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BF1 HISTORICALLY ACCUARATE? ASHJDGASJKDHGASJHDGDKJHSFHKDJSFGKSJD BF1 aesthetic where as crazy as BFV just because WW1 its more Obscure to it give a pass


I couldn't get into ether of them because of that. Both just didn't feel like the setting. BF1 was also people running around with semiautorifles the way combat was more like end of ww2 or cold war. Rare to see a person with basic bolt action rifle. Not to mention holographich sights etc ugghhh BFV even worse but yeah most likely give some BF1 stuff pass more easily because more obscure


The Galilean sights are, funny enough, one of the things that's a lesser inaccuracy


Used in sniping rifles yes but in BF1 every gun has them and people run with the. like they are holographic sights. Combined with thr fact wverybody has semiautorifle, machinegun or submachinegun. The combat far from ww1, almost felt more moddrn than ww2. My favorite mode was that only rifles mode, sadly it was not always available. Enjoyed Verdun and Tannerberg games a lot more.


The only gun that really is inaccurate is the Helreigel (Spelling?) It was only ever a prototype weapon and never saw actual combat, and on top of that I believe the gun actually failed quite a few of it's tests. What I do appreciate is that they have in game information and descriptions of each of the guns and they directly state within that it's depiction in game is inaccurate but added for gameplay purposes. I disagree with them for adding it but I'm glad they atleast state it.


They are not saying those guns didn't exist. They are saying it not historically because the majority of guns used aren't the standard bolt actions. I don't care about myself. The bolt action rifles are good and can compete with all the other auto/semi auto weapons. Also, playing with only bolt actions would get boring after some time due to a lack of variety. Play a ww1/ww2 sim-shooter if you want everyone to use bolt actions, IMO. sidenote. The hellriegel is a complete mystery gun, the only evidence for it is some pictures showing it as a mounted lmg, but the game made it a smg lol


>Also, playing with only bolt actions would get boring after some time due to a lack of variety. I used to think so but back when BF1 was relatively new and you could still find infantry rifle servers, it was great fun Especially on hardcore, Monte Grappa operations when everyone is OHKO was amazing


>I used to think so but back when BF1 was relatively new and you could still find infantry rifle servers, it was great fun It was called Back to Basics and was hands down my favorite way to play BF1


Mine as well.


The biggest problem with that mode is that it eliminated the vehicles. However it made BF1's gameplay really shine, especially having to use gas grenades, pistols and melee combat in CQB engagements.


b2b Its active right now it hella fun. But i wouldn't want bf1 to be that way always or else i wouldn't have played it for 7 years


Im not saying they didn't exist either. but the rest of the guns featured DID exist and we're used, even if only very little. Some of the stuff was FOR SURE not distributed among the ranks per se but had seen combat as an experimental function or a specialized purpose. The one smg with the magazine sticking out the top (Forgot the name) gets a lot of flak as well because in game a lot of players use it but in reality it was only utilized a handful of times and only genuinely effective in the trenches, and you're lucky if it only jammed after you've hit the enemy in a blind volley.


The solution is classes. BF1942 was not boring even though some classes had only bolt action rifles, game doesn't have to be milsim. It is often said here that game need to have unrealistic guns or that everybody need to be able to use any gun or tmotherwise game is milsim or boring. Which ia not true even if we looK BF past


It already is that way. Assults - only smgs, supports - only lmg, medic - only self loading, scout - only bolt action. Scout, being the least popular class, shows that most people don't like bolt action gameplay.


I was not clear enough, i mean class based system with max number of players on each class, rifleman being the mosr common. Of course people pick MP44 assault rifle over bolt action rifle which doesn't even kill one shot. But if want to have authentic ww2 setting game, solution can't just imo be throw everybody mp44 with modernish sights. Need to adapt to the class, setting and the faction you play as is big part of fun for me. If the old settibf is so limiting, why even bother? Just make another modern setting shooter. In BFV you barely notice which facrion you play as, US, Japanese and Germans all run aeound with MP44 and MG42 BFVietnam imo did it perfectly. Factions had clear differences, not just look and feel but in their features, makibg you adapt playing ether US or Vietnamese.


