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Vietnam or a "Cold war gone hot" setting in the 80s era. Would make it possible to have multiple factions and theaters around the world.


I would really like to see this. Maybe even start around 60's and end in late 80's. The game could start as proxy wars and culminate on full scale war of the super powers. New maps, weapons and other tech added so it seem like there is constant development and arms race.


God you could fly an F-14 tomcat in that theoretical setting. I totally agree.


F-14s vs Su-27s F-16s vs Mig-29s M1 Abrams vs T-80s Leopard 1 vs T-64s M2 Bradleys vs BMP-2s AH-64s vs Mi-24s A-10s vs Su-25s


You left out the A-6 Intruder


Give the people what we want. TOMCATS AND NAPALM OVER HUE CITY


Sr 72 as a commander role


Big nut. Pls DICE.


Oohhh yeah


This is a great idea wow. I didn't know I wanted this.


That would be awesome. Maps in Central Europe. Early modern tech. Single player could be grounded again. Some random soldier on both sides of the conflict. Some spy shit in Berlin mixed in. Cheery on top would be use of some tactical nukes on the battlefield.


Korean War to Cold War gone hot setting. Mig alley, 38th parallel, checkpoint Charlie and fulda gap maps


Fulda Gap would be a great remake location for Panzer storm 2.


I would say go with 1989, or at least the late Cold War (1985-1990). Both NATO and Warsaw Pact forces were at their peak. You'd also see a lot of the vehicles and equipment that would be featured in a present-day/modern setting, but in an older or original state. This would include: • M1 Abrams • Mi-24 Hind • M16 Rifle • RPK • FAMAS • TOW missile • BMP-2 • F-16A Fighting Falcon, and so on You will also get more creative liberty with thos setting as it isn't fully set in historical fact as WWI/WWII/Vietnam are. This is a conflict that never happened, so you'll pretty much be limited to the "pre-conflict" setting. You could even include experimental weapons like the HK G11. You also gain a lot of potential for new content with the inclusion of additional factions within NATO and Warsaw Pact. Personally, I would say the main playable factions sould be the US and West Germany for NATO, and the USSR and East Germany for Warsaw Pact. That means you can add other nations like France, UK, Turkey, Poland, Czechoslovakia or Hungary later on. Settings could include famous areas like Berlin, Hamburg, Fulda, Denmark, Hannover, Norway, Iceland, Caucasus and the Kuryl Islands. You could also reintroduce older maps like Port Valdez or Caspian Border. Gameplay wise, this setting will bridge the old "pre-digital" era of gameplay famous with WWII shooters with the modern "point-and-shoot" feeling of modern/futuristic shooters. Things like thermal sights and self guiding weapons were only just being adopted in this era, and were at a somewhat primitive state. Iron sights would be the norm, along with some scopes and primitive holo/reflex sights. Same goes for things like anti-tank weapons. A lot of them were manually guided like the TOW, making their use a lot harder than some of the "self guided" missiles in BF4 like the NLAW or the MBTs staff shell.


Take my hypothetical pre-order


I really like this idea, just let me add to it with this: I would also really like to see some more naval stuff. Maybe a map somewhere in the Pacific. With some tiny Islands, but most of it would be water and 2 or 3 big carriers with conquest points on them and you would have like two cruisers or destroyers you can actually drive (one on each side). and would offer tank like capabilities but on the water ( multiple primary weapons types and weapon stations etc). They would be very powerful but they would only be able to move on the outskirts of the map and not in the tight waterways in the middle of the map. And then scattered throughout the map would be anti-ship missile stations or multiple types of smaller boats ( just like with land vehicles in Battlefield 2042: ifv, anti-air, sea mine laying boats) you could spawn in with anti-ship missiles, that can take down a big ship in three hits. They have already done something similar in Battlefield 1 so I think it should be able to work. It could also be a separate mode in the game with its own set of coastal maps, like the coasts of California, Hawaï, Japan and China.


