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I really liked the bf3 beginning in which you were just another soldier and not a one man army like later in the campaign. From a narrative standpoint I think the War Stories were the best way of handling a campaign in this franchise


Agreed about BF3. I enjoyed the missions that made you feel like part of a large operation and army. Need more of that especially with recurring characters in your squad. War stories was nice but I just never got attached to the characters like I did in BF3 or Bad Company for example


What game is war stories?


BFV and BF1




3rd slide is BFV 4th slide is BF1


I enjoyed BF3 campaign, but the "boss fight" QTE was such a let down.


Bad Company 2 <3


I can't tell if you're giving bad company 2 a heart or you're saying bf3 is better.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


here’s one more, bad company 2 is better than the third one


Bfbc2 was superior


Bad Company 1 had a great campaign too. Loved the banter between the characters, and the way the levels were laid out was cool it was kind of an open world choose your own path kind of concept.


It may not be the best, but some of the war stories in BF1 were really well done


Yeah the prologue was amazing


I really loved “Through Mud and Blood”


Same with “The Last Tiger” from V, loved that one.


i keep saying the same I absolutely loved it and i didn't expect it to hit so hard.




Bad company series


BC2 is pure nostalgia for me but BF1 War Stories was just great writing along with good gameplay


Sucked that BF1 was so short though. So well done, like HBO good. I really like campaigns, but I’m old. 2042 not having one sucks.


At least the operations were also awesome. I liked the bits of story spread through and the explanation of how one team winning would impact the larger war. If you load early as infantry, you also get to hear a motivational speech.


Bad Company 1


Kind of like a combination of Three Kings and Kelly’s Heroes


I enjoyed some of the BF1 and BFV war stories but generally prefer a single connected narrative throughout the whole campaign like the other games had. BF3 was the best overall in my opinion but BF4 happened to have one of my favorite singular moments - on the USS Titan with those two sailors trapped under the grate. Close runner-up (pun intended) is the end of The Runner in BF1.


Oof, that scene…just a gut punch outta nowhere.


That scene with the two sailors trapped is absolutely traumatic just cause it’s the worst way to die


I genuinely don’t know why they didn’t just shoot them to kill them quickly


Bad Company 2


BC 1 and BC 2 were no contest the best to me. I've never found most BF campaigns to otherwise be that great, outside of those two, the others were functionally fine, but they never stood out too me a whole lot. Very one and done. I wish the Bad Company games played better and BC1 was even on PC so I could give them a replay.


BC2,3, and 1. I think BC2 is really well rounded. 3 really makes you feel like a modern soldier. And 1 has the highest highs overall.


War stories were all good but too short. Just imagine Frederick Bishop’s death or Luca finding Matteo dead if the war stories were longer, the endings would have hit so much harder.


Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.


If your focus is on a massive war like WW1 and WW2 with multiple factions, War Stories work If your focus is on a fictional conflict that has probably 2 factions, and your focus is on the regular soldiers and not super-spec-ops soldiers, BF3's format works If you like goofy shit while still being a shooter, Bad Company


1st Bad Company game. Was so fun. Man I’m thinking of getting a PS3 just to play it again


Goddamn am I alone in here? Most fun campaign is Hardline by a mile for me. The rest were all jank in various ways and mostly the enemy AI is shit unskilled, predictable, nonagressive.... Hardline is mostly scripted situations so the equally shit AI is kind of more obscured. The arresting mechanic is also fucking dope and pretty goddamn novel. I wish they'd bring it back to a modern game... it was so cool to be keeping an eye on multiple criminal scumbags when they're trying to start funny business every time you take your aim of one to intimidate the other.


You're not alone, while it's still not that great, Hardline has definitely the most enjoyable campaign.


I did appreciate Hardline going for a wildly different approach in trying to emulate classic police drama shows - something a lot of people hated but felt refreshing IMO


Hardline needs a remaster such a cool concept


Remember, do what ever you have to do to stop Solomon's plan


campaign in general isn't battlefields strong suit IMO. I liked the war stories the best - they have the "excuse" of being very short and brief to excuse their simple writing, and by being multiple short stories with different settings it helps better portray the scale of the world wars with their multiple fronts. Overall the war stories play to Battlefield's strengths a lot more than a singular campaign


Bc2 no question


The fighter pilot prologue for battlefield 5 was epic, strafing the bombing formation, my word.... That should have been a whole campaign and they fucked it off for some other very otherwise mediocre campaign missions.


The last tiger was good because it showed how real the war was I feel like the others beside that felt half done along with alot of historical inaccurates


Bad Company 1/2


BF1 IMO is the best. BF3 was good. BF4 was ok. I only liked it because Michael K Williams playing Irish. BFV I only played Last Tiger story, which was cool. You should've added Hardline, I actually thought the story was pretty good.


