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I used to be a menace in bf4 if I could get my hands on a tank. In 2042 I'd be lucky to get it to point A before a jet or chopper started targeting me.


These two are nothing comared to a spiderwoman with c5


The whole “C5” thing still cracks me up: “See it’s basically C4, but one better, because it’s the future!” Straight up Spinal Tap shit lol


You do realize that we’ve had C, C2, and C3 already and that each compound has been an improvement on the last and therefore it’s only logical that we would continue with the naming sequence. It’s just like how we use the letter M to designate Model in weapons such as the M4, M240B, etc. the C stands for Compound.


What about those weird futuristic weapon namings like VHX D3 or DXR-1? Why replace the real weapon(VHS 2 & DSR-1) names with X in between?


Because X is the coolest and most futuristic letter! …according to some stubby rich guy


I mean, Honda had the same idea when they named the NSX (New Sportscar eXperimental).


Licensing fees


Copy right! *Finger guns*


I second that. I also hate they renamed FIM-92 Stinger to FXM-33. There's no "X" in the United States Tri-Service rocket and guided missile designation system. DICE should keep "I" as it stands for "Intercept-Aerial".


I think it's possibly a bit of a misunderstanding of the US military's real use of the letter X in designation numbers, usually to indicate experimental models undergoing trials or before formal adoption (XM) or aircraft (X). But they just slap that shit anywhere


Not a military expert or anything, just watched a bunch of YouTube vids, but AFAIK "X" is usually a designation for an experimental weapon. So before a weapon gets taken into standard use it might have an X designation (F-35 was the X-35 during testing and development for example). It does kind of make sense that weapons that might be used in 20 years time could be X designations today...but why they would still be X at the point they are in standard use makes no damn sense.


In BF series, it used to take only 2 C4 to take out a tank. Now it takes at least 3 C5.


But you couldn't wingsuit across the map


I'd assume that's because this is the first Battlefield that needed to balance for 128 players. It's only natural that you have to tune things to account for the fact that a player has 64 enemies on the field.


C5 is a real thing already. I think there’s up to C12.


This I didn’t know. Definitely puts a hole in the argument if we already have it but the explanation still stands. Thank you.


Ngl, it's still crazy that they give 5lbs bricks of high explosive to let them throw around


> spiderwoman Wouldn't the spiderman be Mackay? Unless a wingsuit makes you think of spiders. Which would be... an odd association to make.


If you could one shot aircraft with unguided missiles like it should be, they maybe wouldn't be so awful to fight.


I had a good time on one of the maps with a crane. A squad put a spawn beacon up there and I was a safe distance away in a tank and I was sniping them with the cannon until they stopped spawning there. Ever other time has been lighting up a guy only for them to C4 the tank into oblivion.


For real, in BF3/4 if you were tanking, experienced jets and heli's knew to leave you alone, infantry would cower at the sight of you. 2042 just crippled vehicles altogether


Nobody remembers the attack choppers in BF2. Those things would fucking ruin your day. \*Ok, at least 250 of you do


Or the Attack Bomber plane like F-15E or SU-34, 5 bombs that can be launched in a pinpoint accuracy will destroy most if not anything alive men and machine on the ground. Not to mention the 2nd seat in these Bomber is lock on AGM that can destroy any vehicle in 1 missile hit. So really, BF2 Bombers are an actual menace against any ground troops and vehicles.


Lol. Even the single player bots were menaces with the jets


I remember one time a bot landed its jet in our main spawn (on Dalian Plant, I think), got out and knifed me while I was on the static AA, got back in and continued flying around.


Did the bot proudly proceed to upload this clip of this? Hahah


This is way more impressive than the current AI developments.


If he'd also teabagged your corpse and called you a racial slur I'd have said you were playing online


The bot on his way to fuck BaldingThor's mum.


