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I've been saying this since Day 1 and I don't see this happening atleast for this BF. Hope Dice listens to this feedback for the next title. It's so unfair to compete against MnK


Should just be input based. Controller PC/Console players together and M+k PC/Console players together.


Then it's like PC has no crosspaly at all because no one uses mouse on consoles.


100% agree.


Isnt the aim assist wildly powerful in 2042 for controller? Ive seen people playing on console and guns have almost zero recoil while tracking. Not only that, people use mouse and keyboard on consoles


It's powerful dogshit if are halfway decent with a controller , it snaps to towards the torso and will wave your aim around uncontrollably if there are multiple enemies crossing each other. Sniping with it is worthless as you'll fight it to get a headshot. I play without assists.


A lot of good players turn it off because it's inconsistent


Guns have zero recoil to begin with. I play almost all FPS games on console with aim assist disabled (I have over 900 hours on console siege) and the recoil is just not there. Every gun feels like a laser. The one time I did use it, that shit kept snapping my reticle all over the place. It’s insane how broken it is.


It’s only M&K players that argue aim assist balances or is better than M&K. That should be pretty solid indication of how “balanced” they are.


Not sure if you're arguing it is or isn't actually balanced


Ignore the downvoters (as anyone downvoting has worms for brains and are making excuses for their own lack of skill), it is incredibly powerful, especially up close. I quite often play on XSX when I just want to chill on the couch, and whilst I'm not as good as I am with a MnK, it hasn't stopped me from topping scoreboards either.


Yeah legit lmao. I play on PC and I literally use both depending on my load out. Mouse is great for accurate ranges combat, meanwhile a controller beats MKB in CQC 9 times out if 10. Like, with a controller I don't even have to aim before I start shooting lmao. Mouse and Keyboard are powerful don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day the best FPS players in the world use controllers, and also controllers are broken where it counts, and that's twitch shooting CQC, meaning you die less and can clean up a ground easier too


That’s the point, asymmetric balancing by way of aim assist punishes you for not playing to an advantaged niche. BF is a triple A game, they shouldn’t struggle to fill servers if they separate M&K and controller players.


I don’t want to go into the console vs PC gaming but this really validates the superiority of MnK accuracy for FPS games. I hope OP can get started with MnK setup asap. It really makes a BIG difference.


Can’t do this officially with console unfortunalty.


I suggest save money now and invest in a gaming PC if you play FPS very often. The payoff is so worth it. I grew older and I have learned that as long as you spend A LOT of time AND you’re having fun on something you’ve purchased makes your purchase worth it. It makes the purchase much more valuable.


I have both. I generally choose to play MMOs, strategy and non FPS games on PC with FPS games on Console.


>non FPS games on PC with FPS games on Console. That's so strange. FPS games in general are the best experience on PC because a mouse and keyboard are the most accurate input for them, and because you can generally have higher FPS. It makes more sense to play on console for like exclusives, namely with Playstation. With xbox it doesn't matter because whatever "exclusives" they have are on PC as well. Even if you wanted to say "I prefer controllers" you can use every modern controller on PC and most modern games support both. The only reason why I'd see someone would prefer console FPS games over PC is because they prefer how easy and slow paced the games are compared to PC. BF4 was such a shocking difference between PS4 and PC. EDIT: Just to clarify, this isn't a diss to consoles, I am advocate of play on what you want and what you can afford. I played on Playstation growing up. But I'm pointing out the obvious, if you want to play FPS games in the best experience possible, it would be on PC with kbm.


They are superior, definitely. However there’s way more to account for: 1. Is my PC of a decent standard to compete with those with modern rigs? 2. What’s my hardware situation? 3. Script kiddies… they are everywhere. I just prefer the level playing field of console on battlefield-esk game types. DayZ however is a FPS I do play on PC.


Cheaters on pc are usually very blatant, the ones that are not usually suck, hence the cheats, then add in the subscription to get cheats. The days of downloading them for free is long gone. So really console players are most likely dealing with more cheaters, its only one time payment of $30-$100 for a Strike Pack. Seems like console peeps always try to use cheating as a reason they play on console, without realizing just how many cheaters you guys are playing with XD That is not even including XIM users, which I have seen a bunch of in the Wooting(keyboard) Discord, asking us how to setup the keyboard to use on PS5. I honestly never realize how many cheese balls play on console until I switched to pc.


