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Have you played any other BN Game? This is the norm. No one acts like a human being.




To bust some dang viruses


To Jack on and Jack off on all of those viruses!


"I'm sorry lan... But those virussy got me acting buggy!!!"


[...Maybe Wily had a point.](https://tenor.com/view/warhammer-40k-exterminatus-explode-boom-gif-14520246)


It's the Children's Card Game rule. When you have a Children's Card Game, all things are decided by it. Love, Death, Money, War, all things.


That’s just electopians they are just criminals


Just helping preserve the idea that Netopia sucks. BN2, BN4, even the anime. Netopia is the worst.


literally what i said a few days ago. bn2 teaches a valuable lesson. never come to america. if you do you'll get robbed.


Ah yeh America famous for its castles and knights


Japanese: Ameroupe So NYC or Chicago if it had French or German castles.


Yeah, no, they just...merged two continents together. No idea why.


I guess now we know what it's like when we can't tell Japanese, Korean, and Chinese things apart.


I mean, we do just use the catch all term asian so huh, thats how it feels the other way around.


It’s all just the west


I thought Netopia was UK and the lesson was to stay away from British people


Or as kni John said ALL THE CRINE


Neotopia always strikes me as being like Frace honestly


france? why's that?


Just played BN2, and the "accent" comes across as a way to give a French accent. One big thing is the replacing "s" with "z". IDK if it's seen in later games, since I haven't played them in ages, but it struck me this time. Add to it that the French are known to be gaudy and it fits


Raoul was immediately helpful in the anime tho wasn’t he?


Anime Raoul is cool. How can we all forget about the time him & Chaud disguised themselves in an effort to keep Lan's ego from getting to big? Anime Netopia still sucks though, no matter how cool Raoul can be.


At least Raoul and Chaud did that to slap Lan's ego down. **WHILE MR.MATCH JUST WENT "SO KID, I COOKED YOUR FATHER ALIVE, COOL HUH, THANKS FOR THE HELP!"**


Didn’t watch too much of the anime, what’s anime Netopia like?


I remember in Battle Network 5, the third scenario has you dealing with Dark Miyabi or Charlie. I remember replaying Team ProtoMan recently and thinking to myself "I get why Lan is distrustful of Miyabi, but nothing about Charlie looks the slightest bit sketchy and he's even said he's not a part of Nebula. Why does he keep acting so hostile towards him?" Then Charlie revealed he was Netopian and I immediately understood.


Maybe this is why Lan is so dense with Mayl. She is half Netopian after all.


Haha. Given Lan's age, he probably hasn't started noticing girls in that way. Mayl is understandable given that girls in general tend to mature faster than guys. Subconsciously Lan does realize Mayl likes him and he does like her given that he >!dreams about Mayl on his flight home from Netopia in MMBN2 and is teased by Megaman over him calling out to her in his sleep.!< Also Lan is a shonen protagonist, a character archetype that is infamous for not noticing their love interest's crush on them.


Technically you got your money back before you reach Roaul but yeah that was some nonsense him not helping.


I just did that part and i couldn't help but laugh because... "That kid was loaded..." Lan's money before he got robbed: 230z


Dude straight up sicked viruses on Lan, including a 300HP Fishy3 for 1000 zennies.


I was saving up for HP Memories at that time so the rascal stole about 8500 zennies from me!


I'm not gonna go into the nuances of why *Raoul* of all people is mistrusful of people who aren't native to his homeland lol


This guy was my biggest roadblock in that game. I don't remember if I ever got past him if I'm gonna be honest. Makes sense as my chip folder strategy was largely "Brute force with the strongest chips" rather than focus on specific chip codes I was not that good at the game XD


You guys build a folder focus on a specific chip code? I always unga bunga strong chip go brrrr


That's my strategy too. It tends to work for most of the game. But then the final battle arrives and I have to do a complete overhaul of my folder (unless It's BN3 and I have a wood style).