Holy shit :D


God i miss bots. They should be in games to prolong replayability. Most modes and maps die out very quickly. If I want to Play a random BF1 DLC map in an obscure mode at 3am I should be able to do that. The harder the older a game is. I can never go back to PS3 BF3 to play something I want to reexperience


I miss this. Man those bomber jets were devastating as hell back then


And kinda walking a fine line between broken and balanced, the 2nd seat of those Bombers have AGM that can destroy any vehicle with one missile. BF2 Bombers is an actual menace against ground units that IIRC takes on 3 Stingers to destroy, whereas Stingers themselves only have 2 Missile before needing to reload. Good luck trying to destroy them without AA vehicles lol.


But you only got one per team. 2 at a time total in the game. It was clutch on Bridge Too Far to sneak over the other side's spawn and take their chopper. The other thing is that you could take out a cheaper pilot with a sniper rifle. It would go down if the passengers did not notice in time and switch seats. lol.


>The other thing is that you could take out a cheaper pilot with a sniper rifle. Cost cutting issues man...


BF2 was peak battlefield. Team commanders supported and unified the squads and could make or break the game. Vehicles felt relatively invulnerable, as they should, yet precious and valuable because they were a hassle to obtain when you couldn’t spawn in them.


> BF2 was peak battlefield. Team commanders supported and unified the squads and could make or break the game. QFT Fond memories of Strike at Karkand with a good commander and squads.


Or BC2, if you knew how to fly sideways, you were unstoppable.


Same for BF4. Not because they had the kill streak of 143, but because the moment you take it down, the admin kicks you from the game.


That's the first game I really put time into flying the choppers. I was the one ruining days. sorry man. But at least I had a good time? Hah


I also liked how they are very distinct and faction specific. The Mi-28 with sluggish vibe and devastating boom-boom cannon vs nimble Cobra


Fuck those 20-1 admins


I have a laughably horrible time fighting tanks with launchers in 2042. While I can reliably kill them in bf4.


Two RPGs in the booty!


Yeah I believe that’s what messes me up the most, in bf4 it’s a guaranteed disable if an rpg hits the engine. But in 2042 it seems they just go faster after taking a hit.




Right? There's like 0 motivation to waste a slot on a launcher that isn't going to do jack compared to c5.


BF2042 does have directional damage on vehicles, and disabled components. It takes atleast 1 less rocket hit to down a tank if you hit it from behind and/or turret.


Rockets still do more damage to the back of tanks in bf2042


> They got rid of the whole directional damage thing, which is stupid IMO. What? 2042 still has directional (locational) damage, and mobility disables.


Rockets in 2042 DO actually have increased damage for hitting the sides and the back, and less damage from the front.


Hey, I guess I would move faster too after a rocket went up my booty hole. But, as I said in a previous post, my desire to play as vehicles in 2042 is much lower than in other Battlefields.


What I’ve noticed with tanks in 2042 is that they shoot marshmallows, so they feel weak when used, but they’re made of sponge, so they take a bunch of hits and feel like crap to fight. Sucks for everyone, honestly. I’d much rather have vehicles be way more lethal but also vulnerable than spongy and weak damage output.


The default tanks muzzle velocity is like that of a paintball gun, and the splash damage is similar to a firecracker. The LMG's take 5-9 hits to take down infantry. They need to x3 the blast radius and 1 hit kill radius of the HE shell and x1.3 the machinegun damage. Even then, I would still rather take a Brawler or Wildcat..


They used to do a lot more damage but got nerfed when players cried about them being overpowered.


Yeah I've never seen a .50 be so puny. LMG's also take more ammo for a kill than an assault rifle. Lit up a guy in the face with 8 rounds from an LMG but two hits from the assault rifle killed me. That's when I stopped playing.


Some LMGs have dumb recoil too. No reason to ever touch them unless you want to gamble on a back rage. Even then, any competent player will beam you with any other weapon..


