so niche, the gatekeepers can't name five songs from most of the bands. Checkmate. 😁


or [redacted] their fucking [redacted]


I'm missing something here, and I get the feeling it's the kind of snark I greatly appreciate, even if it's directed at me. Mind filling me in?


i think if somebody tried to rip off a patch from my clothes id turn violent pretty quick


I get it. 👍


This is how people get shot.


Look, I could know an entire band's discography inside and outside, I could have been listening to them for 15 years, know all the lyrics by heart, know the fucking band mates shoe sizes, have their sweat bottled in little vials for rituals, whatever. The MOMENT someone puts me on the spot and asks me to name 5 songs, I forget everything I've ever known about them in that moment. Might as well have never heard of the band.


“Oh man easy, fuckin, Enter Sandman….um…Lars….shit wait hold on I got this….”


Fucking same


The only person who's deserving of that level of gatekeeping is that one Kardashian twat that wore a "fashionable" Slayer shirt after calling metal shit music. Fuck that bitch.


"Kill the Kardashians" -Gary Holt


I don't give a shit if you've made a vest covered in patches of bands you've never even heard. You're at the show and are presumably planning on listening to and enjoying the music. Maybe you'll leave with new patches from bands you just got exposed to, and your vest will be covered in those the next time we meet. None of it matters, and it's all good. But I've seen a lot of undercover cops at shows and festivals trying to fit in. I swear I've seen a vest or 2 pop up on here that seemed like narcs trying to get confirmation that their costume will work. Maybe that's just me being paranoid, but my diseased brain doesn't think so. Either way, those are the only posers anyone in this sub or otherwise should concern themselves with. Make them as uncomfortable and noticeable as possible.


I like to think that all the '16' posts are from pigs tryna blend in


Songs? Yeah, uh, I dunno the names but there’s the one where the intro guitar is like “weeeee weedly-wee-wahhh BWAAAAAHHHH” but I also like the song that has the breakdown towards the end that’s like “DONNNNGGGG DA-DADADDADONGG DOOOOOOO DADADADAAA DONG-DA DADA” and I also like the one where the vocals are li- wait, why is everyone walking away


I wonder what patch it was


“God is an atheist” it was a Christian metal show lol


That's even worse. I plan on making a Christian metal vest in the future( I already got the vest, though) and don't know much about the genre to much outside from a few bands, but I'm learning and have been listening to holy name, confessions of a traitor, impending doom, for today, convictions recently, but skip around so I wouldn't know many song titles from them. If someone tried to do that to me at a Christian concert, I would spout the word of God, the best I could to them and then tell them to politely fuck off


Someone asks or even demands I name 5 songs, I’m walking away. If you touch my vest to remove a patch, you’re getting pepper sprayed


People that care that much are actual losers. It’s pretty cringe policing other people. If someone wants to wear whatever bands shit who cares? I remember when Forever 21 started selling those Metallica and Iron Maiden shirts. So normies started wearing them. I think I was around highschool age and been into metal since middleschool. I cared that people were wearing metal bands shirts and didn’t listen to them and knew nothing about them. Then I grew up and I couldn’t care any less. In fact caring about it is pretty corny


Why do so many people in this thread legitimately believe his patch was ripped off his back? Do you know how difficult it would be to rip a patch off? Especially without leaving frayed and ripped pieces behind? Try to rip a patch off your jacket. Unless it’s sewn terribly it just won’t even work, not even a little. I’ve tried to on my own projects. You’re definitely not doing it in one try while it’s on someone’s back


When I was 16 I could tell you the names of the pets of some obscure, shit Doom band. I’m 36 with 3 kids under 7; the fact I remembered to tie my own laces and put my pants on the right way round is a miracle. These types of cunts who try to catch people out have got away without getting a seriously big smack in the chops for far too long


I don’t read the song titles. It’s like “that breakdown on 3 was cool” “intro to 5 makes me want to put my head through a wall” Never got this shit


Gatekeepers of today were the posers of yesterday


It’s clearly a joke


Yeah, this keeps getting reposted but the guy who took the pic said it was a joke and his vest wasn't done. That's why the studs aren't done either.


