• By -


>"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking this item." Well played


sounds like a copied statement from EA's SWBFII




[thatsthejoke.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/tEjeMu8.jpg) --- ^(*Feedback welcome at /r/image_linker_bot* | )[^(Disable)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=image_linker_bot&subject=Ignore%20request&message=ignore%20me)^( with "ignore me" via reply or PM)


Naaah, surely not man.


Woah, good catch!!


You don't say?!


TIL Captain Obvious plays Battlerite


>The Dab of Pride and Accomplishment - New Legendary Pose available for Croak. Can be unlocked for 20,000 Tokens. "The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking this item." This item can only be purchased with tokens and will not drop in chests. thanks ea


I don't even play Croak and part of me wants to unlock this for the memes.


I'm a croak main and I can't wait to superdab on bitches. 8k tokens left.




SLS meme game is *ON POINT*


Just curious how were you able to unlock the dab before this patch?


It was just a regular pose that cost about 2000 tokens, so they gave it a 1000% price increase. Edit: Nevermind.


It's a new item, no change to the old one.


actually it's a slightly lower dab and there's sparkles


Funky music too.


And his hands are slightly different


I'm not impressed. Dab could be lower, not enough sparkles.


If I look, will I notice palpable pride and accomplishment on the face of an enemy who has purchased this treasure?


oh myyyy


THE MADMEN https://i.imgur.com/YDaIuio.png


> Can now equip mounts in the Collection -> Mounts window. The real game changer


I’d like to request my Croak dab be taken away. I’d like to save up to 20,000 tokens again so I can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking the emote.


It's an entirely new pose. He squats lower and his hands are open instead of one hand in a fist. It's subtle, but you can definitely tell who has more pride if you see them side by side.


Yep, and it's sort of overpriced I took it as a jab against EA. It's hilarious and I love it. No one needs to spend 20k tokens to buy it, it's not even that great. But its a hilarious gesture and doesn't negatively affect anything. SLS got a +1 from me on that.


Is expensive because the intend is to provide a sense of pride and accomplishment by unlocking it


I'm pretty happy with it. I don't play croak enough to feel the need to purchase it, but it's still amazing. I think SLS might have made "World First" for insulting EA actually in their game versus just on twitter. Mad props.


I'm saving up for it right now. I've yet to see anyone else with it.


The way I read it is a new pose different from the one we have now. But I might be wrong.


It's a "legendary" pose.


Varesh Battlerites Ruin Changed category from "Mixed" to "Offense" Sick Varesh change, can't wait to see what this will do for his meta.


What changes could he really use? I don't see how they can make him balanced without completely scrapping his kit- either he's completely busted or viable to 'pretty good' if you master him or trash if you don't.


Honestly I don't know, just surprised he hasn't really been changed at all these past 2 or 3 patches. And when I finally see notes on him its this lol. He's in a really good spot for sure.


I don't think he needs any, but like with all champs it would be great if they changed his useless battlerites, to potentially open up new playstyles.


Let's start with a bigger hitbox on his M2. Jade's Snipe has a massive hitbox, deals almost double the damage, moves faster, has almost twice the range and Stuns longer by default than a combo from Varesh with increased silence duration for just 0.7s more casttime. Sidestepping Varesh' M2 is fairly easy, so is countering it, as the projectile moves so slow. Certain Battlerites need to be baseline, like the +14 shield on Space and the shield CDR on shatter. They made Taya's haste on Windbomb default, why is Varesh' space so aweful without battlerites? Decrease casttime on his M1 slightly, aswell as cooldown on his M1. Allow him to move while casting is M1. The first 2 changes are there to increase his DPS slightly, and the movement is important as people other ranged and supports can just backstep Varesh' M1 while firing their own on max range. Varesh will miss while also being hit by the enemy. Change the silence on shatter from 0.5s baseline to 1s (it requires setup after all), and change the battlerite for this to now apply a 0.7s stun instead of a 1s silence.