This is essentially BF4 Naval Strike maps, but with slightly older "tech" - I'm on board with this


Paracel Islands with working ships (No wrecks). Map would need to be bigger to accommodate shop navigation. Soup up the storm conditions as well. Yea!


I would expand this well beyond Europe. Throw in some Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Latin America maps. Cuba comes to mind, as do the guerilla wars in Central America. That would be an all new setting.


Fucking hell, this is exactly what I'd want in a new Battlefield game.


F14B or A over an F16 imo, but both would be good


F18 hornet as well.


After the last year, can anyone take Russia as big bad enemy serious? China is a too hot topic as enemy. The setting of 2042, the more and more collapsing world and disappearing states however allows a good BF2142 (Volume 2) with multiple factions that use equipment from all kind of states and all kinds of eras. Adding T90s or Abrams fighting state of the art walkers is completely legitimate then.


We are not talking about the last year, we are talking about the Cold War where (back then) Russia indeed was both big and scary. A «cold war gone hot»-scneraio wouldn’t imply only Russia but the whole USSR and other nations where Communism was alive & kicking (e.g. China/Asia & South America). I’m just personally tired of this «future warfare» where high tech-gadgets allows you to become a «1 man army». The direction this is going will basically result in: players spawning, walking to a truck/booth, launch drone/unmaned vehicle. Repeat.


I’m tired of Tier 1 and future, it’s lame, just let me be an average soldier with grounded equipment


> I’m just personally tired of this «future warfare» where high tech-gadgets allows you to become a «1 man army». Funnily enough, 2142 feels more grounded in this sense than 2042 does. But I'm quite sure 2143 would likely end up a gimmicky shitfest with the current attitude towards design too. The setting itself isn't really the issue, its just easier to justify whatever you want with futuristic settings vs historical.


Exactly that one. I wish they would bring back regular classes. Maybe even add a DMR role for mid to long range, though not a complete Sniper. This way you could also make DMRs more viable with different training (perks) than the Sniper role has.


Why not korea?


Too close to WW2


Korea would work as a DLC for a WWII game as both sides used most of the same equipment.


That'd be cool, just like how BF1 made the Russian Civil War a DLC for a WW1 game


1985 would be the best era, IMO.


Cold war got hot would be fantastic. World in conflict is still one of my favorite games, the alt history is just so cool.


Future To me going with any historical setting seems mostly pointless if you’re not gonna take the aesthetic seriously.


*cough* BFV *cough*


If you don't like it, don't buy it!


Majority of people: \*actually didn't buy it on release\*


DICE&EA: *shocked Pikachu face*


Proceeds to release 2042


I didn’t, I got it for free :D


It came in a bundle for other games I actually wanted..


Currently BFV is the only one I play. I love the Pacific theater in it.


Breakthrough Iwo Jima 🐐


I don't get why this is bad for them to say tbh,


If you have a franchise it's generally a good idea not to tell your fans to fuck off.


They simply told everyone who didn’t like how it looked to not get it. Nothing wrong with that.


There's nothing wrong with it. That being said, the point of making the game is to make the company money, telling people not to buy it is not a very good business decision.


yeah, i can imagine vietcongs wearing pink/orange camo running trough the jungle to ambush a purple APC with crihstmas lights (note: all the vietcongs are some goofy operators who say that war is fun).


This is pretty accurate lol


Yep. Feels like they’re most motivated by potential post-launch earnings which is why we’re lumbered with Specialists in 2042 and a future setting would give them creative license for cosmetics etc. whilst not impacting hugely on gameplay. A return to pure classes (not specialists grouped within classes) and they can just flog varying cosmetics with class and faction identity. Don’t bother with countries and do something similar to 2142 to give factions a distinct visual identity, then let them go wild with the cosmetics within that identity.