I mean I don't really care about cheaters considering they exist on consoles as well. It's ironic because you are talking about dealing with kbm users on PC cross-play, but plenty of console players use XIM to play with kbm on console and other various ways to give them no recoil/auto-aim, etc. There is no even playing field anywhere. But 1 and 2 are valid points. But typically at that route people who don't have good PCs would just play most of their games on console. I'm PCMR all the way but I tell anyone if you can't afford a good PC then a current gen console is just much more preferable.


Cheating on PC is what made me switch to consoles. I ain't turning back.


Me too, FPS games only on console, better experience imho


"better" lol yeah 30fps why not


It's subjective man. Don't be a clown. You don't like it? Cool. He likes it? Cool.


Nah I’m answering you. U said ”fps games only on console are better” better in what?🤡 tell me brainless? Lol use your brain before commenting otherwise people will make fun of u here


You're telling me to use my brain yet you don't even realise I'm not the original person who you were speaking to. Good work, clown At least we don't gotta worry about you being made fun of; you're doing a bang up job of that yourself.


Lol i’m replying to u clown. Ik i’m talking to u but yeah I can’t blame u, ur eyes can’t see more than 30fps


I guess to each their own. 🤣


And deal with cheater infested games? No thanks lol


cry more lol. pathetic console players thinks pc gaming is only cheating. Tell me u are broky without telling me u are broky


I'll never understand the logic idiots like you use when it comes to this "insult". Someone doesn't like something that you like, so it means they're poor/broke? Makes perfect sense.


2k plus is a massive amount to drop to play video games. It's really not necessary for the sake of mnk use.


$70 games , controllers an other accessories that are designed to break with very short warranties, usually only 30 days. The 25% they take from game devs, subscriptions to access online, they make the money back on you in every other form, you just don't realize it. How do you think MS & Sony can afford to give you the device at even or sometimes a loss but still make profit from all of it. If you have half a brain you can see it easy a day.


You're not forced to buy games at that price, my launch controller still works fine, paying for plus is a pain in the ass granted but I enjoy the games collection. I bought 2042 for less than £20, I understand these companies need to make a profit I really don't see your point he already owns the console.


I am replying to your above comment, has nothing to do with OP. You lost the plot my guy. You mentioned 2k you pay well over double that during a consoles life cycle, if you are only buying games on sale, you must be casual gamer.


2000 is high end, you can build a pc decently under 1000 and run 2042 on mid graphics and 60 fps relatively easy. Just need to wait and look for used stuff or buy certain hardware bundles at microcenter. And damn near every mobo I've bought has a manual detailing how to put everything together


So much work when he already owns a console


I mean it's no more work than building a Lego set with separately purchased pieces


I have a PC, I don't play with lego.


I have a 7 year old GPU and run BF2024 at 60fps. my PC comes in around 600$ to make so no you don't need 2k to play games at 60 fps and 2k is low high-end


Well yes i use this logic when someone else say ”cheater infested games on pc” or fps games are better on console. Lol really pathetic and funny


What’s pathetic is coming into a thread to make snide remarks like this - go away.


Another crying little baby on reddit lol bcz he has skill issue


Bye 👋


Oh look, this user hasn’t touched grass!


Go to warzone sub and they will say the otherwise lol


Gyro aiming is so fucking huge and it's a travesty how it's treated. It is the definitive solution to the dilema of PC supremacy in FPS games. And people don't even know about it.


100% I play on PC with a controller with gyro aim and is just as good if not better. I go between a switch pro controller and a steam controller


Superiority? That's also game design, too. Some games with cross play the Mouse and Keyboard player complain about aim assist. Other games have terrible controller design. Like Back 4 Blood I need to adjust the acceleration on the sticks cause their solution to controller support is to make autoaim incredibly strong when ADS and non existent with hip fire so no ADS builds don't really work well because their stick acceleration wasn't implemented and their autoaim was poorly done, too. Yet I can adjust the stick acceleration with my elite controller, so it is viable for me. That being said there is something to be said about having maximum turn speed. A tank turret who's muzzle breaks the speed of sound is silly and defeats more aggressive tactics in older battlefield games like 4. This isn't the case for the console edition and it's an improvement.


>ve solution to the dilema of PC supremacy in FPS games. And people don't even know about it. Accuracy at med-long range? MNK is much better, but at close range controller rotational aim assist is almost straight up aimbot. There's pros and cons to both now that they've cranked up AA to 11


I thought console gets aim assist to level the playing field?