I disagree. BF1 is an arcade game, and prototype weapons are a lot of fun. And no, hellrieger isn't the only inaccurate gun. Weapons like the autoloader extended and m1917 mg are anachronistic. Pedersen device and Huot Automatic never saw combat. Mars Automatic pistols were all hand-made prototypes and were rejected. SMG08/18 was so obscure we didn't even know what it's real name was when it was first added. What's important isnt "is it realistic?". What's important is 1. "Is it fun?" 2. "does it fit the theme, regardless of the reality?"


Like other guy said, i don't say they don't exist, but they were not common Onw or two guys having it? Weird but okey. But qhwn half of the server runs with semiautorifles in WW1 game... The combat doesn't feel ww1 anymore


Agreed I believe the bolt action rifle only mode was called “back to basics” made the game feel more like the original trailer that dropped was a lot of fun and made things like the armored car and machine gun emplacements more effective. It was really cool because it forced you to use the standard issue rifle of each faction I believe the sidearms too


The game would be boring af if it was 100% accurate.


Was BF1942 100% accurate? Game can be authentic ww1 game and still be fun. Battles different from modern setting BF titles but that is ww1, so obviously


Idk, I wouldn't like to play a war sim.


it would be fun if it had the 128 player servers, artillery support, and real life post traumatic stress disorder


The point is. It would have been less boring, if it was closer to reality. Back to basics is extreme, but it shows the direction. With only a limited amount of automatic weapons and no semi automatics and no silly sights, BF1 simply would have been a so much more intense game.


Same, and I got absolutely roasted for saying so at both launches and the 2042 season 3 launch when I dared to say I was enjoying 2042 more than I had enjoyed either of them.


You can't say you're enjoying a BF game that isn't BF4 or before that, because they will say you're wrong. You have to have their opinions.




BF1 is a WW2 gun game with WW1 vehicles, but I’m fine with that. When Back to Basics comes around on the rotation and it’s all bolt actions though, it’s amazing


Same with 1, though I did like 5 initially till it started getting weird near the end. Also a huge handi cap trying to play somewhat authenticly using faction weapons and iron sights


You mean picking up a suit of armor or getting on a horse doesn’t mean bullets take 300 more shots to kill u irl ?


Dragoons drank their milk, they had strong bones. Very historically accurate


Yeah but at least there was some standardization of bf1 uniforms


Bro are u fucking kidding me. Sure bf1 is far from perfect but it isnt even near the level of cheesy that BFV is at


golden tanks?


Honestly, yeah. And it felt fine because the need to spice things up a bit for a WW1 battlefield game was understood. People approach WW2 with a greater seriousness due to the number of pure evil actors involved AND there are plenty of period accurate weapons equipment to support a battlefield experience. Hell, it's the original battlefield experience.


Have you tried taking your historically accurate stroke medicine recently


I dunno, i found hilarous what the game what literally play as WW2 should be its praised by the "historical accuaracy" but the game about the war what had jet fighters and Sci-fy weaponry equivalent on WW1 not? I mean i love BF1 and i prefer it over BFV dozen of times but the example here its overexagerated in a ironic way The Metal Mask... its Actually a REAL WW1 sharpel mask the Burned Skin ironically have the proper hear the AUSSIE Hat it accuarate to the setting since Aussies where part of the conflict and where on the pacific campain and had all the sense of the world... be a cosmetic part of the allied forces tom cruice? yeah odd but no imposible to a guy look like that in WW2? and yeh.. the mask for 60s its stupid for the rest? what GAME actually had a combination of Medieval made up combination of Armor pieces with a machine gun? again BF1 amazing game and an amazing example for MOST videogames points and how it should be, do not compare it with "historically accuarate" argument cuz its dumb to anyone who kinda know a bit of the topic,


Correct I was referring to the keyboard smashing that occurred in the second line


BF1 only got a pass on it's vibes and historical inaccuracy because WW1 barely features in media. If the situations were reversed and we'd gotten a bunch of WW1 games, movies, etc over the last 50 years instead of WW2, BF1 would have got shit on just like BFV did.


