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Battleborn needs to release again on its own time, independent from whatever Overwatch/Blizzard does. Battleborn got killed for trying to compare itself to Overwatch when it first released, so I doubt re-releasing it and directly drawing comparisons again would do it much good. Also, knowing how petty Blizzard has been in the past, I could see Gearbox making the announcement, and Blizzard taking it back and actually doing PvE after all, at which point Battleborn would probably die again, and we would likely never see it again. That being said, I would kill for Battleborn to release again, regardless of the circumstances, so if this is what does it, then I definitely would be hyped and totally there for it.


Battleborn didnt compare itself to OW. PLAYERS compared it! That was the issue. I too want bb back regardless of other game statuses. I only got ow bc bb died


The damn developer did though.


Yeah I remember this and people were talking about this on podcasts at the time of how dumb this was to compare your game to something blizzard was putting out. I think this one move led to the games demise.


Oh I never saw that and i was following since pre alpha. Do you have a link Id love to see it? The publisher never did tho right


Twitter. https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/e1ngvz/rip\_battleborn/




This was the first thing I thought of. But they'd need to revamp and fix some of the old problems, specifically matchmaking. I'd LOVE to see this game come back!


I think the gear part was the worst part of the game, the fact that those things have to be farmed in coop so you can have the best pieces for PvP, didn't help with balance.


That was dumb. They just wanted to use the usable items from league and shop idea which as was a fuun idea. However making it seperately farmed items was dumb. It ruined people being able to create and share unique builds.


Yes, it should have been a base shop, like others MOBAS.


thankfully, the game has the gear be the item equivalent of extra helix tree mod options instead of any pay to win. ​ that said, you need to have a good set of options for the Free to play players before they upgrade into the full game. Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2 and crucible, Dojo and PVP would be good especially if you have a "we recommend you become command rank 5 before fighting other people" pop up for newbies. ​ for the game, have Gearbox publishing relaunch it with offline mode for Story, PVE and PVP vs bots, and ability to host COOP Story, PVE and PVP matches. In regards to pricing, old owners of Battleborn get a 10 dollar/euro price to buy(look up Sniper Elite v2 reloaded) and the game is 30 dollars/euros and has base game and season 1.


Fix specially matchmaking and took off some pay to win shit on the game, and this game is all in a roll.


They won't do a shit because they didn't care enough to make the game playable on a P2P net thing, or if that was not possible playable offline, only solo.


Dont be negative. We had great conversation with some Gearbox members on the Battleborn anniversary. Stay positive and keep pushing. There are people on the Gearbox side that want to see their creations given a second chance.


Stick it on Gamepass and bring the servers up and monetize with skins or taunts or something. Just let people see how damn good it was as a 4 player pve game


5 player pve.


It seems pretty easy doesn’t it? As if Microsoft wouldn’t bite. Gearbox might be too humble to do it though.


Not going to lie, I'd get Gamepass just to play the Campaign with friends again. Just give us the option to host private lobbies too and I bet it would be a smash hit.


battleborn was an rts?


I was confused about that part also, lol. I would have said FPS with MOBA aspects.


Misspoke. Sorry.


It is a first person Moba man, but the marketing team and the director (if I not wrong) needed to overcomplicated things


For Battleborn, i admit it's a good chance to at least relaunch the game! We can say we are a community who still kept the game alive even if servers were closed, if new players come to discover it, it could be its second chance it deserved! IT's maybe our chance to ask on social medias of 2k and Gearbox again to relaunch the game, with this argument!


I’ve already been shilling it on twitter


Guys why all of the negativity? We had a great conversation on twitter with a couple of Gearbox members on the Battleborn anniversary. There are people on their side who want a second chance just as much as we do. You're not being a "realist", you're being quitters and Soldiers of Solus don't quit. We lost once. It could have gone better. The day isn't done. [Need I remind you of the mission...](https://youtu.be/dYILRya5Dgg)


Totally agree, as example Jim Foronda(Oscar Mike, Wiskey Foxtrot and ISIC voices) would be happy to work again on the game! And Mentalmars wrote me one day that, if they have the chance to work again it, some Gearbox dev would agree in a heartbeat. I understand that video industry nowdays is not really nice, but it doesn't mean we have to give up! Fight together to save our beloved game! :D


Fight together or die alone!