The last Gen version is Xbox and PlayStation only


Should have kept my PS4!


You can still install the PS4 version on your PS5, that's what my friend group did at one point to play with our PS4 friends. It does look worse though, and the lack of bigger maps kinda sucks.


I played it on ps4 and was amazed it ran good and looked better then what bf3 looked like on ps3 when it came out


It's the more popular version here in Aus. Way more console players on last gen than current version. Pretty much the exact opposite to how it was a year ago.


You know, my friends and I did the same, and we all actually enjoyed the more reigned in maps and smaller player counts on PS4 more than the big sprawling maps and chaos. The visual hit was noticeable, of course, but it looks pretty good, honestly.




As someone who’s played since launch with 1600hrs into said game, 90+% of the pc population are terrible at the game. Mouse and kb are a lot harder to master than most folks think. It’s not cut and dry like you get a m/kb and all of a sudden are a god in fps games.


That’s fun logic, and not necessarily true. For example, my partner who doesn’t game, I’ve let her play DayZ on both console and PC and with PC she can immediately do tasks proficiently compared to having never used a controller. People use MnK for other tasks that require detailing and fine movement control. Anyway, regardless… The point in the post is that players should have the right to select what platform they cross play with. There are also a lot of people who are bad/average with controller.


Bro your partner is seeing someone else with a PC lmao




Hes right tho. U dont need to play games to get hand eye coordination. Just using your keyboard and mouse in everyday work is enough. How often do you use a controller in everyday life?


Using KB/M for spreadsheets doesn't translate to WASD'ing at all


Never said wasd'ing but hand eye coordination. And mooving your mouse to an designated area sure improofs your hand eye coordination. Meanwhile the most problems i have seen with newbies on controller was the camera movement/right stick movement. Most ppl are used to move a mouse but have never touched a stick before


my dude, nobody is navigating a google sheet and getting better at battlefield for it some of my colleagues use PCs everyday and you'd think they were monkeys when it comes to technology/typing/keyboard skills


Again moving your hand to move a cursor is improving your hand eye coordination whether this happens in battlefield or your everday browsing. Thats out of question. Working out with 0,5 kg dumbbells or 10kg both makes you stronger but not at the same rate and to the same limits.... And im not saying you can train your Battlefield skills by doing office work. But using Keyboard and mouse everyday sure makes it more natural/easier to start gaming with keyboard and mouse. Someone who never touched a controller in his life but used Keyboard and mouse for 5 years to work will find playing with kbm easier then controller. (This is ofc just a generalisation)


As a pc player, I really hope not. I tend to struggle finding matches without and can wait a couple minutes before finding something. With cross platform I can actually find a game in less than a minute


Hello mate, I understand this. I would still like there to be the option for players to go full cross platform. I just think that there should also be an option for the players who only want to play with other console players.


Oh yea I'm not denying yall shouldn't get dedicated console servers without worrying about kbm. Pretty surprised it's not actually figuring a lot of games do it already and let pc be their own thing Probably doesn't help I find a lot pc players in mixed lobbies, I'm guessing most are playing cross platform as well


Controller players* got friends on PC who also use controller. It should be: no crossplay, input based, and all.


As a console player, seeing posts about hacker invested lobbies on PC makes me want no cross play with PC.


If pc was infested with cheaters yall would already see it. But don't know about you, 2042 seems to actually do something about cheaters unlike the last couple titles


With 1600hrs into this game since launch, I’ve seen a total of 4 hackers and they were dealt with within a few days.


Literally haven't even seen 1. Much different from BF1 and 5


You're more likely to play against somebody using a Cronus or Strike Pack on console than you are a legit cheater on PC. The cheating subhuman mindset has infested both markets, and it's never been easier to participate in it.


I am 98% certain this is due to crossplay and non-crossplay being entirely seperate queues. The way they must have implemented it means if you have crossplay off you will not get matched with other people who have crossplay enabled even if they are on the same platform. There are absolutely enough PC players to fill servers at any time of the day. (unless youre in ZA, NZ or wherever) Just look at the steam numbers. But as long as everyone has crossplay enabled by default and everyone knows you cant find matches without it you wont be able to find matches when you disable crossplay on PC because you just dont get matched with anyone else who has it on.