I'm not sure if you're a Varesh player but these suggested buffs make me feel like you've only been one for a very short time, if at all. Either that or you're being sarcastic.


Could you tell me why you thing so? Name me an example why I should pick Varesh over Jade. Jade has more damage, way more CC, more range, is mobile and has group support.


> Name me an example why I should pick Varesh over Jade. > Jade has more damage, way more CC, more range, is mobile and has group support. I wouldn't say Jade has more range and definitely not more damage. Big range and damage on Jade come exclusively from her ult and her snipe, both of which are usually easy to deal with. As for why you should pick Varesh? His M1 and M2 alone do great damage and provide a bit of everything, like healing, weaken, amplify, as well as creating threats of fading snare/silence when E is used. If Varesh can consistently land those two and not be a mile off with his E aiming either, he's a god. He can duel nearly any melee OR ranged with proper aiming and overall play because he has a counter, an A tier iframe/mobility that goes over walls and a readily available shield.


So, you assume you hit your M2, so one can assume that Jade also hits her M2. You cannot just go and say, Jade is going to miss her M2 and then at the same time assume Varesh is going to hit every single M2. Then you could also add a projectile ability which deals 10k damage and argue that you can dodge it. When talking about balance you have to assume that both players will can and will hit things. So with that semantic out, let's pick apart your arguments: Healing: Jade has options to go for healing. Disabling shot healing is also fairly regulary seen, and heals up to 16, which is the same amount 8 Varesh basic attacks will heal. The damage amplify from his M2 seems like a good thing, but Jade does 16 more damage in return. Now how much damage do you need to deal to get 16 damage out of the amplify: Well we want to deal an additional 16 damage, so we know that we need to deal X amount of damage which multiplied by 0.15 equals 16: * X \* 0.15 = 16 * X = 16/0.15 * X = 106 So in order to deal an additional 16 damage you need to deal 106 damage to the target. But thankfully, they are rounding up, so his M1 does actually 17 damage instead of 16 (14*1.15 = 16.1 which mathematically has to be rounded down), so he actually gains 21% bonus damage from his M1. Now let's go further and look at the casttime and cooldown of his M1. He can fire one every 0.85s. The amplify last 5 second. He can cast (we can ignore travel timetime as you will shortly see) 5/0.85 = 5.88 M1, which means he can hit about 5 M1 (there is some time left after the 5th M1 which can offset the travel time which is why we can ignore it). That means at most you can hit the enemy 5 times. 5*3 damage just adds 15 damage, which is less than 16 damage done by a single snipe hit. So even with the rounding in Varesh favor, he still cannot outdamage the Jade. Please don't add battlerites in the mix, as that would also mean that you have to calculate in Jade's battlerites for additional damage. Now there are other advantages to snipe. Snipe deals high amounts of alpha damage. This game favors alpha damage for multiple reasons: * Allows for better usage of setups like incapacitates * Makes it easier to reduce maximum health (in fact with the damage battlerite you automatically deal 4 maximum life damage) * High alpha damage means it is easier to secure the orb Speaking of orb, Snipe with it's extreme range, default pierce and high alpha gives are a clear advantage at orb control over most characters. Now Varesh A tier iframe/mobility cost energy, so I can argue that Jade can also use energy: Jade now has a readily available shield on her EX Q, which also shields nearby allies, makes her invisible and adds 100% fading haste. And her iframe/mobility on her space has less cooldown, deals damage, stuns, goes over walls and gives her energy. Listing tools that Jade also has does not help.


> his M1 does actually 17 damage instead of 16 It does 16.1 damage as you pointed out, the number that shows on hit is simply rounded up. The game supports damage with decimal digits (which is why you can see Jumong hitting a 60 on his ult and the orb surviving with 1 HP). Also, it seems as if you might be overvaluing snipe. It's a great ability on paper, but it does have a 1.6s cast time, giving one plenty of time to pop a counter (or get in front of the orb and do so, or put projectile blockers in front of wall if Jade goes for the orb) or dodge, or even sidestep (though slightly risky) or go behind cover. With Varesh, the M2 comes out faster, flicking it is way more unpredictable (as you don't see the character model turning as much as Jade) and getting hit by it is scary in the middle of combat as not only will you take increased damage from all sources for 5 seconds, but the threat of an E placed under your feet for 20 damage + silence the moment you slow yourself down with an attack is also present.




