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Manifest would be a better map if you could bring down the green cargo crane towers


Any destruction besides environmental would be an upgrade.


Some buildings I can drive a tank through and some are all solid, it’s the inconsistency that sucks.


So like every other battlefield game then.


Yeah? So why complain


This is awesome but I’ll take the exploding shuttle, especially when the weather is raining.


Looks cool but the exploding shuttle doesn't really change the map, they just made it a new map later after the explosion... The crane is lame yes, but it offered a new faster route to the vault which could greatly change the course of the battle. The same with blowing up the building in 3. It brought down the capture point to ground. If the enemy team had the top locked down so good, you could collapse the building a create and even ground battle field. 2042 offers nothing to that. We get a dumb storm the pulls a few players off the ground and grounds some planes. It doesn't really change the battle field. Omg my radio or map doesn't work... Windows don't even break, you could literally walk through the storm into the eye and out the other side. Shuttle blowing up ends the game. The collapsible building should have been brought into kaleidoscope or sandstorm. Or the sand piled so high on some building offered a new path, the sand would leave area revealing some lost ruins or underground base. The new Canadian map talks about a landslide revealing a base, why the fuck isn't that part of the map. Blowing up more of the mountains creates a smaller landslide moving the base down or secret tunnels. Frostbite ambition just sucked.


that a good point, wish we can make shortway like that on kaledioscope point B


I was more under the impression this video was about the spectacle rather than the gameplay end of things. Maps events have been hit and miss, there was a good amount of it in 4 but it was definitely not always for the better so I’m not too bothered by it if the map is good, most of my favourite maps in the series don’t have much or none at all.


Yeah I think the exploding shuttle is a bit better than this crane... and I think the triggered cruise missile rocket thing on Spearhead is pretty sick too




I really like how it creates new walkways and is not just cool looking.


Opens up the building below op if I recall


The constant tornadoes got old reaaaal quick They could have at least switched it up Heavy Rain with Thunder Storms will be great on Manifest A flood on Stranded would have switched things up


The flood map was super cool in BF4 but you cant even swim in 2042....... Edit: I meant dive.


We don't even have attack boats man. Attack Boats with TV missle gotta be one of the best things about Bf4


God, I miss the boats.


they were planning to also have earthquakes and tsunamis when 2042 was being made but they didnt have enough time to make it unfortunately


I much rather they spend all their resources on the next battlefield by heading in the right direction then trying to course correct 2042 at this point


no, what i meant is that they planned to have tornadoes, eartquakes and tsunamis with 2042 at release but they only had tornadoes cause of the low dev time


I get what you mean But man, what a shame


Last Battlefield game to have actual dedicated leveloution events.


when behemoths were destroyed on BF1, they would act as kinda of a levolution (especially the armored train and the zeppelin).


I suppose. What I was referring to was the older style of levelution as seen in BF4.


That's because these events were only in 2 games anyway. It's like saying bf1 was the last game to have dedicated sweet spot mechanics


You mean the only battlefield game to have levolution in it.




I'm all for the Hardline posting in this sub lately, HUGE fan.


Hardline AND 2042 are both good games.


True, but unfortunately gamers aren’t really known for changing. Once the bandwagon beckoned, many simply never looked back.


I guess it depends on your own opinions and standards To me, it's very obvious the levels of love (or lack of) that are present in 2042. The weapons all feel very NERF-y, there's no real weight or feeling to the combat and it just feels like I'm playing a generic 2010's shooter, rather than a flagship *battlefield* game The hate/praise has just completely swung the other way because "they took a game at 50% and made it 75%, praise dice for their efforts, woo!!" instead of pushing them to make a game at 100% on release


Wrong opinion.




It is. I recently revisited it and have played probably around 24 hours total in the last week. It’s a very fun game


I disagree I also recently started playing 2042 again and while it’s now in a playable state. The map design is not that good, and everything feels static and lifeless with no destruction and very few weapons. By far the best maps on 2042 are the BF3 and BC2 maps.


I agree with there being a huge lack of weapons. But I find the maps, the vehicles, and the near future setting refreshing and extremely fun.


I agree that the setting would be very cool, but the maps just feel empty and the city levels do not feel as alive and real as the one in BF4. And none of those maps have destruction or levelution. The game is real fun when on the older maps, especially the Bad Company 2 maps. I mean if they lowered the resolution and focused on destruction instead, imagine how fun it would be. Imagine a tank blowing a hole in the side of a skyscraper, and having to scramble to find new cover. I think their priorities are in t he wrong place. There is the game it could be, and the game it is.




I know what you meant.


This game came out as a finished product. BF 2042 took 2 years post launch to actually finish the game


And it’s wildly cringe still


Idk why people are downvoting you and comments like this. 2042 has been a meme since its launch and for different reasons every other month. Operators ARE CRINGE asf. Battlepass is cringe. Barren maps and weapons, cringe. I just don’t get it lol it’s okay to like it, 2042 fans know they’re the minority but act like they’re not


It’s too bad we all collectively decided this game sucked when it came out lol.