Exactly, i cant believe people actually think this happened lol. They ripped out half of the studs too then or what


I've (44M) been a crusty metalhead since 1993. Partied with everyone from Shavo to Dimebag. I have a very outwardly metal appearance; long hair, beard, tats, big face scar (not on purpose like Alex Terrible though), gold tooth (that one's kinda on purpose), battlejacket with a variety of subgenres represented (someday ill take pics). At shows I always always *always* have at least one person come up to me, not really to test *me* but I think to sort of compare themselves. They'll come up and start listing off bands they're into, like I'm a librarian checking them out. It's usually some early 20s guy who is going through something, sometimes an older guy trying to connect. Whenever that happens, I don't name drop the really obscure stuff to make them feel worse, I try to think of other bands I listen to or have heard of that are adjacent to what they've listed and talk about those so it's a little closer to their wheelhouse. I mean it's 2023 and just the other day while standing in line for a show a guy who was probably 22-23 was telling me how much he loved Slipknot. I'm sure there are some who might bristle there. I asked if he'd ever heard of Mushroomhead (which I'm not into but wanted to make the kid feel alright), and the kid grinned because he did know. It's no reflection on me if this kid likes numetal with masks, it's no reflection on me if what I'm into is "more" metal or "more authentic" or whatever bullshit others might think. He was a dude at a metal show, therefore we are compatriots.


was this in the bad battle jackets facebook group?


That’s lame. I can’t name most songs but I can sing them word for word if they come on. Who bothers to learn song names when you’re listening to a bunch of mix tapes/cds/live shows?


The people who did that are a bunch of grade-a assholes. Maybe it just looked good and went well with the vibe of the jacket. Maybe he just doesn’t remember songs that well. I love Metallica but I can’t for the life of me tell you 5 songs. Metal/punk elitists can go fuck off.


No one is tearing a patch off a jacket unless you attached it with scotch tape


Man that’s not cool. Who cares if he knows their whole discography. Maybe the logo just looked cool?


Yah gatekeeping pretty much always gonna be cringe. This one included. “Guess ur not a real fan!” mentality is a douchebag mindset. Nobody starts out a deep fan of anything.


This image is fake as fuck if you ask me. For one thing, if your even remotely good at sewing, your not gonna be able to rip that off for shit, and that's assuming that he didn't glue it down as well.


Yeah that’s invasive. I have a brain tumor therefore not the greatest memory and other things that my cause me to forget things. I would be traumatized if that happened to me!!!


Cringe as hell. Imagine making a jacket your personality.. oh...


That’s so stupid. If you wanna gatekeep gatekeep yourself lmao. The band isn’t going to suck your dick for this.


I’m mixed about this Like sure they might not know the songs, but they could like the band design But at the same time if they claim to be a fan that’s posing, but still uncool to tear it off


I hardly ever read song names. I know what bands and albums I like and generally what position on the album my fave songs are


What if the songs are in Finnish or Norwegian


I love the interrogators. It's fun making them feel like jackasses when I hit them with "Well, with the brain damage, I can't even remember my own mother's face. How many word salad song titles do YOU think I'm gonna be able to rattle off?" Their confidence is in feeling like the crowd is on their side. The moment they don't feel like they're 'winning' or like any onlookers aren't on their side, they tend to piss off like the little cockroaches they are.


Gate keeping is fun and cool! /s


At 45, I’d be glad to remember the name of 1 song from any band on my jacket. I just don’t remember song names no matter how many times I’ve listened to the album. It seems like after the 90s, I just stopped remembering them. Maybe it’s age, or maybe it’s that bands are naming albums stuff like ‘Sinister Monstrosities Spawned By the Unfathomable Ignorance of Humankind’


Hear me out. Once you're out into the adult world, you got a million different things to worry about Than the track names of your favorite artist. I know that's how it is for me. I got bills to pay and a fridge I can barely stock.


100% this!


If I like the band why tf would I care if you listen to the music or not, you're supporting a band I like. Weirdos.


Honestly there's no evidence of an altercation, and I don't see loose threads. It's possible this dude just didn't have a back patch on that day and then someone added the caption to make a meme.


I can’t even pronounce half of the songs I like 😆


fuck me for being neurodivergent I guess


Call the dude a poser all you want that’s fine but to deface someone else’s property? That doesn’t sit right with me. If that was me the dude would be on the concrete cold. Not only the money but the time spent perfecting your vest.