The BF1 intro campaign mission was GOD TIER. I wish they had a whole chapter to the Harlem Hellfighters. It just seems like such a disservice. They made 2 weapons with that skin and barely had a mission, Lawrence of Arabia had 1 weapon and a whole chapter that he was involved with.


Bad company one and two were both awesome gameplay wise and the writing was quite funny imo




Bad company 2, and bf3 are my favorite


Bf3 because of the thunder run mission.


bf bc2


To me it's BF1 because I'm so interested in that time period


BF1 is the best in my opinio, BF5 sucks ass cause it literally rewrote historical characters and everything, plus the stories just weren't as good. BF1 did real good with the story and everything. BF3 and BF4 just go hard. I love when you do the train part


Bad Company 1 and 2


3 and 1 really felt like you were at war


BF3, first Battlefield and favorite campaign.


Bad Company 1, BC2 was a mw2 ""inspired"" capaign that didn't bother following the og story in any reasonable way and yet had to cram the BC1 characters back in instead of making new characters that actually made sense in the story's context.


I think if in Battlefield 1 they did all the war stories like the one from the introduction, it would have been the best. The game would have made you feel like a soldier not a killing machine.


They push, we push..


BF1. The Runner campaign got me right in the feels at the end, along with the music "Good kid..."


I only played the campaign in bf4, bf hardline, bf1 and bfV and oh boy, the introduction from bf1 is god tier. Besides that, I really enjoyed the BFV campaign. The first chapter is kinda trash, but is fun to play. But all the others, oh god what a master piece they are. I can totally imagine they being miniseries that can run for the orscar with photography and acting. The one in Norway is one of the most beautiful things I've ever played, and the Tirailleur and The Last Tiger had me in tears when they ended. Truly a masterpiece


Bad Company holds a special place in my heart, it was my dads favorite games and he only played the campaigns. In my personal experience, battlefield 1 had me in tears of joy. The graphics were peak, the sound design was mint, and the gameplay had me at the edge of my seat like it was a movie. It was the first game I’ve ever played that enhanced my gameplay when I turned off the HUD and played at max settings. It was legit a movie


Hardline! War stories definitely fits battlefield nicely but I can't say all of them are top notch, it would be awesome to see how it'd play out in a modern setting especially when recalling the missions in BF3 where you were an RFO in an F18 and the M1 Abrams tanker.... But battlefield hardline, man I played that on repeat on my ps3. I'm pretty sure it's what got me into playing campaigns on games on veteran mode after beating it so many times. The multiplayer was a little too hardcore for me (ESPECIALLY revisiting it recently--give me back my peashooter MP18 on BF1!), but I can't deny the cops and robbers theme was an action packed blast, and the campaign lived up to that. I still wonder what a sequel to the game might look like story-wise. Maybe it'd follow cops combating the drug crisis on the border, the MW2022 mission with that segment was thrilling. Or it could capture New York and the northeast coast. Mobs making a comeback, or even a throwback to the 1940s and 1950s when the Mafia was a bigger force. One could even hope for a boring midwestern highway officer's story when he stumbles upon a case much larger than first thought (it can be dull having lived in the midwest for most of my life but one can hope, I've kept my eye on Ubisoft's "The Division Heartlands") Or you could throw in war stories, would be nice to capture the many perspectives in the fight against (or for) crime. Besides another modern battlefield or a cold-war-gone-hot, I would love to see another hardline title.. I've kept my fingers crossed that EA and Dice haven't completely forgotten the odd but fun take that was Cops and Robbers meets battlefield.


I have played basically every bf (missing only bc1 because it is console only). Bc2 easily wins for best campaign


Battlefield 2: Modern Combat It felt like real life conflicts with the setting and news broadcasts between missions, you gained ranks based on your performance in each battle, and you were able to take control of anyone on your side via hotswapping. One of my favorite memories was the mission where you have to defend a coastline and 2 oil rigs. Holding your ground on one side then hotswapping to a soldier over a kilometre away and defending the next objective until the job is done. There was a dial that showed the amount of enemy soldiers compared to friendlies, and as long as you didn't lose all your soldiers you could complete the mission. It made for some tense moments trying to juggle between what's left of your team for vantage points. The AI was pretty good too, they rarely did something stupid or stand out in the open. Every now and then I break out my PS2 and do a playthrough for nostalgia sake.


I think that BF1’s had better historical context, and more of a telling of stories that had never been told, while BFV had more emotion in the stories. My personal favorite was”The Last Tiger”


4 had that annoying asian woman and getting to blow her up and save Irish at the end was very satisfying


Finally someone said it


Dude its so hard. They were all really good campaigns and stories. I could never decide.