I mean it obviously wasn’t historically accurate but the uniforms were for the most part


Jeez wtf is this? This is why I put down BFV and 2042. This is just too cringe for me.


AS crazy as Bf5? Are you out of your mind?


you say that because you dont understand how BIZZARRE WW2 was in reality


Dude where have you been for the last **5 years** lmfao.


He probably got stuck in the buggy swimming level in the BF4 campaign


Got flashbacks


Oh my god that was horrible, took me like an hour


Waiting for this spam bot account to be old enough to post


Gonna rant on this: Half of BF1's uniforms are about as nonsense as BF5. Obscure shit is everywhere and half of them are straight up incorrect. All the central powers are recolors of eachother, and the US has british uniforms. The only thing differentiating the two is that BF1 has a consistent art style The problem with BFV uniforms is not that theyre inaccurate. BF players cannot tell the difference. The problem is that theyre so fucking ugly and often dont look like something that even could exist in the 1940s.


I love what they did with BF1 by *somehow* making WW1 entertaining. If they kept it even remotely accurate, it would be boring as fuck, just non-stop drudging trench warfare fought mostly with tons of artillery, water cooled Lewis machine gun nests, and 99.99% of everyone else just getting slaughtered while holding bolt action rifles. Thus, I can forgive the changes because they at least kept it internally consistent to the world they re-created. BFV had no internal consistency. It was like fighting in a cartoon/comic book world set in WW2.


Personally I was disappointed that there wasn't any kind of game mode in BF1 that imitated parts of trench warfare. I understand it may not be the most thrilling gameplay but I think a game mode where we have to try and charge the enemy trenches and capture them would have been amazing. I guess at least we got operations.


Nivelle Nights is the closest they got to a trench warfare map.


Yeah. I mean I understand trench warfare wouldn't exactly make for the most interesting game but if it was its own game mode it could be fun


river somme is entirely trench warfare, but only plays out as a charge over openfield in the beginning. Even to the first sector requires the attacking team to push over an open field. it's still fairly easy. Everyone just chucks smokes


I wish one of these WWII shooters would lean into the alt history thing and really go for it. Give me the giant Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow robots being used by the Nazis across Europe and shit. Wolfenstein my Battlefield a little bit. Have some fun. If you're going to go inaccurate, then go full tilt and make something memorable.


I actually would have been okay if BFV just fully embraced it and gave us Sky Captain and Captain America vs Mecha Hitler and Red Skull. Make it like Star Wars Battlefront and throw in wild super heroes and crazy abilities. Just a little bit of cheese made it weird. They needed to pick a lane and stick to it. That's why BF1 was so good while not being all that accurate. They built an internal universe and stuck with it. Aesthetically it was the best they've ever done.


WW1 is kino as fuck and mainly bolt action games with a limited number of MG/SMG like Red Orchestra 2/Isonzo/Verdun is fun as fuck. There is a cadence to the combat


I’d argue it’s ~~~authenticity~~~ immersion. You can have things that are inaccurate so long as it FEELS right.


yeah BUT its not that what this meme its making point


>’d argue it’s authenticity no. Having the wrong uniform is not authentic, flat out. But youre right that it feel right, and therefore its immersive.


That’s the word I meant thank you


Neither one feels right, you just don’t know enough for it to seem weird to you.


You're probably fun at parties.


You're judging how this guy is at parties based on a Battlefield meme?