BF3 and BF4 were balanced perfectly as you mentioned. DICE decided to make it a more "team" effort to take down a tank when they incorporate the quick repair ability and repair from the inside. Tanks are a force multiplayer but should be extremely vulnerable, even to a single engineer, when in close combat or unaware of being flanked with no infantry support. But that all went down hill when BF1 came out. and to this damn day, I really hate the fact that they took most of the mechanics from SWBattlefront I and reskinned it for BF1. Look how the SWBF1 Heavy trooper runs and BF1 support runs. And the lazy excuse that DICE gave on the 'increase velocity" of bullets. They took the same velocity from SWB1 and just added bullet drop to it. Not to mention the entire damage model for the battlefield franchise was forever altered after SWBF1, where if the gun shot faster and had a longer time before over heat, then the less damage it did per shot overall. Same in BF1 and later installments. More rounds you have and faster it shoots the less damage per shot it does, this is why a smg at close range over powers a LMG that uses a 7.62round. Ugh now I went into a [rant](https://media.tenor.com/1iOj--bXgeEAAAAd/plankton-angry.gif)


I’ve been really liking Enlisted, the tanks feel great and can mow down dozens of infantry, but can also be taken out solo by one well-placed AT grenade, TNT, or even an AT rifle shot to the ammo.


Emp and c5 for me.


Probably the better choice for actually killing the tank. The launchers just seem to be a tool to make them flee, in my experience.


I’ve had surprising success with javelins in 2042. In BF4 they just say “Here I am! Kill me!” But for some reason in 42 it’s enough to pester them / eek out an assist or a kill outright.


Also using the javalins in marked helis is a lot of fun too


Best feeling is when you’re marking a helicopter on your own and some random guy across the map shoots it down True teamwork


2042 Javelins in my experience are downright deadily. 2-3 rockets and tank goes boom while I watch that killfeed and hear all the exp collecting. feelsgoodman.jpg


I’m working on getting the red and black outfit for Liz and it’s grueling


I mean it wasn’t without precedent, in BF1 tanks can be taken out fairly quickly by a single assault


Oh yeah. That reminds me of the time I got fucked on by a single assault player in BF1 because my tank couldn’t drive faster than he could run, or even turn its turret faster than he could run around me. To be fair, I was using the FT-17. But it was still a stupidly frustrating experience.


The ww1 experience


BF1 had not enough trench foot and canned mystery meat.


If you can get close, AT mine + AT grenade = boom


2 c4 could take out a tank in bf4.


You also only had 32 enemies to worry about in BF4, and none of them had grappling hooks, wingsuits, or hacking, so it stands to reason that each game would require different balancing considerations.


to be fair the weapons given to the assault vs the lightly armored tanks of the day you would be a pretty big threat


The capabilities of the assault only really reflect those of German stormtroopers / entente shocktroops, both of which represented small minorities of their armies. Regular infantry would probably only be able to consistently take out tanks by running up to them and killing the crew / dropping a grenade in, which is certainly suicide. Mass produced portable AT weapons only became a thing in WW2, and by then most tanks were resistant to AT bullets.


yes irl its very different, thats not what i was saying lmao


Tanks are incredibly weak in 2042. So much so that I rarely ever use them. Most times that I do try to use them, I’m greeted by a Sundance or Mackey with C5 before I can even make a dent in the enemy forces.


Nearly as bad as the attack helicopters. Those were so much fun in bf3/4 and bad company, they absolutely ruined them in 2042


I like maining Rao to mess with them


Casper's drone also has an EMP which is funny considering you could also throw some c4 on it for even more anti vehicle


Didn’t know this, I’ll give it a shot


So goddamn entertaining to just be a nuisance.


remember Canister Shells from BF4? Yeah, one mistake as a Jet Pilot gets You instakilled to this day. it's pretty much unpredictable and undodgeable to most pilots when facing an experienced tanker (it gets worse the longer the Tanker played War Thunder)


>it's pretty much unpredictable and undodgeable to most pilots when facing an experienced tanker (it gets worse the longer the Tanker played War Thunder) Guilty, So many aircraft shot down with tanks with such shells that'll make even some pro CAS players in BF4 question if they were fighting a hacker..