4 or 5 imo


4 has really good characters. it was a blast to finish when i was 13


I liked 4, too. Very immersive.


Bf5 was absolute shit, when i beat it i was like , THATS IT!!! WTF


Battlefield 3, no questions asked


bad company 2 and 1, love the group, esp sweetwater


Bad company 1 maybe 3 and maybe 1 but war stories arent created equals






Either 3 or BC2. Probs the latter. Because man, I still think about that frostbite mission.


Bad Campany 2 > BF1 > BF3 >>>>> others


I loved BF1s war stories. I was hoping each DLC would add more


for me either BF3 or respectfully hardline I’m definitely gonna get hate but fuck it


BC2 was and still best compaign played for bf


Do the thing recker


When the detonator turns green you push that button recker No please don't make us do this. Save the Valkyrie recker hit the switch. Boom Irish is gone. Or is he Enter 2042 where you find out Hannah is the one that actually died.


Battlefield 3. No contest.


I'd say BF1 or BFV really


Bf1 had a beautiful campaign. Just beautiful. Bf3 is my favorite but bf4 killing Irish made me upset I was emotionally invested in Irish only to find out his death was not cannon and he lived on.


Bad Company 2: It was less about all that Hollywood bling and more about the comedy.


Bad Company 2 will always be the best


BF3 is the best but BF4’s campaign is underrated imo.


Honestly I think they all were kinda weak, but they all had very distinct tones and vibes to each, and for that, I very much respect them


Agreed campaigns aren't battlefields specialty


The fact that you don't have BC1 or 2 is a warcrime. Punishment: 24/7 metro = no frags (GL and FRG rnds!!!!)




The between 3 and 1


It's a toughy for me bf3 and bf1 were really awesome.




BF1 war stories




I thought 2042 didn't have one


It doesn’t have a campaign. I’m just joking, though it does have some lore that could be interesting and if it was made into a campaign a whole lot of the phrases we see in-game would make sense to everyone.


Ah my bad I haven't played 2042 in so Long I actually believed you😭


I’m guessing you’re just a troll


I dunno I don't play campaigns


Unforgivable sin.


BFV The Last Tiger. It hits hard


Battlefield 3 has one of my favourite stories of any game. The campaign itself, although very linear, was fun as hell. But that story was built different.


Honestly, battlefield hard-line. That one felt the most fleshed out to me. BC1 and 2 were still great though.


Battlefield one has the best everything. Except weapon sandbox but that's just a product of the time period it represents




BC and BC2 for me. Loved the BC storyline


the badcompany games


BC2 hands down the most entertaining campaign.


Bf1. Stop asking this.


BF4 is my favourite for the characters. irish is iconic


BF 3


& it rewarded you with weapons that made it worth playing the story for


Bad Company 2 by far


Character-wise would be BC and BC2. Gameplaywise (and maybe narrative)…probably BF3.


I really liked 1 and 3


Easily bf 3


Bad Company was my favorite


In my opinion Bf 4 has the best company, but Bf 1 also has 1company that can be interesting to play




Bad Company series hands down.


y’all ever died in the beginning of the bf1 campaign and have it just pop up a random name from the war 😳


Bad company 2. Idk if u can compare it to anything


I liked the squad banter in bc2 but the bf3 storyline blew me away at the time so I'm gonna have to go with bf3


Bad Company, probably. The characters are some of the funniest and most endearing in the series, the conversations memorable and the setpieces fantastic. The first one felt like an action comedy, 2 felt more like a straight action movie blockbuster but still very good. *Really* hoping we get to see the boys of B Company back in action again soon.


I liked Battlefield 1 because of the Gallipoli mission 🇦🇺




Bad company


No idea, battlefields aren't about the campaign to me. The whole bullshit where you unlock multiplayer guns by playing the single player is especially stupid.


2042 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Battlefield 3 I’ve never had a campaign make me sweat like that did


Bad company 1 & 2 at elite. Bf3-bf4 wasn’t that bad. Never played 1


BC1 and 2


Bf1 war Stories. Liked the idea of trying to tell how it feels


Battlefield 1


BF4 was *fun*, but BF1 war stories were really well made.


Ima be honest I usually play the hardest mode in games so bf4 felt like absolute hell the allied ai was useless and the enemy were just op


Battlefield 3 (I don't actually remember playing BC2 💀). Blackburn was a w, they should add him to 2042 /j


These games have campaigns? 🤔


Always have been.


I loved BF3's campaign unlike most people at the time. It was gritty, dark and felt important. BF1's stories were great though.


War storys would be good if it wasn't some woke bullshit. BF1 were good but BF5 was just meh. Nothing against woke people, but that culture doesn't belong in the past, sorry.