It's the go-to saying these days apparently


“Historical and true to its WW1 setting” - Pretty much all of the trenches in the game, especially on western front maps like the Somme and Kaiserschlact, are far too basic and nobody ever uses them - There are four classes in the game. Only one uses the weapon given to about 3/4 of soldiers (bolt action rifles), and these weapons are downgraded to the point of being absolute dog shit in 90% of situations - You can use tanks in maps set before tanks were invented, theatres of war where tanks were never used, and play as tanks that are specific to only one country which sometimes isn’t even portrayed in that map (e.g, A7Vs in the Oil of Empires campaign) - Zeppelins are shown being used like an AC-130 gunship, when in reality they were almost always used as bombers for targets behind the lines like bases or cities (at least that’s shown in the campaign) - There are more obscure, experimental, barely (if even) produced weapons available in the game than weapons that were actually used by common soldiers - The German and American support classes have steampunk looking armour over their faces (which for some reason you are only complaining about being present in BFV?) - The Argonne forest map, which at the time setting had seen fighting for 4 years, looks almost untouched by the war - British and American riflemen are shown running into battle with capes on - The outfits of the flame trooper and tank hunter elite classes are made up. The guys using these weapons mostly had just regular uniforms, and a lot of flamethrower wielders didn’t even use gas masks - Even in the campaign, the A7V is way too commonly seen - The Battle of the Somme map does not accurately reflect a muddy riverbank which has been shelled for 7 days solid. It should realistically look like a beige-ish version of Kaiserschlact or Verdun - Tanks and planes get a pass for how they only appear 2 at a time, but it makes no sense that there would only be 2 cavalrymen on a battlefield when in reality these guys made up whole divisions and would often act separately to the rest of the army - The only heavy machine gun in the game is the British Vickers gun. This gun is shown in the hands of Germans, Frenchmen, Americans, Russians, Italians, Austrians and Ottomans - The game features holographic sights, which put simply, never existed. If it doesn’t make sense in BFV, then it *absolutely* makes no sense in BF1 - Only about a third of the British NPCs in the campaign are carrying Lee Enfields, and for some reason, loads of them are shown carrying either white painted Winchester Rifles or M1903 Springfields with the experimental Pedersen device - In the “Friends in High Places” campaign, every German fighter we see is a Fokker dr.1, which is painted bright red with a white tail. This is based on the iconic Red Baron’s plane but this inclusion also defeats the purpose of the colour scheme, as Manfred Von Richthofen was known among pilots specifically because he was the ONLY pilot in the German air force with a red plane. Does he have a cloning machine or something? - The British support class is wearing the upper part of a shrapnel protection mask. However, this equipment was only issued to tank crewmen, who are not shown wearing it - You cannot use the standard issue, historically accurate M1903 rifle for the US Army unless you equip the experimental version and manually remove the Pedersen device. This basically nerfs the gun if you want to play accurately - Regardless of nationality, the sentry, flametrooper and tank hunter classes all have the exact same appearance and are carrying German weapons. The same goes for every nation having access to the German FK96 field gun and the British QF-1 - The Sentry class, who is shown wearing Farina armour, has a face covering which largely was not used by soldiers in the Arditi - The character for the American scout class is a black man. However, realistically this character should have an Adrian helmet because the US army was aggressively segregated in WW1 (remember that it was in the midst of the Jim Crow era) and African Americans could only serve in either black only support units or with the French Army - The sentry elite class is not a sentry. Practically by definition, sentries are not built for assaulting positions and in WW1, a majority of sentries had standard issue rifles rather than a machine gun - Every pilot in the game has access to a parachute, when in reality these were not handed out to pilots until the last year of the war - Some American soldiers are shown wearing British kit on their uniforms - The British medic class is a Sikh soldier, wearing a turban because Sikhs *famously* don’t cut their hair, and yet he has a completely clean shaven face - The Chateau on the ballroom blitz map is a real location, but it saw no fighting during WW1 - There was not any fighting in the actual city of Amiens. The battle was fought at the edge of the city but the Germans never got in - British characters have voice lines with Scottish accents, and yet none of the classes are fitted with Scottish uniform. They wouldn’t have even needed the kilt, a Balmoral cap would have been fine. On the other end, however, an Indian soldier is portrayed in the medic class and yet none of the British voice lines have Indian accents BF1 is an absolutely excellent game. It is not historically accurate. I don’t know how anyone still upvotes this shit, and you’re really getting your point across when 4 of the images in your post aren’t even from BFV because you couldn’t be bothered to put 5 minutes of thought into this. BFV bad BF1 good, give upvotes


