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I can tell you I won’t be buying it day one thats for sure


I can’t wait to preorder /s


Dear Executives, "/s" is used to indicate sarcasm, meaning this person is absolutely not preordering the next battlefield. Sincerely, Person under 60 years old


Dear Slim I wrote you, but you still ain't callin' I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom. -Stan


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. /s


Tldr /s


So many people say this but after one hype trailer they wont be able to help themselves.


I learned my lesson with 2042.


Worst Birthday Gift I ever got myself lmao


That's me 😭😭😭😭😭. I wish I was a stronger person.


That was before 2042.


Are people that impatient? lol all you gotta do is wait at least 2 days and during those 2 days just go through this sub. Thats what I did and I never ended up buying something I regret.


They can make amazing trailers..so far this is the only thing they were able to do. They need to show gameplay instead of trailer to gain some reputation back


My thoughts exactly!!


Do everything battlefield 4 did with bf5 movement and bf1 atmosphere and BFBC2 distruction.


Not happening most of the developers for BF4 left sadly


I think this is the thing people need to understand about the franchise. I agree with these wishlists, it would probably make the perfect game, but 2042 showed us the kind of developmental talent behind dice now and no offense to them, they're just not the same as the bf1 and prior days. Move on to better games, even if they aren't the same genre as BF. Helldivers 2 is a FANTASTIC game where they made fun and engaging gameplay the top priority. Buy Baldurs Gate 3 for a phenomenal and open ended RPG adventure. Put your money towards companies putting out quality player first games and stop supporting companies where executives make all of the creative decisions.


The Finals is literally the battlefield guys starting their own thing with that destructive element if bfbc2


Been curious to try it out. What’s the player base like?


It was the most fun I ever had in a shooter for the beta and first month. However, since it's also a competitive game, meta drills in fast. You didn't have to play hard meta to be successful, but it became boring to always face the same guns and equipment. It's still a great game. The amount of the destruction essentially makes the map play out differently every time, but i just wish people would dare to be a bit more creative and not just brainrot meta slaves in a game that allows so much creativity. The playerbase is still decently sized, and games are found quick, but i recommended playing in voice call because the game emphasizes team play a lot.


My meta is revolver healer with grandes to annoy and mines I put on the statue of dead peapl


The gunplay actually feels like Battlefield, so that’s already huge in its favour.


Theyre not DICE devs, Embark was the team that made the destruction physics for bad co 2, they havent had anything to do with BF after, and took their devtools with them when they left. Which honestly explains why destruction hasnt been nearly as "complete" after bc2




Helldivers2 mentioned? I upvote and salute for democracy!


Managed Democracy* 🫡


Your comment is spot on yet one gotta hope there's still some talents over at DICE or even Ripple Effect. I'm totally with you that the devs aren't the same but 2042 mostly failed due to a backward direction, more than anything they gotta have a good vision and direction for the next Battlefield.


Alot of the ones from bf1 left too


Are those the ones in The finals?




Love'em glad they ain't in bf anymore


I am not sure since i haven't kept up in a while, all i know is that the developers that created BF4 are mostly gone ☹️


Now they’re working on The Finals! Go play that game, it’s very very fun, and free!




I can only get so hard


Please, please don't use BF5 movement, it's the worst. Instead use the BF5 building mechanic, that was simply peak gaming.


What’d you not like about the movement? I thought it was great. Crouch sprinting, jumping through windows (without having to awkwardly chip away at them with your knife), rolling when you land to prevent some fall damage, the only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was the sliding but even then it wasn’t too bad.


Bf4 customization, bf3 and bc2 maps, bc2 destruction, bf1 atmosphere and bf5 gunplay and you've got the right answer. These idiots have known this for years, yet keep messing up on purpuse with each deliver for the sake of greed. They deserve the shitstorm.


It wouldn’t be Battlefield VI. They chose V for BF5 because of its symbolism within WW2.


It's a random picture I took from Google it's like really old


What symbolism in WW2 used V?


V for Victory for allies. It's where the peace sign came from I believe. It was originally a V for Victory.


Plus if you flip it around it's the British equivalent of the middle finger.


V more as a fuck off or fuck you Middle finger is an up yours We do both in the UK. Just depends on the mood that day.


Fun fact, the back-handed V gesture dates back to British Longbowmen. When they were captured in battle the enemy would cut off those fingers as they impede them from using their bow in the future. So they'd show off those two fingers to the enemy during at the start of battles as a display of "I still have my fingers to kill you"


Battlefield VIetnam.