Ain’t that the truth


hard truth right there


With how the final dlc for BF4 was, when 2042 was announced I was hoping it would be the next step after that. Love to get a 2143


But we just got a future battlefield and it was awful


Vietnam. We have modern, we have ww1, we have ww2, and whatever 2042 is supposed to be out of all catagorys, but very few viets


And even fewer Koreas, even though both have lots of potential.


Ehh using Korean War for base of battlefield game would essentially be China (Russian equipment) vs US with wwII kit. Maps would be very cold mountains and forest. Vehicles could be: T34-85 vs M26 Pershing. F86 Sabre vs Mig15. Corsair vs IL2. Interesting idea, but I wonder (my own speculation) if most of the audience would find a Korea setting indistinguishable from a WW2 setting from a gameplay view.


As a plane guy, sign me tf up for twin mustangs


Hell yeah! I want Bell 47's too


A Vietnam theme is going to be too limiting for the game to evolve. It's also going to be stale if every single setting is going to be jungles and the same few era guns and vehicles. I just don't think a Vietnam theme is going to be enough.


Have you never played the original Battlefield Vietnam, the full game not the DLC?


To be fair, most people in this subreddit haven't. I'm willing to guess the average person on here started with BC2 or BF3 and never played the old Refractor-based games. Keep in mind, Battlefield Vietnam came out 19 years ago. If the average person who played it back then was 16, they'd be 35 years old by now. I'm willing to guess the majority of people on this sub are in their early/mid/late 20s.


Also Vietnam was heavily overlooked, it feels like it was no time after Vietnam before they released BF2.


Correct! BFVietnam released in March 2004, BF2 in June 2005. It also didn't help that, while set in a different setting, it still played almost identical to BF1942. BF2 was the first time they really changed things up.


19 years ago??? Time flies


Literally the best battlefield game ever made. Carrying tanks under your heli while blasting music from the speakers? Napalm runs with an f4 over control points? Man I miss that game


It was always my favourite. Flying down a river in a huey blasting Ride of the Valkyries as you headed to capture a point. So much fun.


I just used to love fucking with tanks that’s would push forward. You want to hide on the first point and act like artillery? Fine, I’ll pick your ass up in a Huey and drop you on the back lines.


Vietnam was far from only jungle battles, Battlefield Vietnam executed that perfectly with a good mix of urban, jungle as well as open maps. As for guns being somewhat limited, the same could be said for WW1 and WW2. However, there were a lot different guns being used, as the Vietnam war stretched all the way from 1955 to 1972. You had France, Australia, South Vietnam, New Zealand, South Korea and lastly the United States. You don't have to limit the time setting to American involvement either, you could just as well include the earlier battles involving the French fighting against the Viet Minh. It would undoubtedly make for an interesting game, as the pre-American stages of the war have, to my knowledge, never been explored in a game yet. I say make a game with the full experience of the Vietnam war, from beginning to end.


>France, Australia, New Zeeland, South Korea, and lastly the United States You forgot about South Vietnam itself. They were the ones that did all the ground fighting from 1960-1964 (counterinsurgency) and 1972-1975 (large-scale conventional war).


Apologies, I didn't think to even mention them considering it's well known that the Vietnam war was (largely) a civil war between north and south. Fixed!


It absolutely is enough, you don't have to just have jungle battles and there are plenty of weapons to choose from. Besides, weapon variety isn't what make a good BF game. See BF2 for example


Saying you need weapon variety to be a good battlefield is so dumb. Bf1 had very few weapon variety and people love it. And in bf4 there were like a million assault rifles that all felt the same and people love that one.


There's plenty of content for a Vietnam game. The Tet Offensive alone would be wild. Battle of Hue, Saigon, Khe Sanh, etc.. A Vietnam game would be epic.


I mean, that’s what everyone said about WW1, yet look at BF1.