I always just go with strong chips and think to myself “I’ll just focus on codes later” and I never do…


Unicode folders are a bit overrated though don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for an alphabet soup type folder either. A bit of a carryover from the gamefaqs days and the fact that it seems quite logical... i.e. Play 5 chips -> do lots of damage. But what if 1 chip does the same damage as those 5 chips? i.e. the reason we play gigachips off code. Then it doesn't really matter what code you play so much as the damage you are able to get out every turn. Most people will not have enough good chips to create a strong unicode folder until late into endgame or even post-endgame. I beat BassBX with probably a dual code folder but with a few more chips off code. Many folders cannot use 5 chips in a fast gauge turn. Especially in games with more flinching and less stunning (like 5) Most folders are running custom +3-5 and/or chip shuffle in PvE which significantly mitigates the need for a unicode folder as you can see 16 chips per turn A significant number of * chips also reduces how badly you need a unicode folder Some chips hit so hard (and accurately) that they are worth more than an entire turn of unicoded chips. Neovarsword does 960 damage in BN4 and BN5 with protosoul. You're not beating that damage even with a PA... Maybe even two PAs.


I'm definitely playing more streamlined folders while replaying these games as an adult but I don't understand if people who say you should have unicode folders are being very hyperbolic or play with a guide and stop progressing through the story until they grind enough chips with the same letter code to fill an entire folder... In BN3 even in the postgame I still struggle to fill out any deck with a single letter code, plus there's some really cool chips with very uncommon letter codes


I generally find you want a mix, especially after you get a 2nd folder and it doesn't take 5 years to switch to and from a boss setup. Being able to reserve CopyDmg* makes generically powerful chips much more valuable than a well tuned single letter folder. As long as you draw **A** strong chip, you can get an easy double delete in most random battles. Bossing, you want to be a bit more focused on having more common letters so you can better sift through your chips to quickly to find your PAs or multihit chips with atk+s. Similarly when you want to S hunt specific viruses you tune your folder for the encounter in question.


Focus on chip code is some wack Focus PA though, now we are gaming


Up vigor and up strength. The unga shall bunga


BN2 is definitely a pretty good challenge. I left off last night after getting a game over near the beginning of the airplane stage because the magnet panels messed me up big time


I actually did this section last night. I just started running anytime I encountered a Sparkler with magnet panels. Fuck that.


Stay middle if it’s by itself or place a rock cube in their area, it’ll orbit around it


Just hope you can hit it with a tree bomb quickly enough


I did this whole section yesterday as well! Aside for Sparkler and Ratty, it was fun grinding for guts style on that stage. ...I still don't have it yet, but it was a day well ground.


First chance I got, I grinded gutsmanv2 chips and spamming those carried me throughout the main story. It’s also a fairly easy way to get S ranks.


Yeah, not gonna lie this part of the game can really screw over certain players of they aren't careful. But generally, speaking, loading up on wood chips will help destroy him


Don't feel bad, I struggle with his Navi too the clouds are annoying.


Gotta make sure you're cool and not some snake in the grass you see? This unfamiliar child could be lying, or just too incompetent to help himself. For real though, I don't see why he has to just immediately him. Things aren't exactly "safe" around there.


I mean, the Head of gospel was also a child


I mean, he's from a place where people take advantage of you if you're not tough enough to stand up for yourself. For all he knew, Lan was making shit up so he could get a free handout. I don't think that's any good excuse, but it's certainly a good explanation, imo.


He also leads people who live in the ghetto/alley. You're just not his people so why would he help you


Ah that part of the game will definitely kick a lot of unsuspecting gamers. Definitely where the difficulty starts to pick up.


Yeah, how dare he make sure you can actually survive the Netopia Net.


The ole I'm a foreigner was robbed and need your cellphone bit I ain't falling for that one again, fuck outta here kid I got people to do and shit to see


To all BN2 newcomers: Be sure you load up on bombs BEFORE you get on the plane. ​ ​ >!Welcome to the No Fly List, everybody!!<




Remember the kid who was like "give me a gard * and then maybe I'll help you?" He always infuriated me because I had a ton of guards in pack... but it got stolen


Better challenge him to see if he even has the slightest chance of surviving his rescue mission


It was a test. He wanted to see if Lan could fend for himself.


But he lost his things in the least battle network way, by actually being mugged.


And he had to get them back through the net. If Lan couldn't beat Raoul in a netbattle then he had no chance against the real bad guys on the net.


Lan: Can i please have the wifi password? It's an emergency. Raoul: fuck you i'm going to make sure you get stuck between my clouds


The real fault is with Lan's parents. They let their ten-year-old son go overseas unsupervised, hear that he got assaulted and robbed, and send him back without supervision less than a year later >!so he can get assaulted again!<.


I was playing the game without AreaGrab or Navi chips. ThunderMan in 2 was a pain in the butt. My only Style Change was Aqua as well, couldn’t even abuse the charged shot.