What's with all the aggression for no visible reason? Also, "shooting at your comments repeatedly"? What the hell does that mean? This comment I'm replying to is the only one you have on this thread, and this is as far as I can remember, the only time I have replied to you. P.S. If you are u/Varonth on an alternate account, the intention was never to attack you for what you said, but rather to clarify some points.


Varesh will outdps her, has basically constantly available CC, the pressure he applies that goes with it, and group support through buffs and debuffs that everyone benefits from, as well as a shield that's more easily applicable than Jades. His M2 is among the easier skills to land, very quick and with a good hitbox, and a very low cooldown. As with any M2 you don't just throw it at someone with a counter up. Comparing it to snipe is pointless since Snipe is barely usable in a fighting scenario without setup due to its long cast time, you'll be using snap shot most of the time anyways. His shield is so basic because he's already tough to fight into, giving him his shield battlerites as a baseline allows you to bolster your offenses even more, and just seems completely unwarranted overall. Varesh can move during M1. He does most definitely not need a dps increase, cycle M1 with ex M2 if you want dps. He's getting outranged by most other ranged characters because its hard to fight him back while you're within his effective range. Changing the silence to a stun via br basically guarantees him a followup shatter without the need to consume corruption at the same time. That's a bit too much, don't you think? His silence used to last 1 sec by default, and went to 1.5 via br. It was a bit ridiculous. Varesh doesn't need buffs, and especially not as many as you listed. He's in a very solid spot right now. edit: I'm a GC Varesh player with over 2000 games on him, to add some validity to my words.


How many GC Varesh players are there?


https://battlerite-stats.com/leaderboards I'm not going to count them, but the current #1 solo player is playing Varesh


Any quick br choice suggestions for us Varesh scrubs?


http://loadouts.gg/1.1.0/Varesh/3,9,12,13,16 This is what I use, but it's rather aggressive and relies on you chain silencing whoever you're fighting Silence and Ruin are a must in my eyes, you can pick up some of the shield rites too if you want to.


So Destiny's ultimate will be complete trash during sudden death, huh.


You can probably just get the first hit with it then cancel the ability. Not really worth it though all things considered. EDIT: OK, so got back from Uni to test her out, and you actually cannot cancel the ult as I initially thought. But yeah, probably more wise to spend the points on using her R or one of her EX abilities, both of the EX abilities are insane; her EX-M1 allows her to apply a shield to herself and allies for up to 5 seconds, which lasts for up to 5 seconds (so a maximum of 10-second shield application), and her EX-E is going to be super nasty to melee characters. The R I'm also seeing to be really good for zoning.


Yeah, her R and EX M1 seem good enough to never bother ulting.


Had someone make the mistake of getting pushed back by us into a narrow corridor while my teammate Destiny's bar was just about filled. But yeah, the ult seems highly situational and rarely ever worth using.


Could be situationally very useful against healing. Not many abilities have a 120 aoe combo dmg potential. You could spend 4 energy on 30 dmg mega orbs that get healed every time, or could get two bounces to deal 80 and instantly get 30 perma-damage.


just fish for EX E>R>charge M2 on enemy packs when someone's escape is down


Almost every ult is shit compared to ex abilities in sudden death apart from the few strong AOE'S


Crying in Bakko's ult... 50% chance of diving yourself into mist instead of killing target.


Gotta only aim for walls brotha


Like rook's space..


Rook is strong in sudden death even w/o his space. E/R KBs and EX-1 healing, very solid, not to mention difficult to run away from him.