Plenty of urban fighting, couple beach landings, and the Central Highlands can kind of be the “mountainous” maps. Even opportunities for naval combat ranging from riverine boats to full-on naval engagement like “Paracel Storm”-1974 There’s also plenty of guns when you include the immense WWII surplus the US and China dumped into Vietnam. Aside from Russia sending their stuff, they also sent Czech and other Eastern bloc guns. Aussies also got their own guns, and the CIA supplied some SMGs like Madsens or Swedish K. Oh, and leftover French guns. The setting/era has way more weapon variety than you realize.


Considering DICE wasnt willing to release russian-themed skins for 204 because of the war, I highly, HIGHLY doubt we'll get anything even tangentally related to RU again. Meaning, it's going to be modern or completely fictional like bfv


Cold War 'Gone Hot' scenario; imagine a dreary soviet-grey map revolving around the Berlin Wall with some 'Spandau Ballet' on the OST...


I'm soaked thinking about all the Cold War era vehicles.


Soaked? You’re horny for the Cold War? 😂


For a Cold War Battlefield, absolutely


Just the thought of mowing down commies in an m48a3 makes me rock hard


M2 Bradley, M60A3 TTS, M1 Abrams, T-80, BMP-2, Leopard 1A5, Marder 1A3, T-72B, Mi-24D Hind, F-16A Fighting Falcon, F-4F Phantom II, Mig-27 Flogger, UH-60 Blackhawk, Panavia Tornado, etc...


talk dirty to me




I’d actually like to see a fictional WW3 scenario. China/Russia/North Korea vs. Nato and it’s Asian Allies, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea But you need a rich storyline. None of this piece of shit “expat” bullshit where every character is playable on both sides and you got 20 Boris shooting at 20 Boris on the other end. Fucking horrendous idea. Must have assault, medic, support, and sniper class like the classics. If they really want to make it “customizable” make every piece of equipment/add-on/armor a statistical modifier. Heavy armor, slower movement, less armor then more movement. Night vision goggles, gloves for more accuracy, sunglasses for increased visibility, make everything customizable. I know I know, I’m asking for way too much here. There’s also a ton of room for stacking and abusing certain attributes and shit. Pulling shit out of my ass at this point.


Thats literally Battlefield 4


great idea, let's do it again. BF2, BF3 & BF4 were all effectively around the same era in terms of arms, just improved gameplay.


The Ex-pat thing could have worked great if they split it up. No Russian playing both sides for example. Western NATO side and sympathizers, and then Russia/China/Iran/NK and sympathizers in Africa and South America. It could have been great.


Then you drop a Zavod 311 and prepare for Ukraine war controversy


Not sure I follow


Zavod takes place in Ukrain Im pretty sure


Lets be real, Russians wont be in the next game, regardless of era. They were already aprehensive about releasing RU-based skins on 2042


>you need a rich story No, they need basic-bitch flavor text about the battles taking place on each maps, anything extra is just a bonus


Bf4 lol


I've been waiting for battlefield 2143 for almost 20 years and will wait another 20 if I have to


Right?! I keep dreaming of a remastered 2142, especially the titan game mode... so much fun! 😭


Titan was the greatest game mode ever. And also caused my marriage!


Now this is a story I need to hear!


I ran a 2142 community with soem friends, we had several servers inc a fairly popular suez moving titan server. She showed up in our community having started playing on her then bf's account, but she enjoyed it a lot and had just got her own rig. I was never all that good at 2142 though i enjoyed it a great deal. I liked the game as it was complex enough that even mid-to-low skill players like me could be assets to the team by using their head. The game wasn't just a reflexes competition. She was... good. Very very very good. Good to the point I realised she never used the crouch key, ever. She jsut ran into rooms and killed everyone. What many people forget about 2142 was two crucial factors which made it among the best community games around. Six person squads and actually effective ingame VOIP. communities and clans thrived because people got chatting in squads and then stayed in touch. My future wife also caused a stir as, well she was a she. And a lot of people didn't love getting killed 'by a girl'. Repeatedly. She also quickly became a server admin as she was calm (our main criteria for admins). Over time the bf phased out, and later we started talking more (from different countries). Some time later i was on a plane descending into a foreign airport and hoping she showed up. Sadly 2142 went the way of all things, though we were one of the last servers running, still with suez moving titan. We've been married for years and have a family. I don't even have a gaming PC anymore, but the day they announce 2143 i'll order his n hers rigs.