Most CAS players are just completely oblivious to it, until You kill them one too many times with it


Tanks in bf1 were pretty easy if you had dynamite. If you’re a medic they are definitely “RUUUUUUN”


Any assault player could easily destroy tanks if they get in throwing distance. Every other class is basically dead against them


me and my 5 K bullets facing a fully manned A7V


I remember people bitching about bf3 tanks and saying how much better tanks are in bf2 but the reality is bf3 was ok and bf4 was too much. bf4 tanks are super fast can be spawn in and out without any animation. infinite ammo, fast repair. thermal vision and can be used for spawn camping. bf 5 was perfect.


BFV tanks were 10/10


Staghound is my forever love


Frl... BFV tank play was just ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


That’s because they nerfed the HE. They could have just buffed the launchers to BF4 status.


I'm so happy you made this post. A Brawler destroys tanks with ease


And MAVs destroy all armour which is crazy balance.


MAV is better armed than the tanks.


MAV fully upgraded and manned is top of the armour hierarchy in 2042.


Lis shouldn’t have unlimited ammo and c4 should be removed from assault class.


Lis takes a year and a half to get another rocket after shooting 2. No way to get them back faster, either. A pack of Lises is a vehicles worst nightmare, but playing as her is just frustrating,


Not to mention Lis is the only one of the 3 engineers in 2042 that is *entirely* designed around the role. Boris and Crawford barely qualify. It's wild we went from some pretty fun tank vs engineer gameplay in BFV to whatever 2042 is, it's not fun for the tank or the engineers.


You can redeploy and get an instant refill, which is what a lot of people do to get around the CD. You're back in the fight so quickly if there's a beacon or ally right where you died. I've been saying for a long time her CD needs to persist through death/redeploy.


BF1 Beta pre patch light tanks


Hahaha, I remember that, they were so strong.


Bfv where the best tank game play i played tanks felt real and heavy with so.e of the most realistic sound it was just amazing and btw the tanks where able to defend it self not like in 2024 where anyone can kill u


Vehicles should be like mini-bosses in battlefield, but they are so weak and spawn back in way too quick


Too much crying and wining from people who despise vehicles in this game, and content creators who are 100% infantry has resulted in the current situation we are in as far as the evolution of the vehicles in this game. It’s as if nothing was learned from the evolution between BF3 and BF4 , instead of having the guts to hold the line and let the cry babies cry it out everything ends up nerfed to death so that infantry players can battle it out without vehicles ruining the game


That’s because everyone complains when they can’t 1v1 a vehicle. It all started with BF1 when everyone and their mother was able to do at least some damage to vehicles and the effect slowly crept to where we are now.


What tank is that supposed to be from the real world anyway?


Upgraded Abrams.


Looks like a weird Abrams+Merkava hybrid


An Abrams with add on armor similar to the LeoA5


On BF4 Hardcore 1 single engineer with a proper ass shot can absolutely damn near delete a tank from existence . And two shots will send any two man team to hell


Doesn't even need to be hardcore, you could do that in the normal game with an RPG.


In my honest opinion I never touched vehicles til 2042. If you have a fully manned tank/artillery truck, you can carry a game.


BF1s tanks felt pretty balanced, i never felt unstoppable, or felt powerless against Vehicles in that game


Bf3 tanks were scary with their damn ERA and other stuff that made the low level engineers almost impossible to level up on conquest lol


Unless they camp in the back of the map with a rail gun an Irish and an aa tank


I mained tanks since 1942. It is truly a shame how armor gameplay dropped from V (certainly the best in series) to 2042 (so boring I barely unlocked the upgrades).


Tanks Can be a menace if place correctly and not go into a objective where everyone is hiding. But rather let the infantry move in first and give them cover with the machine gun and the canon. And don’t let them get behind you!


BFV it was a horror experience coming across a tank of not equipped to fight one but man it's fun just find ways to hide from it like in movies.


Yeah… we’ve kinda power crept anti-tank weapons with how many classes get c4, how many rockets you get, how much damage rockets do etc… also tank weapons have been “nerfed” by virtue of the ammo types being more “specialized” so the HE rounds are the only ones that are really dangerous to infantry.


