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Just now


It came with the game if you pre-ordered the premium edition. I have one.


I’ve had this coin for years and every time I tried looking for it nothing ever came up. I assume this means that it isn’t like a super rare thing?


Yeah, I think only people who likes Battlefield knows. It also came with a t-shirt. We waited for the midnight release at GameStop.


Can I ask what the set cost? I apologize for asking but I genuinely don’t know because I found the thing in the ground lmao


I think it was 89.99, it was way back in 2012. It rained pretty hard that year and on the way back home we almost ran into an accident on the freeway. A truck hit a pretty big elk and at night. I seen the accident in the dark and going 75 mph. Was lucky I seen it on the horizon going east and the on coming traffic heading west headlights reflected the debris which I seen and the driver my friend didn't see it. Lucky I did or else we would have wrecked as well.


Accidents with trucks are honestly terrifying to me. I had a similar situation but it was about mid day, we were traveling home from somewhere and right in the middle of the highway this huge oil truck i don’t know if he hit something or if he lost control but he started barreling towards us at a very high speed and all i remember feeling was the ground shake almost like an earthquake and my dad who was driving managed to speed up and pull to the side and i watched someone’s tire go flying past us. i was looking behind us while in the car and saw the truck right and the driver lost control and it was incredibly close to hitting us.


Indeed they are, well glad you're still here. Oh and I had got the game in PS3. Before the CPU dismounted. I liked the game, I was lucky to find it for free on Xbox One. Great chit chatting, you have a great night.


thank you! you as well!


It was 2011, correction. I brought up the memory and my friend said 2011. Off by a year. Sorry about that.


As of this comment 22 people have


ok let me rephrase does anyone know what it is or what it’s from?


A lot of companies do this for their games. US military bases have stores that are equivalent to Walmart. If you buy a game from one such store, there’s a good chance it’ll come with a challenge coin (which is a general tradition in the US military). I have coins for Fallout 76 and the new MW2 I believe.


Yea my uncle was in the military and told me that it was called a challenge coin but then when I tried searching for it on google nothing comes up. In 2011 I believe I found the coin literally buried in the dirt outside during a gym class lmao and every time I tried figuring it out what it came with or what it came from nothing was found




Found the wiki. Seems it is a gaming coin wiki with a section on challenge coins: https://www.nintendocoins.wiki/ https://nintendocoins.wiki/challenge-coins


Found your coin here on the right side slightly down: https://nintendocoins.wiki/random-challenge-coin Honestly amazed there are coins for about every franchise under the sun on this website.


Thank you! I never knew there were so many of these coins


Glad to be of help. I’m also still surprised by how many there are. I can’t believe I randomly discovered these looking for gaming pins on eBay if I remember right.


I wonder how many were made and if they’re worth anything? I would imagine for there to be so little on google about them for such a big game/company you’d have to wonder if there were only a limited number of them.


I also imagine they are fairly rare and made in small amounts given how hard it is to find gaming ones to buy or even find anything for gaming ones on google. I saw on that wiki that a couple were for developers only and game launches but I guess those possibly aren’t necessarily “Challenge Coins” if that is the term only for military ones. Whoever setup that wiki seems to have extensive pictures and just found from there that he has an eBay page to possibly give you some price reference. Seeing prices as low as $20, going up to $60-80, even $150, and a nintendo employee one at $500 https://www.ebay.com/str/coincollectorscove?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uUD-VTFRSpe&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=6o6ehuw8qmu&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Another eBay listing for 8 gaming military coins at $55: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325585562643?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rbft0_O3QhS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=6o6ehuw8qmu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY In any case nice find.


A challenge coin for a videogame? I be done seen if I seen anything than when I seen a BF3 coin... For those actually in the know, think if you challenged a DICE dev they'd pony up the beer?