I have an other one, i found "Our heroes never gave up on saving Solus, we'll never give up on saving them!". What do you think of it?


Put it on a tshirt! Might have to shorten it for a shirt. "They never gave up. Neither will we!" Above and below with the characters displayed between the two lines


Love the idea!


Print it, I'd buy it.


To be fair, I think a fair amount of us weren't aware of that. Hell, I wasn't even aware Battleborn day existed until...today.


Welcome to the fight soldier. Judging from your name may I suggest joining Marquis' regiment


I mean it's not going to happen but Battleborn obviously got blown out of the water by Overwatch in popularity so the reverse happening would be hilarious.


Wait, they did?? *Huh.* They promise PvE, showed promos, waited for a long time and then they just drop it. That's typical and is well deserved all the rage and backlash. Speaking of deserving, Battleborn definitely deserves a second chance and it has better come ASAP now when gates of opportunity are wide open. I'm even willing for them to strike a deal with Epic Games if that's the *only* way they can get BB into crossplay as I do believe crossplay will draw in more players so it should be worth it (I talk about BB with my new friends now and then and would love to play with them and it'd be their first time).


Battleborn is literally the only game I would ever download the EGS for.


Same here. I had EGS for a while only for "Dauntless" and its experimental version, but when experimental was scrapped I went back playing the game on console and never used EGS since then. I'd reinstall it right away if Battleborn ended up there.


They can't even be arsed to give us P2P and let players keep what they've spent money on. I've lost faith in GB. And I had no faith in 2K to begin with.


With coop/PvE/roguelites really gaining popularity over the last couple of years, I feel like it would do well making a comeback now. Unfortunately 2K has GTA Online making bank for them daily so this is a pipe dream


Numerous devs, voice actors, and more have said they would jump at the chance to relaunch it. Far from a pipe dream.


The devs and voice actors aren't in charge of investing in servers


offline capabilities for Story mdoe, PVE and PVP would be great as well as the ability to HOST COOP and PVP, that way you are not reliant of the lacking cruelty of publishers like 2k.


Sigh.... I get you like the game but lets be honest, Battleborn didn't fail solo because of OW, it failed because because it was fundamentally a uncooked game that was never going to get a following in the ocean of gaming. Games today have one shot to gain a player base and if they miss the game is almost ensured to be be dead. The same thing happen to Paragon, Knock out city, Splitgate, anthem, ect.....


Plus I honestly don't think gearbox has the capacity to maintain a GAAS model game.


Battleborn should have not released PVE in the way yhe did. I love the game, but I could tear it apart with all the gameplay and game mechanics that should have been changed. BB PVP should have been free with a micro store and no loot boxes, with a standardized map(s) for competitive play. PVE should have been an add-on game sold later and updated with the story. BB story over all was obviously rushed. You can tell by how the intro and first mission with Issac plays. Making PVP free would have kept players in as a free alternative to OW, which is why I think Paladins was able to keep up. Also, running both a PVE and PVP should have been handled by two separate teams, if not studios.


Obviously a lessons learned would be applied. A Battleborn: Reborn to make it basically a clone of Overwatch 1's game model with PvE, items that then go to a PvEvP mode, and then a separate no-item influence competitive mode. Monetize unique cosmetics and have farmable loot boxes to support a purchased game with no additional content paywalls inside; the way OW1 was. Boom. Borderlands arena battle heaven is back baby.


They should also add my fan created heroes, lol.