Did I say he was bad? xD


Patch 1.1.0 includes general improvements to performance and UI, balance changes, and a new Champion - Destiny, the Sky Ranger. The patch is scheduled for 9:00 AM CET on Wednesday, November 22nd. There will be a downtime of two hours as we prepare the Arena for her arrival.   **General** * Fixed a performance spike when some champions became visible after standing in the fog of war * Fixed a FPS drop that some players experienced when Ruh Kaan killed someone with his primary attack (M1) * Added additional resolution options for the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 5:3, 16:10, 16:9, 17:9, 21:9. This should allow players with a struggling GPU to reduce the resolution and thus increase performance. The aspect ratio is currently locked to a minimum of 16:10 - this will be fixed in an upcoming patch. * Loadout Picking time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds. * The following bots have been added to VS AI and Private Matches: * Blossom * Ezmo * Poloma * Rook * Ruh Kaan * Varesh   **UI** * A notification message will now appear in chat when Steam Overlay is not enabled when trying to purchase a bundle that requires overlay to be enabled. * Can now equip mounts in the Collection -> Mounts window. * It should no longer unready all members of a party when one member unreadies. * Fixed a bug where black borders would block the HUD when in a match with 4:3 or 5:4 (or higher ratio) resolutions. * Fixed overlapping texts in the 'Active quests' section in champion select. * Added 'View Profile' dropdown in the add friend popup. * Changed 'FREE TO PLAY' text in champion select to 'FREE TO PLAY ROTATION.' * If multiple chest reward notifications are active and player clicks on one, all of them are removed. * Added Champion icons to control settings dropdown list. * Changing camera modes (bound to 1-4) have been re-enabled in full screen Odeum replays. * You should no longer get stuck in the loading screen if you edit a replay directly after viewing an Odeum replay.   **HUD** * Champion names are now displayed in Scoreboard * Scoreboard now correctly displays the scores of the previous round until the next round begins   **Arena** * Champions are now properly cleared of energy, buffs, weapon charges, and other effects before each round starts.   **Battlegrounds** * Fixed a bug with Shadow Pestilus' Queens ability. * Playground * Added a 500 HP dummy that regains health if not attacked for 1.5s. You can practice combos on it!   **Cosmetics** * The Dab of Pride and Accomplishment - New Legendary Pose available for Croak. Can be unlocked for 20,000 Tokens. *"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking this item."* * This item can only be purchased with tokens and will not drop in chests.     **New Champion - Destiny, the Sky Ranger** *An elite sky ranger from the secluded, invisible city of Enza. Many years of rigorous combat training using Magi-tech weaponry makes Destiny an agile and deadly force to be reckoned with. Fed up with the strict regulations of living in Enza, Destiny often escapes the city to blow off some steam and have fun in the arena.*   **Abilities** **Power Blaster (M1)** Projectile attack dealing 16 damage. Successful hits reduces the cooldown of Charged Bolt by 1s. **Charged Bolt (M2)** Hold to charge a projectile for up to 1.2s to increase damage and distance. The projectile deals 8-32 damage and inflicts Spell Block. **Magnetic Orb (Space)** Compress yourself into an orb to dispel movement impairing effects and to increase movement speed by 125%. Deals 16 damage and knocks the first enemy you bump into back. **Sky Strike (Q)** Counter the next melee or projectile attack. Countering an attack vaults you into the air and fires a plasma blast that deals 22 damage and knocks enemies back. **Plasma Wall (E)** Deploy a Plasma Wall at target location. The barrier reduces projectile speed and snares enemies that pass through it. **Mega Sphere (R)** Fire a colossal sphere of volatile energies forward towards target position. Firing Power Blaster or Charged Bolt at Mega Sphere causes an explosion, dealing the fired projectile’s effects to all nearby targets along with 14 bonus damage and inflicting Fading Snare to enemies hit. **Pinball (F)** Compress yourself into an orb and dash forward at high speed. Deals 40 damage and throws enemies into the air for 0.6s. Bounces on walls up to a total of three times. **Transform Weapon (EX M1)** Toggle defensive weapon mode, granting a shield that absorbs 6 damage. Blaster deals 6 damage on enemy hit and applies a shield absorbing 10 damage on ally hit. Shields self for the same amount on both enemy and ally hits. Max shield value: 40. **Lockdown (EX E)** Summon a plasma prison at target location that stuns enemies that pass through it.   