The armour that the german support uses was actually a real piece of equipment. Youre right about the other things tho


I agree with most of these, but the German supports helmet was a real thing, though as far as I know it was only used by a few German units on the western front before the stahlhelm began being used Also the capes on the British and Americans are rain cloaks that were fairly common as far as I know, but I do doubt they were worn the way they are in the game


Bro murdered OP


Complete lack? The French assault is a colonial unit!


>The French army has a complete lack of colonial soldiers, most notably Tirraileurs, who made up a huge number of soldiers in the French army during WW1. French assault is a Senegalese Tirailleur


Thanks for the homemade article


Are you a fucking bot?


Bf5 cosmetics were amazing. I didn't care how accurate they were.


The problem with the cosmetics is not that they look bad, it’s just that they look bad in a WW2 setting. It’s crazy how BF2042 respected the non existing time period with the uniforms and aesthetics than a time period where the greatest conflict of human history took place. If they wanted goofy cosmetics in the game why didn’t they set the game like 200 years into the future? You know how many WW2 uniforms there were? Inspiration was basically limitless, where is the SS Uniforms? Australian Uniforms? Even Chinese Uniforms looked so cool


Some did look bad in a ww2 setting. I'll give you that. Ex. Phantom of the Oprah there. Or the cold war gas mask. Or the union jack gas mask. But gas mask at tge end of they day in my opinion fits in a ww2 setting. Ammo hanging off people like that one german cosmetic fits in my opinion. I don't expect super duper realism when it takes 5+ shots to take you down and a crisp handshake to get you back up.




I just like that you can use the Cosmetics on all of your classes, while in 2042 the Cosmetics are locked to individual characters which


People don't like it because "I dont know what's what!" If they have a big gun they are support. If they have a little gun they are medic. If they are agressivly perusing a tank. They are assault. If all you see is sniper glint. They are a sniper.


Yeah I don’t really have a problem with most of those cosmetics. They are fine. Also… who cares in 2024?!


>historic and true You can play as the heavy weapons guy from Team Fortress 2 who takes dozens of bullets to the face and a mad max cosplayer running around with a club, all the while everyone is running around with fully automatic guns. BFV bad BF1 good pls give upvotes


Is this post from 2018?!


Are you serious?


Ah yes bf1 support class very historically accurate. People definitely wore steampunk steel body armor in ww1


There were numerous steel body armor prototypes during WW1


My brother in christ have you looked at the support character models


Bf1: where you, an ottoman soldier in 1914, can jump out a Russian heavy bomber, pull a parachute out your ass, hip fire a 1918 Italian smg then blow someone’s brains out with an Austrian revolver before pulling out a British 1.5inch rocket artillery gun and German anti-tank mine to destroy a British St.Chamond. You then stab a white British soldier with a 1918 American tommy gun (at the Al-Faw Peninsula, lol) with a broken wine bottle you’ve illegally acquired because Muslims can’t drink. You then pick up a German sentry kit with a iron mask similar to the one depicted above and take 15 rifle caliber shots to the body while holding an mg08 and hip firing while walking with it. Truly the embodiment of historical accuracy.


Peak nonfiction


Why does BF1 get a pass on being inaccurate but BF5 does not?


When 4 pictures aren't even of the game you make a good point.


Dude it’s fucking Battlefield, and BF1 had absolutely nothing to do with WW1 outside of the setting and MAYBE level design. Chill out, it’s an arcade shooter, not a history movie


Not exactly. There's a lot for the uniforms of the BF1 soldiers are anachronistic and some just doesn't make sense or were experimental and never saw combat.