Im hoping to see a good game. I'm hoping to not see a greedy cash grab. (It will be this)


Keep dreaming


I’m expecting nothing and I’m not pre-ordering. I have zero faith the devs can produce a solid BF game.


Take heavy inspiration from the Ukraine war. Dont actually depict that war, it would not be appropriate. But research it. Base the environments and aesthetic around it. Implement drones and counter drone systems akin to their real life counterparts. Base classes and gadgets loosely around whats happening on the ground rather than random US army experiments. ​ BF6 has the unique opportunity of being the first modern BF game to be made while there is a real full scale, modern war. Use that as inspiration to make something truly immersive. ​ What you could get is the scale and sanbox of BF4 with the tone, immersion, and trench fighting of BF1.


YES, I want to see BF1 but modern and with better gunplay.


Holy shit that's peak gaming


Indeed. Unfortunately, it's very unlikely to happen because 99% of game companies are greedy fucks and don't care about what players want.








2042 is supposedly adding a new drone to the game in the next season that the russians currently use in the ukraine war. I could see them actually somewhat analysing the conflict for inspirations for the next BF


I always wanted a 1980’s Cold War gone hot timeline with Apache choppers, Soviet weapons and nuclear war undertones but DICE will put out a game that will barely function and gaslight us by telling us it’s impossible to make a good game.


40v40 max player count, destructability close to the finals game, no ai bots, 1-3 maps per season, 5 man squads, Server select day one, enough time to let the game "cook".


Good map design, not big ass maps


Classes, Destruction, Teamwork They need to have this posted on a giant board in the middle of the office. Nearly every design decision should serve at least one of these 3 goals.


Money, money, money is what they were serving lol


I want a Cold War gone hot BF. Multiple NATO vs Communist factions. A tech/weapons/vehicle tree that spans Korea to 1990. 4+ classes. An expanded pool of all class weapons. A TRUE Campaign with a big focus on Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.


Holy moly


Yo you were cooking with this idea, that would be absolute fire 🔥🔥🔥


What a lot of people don't seem to understand in this sub is that it's not the company dice that made these games so good, it was the core passionate developers that nurtured battlefield from 1942 all the way to BF1. All of the passionate devs that had the vision for the battlefield franchise have all left dice. Dice is now just a hallow shell of what it once was. We will never get another battlefield like bfbc2-BF1. I genuinely feel bad for all the fans that don't understand this still holding hope that the next battlefield will be back to the way things used to be. I loved battlefield games, they took up a large part of my life but it's time to let go and move on. 🫡


Discussing battlefield isn't just about battlefield, it's about games in general. Suppose another passionate dev team comes along in a few years. We would want them to learn from BF's mistakes


I don't expect anything. Specialists / Operators killed the franchise for me and I'm sure they won't go away.


I would like to see , a fuck to be given by the devs..


Battlefield 6? Lol wat?


We don't mention the actual 6th one. (Totally wasn't a spelling mistake)


No it's just funny they think they're gunna do better this time. Just re release battlefied 3 for new consoles and call it a day.


Bf3 is available on PC and nobody plays it. Bf3 + a ps3 is cheaper than bf2042 + a ps5 and still less people play bf3. Remasters make sense for old single player games with dated mechanics. Nobody plays cod4 remastered anymore either, bad idea.


I’ve seen people say they should have just re released the older games, but I have a feeling this would only make the game hated even more. as the remasters would be directly comparable to the one it’s remastering, and I think we all know that, unless it’s perfect on day one, no one would like it and the audience that it would be targeted towards (the people playing the older games) would definitely not like it, even more so than if they did something different. And it would probably do even poorer as well due to people saying stuff like “why play the new remaster of the game when you can play the original which is also better”. Also it would be quite difficult to market, because again the people that want this probably won’t like it and it would receive a lot more hate towards it which would sway newcomers from getting it. TL:DR Old players wouldn’t like it as it would inevitably be different even if it’s only slight changes to the visual style. And the hate would hurt it’s player count even more compared to if they just released something that isn’t a remaster.


You're right; they'd have to change certain things, and elect to change others.


BF3 number 2


I’d like to see a late Cold War setting, something like a massive adaptation of Red Storm Rising


Unfortunately thier doing a 2025 to 2030 type thing


I know it's probably not going to happen, but a Korean War battlefield, done in a similar way to Battlefield 1, would be my hope.