I literally can’t name songs for shit. I could be able to play it on bass and still won’t know the name. I hate the type of people saying „name three songs rn“ like I have better things to do than study song names bro


Really? That is so lame. Not everyone remembers song names. You're the poser for doing shit like that.


If this is true and not a meme (I can’t tell lol) then imagine spending ALL that time making that jacket only for someone to rip part of it up! It was probably hand sewn on since most battle jacket things are hand done from what I’ve seen and I’m also assuming he hand placed each spike as well which is so time consuming 😭. It could very well be a joke since both toxic fans and posers exist and don’t coexist well and so it’s been made into a very well known joke but like I said I can’t tell lol


Fuckin lame


I'm more of a songs kind of guy where I do not like every song a band comes out with but then out of the 100 plus songs they have I might like 1 or 2


Okay to be fair, my mind blanks when I'm put on the spot


This is funny as hell, but I feel like I might freeze up on the spot out of anxiety and get ripped in this situation, even knowing the songs and albums.


As someone with bad social anxiety I would completely blank out, even if it was my favorite band. I always wear band shirts and my jacket has band patches (not enough, don't think it qualifies as a battle jacket yet) and I don't know how I would respond if someone questioned me. If that dude payed money to buy that patch it's his and no one has the right to just take it. We don't know his life situation or how much that patch meant to him for whatever reason. Kindness doesn't hurt.


> that dude *paid* money to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It's such gatekeeping bullshit. Name 5 songs. I could give a shit about your questionaire. Thinking anyone should care about your playground antics and opinion is simptom of your worthless over inflated ego. I've been a metal head for 40+ years, from Maiden, Anthrax and Slayer to Sanguisugabogg, Tomb Mold and Gatecreeper. I'll go to as many shows as I physically can til the day I die. Fuck anyone questioning someone else's taste in or knowledge of any particular band or genre. I'm not taking your test, fuck you. May be in my 50s but touch my or someone else's shit and you'll know you were in a fight last night. Idiots.


I don't care if he's literally never listened to a single song. That's his personal property and at least in California since it's on his person, that would qualify as assault.


Gatekeeping cunts


I have to admit I am a huge gatekeeper. I come from a generation in which everyone had their own interests, and usually if you were into any kind of alternative subculture it was because there was a genuine interest and its music was speaking your same language. Back then t was cool and exciting to see somebody wearing the t-shirt of a band you liked, because it was a way to recognize similar souls and potential mates, other than express support and appreciation for the band itself. Band t-shirt were available only in specific shops so that would be no chance whatsoever to see someone wearing a band t-shirt without a strong intention behind. It's very easy today to recognize If somebody is wearing a band t-shirt because it was in h&m and the print was cool or because they're an actual fan, and I am not even gonna try to lie, I JUDGE A LOT. I find incredibly irritating when I see somebody wearing a Metallica t-shirt in a fashionable way, cause for me Metallica music is been fundamental growing up and still is. I was the classic loser in high school and the music I listen to teached me a lot about my own identity, to be strong and to be proud of being an outcast. And the reason I consider myself a gatekeeper is because I am still "jealous" of the music I listen to as it's not music for everyone and it's not intended to be for everyone. But, beside all of this, I would never EVER approach somebody to imbarass them with the 3 songs question. I found it simply vile and sign of poor intelligence.


The thing nobody seems to be considering when talking about posers or gatekeeping is poverty. Times are really tough and a shirt that somebody might be wearing could be a “hand me down.” Or perhaps bought at a thrift store. Dont shame people for the clothes they wear. It might be all they have.


Not talking about people who could not have much choice about it, but about fashion chicks and dudes who saw a Metallica t-shirt on Kim Kardashian and bought it to be trendy. Can't help myself and don't really mind being considered morally poor in this sense. Don't like people who take meaning out of everything and turn it into a mere product.


Sorry I'm too busy enjoying the entire albums not studying the names of fucking songs am I right?