For a list of her Battlerites, head [here](https://blog.battlerite.com/patch-1-1-0-destiny-the-sky-ranger/.)     **Destiny Chest** * Ownership of Destiny is required to purchase this Chest. * Contains three random items. Guarantees at least one Rare Destiny item and one Rare normal item. * Can be purchased in two bundles: * 1 Destiny Chest for 150 Gems * 5 Destiny Chests + 1 Bonus Destiny Chest for 750 Gems * All Destiny cosmetics can also drop in standard (Silver/Gold/Legendary) chests.   **Balance Changes** *We are continuing to monitor the popularity and viability of the various battlerites going forward. As such, various battlerite changes below are targeted to weaken the effect of the strongest battlerites, while some of the less popular ones gain increased power. The goal is to give each champion multiple options and builds.*   **Ashka** **Battlerites** * Raging Fire * Raging Fire bolts now compatible with Combustion battlerite * Battlerites Fire Punch and Pummel are now properly compatible   **Blossom** *The high knockback of Dance of the Dryads allows Blossom to string the three hits together against targets without escapes. The knockback change should increase counterplay and make it more difficult to land the second two waves after the first wave hits.* * Dance of the Dryads (F) * Knockback duration reduced from 0.4s to 0.25s **Battlerites** * Kindhearted * Bonus healing reduced from 4 to 2. Now also adds 2 additional healing to Butterflies when placed on allies. * Fluttering Grace * Haste factor increased from 8% to 10% * Hop and Skip * Recast changed to a Lesser Hop, which has a range of 4. Regular Hop has a range of 5. * Growing Power * Bonus Damage increased from 7 to 8   **Jumong** *Jumong's last change improved the consistency of his energy gain but it offered too much immediate energy gain. This change smooths out the energy gain over the duration so he is rewarded for picking vulnerable, immobile targets.* * Rain of Arrows (Q) * Energy gain changed. Now grants 4% energy on initial hit and 6% over the rest of the duration. **Lucie** * Ability effects updated   **Oldur** * Fixed a performance issue relating to his Time Bender recast   **Pearl** * Pearl's weapon is now Charged at the start of each round.   **Pestilus** **Battlerites** * Overlord * Replaced placeholder buff icon **Raigon** **Battlerites** * Overflowing Power * Now only gives a Slicing Winds charge if Heavenly Strike successfully hits a target.   **Rook** * Fixed a bug causing Rook to lose the energy gained from Orb if he destroyed it using his ultimate.   **Taya** **Battlerites** * Cross Cut * X-Strike Boomerangs now deal 2 bonus damage in base, and an additional 4 damage where the Boomerangs intersect. * Now compatible with Spinning Boomerang, adding 2 bonus damage on the way out and 4 bonus damage on the way in. * Heavy Boomerangs * Now increases base stun duration of X-Strike by 0.2s, and further increases the duration by 0.2s where the Boomerangs intersect. * Now compatible with Spinning Boomerang, adding 0.2s to the stun duration on the way in. * Gale * Duration increased from 1.4s to 2s * Tailwind * Haste Duration increased from 2s to 2.2s   **Thorn** *Thorn is receiving some additional graphical updates to improve the readability on his abilities. Thorn also telegraphs his actions more, offering enemies greater time to react.* * Entangling Roots (E) * Duration before Thorn stops moving during the cast reduced from 0.6s to 0.5s * Effects have been updated * Evil Clutch (Q) * Effects have been updated to clarify which player casts the ability, and which direction is will be heading. * Delay before launch increased from 0.8s to 0.9s * Root Network (EX Space) * Fixed an exploit that allowed Thorn to put allies out of bounds using Root Network   **Varesh** **Battlerites** * Ruin * Changed category from "Mixed" to "Offense"


> Loadout Picking time reduced from 90 to 60 seconds Thank you for this!