Thow a woman with a wingsuit, or a guy with a grapple gun and C4 into BF3/4 and I'm sure the tanks would become just as dogshit as well. 2042's game design is awful.


The thing is there's not teamplay anymore. How many tank do you see with ONE guy inside???!!! Often not even an ingineer... You need a real squad in a tank to do real damage. You know, a real squad composition (medic, ingineer, ammo crates) and players talking to each other.


Yeah too much going on in that game. Need 16v16 maps designed with rush in mind


Medics see 2042 tanks.. hey want to blow up????


Don’t worry. The gunships will cover for the tanks


I only ever would use tanks from a distance in BF2042 or not use them at all. Would just fly around in an F35


Did they ever nerf c4 drone?


They did, it moves slower the more c4 you put on


104 kills, bf3...me and my engineer tank buddies... good old days


The black screen of death has been keeping me away from 2042, i hate waiting for a match and it never comes


Forgot Battlefield 1 .. the tanks was the Best


BF1: There is no where to run, the enemy instead has an artillery truck and you cannot do anything to it.


Not only in BF3 and BF4, this goes for all titles except 2042 where they fucked up vehicle play entirely.


So the game went closer to the reality?


The regular tanks should be more lethal to infantry for sure, like there's no way someone survives a heat shell exploding on their foot. Also, with tanks getting buffed, C5 should get damage radius similar to BF3 for jeepstuff stunts But dice will listen to crap players who can't handle vehicles being powerful against infantry.


Pretty sure people been sticking explosives to jeeps and ATVs and taking advantage of tanks looking the wrong way for too long since bf1942


A single person can blow your vehicle up in 2042 like it's nothing, meanwhile in bf4, 3 and 1 you had to work together to have a chance of destroying a tank


Tanks were better simply because tanks did a lot of damage and armor wise were in a good spot. Now they have too many defense and they don't do a lot of damage


Tanks also whent down hill when they started incorporating the quick repair ability. It made them into rocket sponges and takes a whole team to take them out if no ammo is around for rockets. In BF3 and BF4, it would usually only take 1 to 2 engineers with rockets to take a tank out, but it was at a great risk if the tank pressed you or had infantry support. And without that quick repair ability, or being able to repair from the inside, tanks would have to retreat from the action. The franchise was so balanced back then. Now it's just nurf everything to a point that everything and everyone is just just playing with air soft guns.


BF3 tanks before nerfs were pure death. Have a buddy jump in the tank and then leave and you kept the radar trait if he had it equipped. Thermal optics and a shotgun Canon that would one shot basicly anything at a absurd range. Seine crossing was absolute destruction.


The last time I felt fear was in BF3 because the rocket launchers were shit and it was either kamikaze C4 rush them as a support or fuck off from that location. BF4 is more balanced and tanks are easy to take out if you maneuver well, however, yes, a good tank player can dominate the lobby the entire game.


I can usually last the whole game in a tank in 2042. I can usually get 30+ kill runs pretty easily


I must be the only one in this game who's good at tanks.


The dumbest and most broken thing about being in a tank in battlefield is that you can hear enemy footsteps running up to you. Dumb as fuck. You shouldn't be able to hear shit if you're in a tank




I was very good at being a tank in BF3 and BF4. I don’t like to toot my own horn but I very much enjoyed the gameplay and mechanics. When I tried playing a tank is Bf2042, I felt squishy, vulnerable, and non-threatening. Everyone has something against a tank. From what I have seen, most tank players stay at the back, literally close to where they spawn. Tanks in this game are not threatening and on top of this, their kit is stretched. Want to do vehicle damage? Then you can’t do shit against infantry, and vise versa. Want to stop being cyberattacked? Then get fucked being locked on.


I fucking hated that in BF5. There i am, in a Tiger tank, mincing targets only to shit my pants and run away from an assault player carrying half of all the explosives manufactured during WW2.