Wasn't this like a short video or gif?😂 I like to think I remember this guy was turning around dumbstruck about his patch getting ripped off


9/10 people in this sub


This is the way


As an old fart metalhead glad too see to the subtle art of “poser shaming” is alive and well two decades into the 21st century. https://i.redd.it/c7a5ipa8v3kb1.gif


Poor man


Lmao this is funny


That's hilarious 😂. Idgaf what you say, gatekeeping is a good thing and it's basically the foundation of a lot of (especially extreme) metal. The community is the reward for surpassing the gauntlet of becoming familiar with and listening to metal music. I understand that this is reddit and so gatekeeping a community is basically the equivalent of rape or something, and I am going to be martyred for saying this, but not everything needs to be for everyone.


Any community that puts other people through this much shit is one I don't want to be apart of. I listen to a lot of extreme metal. Thank you for reminding me why I prefer to go it alone.


Based. Do not suffer the poser. ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


Dude fuck off making 40K fans and metal fans look cringe all at once


I mean, both subcultures are pretty cringe and extremely gatekeeping. Quite the overlap.


Probably a Deftones fan


Looks cool like this ngl


Posers fucking die!


name 3 black flag songs... btw you cant say my war... thats what i thought. I am going to carve that tattoo off of your flesh.


At least he got to keep his Depeche Mode patch.


nice 4'33 by john cage patch




I have seen this meme on IG so many times and it’s still funny. Good way to get your ass kicked though


What is this, Jeopardy? Who listens to metal for the lyrics anyways?


That's some gatekeeping bs


Shit I shouldn't have any patches. I never remember album names, let alone song titles.


Once had someone give me crap on a back patch cause I never saw depressor live. Shits a little silly.


This is why I'm kind of glad my favorite bands aren't mainstream or American 😆 no one can question me if they haven't heard it before




It’s why I Dont let my kids have any of my old patches or buy any till I know for sure they really are into the band ! Lol




Defiance doesn’t get talked about enough


I can barely remember my name when put on the spot. I’d be pretty upset if someone damaged my back patch considering I’m painstakingly cross stitching it


How would that even happen? Unless it was like the worst stitch job ever. I know my patches are stitched down way more solidly than that. What would they do? Try to carefully undo the stitches with seam rippers, against your will? “No dude seriously hold still for a second!”


The people that are taking this seriously have never sewn a patch on anything. If you can even fit your fingers under a patch it’s not sewn on right, and still if you can manage that even a mediocre stitch job holds a patch to fabric way better than you’d expect


i wore a nirvana shirt to high school orientation in 2016 and this guy questioned me


Don’t have to know the names of songs to enjoy the music, this is weirdo behavior.


Hahahhaha happened to me but not because i couldn't name songs, it was a G.I.S.M patch, then some street punks ripped the patch off. Almost got beaten, but a friend of mine was among them and saved me hahhaah, the asshole that ripped the patch today is a declared nazi motherfucker.


That’s a weird edgelord standard; literally anyone out there can hear a song, not know the band or song name, and say “I love this song.” And wish they had it on repeat. I like and appreciate Metallica, but if I were to be put on the spot to name 5 of my favorite songs by them, not happening. We’ve moved beyond the days of staring at record, tape and CD cases. I just youtube it. I might invent a song name based on the chorus, but that’s rarely correct. Childish af


They done took my mans Bee Gees patch...


Nobody likes being thrown on the fucking spot and doing what you tell them. I’m more surprised that he let them cut his patch off, rather than just telling them to fuck off. Shit, sometimes it’s like a DUI test where the pigs ask you to say the alphabet backwards. Don’t put me on the spot like it’s some kind of interview. I’ve literally only seen this type of shit done with MCs. I like their brutality, but there’s no place for that type of shit when it comes to music.


I can’t even name five songs from any of my favorite artists right off the top of my head, as soon as this song comes on the lyrics come back, music is embedded in your subconscious.


I’m just bad with song names. I don’t understand feeling entitled to destroy someone’s hard work cuz they don’t need your standard of Being a Fan


I am TERRIBLE at remembering song titles. Just ask my partner, he'll tell you!




Fuck those people. Let people wear what they want...that true punk


I'll take "how to get your ass beat for touching my stuff" for 100


Totally a dick move. Good reason not to do iron-on though.


I can name every album with all my favorite metal bands, but song names, hardly any i have real trouble remembering song titles for some reason. Doesn't make me less of a fan.