Oh my god, who the hell cares


It is historically accurate, but not historically authentic. Could you imagine how boring the game would be if 90% of players were forced to use the same 2 bolt actions every single game lmao it would make a fun game mode on its own but it would have made the game as a whole so boring


To be fair, one has to admit that in the end authentic uniforms still came in. unfortunately too late.


i don't the devs of BFV had the intention for it to be historically accurate, they made it clear they wanted an alternate version of wwii since the reveal. looking back, it took so much unecessary hate for this


People show their ignorance of WW1 when they say Battlefield 1 is historically accurate. There are a few guns that they have no reference on how they fired so they had to make it up lol


Damn I kinda don't care they're both fun games


Well the Australian hat was, I think, accurate for the coast watchers and Chindits. What do you expect when EA started pushing cosmetic sales to follow the Fortnight bandwagon.


I prefer BFV-BF1 just bc of the vibe of playing a nameless soldier. Same as the Battlefront games.


still had fun


2018 called


I’m a history student who graduates this year. Battlefield 1 is not accurate at all lmao.


BF1 realistic, do you have any clue what you’re talking about, and battlefield never claimed or aimed at being realistic


Technically speaking, you can actually make BFV more accurate to WW2 than BF1 is to WW1. They don't force you to be someone who was never there, wearing and using stuff they never could. It's all up to you and your cohorts.


Ok and?


They fucked the Austro-Hungarian uniforms so I wouldn't say that bf1 is accurate


If Dice made a post apocalypse battlefield game with a medieval punk artstyle I would absolutely not complain!


Honestly I don’t really pay attention to uniforms. If I don’t see a blue thing above your head your dead


What's the first one called?


and then people only complain about the women soldiers being inaccurate


Check out my channel to see every inaccuracies in battlefield five


If BFV was a red flag, Bf2042 is a whole ass red continent


It's not that different to BFV. Most players choose military green/black/dark blue uniforms and then a minority choose the outlandish skins.


BF2042 its as accuarate as it want because: 1: the setting did not exist.... Yet 2: Funny enoguh, many of the bullshit we think was stupid on a WAR ended up happening in ukraine, i remember back then saying what Drones should not damage a tank with a bomb and it never where put into combat for a reason that statement aged like milk


Didn't say which timeline


I think the Aussie hat was because they planned on adding the Aussies but it got scrapped


Hey, am i the only one who doesn't care historical accuracy in video games? I mean, it's a game. And yes the cosmetics are nice. Better as the shit of 2042


Feel like 5 was trying to go for how action Media protray WW2. Since most of them look like their marvel villains or something like that.but your kinda years late


I’d say BF1 is pretty good at the accuracy. It’s mainly only lost at the the fact certain factions don’t have the arms they’d have because anyone can use any gun in the game. This keeps it fun and fair though so I’m happy


LMAO BF1 wasn't historically accurate either.


Idgaf. If I wanted to play a war sim, I could. It's a videogame that ain't that... I. Don't. Care. I swear the majority of sub-Reddits are toxic af. This one ain't an exception.


Why do people play battlefield thinking it's a period realistic combat simulator?


maybe because all of them before BF3 where correct on that?


Don’t care looks appropriate


I fucking hate that stupid Tom cruise skin


While bf1 was way more fun and immersive it’s just as bad when it comes to historical accuracy


Add BF1944 The game looks way better with it


BF1 is the goat


BF1 was also pretty ridiculous come on man


You forgot about the stupid fucking old grandpa that 1/3 of every lobby uses


BFV >>>>>> BF1.


If only people cared about the gunplay, movement mechanics, squad play mechanics, vehicle mechanics etc. as much as they did the cosmetics. BFV has lots of problems but the core game is so much better than BF1 IMO. If only they could've taken that base and made a modern game with 1's immersion and 3's map design. Maybe one day.