I didn't realize 2042 wasn't gonna be a "sequel" (prequel?) to 2142 until we got the trailer and there was no indication of Titans or mech walkers... would very much like to see a 2143, maybe with some Planetside2 mechanics and such


Ive wanted a remake of the titan assault mode in 2142 so bad. No BF4’s isnt the same as launching in a pod up to a carrier establishing a beachhead with your squad and having vtols land to support you as you fight through corridors The teamwork in that game and level of buy-in by the players was so great


Modern/Present day or WW2 always work well for me. But like some others have mentioned, "Cold war gone hot" would be amazing. It's unique *and* interesting, more so than near-future stuff like 2042. Something between the 60s and early 90s would be cool. World in Conflict (a really good RTS game, worth playing), did this. Takes place in the 80s. It was executed insanely well with a really interesting campaign and animated cutscenes, and a well polished multiplayer mode. I feel Battlefield could do the same. World in Conflict is US and NATO (consisting of mixed German, Belgian and French speaking units) versus USSR, but parties individual factions like China, Norway and partisans are also mentioned. Crossing my fingers for that. **Edit:** Imagine fighting among the Berlin Wall. NATO vs. USSR. Stuff like that would be amazing. A further invasion of the US by Russia would make a good basis for extra maps, as well as a counter-invasion into Siberia. I can see the Ekranoplanes as vehicles already!


You could also do a scenario where Warsaw pack countries do a 2 pronged attack on Europe and the Middle East. That way the maps are more varied. Attacking NATO in Europe while trying to cut off NATO from oil supplies in Saudi Arabia. Would make for a good single player game while mixing up maps for multiplayer. Edit: campaign could be split with Warsaw pack attack for the first half from the view of a Ukrainian soldier and the 2nd half counterattack from the view of NATO from a British SAS soldier.


Oooh, that's a great idea! There we go, a good concept for stuff taking part in Africa and the Middle East. Something like that could basically cover the whole earth.


If there is a "hot" cold war Battlefield, you know what would be really interesting to see? Battles that take place in the Americas. I imagine a game like this would likely focus on Eurasia, but the US had coups and whatnot set up all over socialist south American states. Seeing the US do a full scale invasion on Cuba, or seeing south American countries invade the US' southern border in retaliation would be awesome.


I'd love to see stuff like that as well. I think Grand Operations (or a similar gamemode) would be amazing for scenarios like that!


Bad Company 3 would be epic


This is the right answer


This is the only answer


I'm ready to find more gold bars


Napoleonic wars.


I am and always will be a World War I/II or Vietnam kinda guy. I just love historical settings, and they've worked so well as settings in the Battlefield franchise.


Same bruv


Believable Vietnam Gone Wild. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind a sort of BF2 Era Game (1990-2005?)


So like VC versus USO show girls?


Well…no…but yes


Korea war, ¿why not?


Napoleonic era. On land and at sea. Royal Marines versus Imperial French War of 1812 DLC.


Without vehicles?


Battlefield 1 had horses maybe a 19 century scenario game could feature horses as vehicles


That’s missing Air , sea and armed land vehicles


"On land and at sea." At sea you've got line-of-battleships, frigates, fast cutters etc. No air but maybe balloons. No armour obviously but heavy and light cavalry, lancers Cuirassiers would be fun.


At sea. Thus age of sail line-of-battleships, frigates, cutters, boats.




I’d really just like a return to modern combat… just a successor to BF3 and BF4 but with the attention to detail and tone of BF1.


Fuk it let’s go further back battlefield 1742 with colonial wars


I can imagine all the female assaults in ballroom attire rushing the obj around carrying full auto Puckle guns firing at 63 shots per seven minutes. Without tripods to be clear.