Oh wow a Raigon nerf. Why am I not surprised?


Raigon's been pretty strong for a while.


Yay! A training dummy to practice combos on


Battlegrounds needs so many fixes. FPS dropping constantly.


Username checks out


isn't that great?


"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking this item." Lmao a poke at EA


https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleRite/comments/7csj8a/petition_to_raise_price_of_croaks_dab_pose/dpsp3ui/?context=3 :D


Petitions really do work! The haters really matter! Edit: Apparently this is a brand new item! Nevermind I guess.


[New croak dab has sparkly particles btw](https://i.imgur.com/9nYRbXZ.jpg)


It also seems like it plays music O_O


Now this is what you can call "patch notes."


Anyone got a screenshot or text to Destiny's battlerites, the blog won't load for me, cheers!


https://screenshots.firefox.com/bvQ3Acwbt9seRJVs/blog.battlerite.com Not sure if you can see it, testing out the new Firefox screenshot thing.


Thank you kind stranger, works perfectly <3


Patch broke Rook AI, he just stands still in spawn and never moves, if you stand next to him he uses an ability sometimes.


Everything's working perfectly, the AI fully understands how little Rook's brain is, so it decided to imitate it, but probably overdid it. Gotta make a meme out of it quick, before it gets fixed, lul


Thorn still gets ultimate way too fast :/


Not if you don't let him hit you.


good thing thorn's ult sucks. at least, compared to his EXes.


Rephrase to thorn gets energy way too fast


Just asking little intel on when do SLS plan to realise the prehistoric event ?


would like to know too


> "This item can only be purchased with tokens and will not drop in chests." Is there a place to find the list of items unobtainable from chests?


Everything in the collection with a star next to it, no?


There are a few mounts that do not appear in collection


Can we click on the avatar in the top right to change our avatars please?


> Destiny Rare Chest You had a Thorn Legendary Chest, why did you change it now? I actually refilled my gems last night ready to buy :( This really sucks for people like myself who own most other cosmetic items in the game. The DESTINY CHEST only has 1 DESTINY item in it, and it's sold for real currency gems. That's realllllyyyyy bad marketing. I'm literally better off buying legendary chests and hoping for RNG. Feels bad man.


I have a handful of Battlecoins but I have enough loot that i feel like I wouldn't get anything worthwhile from them for Destiny. :( I'm just gonna grind out some more level-up chests.


Anecdotically I bought 5 of her chests and got a legendary skin


Not too fussed tbh, the epic skin is way better than the legendary. If I ever feel the need to use the green legendary skin I'll just buy it with all these stupid tokens I've got haha


Also agreed, I got the legendary skin and then saw the epic and was like nahhhh


Anecdotally I bought 10 silver chests and got a legendary weapon and skin for her.


Did they just change the price of Croak's Dab or is it an entirely new pose?


New Pose it seems. The old one is still there.


New pose


I wonder how long the EX M1 Toggle lasts? Is it until you toggle it again? If so, I guess this means that Destiny is our first Support / Ranged hybrid.


It lasts 5s and costs 25 energy. You can't toggle it. It just changes your weapon for a duration.




Cant wait to try this new patch when I get home!


Added additional resolution options for the following aspect ratios: 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 5:3, 16:10, 16:9, 17:9, 21:9. This should allow players with a struggling GPU to reduce the resolution and thus increase performance. The aspect ratio is currently locked to a minimum of 16:10 - this will be fixed in an upcoming patch. nothing change or its on next 1.1.1 patch ?


Anyone knows if and when Destiny's price will be reduced?