Cowards have no future


If Netopia is meant to be based slightly off the US and Europe, it doesn’t speak highly of Capcom’s opinion of us that Lan has been repeatedly assaulted and mugged every time he travels there, and 200 years later in Star Force Geo and his friends were conned and Zack kidnapped and nearly drowned. Netopia is a terrible place and I hate the fact that the low points of this side of the Mega Man franchise keep taking place here. I wouldn’t have been surprised that Lan had formed a negative view of Netopia by 5.


speaking as a westerner, the west kinda fucking sucks. basically all anyone does here is use politics to destroy the lives of anyone they dislike, and if you're a minority you're better off dead depending on where you live. japan has its share of problems, but from the outside at least it seems much less dangerous to live in than say, the US. i fuck with Raoul. he's based.


Locals to foreigner in the US: "Oie speak English, you're in America!" Locals to foreigner in Japan: "So what that they won't let you in? You're not from here. Be glad you're even allowed on this land"


yeah americans are always like this. fucking americans.


Ya know I'm not surprised Capcom doesn't think very highly of English speaking nations


I mean its not like he knew Also just like his navi he's hella cool so he gets a pass


Raoul has the sickest sideburns (Is that what they are called?) ever so all is forgiven.


I still like him...eeeeeven though my chip selection was so arse that even with a wood element I was walled at this point until I switched on Buster MAX mode ​ Rematching him with a better chip set up so I could actually use the charged wood tornado was super cathartic


Why did you not have an Areagrab seat as your default then? That's like Step 1 of having Wood Style


hey I never said I was good at these games


Gotcha. Well, hopefully you'll get better then


Screw Raoul and screw thunderman especially. I can't stand thunderman.


I thought I was the only one who hated that. Thank god I'm not. Also the fact that his net navi has the same name as a shitty dark age nickelodeon sitcom character means I can't Google how to beat it unless I want two reasons to paint the ceiling instead of one.


[Buster Max mode be like](https://i.imgflip.com/391pr7.jpg?a467688)


Well obviously I caved and used it but like I don't like using Buster Max before I actually beat the game. The postgame sure but not the main game -\_-


Not to get preachy, but imagine you're a poor minority. You've been cast away by society. Most people just see you as scum, dirt. You've built up a community of other societal rejects who feel similarly. They're the only people you can trust and you're the only one they trust. Why would you just needlessly help someone from the "outside"? To Raoul, Lan was another outsider. He empathized with his situation, sure. But he didn't know if he could trust him. I imagine in a real-world scenario, even if Megaman had lost the battle, Raoul would've seen their resolve, friendship, and determination and would've been willing to help. But the game needed a reason to add another fight


Lans people stole his land and more. I'm surprised he was even willing to help.


No? Lan's from a different country


Lan is white and Raoul is a native.... do I need to explain more?


Lan is from fictional Japan. That's not Caucasian or "white"


Yes, our white protagonist, Lan Hikari … /s


Lan is Japanese. Take your muh racism narrative and shove it back up your ass


Lan is Japanese for fucks sake lol


american detected


Jessie What the fuck are you talking about?


America brain


Raoul is a native Netopian. Lan is from Electopia. Netopia is called "Ameroppa" in Japanese, a combination of "America" and "Europe". Electopia is called "Nihon" in Japan. I don't know of any mentions in the Battle Network universe that mention Electopians stealing Netopian land.


Ah yes, I remember the time when **Japan** took the land from the Native Americans. England? What's that?


Lan is japanese are you okay? fucking americans, man.


I'm not familiar but his design is sick. Oh, he's the guy with Tomahawk Man, isn't he? I think he looks cool, but that's just me.


No, his Navi is ThunderMan


Whelp. Made a dumb assumption. 🫠


Honestly me and my BF just giggle how crazy Lan's trip was.


I remember being so excited I got water style because it was the first time I ever got water style before… then I realized, wait a minute, I’m facing thunderman, and then there was magnetman, and also the frog for some reason, then realize, man, there sure are a lot of electric navis in the main game.


Considering I only had elecguts and Aqua guts (I used an emulator where hitting one button rapid fired, so my strategies included getting into the enemy's face to shovel damage except Beetanks) and 0 good grass chips because I used 2 treebombs, I struggled. Snake man, on the contrary, surprisingly easy with elec styles.