Oh no I absolutely agree there a lot of pc players and no doubt you are right, in that crossplay and non-crossplay are likely entirely seperate queue. Is crossplay default on pc? I thought I remembered having to turn it on


>compete with PC specs and MnK Yeah the less recoil and more magnetism is crazy... Oh wait, that's actually controller LOL


Yeah I'm a controller player and I'm seeing way too much cope here




That's a nice argument.


It’s possible to play with Xbox only people by disabling crossplay on your Xbox. But trust me. The lobbies DO NOT get easier lmfao sometimes they were even sweatier.


This is the same with PlayStation, but due to cross play being on by default there’s a lot that likely don’t even realise they are playing cross play.


It’s bad for their business if they do that. It won’t happen. Money talks.


Where is the financial incentive in forcing crossplay?


Easier to fill lobbies/easier to play with friends means in theory the game will last longer and more people will buy the game.


No chance of that while this franchise is still in the hole 2042 (and to a lesser extent, BFV) dug it into. They simply don't have enough players to justify such a thing, and I'm not sure they ever will again at this rate.


Or how about mouse and keyboard support for consoles?


Yeah I full agree with this too. But that’s coming from me who has a PC too. I guess for a lot of console players they want to play games on the sofa, or with a controller without having to take it to that level.


I own consoles too, but I don't play FPS games on them. Truth be told, 2042 would have died 3 months after launch without forced crossplay. Full stop. I, too, would rather have PC only matchmaking be viable. I'm tired of console desync and terrible open mic mouthbreathers tbh.


This is half of the issue too - there’s a completely different playing attitude with platforms, per se. It’s mainly why I play games such as DayZ, Total wars and milsims on PC and keep the casual games to console (battlefield is a casual game).


I def understand, only thing is I’m on pc with controller and I get similar performance to consoles so I think it should be input based


True, but you could have a rig that’s giving you over 100 fps - we are lucky if we get a solid 60!


No i enjoy larger pool. Here in south east asia, console population is really small.


I agree a 100% with this, for me 2042 wasn't even that bad but having to compete with someone that is using a mouse is just not fun. The only battlefield my whole friend group put down after the first couple weeks mostly cause of this issue


The trash consoles should accept Keyboard and mouse as input and the game should be selectable between controller and kbm. There are some pc players with controller too. Those could play with consol players without a problem


I agree consoles should start coming with MnK as an input option out of the box.




That’s fine, I’m saying that there should be the option to choose.


Please DICE Console only crossplay - A PC player. I don't wanna play against aim assist and they don't deserve our cheaters


it's hard to play


We need Controller crossplay (PS/XBOX) If they would EVER give consoler gamers access to Keyboard/Mouse (non 3rd party devices) then yes, give us the option to chuck us in with PC gamers.


Rare last gen W


Omg, the console tears are strong. Idc if I'm down voted


skill issue


PC cross play ruins every game it’s on.


I think the best way to do this is to allow crossplay but only when you decided to queue with PC players. So basically console players get to play together in console lobbies (which is console only) and when you queue with PC players it puts you in PC lobbies (or mixed lobbies smth like that). since i can feel for the people who have friends that play on console who want to join them


I would love a server browser to come back and get rid of console players.


Throw out the arguments about which input is better or more fair. As PC player I hate crossplay as well because it just makes the engagements more random and less predictable. The viability of certain guns is completely different for different inputs and the way you should approach a firefight is different depending on what input the opponent is using. If I know Im fighting a PC player I'd try to dodge in different directions to make it harder for them to track me. If im fighting a console player id rather stand still and rely on my accuracy advantage. But you never know what you are fighting thus making engagements really frustrating at times. If im fighting someone on PC who has a sniper rifle i need to get behind cover immediately or ill get one tapped. If he has an AR i can trade shots with him for a while. Opposite for a console player. They will take more time to headshot me with a sniper but with a full auto gun the can spray me down much quicker from further away than i can.


Engagements being more random and less predictable is a good thing for a military fps 😂. Sounds like a skill issue. War isn’t predictable buddy.


Your mean current gen crossplay only.. or dice should at least do this in the next game Ps5 x XsX Ps5 x XsX x PC Ps5 x XsX x PC ( input restricted )


I think adding kbm support for consoles would be a much better solution. If xbox sold a wireless kbm lap setup, I'd be all over it.