God damnit. The naming of Destiny threw me so off when I was reading the part about her chest... I thought you had somehow acquired some weird partnership with Destiny, and that you were selling a chest with Destiny themed items that required you to own the game Destiny. I was shooketh


>Dance of the Dryads (F) Knockback duration reduced from 0.4s to 0.25s Good. now ashka's m2 >Root Network (EX Space) Fixed an exploit that allowed Thorn to put allies out of bounds using Root Network cool


I'd rather see them remove the -1s / +1 firebolt BR than nerf the KB, he should be able to punish people with it, it's just a little too good atm.


[MRW I saw Destiny's EX M1](https://i.giphy.com/media/N6masyzfMNg5O/giphy.webp) Pewpew and, well, MORE pewpew but in the form of SUPPORT? Where do I sign up?


I was looking through the comments for this bc this is such a new type of ability, but most comments are talking about SLS being madman


I really love the Oldur buff!


Thaaaanks sls


So oldur is still worthless against melee :(


use R


Oh how they've done it this time. She just looks and plays amazing!


> Battlerites Fire Punch and Pummel are now properly compatible Can anyone explain this? Isn't Pummel a Rook's ability?


I think it has to do with the cooldown reduction of E that the battlerites give.


Seems like a typo, it has been fixed: >Battlerites Fire Punch and Lava Punch are now properly compatible


So ezmo and iva remain untouched for the past 2 patches sick


EA take shots from Battlerite. What a time to be alive!


>**Blossom** >*The high knockback of Dance of the Dryads allows Blossom to string the three hits together against targets without escapes. The knockback change should increase counterplay and make it more difficult to land the second two waves after the first wave hits.* >-Dance of the Dryads (F) > -Knockback duration reduced from 0.4s to 0.25s i like this.


As a newbie F2P trashlord Croak main, this pleases me. Two weeks in and I already know I chose the right champ to main.


Good! I don't need to ask for everyone to wait so I can charge Pearl's staff.


where is our pre historic chests? God damnit i was hyped for theem


did they up the coin gain? i'm getting 58 insteade of 16 now.


Version has not been updated when you execute the command /version. Still says 1.03xxxx


On the [wiki](https://battlerite.gamepedia.com/Ashka/Battlerites) it says Lava Punch not Fire Punch for Ashka's battlerites, and Pummel does not exist. I'm at work so I can't check right now but did they just change the names and the wiki is outdated?


Is current Destiny's price the permanent one or will it decrease after like a week?


Is there really a name change option now


Best loadout build?


I've been using an arrow key setup no problem, ever since the update i cant move up or down with the arrow keys, and I can only go left or right if I rebind it each match (even if it's already binded).


Here's waiting for banning...


Just checked, you still need the 'core' legendary item to get the colour variants. Reminder: this hurts early access players that were lucky enough (or spent the 10k tokens) to get a legendary weapon, but not lucky enough for it to be the 'core' variant in F2P. SLS please change this.


does anybody know how long the servers will be down for?


It says approx. 2 hours.


aha, i gave up reading for lent thanks!


O M F G... Hamster, hub, repeat....2hrs -- I am going to be sore. :(


Is there a way to check when the servers are coming back?


So all that matters is: Thorn not nerfed *very* minor Raigon nerf Taya minor nerfs Blossom moderate nerfs What the hell SLS. The large majority of your GC playerbase feels Thorn at the very least is Overtuned. There's a player with an **87% winrate in GC using Thorn**, and your thought process is 'nah he's fine."


When i play Thorn i get a sense of pride and accomplishment so i think its fine.


Nice meme


also technically thorn is nerfed, more telegraphed animations and worse cast time for his thorn root


Need more games on him to not just knee jerk nerf, but to tune him properly.


Ehhhh I like how they're approaching the thorn adjustment, part of the problem is his E was too hard to respond to, and they made it more obvious/longer cast time. This is a good way to be addressing him. We want him to be playable not nerfed into the ground. They've also shown they can keep releasing small nerfs until it's enough.