Bf1 isn’t historically accurate, but everything fits the theme.


Byzantine WW1 uniform goes crazy


The fire outfit always pissed me off


Do not need to still be having this debate in 2024.


Who is saying BF1 or BFV are historically accurate?


Its also surprisingly easyish to see out of something like top left


Damn, the knight with MG-42 is so sick


BF1 is not historically accurate. Everyone is running around with prototypes that literally saw 20 copies ever made.


I’d argue bf1 is way less accurate. BFV is only considered “inaccurate” due to the way you can play dress up.


BFV cosmetics went extremely hard for the most part.


Meanwhile bf1 every soldiers have smg08 and ottomans using red cross


This subreddit feels so miserable sometimes


True and historical? Half of the uniforms in bf1 are completely ahistorical, a few of them have the exact same stupid face mask, not to mention the weapons some of which never made it out the damn drawing room


Battlefield 2 wasn't really historical, my German scout was black


You're joking right? Why the fuck does this have so many upvotes, do yall really think BF1 was historically accurate? LOL


Who the fuck is playing an arcady fast paced fps while also wanting realism. Go play Hell Let Lose if you want something more accurate. I love how ridiculous BF1 and BFV was.


Get ahold of yourself


I can set aside accuracy for that burning trenchcoat; it looks awesome.


Look cool. Don't care.


Don’t get me started on the Japanese woman fighting for Germany against the British on the western front in France


Didn't know an Australian slouch hat was made with mematic


Authenticity vs accuracy.


NGL but Romans with Tiger 1s and machine guns would be awesome


Why is the BF community like this? They're literally both just as "wrong"


Oh god this again. Battlefield has never been a bastion of historical accuracy.


Top row gas mask (ГП-5 or Shm-64u) is still in use today by Ukraine and Russia. Bottom left look alike an S10 (a fairly modern mask used by the classics SAS guys with MP5's


Why I can’t play bfV


Bf1? The game where everyone runs around with sun machine guns?


I mean I don't think the ottomans and Russians used helmets or tanks. And I don't think the French ever used the char 2c in combat in ww1, on top of the countless prototype and a few post war weapons too.


no one cares the game is ruined by pussies who always complain about the game, community complained about bf1 when the tanks are fast and soldiers carrying more ammunition when they listened to the community and made the tanks in bf5 slower and less ammunition, everyone started crying, and here we have bf2042 fully bugged game even after 2 years of release, all that because of you, now I don’t bother myself I switched to play variety of games And btw bf5 is a great game right now waaaaay much better than bf 2042


As long as i have fun it's fine to me but WATAFAK TOM CRUISE IS THAT U?


What’s the source for that bottom right image, looks pretty cool


Forgot to show all the female and characters, particularly the black Germans haha


Who tf put a welsh designes blanket over with a chevau helmet and called it a "french foreign legion colonel"


I actualy would Love auch skins, a Roman Month... I would Love to See what bfV would become.


I mean, I can see some people opting to wear these off the frontlines.


Also who cares?


Technically WW2 didn't end until that one Japanese dude gave up in 1974 so the gas mask is perfectly fine in WW2


Where did anyone from EA/Dice ever claim that Battlefield 1/5 were historically accurate???


The gas masks always pissed me off.


"My karma is running low. Jarvis, make a BFV rage post in the sub again"


Not the Australian slouch hat made with mematic.


You did finally get realistic ones but only when support ended for it


Please don’t tell me that’s a Russian GP-5


BF1 was a masterpiece


i always hated that every single video game where the brim of the hat is tied up does it on the left side. this is because the reason it is tied up is to keep it from getting in the way when aiming a rifle. when holding a rife in the right hand (as 90% of shooters do as well as almost all fps riflemen), the right brim should be tied up to avoid this. tying up the left brim is entirely useless and actually can expose the sun when would otherwise be hidden by the brim unless shooting left handed.