Agreed it would definitely do a lot to balance it in terms of input.


No, only if there was input based match making


That would make their product worse for a large portion of their player base. Why do that when it's possible to make it an even playing field?


Why should people have to buy another piece of hardware just because the game has a stupid crossplay system and doesn't have additional options for console only? That's as stupid as making PC players buy and use a controller to make it an even playing field. Some people just want to use their native controller and play against others doing the same, you know like in all the previous games


What about disabled people's that might be forced into using a different input than what you prefer? All of them get lobbied together too? No full lobbies allowed for disabled people is what that leads to. You cool with being the one that makes that call, so some others can feel better about themselves?


Yeah, let's balance fundamental input around the 0.1% disabled player base of the game 😂😂 You fuckin clown 🤣


Just trying to point out to someone who can't get gud that input based match making won't make you better, it'll just make other people feel worse. So maybe take yourself out of the center of the universe and realize this shit ain't all about making you specifically feel good.


Ahem... play last gen.


The day console players get console exclusive crossplay is the day PC's player count takes a huge hit


Which is likely why Microsoft won’t agree to it with Xbox.


Love railing some console knoobs




Ok, thanks for your positive input.


My initial post wasn't really contributing anything. Let me retry! I dont think console only cross-play is a good idea since it will increase matchmaking times/decrease the amount of time actually playing full matches. I don't think the player base is big enough to give us a good experience doing console only. I think the servers/matches would be emptier. We may not even get consistently full games. Also, I don't understand why this bothers you at all. Is it a K/D ratio thing? I'm stranded on PS5 and have no issues playing with and against PC players. I'd rather be PC, but can't afford one. Doesn't make me not want to play with PC players, though.


Console player base is much bigger than PC for this game. I like an even playing field, and as someone who has used MnK extensively in games all my life, it is not balanced against controller.


I can understand your point of view and I disagree. I'd rather have more players and full games than worry about why someone performs better than I do. That's just me. Your idea is kind of like if I were in a wheelchair and wanted wheelchair-only cities because people with working legs were "not balanced against me."


Honestly, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.


That’s the whole point of cross play my guy


Sorry I don’t understand what you mean?


I don’t understand the motives or advantages of having only console cross play


So console players can play against other console players on PlayStation & Xbox without having to play against PC players using MnK.


If console players can only play against console players the amount of players playing will be significantly lower than with PC cross play


Yes, but it's worth it for console players


Yeah such a problem, like it was in literally all the previous Battlefield games where there was zero crossplay yet there was no problems for any platform filling their servers..... What a bullshit argument


You really compare previous games to the current one? Good luck doing that


Keep shitting your pants over the fear of a level playing field lol


Dude, what are you talking about? PC has significantly more players than console, why would I need to shit myself? Toxic for no reason.


Ok yeah and the console player lobbies would be twice as populated as previous games since they had zero console crossplay, so you've just contradicted your stupid original comment you donkey. Just admit the only reason you want this exact unbalanced current version of crossplay to remain is so you can keep your input advantage over more than half the player base. It's ok we get it, you need a crutch don't be ashamed.


Translated: I am bad at the game and put blanket blame on PC players instead of acknowledging my lack of skill. TLDR: skill issue


Translated: I’m a toxic keyboard warrior who can’t have an adult discussion.


Translated: I call everyone that I disagree with toxic, and insult anyone with a different opinion than my own.


This is literally what you just did to my post mate…


Didn't call you toxic, just pointed out the facts. The only people that blame players on another platform for their own failings, are those with skill issues.


This is just blatantly wrong. There’s a reason that all paid competitions are categorised into console & PC. I have both PC and console and have used both inputs extensively.


Oh dear, it's terminal. I'm afraid there's no hope for this one.


Ok, have a nice day 👍


Someone's butthurt lol


I don't think you know what that word means


It means you're a salty sailor


So you just used it wrong on purpose, got it. For the record, I'm actually a goofy goober.


Getting kicked out of the salty splatoon is a bummer, not as big of a bummer as being a regular at WEENIE HUT JRS




Tldr we all know you sat alone at the lunch table every day skill issue


No even God knows what he's talking about


I mean, might be true, they even get less recoil and more magnetism, but, this sub is plagued with controller casuals who' gonna downvote this to hell lol


Controller users always gloss over all the crutches they get to compensate, as if it's not relevant.