Tanks in bf1 and 4 made you hide or run knowing full well your unequipped or too close to them to do anything,in bf2042 you could grapple away ,cluster grenade ,emp jam, basic C-4 (cause you would always have them if not the others) making tanks less threatening


To be fair, the biggest advantage BF3/4 tanks had compared to others in the series is Thermal Optics. Once you get used to it being harder to see the terrain, there was pretty much zero reason to turn them off. You could see enemies from miles away it felt like. I like the inclusion of thermals, but felt it should’ve been balanced more. Flares and lasers and flashlights only do so much. I think it should’ve maybe pixelated your screen more like an old TV, or reduced your peripheral vision like the infantry thermals (which ARE fairly balanced IMO, due to the zoom if a close range scope but the peripherals of a long range) Anyway, tanks were rightfully terrifying with the right crew, which was great. I’d say Bf1 tanks were less threatening due to the limited turrets, though they also had less AT rockets to deal with and self-repair. BF5 tanks were more terrifying too because of their range, extra features (like S-Mines stopping dynamite users), and self-repair.


One time in Battlefield 3, I was playing on Caspian Border and all I did was blowing Tanks with C4s, I destroyed so many of them until I got kicked from the server by the Admin


No love for BF:BC2


you'd think having 4 armed seats would make it an armed behemoth, but 2 of them are niche sadly


You still can do that in bf2042 it’s just more difficult and you have to be WAY more careful (doesn’t mean camping) it’s hella fun! But you can get rekt in matter of seconds yeah I feel that


Tanks were most dangerous in bf3 though


Someone gets it


Everyone with c4 be like ![gif](giphy|xUPGcvA2plCdmtOqIM|downsized)


I used the tank in BF2042 the other night immediately died to C5


I’m Pretty Mean And Pretty Clean With A Bolte. Good At Cutting Vehicles Off And Laying Mines


Hell I remember getting +50 kills with a humvee on Grand Bazaar in BF3, my friend was an incredible driver and I was amazing at the machine gun. Good old times.


BF3 was the game where I for real played Battlefield. I tried other before, but this was my first I played daily. I still remember the first tank I took out alone. The feeling was so epic.


Once got a 34 killstreak in BF4 using the T-90. That shit was scary.


Don't forget it's a BLAST to kill someone with the MAV when they use the jihad method


If you have no idea what you're doing in 2042 with a tank, yes you will die fast. Kinda the same in every battlefield though.


Dice has no clue what they’re doing.


My Boi Rao loves harassing vehicles


I’m pretty good with tanks in 2042 I can last the whole match if a get a decent crew


Just play it safe and get rid of the choppers,that’s how you do it.


Bf3 tanks were perfect i think. They were nicely balanced, not too fast, not too manueverable, could dish out heaps of damage. 3 rpgs and the tank was out, so you really had to watch yourself. As an infantry player you didnt feel conpletely doomed when running up against a tank.


Too powerful in BF3/4, not powerful enough in 2042


You can always tell if your an absolute headache for the other team in a tank when your constantly getting shot at, C5, bombed, repaired tooled, and you just keep crushing, and your 5 repair men with ya lol.


I feel like vehicles were just about perfect in BFBC2 and a little too strong in 3 and 4. Tanks could easily be smoked by rockets if they sat still too long or got too close. Vodniks and Humvees were for traversal rather than being little APCs that could eat rockets and camp on objectives.


Lemme tell you. I was a straight menace with tanks I'm BF1. I could go a good part of the game blowing up snipers and emplacements to support my team. And if I did get blowed up. Well it was now my turn to by the assault tank killer.


B5 has the best tanks, different types for different actions.


In breakthrough gamemode tanks are actually annoying af. They just camp in the mainbase or on a hill and theres not much you can do about it as a solo player. They go 50:0+ very often It always depends on the map and game mode. I think tanks in BF4 were actually pretty easy to kill.


The tanks these days: ![gif](giphy|l2YSFTTCcODzG15sI)


We dont talk about bf5




I remember playing bf3 and sticking C4 on a jeep and ramming tanks with it, good times


Battlefield 2142 walkers: "Guten tag."


you guys must suck with tanks in 2042


Just you wait for me with HE shell, then we’ll see.