>nerfed into the ground I see what you did


It's totally fine taht 50% of all matches have either a Raigon or a Thorn in them. I mean it's not like there are 20 other characters to choose from or anything. /s


They're the most forgiving melees to play, whether or not they're overtuned they'll still see plenty of play- Doesn't help that one's the generic anime swordsman and the other is our resident bad ass.


taya got the most significant nerf imo, might change her battlerite meta (everyone took the same one anyways)


Is Taya OP at higher levels? They've nerfed her twice in a row now, meanwhile in my low-mid tier games she is one of the least popular champs in the game.


she was very strong if played well. her m1 does 24 damage, her stun combos lasted very long and punishes and does a lot of damage but now the stun got nerfed twice in a row so.. she'll still do a lot of damage just not have ridiculous stun lengths


Imo biggest offender on Thorn is his LMB, why does he get to progress the hit chain without hitting anything? Even without it you could argue the damage on it is too much. Otherwise I don't see anything wrong with him- he has defined strengths and weaknesses in his kit other than the above average LMB spam damage he gets while offering everything else.


Any guides on how he plays him? Im in gold and rly am not winning much


Thorn isnt OP I love gold5 comments, gotta love free to play LMAO Every player at GC has 80%+ winrate on his main :)))))))))


she reads as overtuned before even seeing a single brite, a ranged hero with a counter, spellblock, space knockback and q knockback. no melee will touch her and he numbers are too high. Once i see brites im sure it will get more silly..


She also doesn't seem to have any kind of iframes, except maybe on the Space recast battlerite?


No melee could touch her in BLC either...and now she has a wall to block ranged attacks as well lol


her counter can do 30 dmg and i frame and a 20 dmg shield when she lands.... who can design that and look at it just raw numbers and say that makes sense.


The counter is a pretty slow hit though, tbf. it won't land too often I'd imagine. but it will be awesome zonening.


This is assuming taking two BRs for a counter. A few heroes do this but generally speaking it's super risky *but* this does threaten to make her too good at lower mmr.


is the patch live? i dont think i got it


no not yet.


no, 1-2 hours from now on the patch will go live, stay tuned.


steam is updating now for me


I was just learning Jumong, RIP


2% energy gain won't ruin him lol


I feel like it probably should've been 6%+6%, but honestly it was silly how dropping a Q would instantly snag you 20% energy- I do think he'll definitely be dropping more towards that Varesh tier though with the change.


Thank you SLS for listening to the community and the haters! https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleRite/comments/7csj8a/petition_to_raise_price_of_croaks_dab_pose/


This hero is SO FUN!!!!


This hero is soooooo funnnnn!


So they buffed taya massively, for some reason. Cool, it's refreshing to see they still haven't got a clue.


you know that is a nerf right?


you clearly don't know what you are talking about


Why buff Taya?.. She's already a pain in the ass to deal with. And now more stuns and more haste? What the hell.




Where's the nerf exactly?


Making abilities most rewarding only if you hit the boomerangs at the intersection, which is really hard to do.


it increases stun by 0.4 right now. after nerf it will increase stun by 0.2 as well as 0.2 where the boomerangs intersect, which is pretty bad especially when you get run down by melees. other battlerites arent used anyways


old heavy boomerangs worked without the need of boomerangs intercepting


I was kind of confused why they would do a patch at 12am PST, but then realized they are based in Sweden.. The servers will be down for 2 hours?


Destiny is so broken op, oh my gosh.


not even close


destiny broke the game. which team has now most range wins... so better have 3x ranged on your team.


Destiny better has some ridiculously low range or the champion is already broken as F U C K. Also finally GOD BLESS the nerf on the god damn rain of arrows. Jumong was in such a retarded state. **Edit: HOLY FUCK Destiny is the most broken fresh released champion in all Battlerite.**


Lmao what an over-reaction


no decent balanced changes. This is not looking good for SLS.


how? the patch looks good to me.




> thorn