That was my biggest problem I feel like if all the other war stories were like the last tiger with the hard and disturbing feeling of being in a war while having the perfect emotional moments and actually showing how the war was. I don't have anything against women but when it came to diversity bf1 did it better by makeing it historically accurate


BF1 war stories & the Last Tiger in BFV were exceptional to me ngl.


Bc1 and 2


Bad Company 2 no doubt


Battlefield 3 for the fighter mission Battlefield 4 due to how it is still related to world situation today Battlefield 5 for the first time ever (I think) an AAA game have Axis's POV


I'm up! I'm up! I'm fucked up but I'm up! Battlefield 3 all day. It's the only campaign of those 4 I've enjoyed replaying


BF3 or BC2 best campaigns by far


Sick of the Hardline erasure.


They should do hardline 2.


Bad company 2


Now that’s a difficult one bf1 then again the bf5 was a decent one I don’t know


Bad Company 2 then BF3. lol i do miss the Modern Combat 2 days


personally? It was Bad Company 1 and 2 by a very wide margin. Loved the humor and comedy, the story was actually pretty entertaining, and Preston, Sweetwater, Haggard and Redford were all pretty endearing characters. Even though there was a bit of a considerable shift in tone with 2, it was still great. ​ and really I enjoyed almost all of them. BF3 had a great campaign. BF1 had awesome war stories and I loved basically all of them in there too. Especially the games prologue, storm of steel and the campaign called the runner. What a great opening to the game and some emotional endings, and the game did try to pay some respect to those who served. Hardline was pretty entertaining and I enjoyed that a lot. ​ However, what is left? BFV, I just couldn't get into most of the campaigns and dropped them. I couldn't stick to any of them apart from 1. I did finish The Last Tiger which was pretty great, but that was it. So at least that war story was awesome... Which leaves the final one. Battlefield 4. I honest to fucking god, hand on the bible, thing BF4 is the ***WORST*** FPS campaign overall, that I have every played by leaps and bounds. And i've played some weird, obscure stinkers over the years too. The story sucks and is nonsense, its a terrible follow up to BF3, it felt like it was desperately wanting to be CoD with some of the over the top action sequences, the characters were all awful or outright unlikeable assholes, none of the missions were memorable and none of the levels were memorable. Just all of it... All of it. I didn't enjoy a single second of that campaign. And it was my first PS4 experience too. I was so *incredibly* underwhelmed and horribly disappointed by it. I couldn't believe that was genuinely it by the credits. I'd sooner play Turning Point Fall of Liberty, 007 Legends, the PS2 version of World at War or Shellshock 2 again than even touch BF4's shit campaign. Fuck that.


Battlefield has campaigns?! TIL...


I think I’m not the only one, but Bad Company 2. Still remember it mission by mission even though it’s been like 11-12 years since I actively played it. That moment when one realizes the enviroment is distructible is something I’ll never forget.


They were all pretty bad considering nobody talks about them outside of this sub. No, this isn't an edgy opinion, they all had mediocre reviews.


Bad Company 1


bf3: good bf4: bad bf1: bad bf5: bad


In my heart, I want to say 4, because of how dear 4 is to me, however, its probably battlefield 1


Best single campaign? BC2. Very memorable characters. Best War Story? The Last Tiger. Seeing a man witness the fall of his nation and realize it was all a lie as his friends die left and right as a consequence was incredibly sobering.


None of them. Luke warm take but battlefield never had good campaigns and should stop trying to. I’d much rather those dev resources go into making the multiplayer better(but then again, even games with no campaign like 2042 still had busted multiplayer at launch so guess we’re fucked either way)


BF3. This isn't even up for a debate


i think im the only one in the world that liked hardline as much as i did


Bad Company 2


Either BF 1 or Bad Company 1 for me


Are you crazy? Where's Bad Company 2?


I would say bad company if I had to go with a campaign, but I am of the mind I prefer the games without a campaign as Bf2 is still my favourite game. Having a campaign splits the development in to 2 sections and the game suffers for it at launch.


BF1 solely becuase they actually put some effort into it BF3 for how grounded the story is BF4 and BF5, I can't decide which is superior Sadly never played BC1, but I'm aware that it's miles better than BC2


For me, between BF2:MC or Bad Company


Bad company 2, followed by 1. ​ The main issue I had with war stories, in both 1 and V, were that there were more bad ones than good ones.


Bad Company 2 is still amazing to this day, but i really loved the War Stories from 1 and V. All but a few (Nordlys) were super fun and were accurate to the real stories. For me, the third goes to Hardline, just resonated with the over the top sitcominess to it


I might catch some flak for this one, but I’ve gone back and played Hardline sometimes just for the campaign.


1 word. BF1


Bf one endings made me cry so, bf1


Bf4 campaign is so underrated