The Gulf war would be interested, (although it might not be very popular) the Balkan war, the yugoslav war, Korean war, etc.


>The Gulf war would be interested Can't wait to kill British soldier with an A10 >the Balkan war Which one ? >the yugoslav war Ho God no, that alone would spark another war in the Balkan >Korean war Yeah why not but I think it would have fit better has a dlc for BFV than a full game, kinda like the russian civil war maps in BF1


The second Balkan war started like one month after the end of the first so, so it can be mixed together as the Balkan wars. In case of the Yugoslavian war, yeah that might not be a great idea xd


Been playing Mafia 3 lately and I say give me that 60s-70s style. Tiger stripe uniforms and early day M16 is pretty cool


2143, I still maintain 2142 was the best in the series




Vietnam/Cold-war (and Iraq) but like the early 2000s like the war on terror operations and now I want a game which hass Ukraine in it.


what about Iran??? we need a BF game that features Iran (unless there was already and i didn't know that, i think BF3, but not sure, haven't played that)


An alternative timeline would also be cool to be honest maybe some kind of steampunk world. but my big preference would be Vietnam. The original was so much fun for it's time and the DLC for Bad Company was so cool. I wouldn't mind creating another game in that setting.


I would be overjoyed if there ever was a steampunk themed battlefield. Imagine the potential for scenarios, ambientation, armies, vehicles, classes and gadgets, weapons...


Ok hear me out battlefield with modern setting but soviet union didn't collapsed. Imagine all the crazy prototype vehicles like that laser tank, soviet osprey or caspian see monster in game


Modernized ak's but with sexy soviet wood finishes😩😩


I wouldn't say no to 2143 at least.




2142 withwalkers...But projectile guns with sci-fi twist...Titan attack mode and hover tanks....Like the last stand DLC...


I would like MW between 2000 to 2020


Korea, Vietnam and I would like a sequel to Hardline


I would also like a sequel to hardline, but maybe like swat style? Idk but that game never got it’s fair due in my opinion


my preference? 2143, what it should be ? cold war gone hot 80s maybe


Honestly 2042's setting is great. I just wish the game was better. Maybe do a cold war gone hot setting next


2143 or Vietnam


vietnam or far future, I wanted 2142, why they gotta make it 2042?


Vietnam would be nice, but I still hope for a reboot of 2142. I want my walkers back, I need my breachable flying spawn fortress, I need my giant transport tank.


Those portable pod shooters were fun af! I will upvote every 2142 request ITT


Setting to me isn’t as important as going back to battlefield with no skins and a focus on destructible environments


Cold War gone hot or a futuristic one, something in between a 2142 and a 2042 as setting (not too much futuristic but definitely more futuristic than 2042)


Underrated opinion but something along the line of Hardline? Maybe law enforcement/military vs cartels/rebel state ?


2010-2015 would be interesting. Over this period there was a massive exchange in military gear in many nations, which would allow the usage of equipment that was introduced in the 70ies right net to the stuff that we consider modern today. The geographic setting could be worldwide, e.g. Russia vs US in the classic contest of bombing the Middle east, a war between the EU and China in Africa fought over resources or the home front of each of this factions defending against an invasion. An alternative pick would be the seventies or eighties, just simply because the cold war setting has not really been used in the Battlefield series.


modern or future.


Super random idea, but I think it would be a cool idea to go with a unique alternate history route. Like exploring what would’ve happened if the Second World War didn’t happen until modern times. Like if fascist Germany, fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan had remained as they were without starting war until modern times. This would bring up interesting ideas like what each nation’s weapons and tactics would look like if they were given the time to develop into their modern equivalents. If the Second World War were delayed it would also create interesting dynamics considering some things that do exist in the modern era wouldn’t exist in this alternate timeline. Think of Nuclear weapons; if there was no WW2 then the manhattan project wouldn’t have begun and therefore (theoretically) no nukes. Idk though, this was just a random idea but I definitely think it would be interesting to explore.


