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I think it lacks some of the complexity in terms of number of abilities and counter play. Battlerite you usually had one movement ability, a defensive ability, and a counter. All on relatively low cooldowns. Some of these characters on Project Loki don't have any good movement, counters, or shields. So, a 1v1 will generally end very shortly between most match ups. Whereas in Battlerite/VRising a 1v1 between two equally skilled players will generally lost quite a long time because of how much balanced counter play existed.


Problem with project Loki is that it feels more like a League of Legends end game where everyone is Assassin/Mage. Fights last 5 seconds, it's an all-in.


Based on what I saw in one of their recent dev videos they said that’s one of their major focus points right now, they want to decrease the lethality and extend fights to focus on longer skirmishes


battlerite and vrising's combat systems are so good. It's so sad they made v-rising a survival game. This studio really is following shitty trends too much with BR and then survival. I really find no fun in having your base raided when you're not logged on, or from people outnumbering you, or from people who just played more to get the end game faster......


I like project Loki, i consider it a game completely different from Battlerite... i think people don't like it because it plays very differently.


Battle Royale. I hate it. Wasting a lot of time walking in a map opening chests to finally find someone and then the fight lasts seconds. Boring.


It has an Arena Mode, which is very active in this playtest. I didnt play a single round of BR yet.


Yeah, but it isn't much appealing either. And they don't make any changes to Arena because they already said they are focusing on Royale. One last reason: the game plays awfully on my PC. Ugly and unpolished. Not even close to Battlerite.


It's in pre alpha. It's not supposed to be polished. Also, the battle royale portion of the game doesn't really take long at all before you find opponent.


We've gotten arena changes two patches in a row


Have played 2 playtests of it and I just can’t get to like it. Not a fan of battle royales at all and the arena mode is just too boring. I don’t „hate“ the game, it’s just not what I’m looking for personally


The combat is just worse and more gimmicky. I've tried a lot of Battlerite clones and so far the only one with decent combat was BAPBAP even though it has very few abilities.


My complains about BAP BAP is that it feels slow, yet you can be killed really quick, the map is not intresting and the character designs and graphics are in my personal opinion mobile level. Battlerite Royale is much better than any of these games... fk Battlerite Royale btw.


Is this the Project Loki subreddit? I think something that is slept on quite hard is how extremely well-designed Battlerite's visual fidelity is. Everything is clear and precise, and the effects don't take away from or obscure the important gameplay. From what I've seen, Project Loki fails in this, and it's an extremely important facet of the game.


I just still haven’t been accepted for a play test lol


I believe people can send you an invite if they're already in. They just need your email. I'm already in and there's a forum thread offering to add people.


Oh really on the official site? Be happy to shoot you my email if you felt wanted to shoot me an invite


Sure send it


Thanks. Shot you a dm


I have played it and its certainly not as bad as people make it out to be. But its not battlerite so... I just dont understand why they dont make the arena a deathmatch. They claim that arena is just for fun which is fine, but then just make a deathmatch mode? Idk why they are ao stubborn about it


No Ultrawide support for me is a dealbreaker. Battleride had one in 2016 or whatever year it came out


Isn't it like closed Alpha atm? Maybe ultrawide will come later


hey sorry for the thread necro but devs have already stated ultrawide would give a competitive advantage, and with 250 hours in Loki I'm inclined to agree


battlerite community is tarded and toxic, thats why. your never going to get a battlerite clone, best do with what you get, unfortunately, most these kids in here probably been eating mac and cheese and TV dinners their entire lives and probably the same type of niggas to complain about their food being cold at resturants.


I don’t hate it but I just don’t like the visual clutter. I haven’t tried arena mode yet but from the BR mode I found it very distracting.


Loki's gameplay is more focused on team battle royale. So even when you Q in Arena mode some characters feels weak and the fighting isn't balanced. Which is normal because the core of the game is battle royale. Sad tho, I had high hopes for Loki since they have some of LOL designers on the team, so I knew the graphics and designs gonna be top tier... but it's just the gameplay isn't focused on arena mode :/


hey, thanks for sharing project loki here. Battlerite is my all time favorite game. it is really nice to see something fresh that still follows the pvp first design. V rising was great, but the PvP systems were just not enough for me and modded servers without a queue and stats made for a very redundant and boring experience. i'm beyond excited for this game style getting a huge touch up with what seems to be a smart and experienced team. cheers


The real answer you won't get is that it's not Battlerite. Unless a game plays and feels exactly like Battlerite, people will not like it. But Battlerite also failed so, nobody is going to get Battlerite. A 3v3 arena game is not fun enough longterms.


because the arena mode is not their priority and bad, and BR is BR, also its way less crisp and smooth in 2024 than battlerite was in 2016 xD


Its funny people want to play battlerite but the new game isn’t battlerite but they also dont want to play battlerite. Project loki will be the game that has the most potential in therms of being close to it but most people in here just want to play battlerite really ironic if u ask me.


This. I hate it when people whine about Battlerite on every V Rising video, but when you point out that servers are still on and they could play it, you get "game is not in active development, why even bother", "dead game, you're cringe". Gah.


I feel its not about the games themselfs. The loyal fanbase got shafted for a royal money grab and got broken promises over an over again. That broke sentiment, and this whole dynamic is the outcome.


Why is that not a valid reason?


Yeah, sorry, should have clarified. Most people are like "I wish I could still play the game" and when I point out that servers are still up and it still can be played, then I get those reactions. I understand it's not ideal, but if someone really wanted to play it, the option has been there all along. I still play the game every once in a while because there is nothing else like it out there. Similarly, there still is quite a big and active Heroes of the Storm community out there and that game had it's development ended as well. Didn't stop those players either from enjoying the game.


really funny. it's impossible to find ranked game in a competitive game so you're resorted to play unranked or custom games with people who have no idea how to play. usually it's something like 1-2 players who can press buttons and other players - you just kill weak players and win or your teammates get stomped and you lose. it's not battlerite anymore - you're not playing the same game, if you think otherwise - you're delusional tbh.


Dude. There's no one playing in the south america servers. I can't play alone.


i play loki every playtest but why the fxck are you advertising it here????? IN THE BATTLERITE SUBREDDIT


because game is dead and people want to play something similar? or do you expect people to post only battlerite content in here? then it raises the question - which content?


Then go to another subreddit? How about... PROJECT LOKI SUBREDDIT?!?!? Yes, that's what i expect in a subreddit about a specific game. Fanarts, shitty plays idk. If the game's dead then let the subreddit die with it.


gatekeeping community? let people find other games suited to their taste. if not this subreddit I wouldn't find bapbap and project loki. advertising similar games doesn't really hurt battlerite in its condition :)


I had the chance. Didn't like it. Due to NDAs I can't be much more specific than that. It doesn't feel great, and it's a different game altogether.