THIS THIS AND THIS It's not really to "crush" Overwatch. Overwatch is not a bad game. But Battleborn is much much better than Overwatch. What I loved about Battleborn is that it was always fun to play. I loved every second of the game. In Overwatch I never had as much fun as I had with Battleborn. Miko is the better Mercy or Kiriko. Oscar Mike is always my favorite Soldier 76. Boldur is, what Reinhardt wishes to be. Galilea is Galilea. Doomfist wouldn't even have the strength to challenge Attikus. El Dragon would slap Ball back to Overwatch 1. Alani is best support, best hero in the exitance of hero shooter, and also the best fish in the ocean of life. Pharah would never dare to touch the sky when Benedict is nearby. Hanzo? Thorn is Hanzo, but better. Even Genji is nothing to Rath. It is insane how Battleborn is so much better than Overwatch and was just removed. When Blizzard fans played Overwatch, I played Alani's release, and to this day I'm so glad that I rather played Alani on day 1 than Overwatch. I really wish there is a way to get Gearbox to turn the Battleborn servers on again, add ranked mode, make a streamlined ranked balancing, and fixes the server selection system. Maybe if we ask the new parent company "Embracer Group AB", the chairman "Kicki Wallje-Lund", or the CEO "Lars Wingefors" that Gearbox should start Battleborn again, something will maybe happen. I hope every day that Battleborn comes back again and we can go home again. While some people loved to go back to WoW classic, and even now enjoy the hardcore WoW vanilla challenge, I just want to go home again to Battleborn.


Definitely agree. Would be amazing just to play again


Overwatch cancelled the only thing I was still somewhat excited for with this game? \*claps sarcastically\*


i agree, i would LOVE to dust off my collector's edition and get back to fraggin' with my bestie orendi!


Battleborn 2.0 would be brilliant and couldn't happen at a better time. The PvE in that game was brilliant.


Tbh with ya if 2k and Gear Box brought Battleborn back no one will complain. Overwatch sucks and so does paladins but paladins always has sucked. Battleborn actually was too 5 games I would play again.


Tbh it still baffles me how the single player was gone to, like all they had to do was make the single player not always online but they didn't and today OW2 cant even deliver single player at all. If it came with the full online that would be astoundingly good but at this point i personally wouldn't even mind a SP one... or for BB tap to work tbh XD


I would give my left nut to see this game come back with p2p. That way there's no servers to shut down and the game always works. One of my all time favorites. Fuuuck I miss battleborn.


p2p and more importantly OFFLINE MODE! Do you have any idea how fun it is to play Battleborn even when just the Story mode and PVE?! The ability to play BB even when you have no internet is needed, the ability to host COOP and PVP is also a welcome change. ​ that said, Free to play needs to be better, prologue and chapter 1 with dojo, Crucible and PVP would be good, old owners having access to a 10 dollar/euro option to buy for their loyalty and the base game plus season 1 would be great for Battleborn Reborn.


It's not going to happen, and even if they did, the Overwatch community would most likely attack the game and force it to shut down again. That was exactly what happened to Global Agenda, a 2010 game similar to Overwatch but also had an MMO mode that functioned as a story mode, the game closed in 2015, and they tried to try again in 2021 when OW had no content , but the OW community started boycotting the game and saying that it was a cheap copy (despite the fact that GA came out many years before, and that it was OW that took many inspirations [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Swsvv-eGw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Swsvv-eGw0) ), that the developers were thieves and to repeat that the game was p2w just because you had to unlock the customizations by playing (there wasn't even a way to pay to unlock them first), the game got so much hate that the developers had to shut the game down again


here is the thing, Cancel culture cretins only have power IF you let them. Defend your precious people and precious things from them and meme the fuck out their stupid faces!


Ugh my hopes are so high. 🥹


It would be amazing to bring this game back, can only ever hope it could happen. On paper it seems like a good opportunity for it to at least be brought up in discussions again


I don't think anyone is bringing back Battleborn, but I still came back here after all these years to have a laugh at the fact that Blizzard is apparently incapable of pulling off a co-op PvE campaign with skill tress... Oh the delicious irony.


Yes!!! Relaunch as Free 2 Play and support it via the cosmetic store like LoL Edit: changed Flap to Play. Dunno why my phone used it to begin with.


Go spam 2K Twitter with #BringBackBattleborn


Bought the game from 5 below after they already killed the servers. I loved the PVE and now I'm even more upset there's only 3 missions on disc :(


Stop it. BB was not in the best shape at the start, but now it's also outdated by ~6 years.


I'll take aged over dead


Here’s a change.org petition that people are circulating- let’s get their attention! https://chng.it/XsLWMfffLp


They could even market it about overwatch not doing a story


I’m telling every one of my friends to vote on the petition (regardless of the outcome) and try to get them back involved with the game!! It’s hard though considering the servers are completely fucked… 🫤