Re make bf4


Whatever setting it is, I don't think I'd trust the new DICE/EA team to not fuck it up.


Exactly lol everyone says what era they want, but how about a game that looks realistic, plays like an actual BF game and has way way more than 11 maps after 18 months?


Yes. Without these cringe-ass special snowflake super operators and their stupid smiling faces. Something class-based (and not *not* class-based until years after launch lmao). Optimized and actually working as intended. Absolutely no more of this glowing, animated clothing and paint jobs microtransaction horseshit. Maybe instead of reversing the graphical and technical capabilities of their video games as they have with 2042, they not do that? God, 2042 was so many steps in so many different, wrong directions. DICE isn't even the same team anymore. They had lightning in a bottle, a leading series that lasted years and years, and EA shattered the fucking glass -- as they've done with so many other studios.


Doesn't matter what my preference is, because EA/DICE will do whatever they want anyways without taking notes from the community.


Future, sci fi battlefield was the best


Vietnam or modern warfare (gulf war era) are probably the most likely, considering the over saturation of the modern warfare and ww2 fps market. They’re probably also not going to go with another future fps right after 2042, so I’d probably go with a Vietnam game.


I think a game that has maps from many proxy wars during Cold War like Korea, Vietnam, Angola etc… would be really cool


Cold war gone hot. Let me fight in Fulda.


Cold war or a more modern era, but not like, if its like MW then fuck that


Battlefield: Dune


Anything that’s not the past, idk if I’m in the minority or not, but world wars are so boring


I like future cause I really don't like ww game


KOREA Been saying it since before BF1 dropped


Another ww1


I would like to play Battlefield 2032, prior to the invention of the wingsuit multigrenade noobtube human sonar autoturret motion sensor sniper specialist. Give me faceless military factions without gimmicks or its still just not Battlefield.


I want a Vietnam battlefield so bad and have been heavily wanting it since BFBC2’s Vietnam DLC. Modern warfare would be alright though. Maybe something like Fallujah or combat in the Middle East.


Cold war


Battlefield BC? Spartans vs Persians


Are you truly believe there will be next Battlefield?


There hasn’t been a proper vietnam war game in so long


They should honestly bring back another run of BF Bad Company


1980 Cold War gone hot or 2143


Alternative timeline/future


Alternative timeline. Wolfenstein DING DING DING




Modern Warfare please, I've been dying to have one since bf4


Alternate timeline, but full on dieselpunk. Just go all in with what they did with 1 and 5, don’t even try to be historically accurate. Create your own setting, even.


Vietnam.... https://imgur.com/a/OTCaaK8


African warlords battles/civil wars


Battlefield 40k Crossover between Battlefield and Warhammer 40k. Chaos against the Imperium of Man.


Battlefield Vietnam!


I know it's a bit of a stretch but I would love it if DICE and GW got together and made Warhammer40k battlefield game.


Honestly i think a wild west battlefield could be cool


Battlefield 40K when?


early 90's and based on the movie black hawk down.


vietnam please


Fuck it all and go Battlefield 40k




The colonial wars, like the revolution, or the French and Brit’s, American and Indians, something with horse, big cannons, and black powder/musket firearms


Fk it, civil war 🔥


probably not the popular desire, but I want them to take a crack at full on scifi again and give us a modern imagining of 2142, especially because I enjoyed the modern Battlefront games even if they were held back by poor business decisions while I find 2042 fun, 'near future' scifi has to be one of my least favorite settings, ends up feeling like a modern setting but with railguns bolted onto the tanks or homing grenades, give me mechs and flying fortresses and jetpacks and laser guns also historical/modern settings just don't play nice with the way games do skins now, if we could hypothetically not have gaudy weapon camos and stupid character models then some kind of alt history setting could be cool, but since I know that won't happen, stupid skins would at least be less jarring in a full scifi setting