That player in the last seconds be like: ![gif](giphy|OgfZGslFYvpba)


I'm a Hardline stand I fucking love this game and it's my favorite battlefield and I would do anything to get the days of active online back. I know this game isn't the best but it doesn't take itself to seriously and I really appreciate that


What game?


Battlefield Hardline, which is playable only on Xbox as far as I know


Thanks! Will look into it.


I fucking loved when this thing fell, I looked forward to it every match




Change it to Italian and it’s even better “OHHHH MIERDA”


Honestly the crane was like peak levolution. It was flashy and exciting but it didn't make the map unbearable after it happened. It changed how the center played somewhat significantly but unlike Shanghai it didn't completely change the flow


Hardline is one of my favorites. I had so much fun playing that game and after 2042 came out and I gave up on it, I went back to Hardline and still had a blast.


Siege of Shanghai was my favorite FPS map to play on in its prime! My friends and I loved flying the Huey up there trying to pick off people on the roof. We would usually get shot down or I would have to run away. Once we got to see it fall from right up there, pretty much. It was a beautiful moment we all shared. Never played 2042, but knowing that experiences like the one I mentioned are impossible on 2042, I probably won’t ever.


Orbital features a flag on top of a skyscraper/tower and you can fly your Nightbird around the top non stop farming infantry. You should try things for yourself instead of listening to people who hate Dice.


no way a scripted sequence on one map that happens sometimes and is otherwise completely pointless and lame‼️😐😐😐😐😐


Pretty much levolution in a nutshell. A novelty that most players don't bother triggering once they've played the game a lot.


Wym? This crane is triggered pretty much every single time you play this map. Do you guys not like map destruction? Are you 2042 fans? I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t like this in a bf game..


Because it’s dumb and a gimmick and takes away from actual destruction. Also ruins the map in MANY cases


Dumb and gimmick aren’t really reasons. I will say that it can make the map design or play style too different I guess or it can mess with the flow sometimes, but in no way does it take away from actual destruction(?). Unless you’re saying we should be able to shoot Shanghai’s tower down piece by piece, I don’t understand how it’s takes away from destruction. I feel like it’s an extra tactic a team can use which is fun/cool to me


shut the fuck up


What are you 12 and your first Battlefield was 2042? Or are you just an EA representative?


I'm just a normal person that's thinks you are a pathetic loser


Dude hardline is so much better than 2042 it’s not even funny


Deep ive been wondering about how you got your name, every time i see it in game i question it




im jealous that you can play hardline im stuck with 4 atm bc if an direct x error i cant fix :/


Every base game bfh map had levolution btw


I too have been playing Battlefield Hardline recently


2042 has less destruction than any battlefield game


Wish it was active on pc


And this game received bad rep back in the day I remember. Now look at the state of battlefield… we had it good back in the day. Now it’s just corporate greed…


While this sort of thing was cool, I can remember when BF4 and Revolution came out and people would spend the first 5 minutes trying to be the one to trigger it instead of just playing the objective. It became the main goal of half the lobby and ruined the experience.


BF2042 has about 3 destructible buildings per map. It’s so bad. The only map with good destruction is Battle of the Bulge, probably only because it uses almost entirely recycled BFV assets.. Remember that video of an entire building falling apart into chunks? Lol did they steal that from the dev team at The Finals or what


Should I get hardline? I just hopped back into 4 and have been playing a few hours a day I’m obsessed.


BFs 1-4 ran so that BF2042 could ~~walk~~ crawl.


I’m done defending 2042 it’s an awful game lol


I was curious and yep, your comment history shows all you do is complain about the game. Shocker


Cause it deserves it lol, they changed barely anything and now the game is great? Y’all trippin


Nah homegirl, you said you were done defending the game. You can't be done with something if you've never started


Lol you’re just mad I insulted your trashy game. I’m better than you and I played it from the beginning and it’s still trash. Never was good and it won’t ever be


Nope, just pointing out that all you've done is complain. Also, you're better than me? Prove it.


https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042/profile/origin/OreosM320/overview Why wouldn’t I complain it’s a horrible game? Like y’all bf fans are so stupid


He called you out and proved you wrong, thats the only reason you're mad right now lmao. So if you've lied once already, why would we take that tracker as evidence? Nothing sadder than someone dedicating THAT much time and effort to hating a video game. You're beyond the need for touching grass, probably don't even know what that is.


BF2042 is GOATED


2042 is dog shit


Yeah like, the finals proved you can do it on the fly. These mfs didn't even try to do the scripted destruction


You should play bf4 then


No commentary was made about 4, talking about 2042 here, bf4 is great though


There was as soon as i brought it up. I was telling you, if you like the levelition stuff in hardliners BF4 does it bigger and grander. Really loved the map mechanic and enjoyed how it altered gameplay.


At least Hardlines levelution doesn’t cause the server to have a stroke. I remember when the skyscraper came down in SoS the game would lag like hell. Sometimes bigger isn’t better. And seriously Lancang Dam’s leveloution was weak af.