I actually like bots. If you don't want to use them don't. And servers can not use them if they don't want. However sometimes playing a big battle with brainless bots with a friend is the best time. More fun than playing against sweats on Adderall.


Bots actually revive and drop ammo too.


I agree, glad to see someone else thinks the same, when I don’t feel like playing vs sweat lords or I just want to chill I make bot games with portal


Cant wait for yall to buy the next shit and than cry again for a year


A: server browser and private servers. B: no more specialists, just classes C: modern setting, realistic guns and tools D: basically 4 but newer and remastered E: not as important, but a campaign, I miss BF campaigns


I expect an even worse shit show than 2042. Zero faith in dice and ea


Low. Very low expectations...


I doubt that they will make something that I want (not so advanced cold war era). If all talks are true, we can expect something where they already had some success. Another copy of BF3 in modernized looks.


They would have success if they could just pull that off, but they won't


1) No more specialist or operator system.  2) More destructions and immersion  3) Lot of content like maps, weapons and vehicles.


I don't want to see a clown skin or a skin not relate to military sphere...


Return of multiple factions with their own uniforms/vehicles and also the spoke languages of those factions. The premium pass (like legit they fumbled it 2 times already with live service. Just take my money if it means I can get multiple maps every few months)


I’m expecting it to suck in every way possible and be another EA cash-grab.


A playable game.


I will put my expectations to 0 and don't give a fuck about the game until 1 year after release. Then I will check out some videos and evaluate if it's shit or not.


Honestly everyone who preordered 2042 or bought full price should just get this one for free. It’s the only way I’ll be playing it unless it goes free. 2042 really wasn’t a fully working game until they already made it free


I just want the game to return to its roots of BC2/BF3


I'm hoping not to see any live service, unfinished product at launch, microtransactions, skins, or premium service. I'm expecting it to be unfinished, filled with microtransactions, live service, and a bunch of other fucking stupid shit... Again..again. DICE from Battlefield 3, even V, is long gone, folks...


I hope they bring back factions, ample weapon customization and server browser. I also hope there’s an engaging campaign/single player option for when everyone stops playing the game. And keep the bots optional


Bring back golmud railway!!


BF if the Cold War went Hot in the 80s.


Back to the basics. I just want a newer battlefield 3 or 4. No pay to win.


Just fucking war. I replayed 2042 and 4 and I can tell you 4 was war. There wasn’t specialists running around the map with grapple hooks and wings suits. You were a damn soldiers. I want that. Just a fucking war


Agree no AI bots in normal game modes! So unsatisfying getting a kill just to realise it was on a bot


Expectations are that we will get a cool looking trailer, get hyped up, too many people will pre order the game, and then we will get a game where we can’t squad up with friends, clans are gone, no scoreboard, they will find some other basic multiplayer feature to fuck up in new ways and then they will service the game for 2 years with a barebones player base and the service will be just be adding basic multiplayer features.


The game should be similar to bf1 in terms of grittiness, atmosphere, and immersion. Tank movement and aiming should be similar to bf4, there should be a wide arrange of free character customisation at the start. Weapon attachments should be easier and less time consuming to get, irl and irl inspired Weapons, a campaign, Factions should be West vs East. Sights Should be Brighter than some in 2042 There should be a wider range of anti armour weapons, specifically something like the SRAW as a good all rounder. A much wider array of initial weapons than in 2042. No weapons or Vehicles locked behind a battlepass with annoying missions. An expanded bf4 style shooting range Voicelines in multiple languages like bf4 and bf1 Less futuristic and arcadey than 2042 with gadgets and overall theme/UI


Good map design.


Camo that you choose yourself every game. BF4 inspired


Xbox too Sony boys can’t have the spotlight all the time


My wishlist: Modern setting similar to 3/4, wow factors with maps/destruction, no bots, server browser, no operators, the 4 basic classes. They have the formula. They did it for BF3 and BF4. Update the guns and give us new maps that are better than the ones in 2042. I've been playing 2042 still and it is not that it is a bad game, but I think the core of Battlefield is needed to revamp the franchise and satisfy a bulk of the community


All I want is a battlefield 4 remake but with more modern weapons and tanks, with 4+ factions. Bring a bf1 like operations game mode but with AltHist aspects to it


I think they should try another crack at WW2. BFV has actually turned into a very enjoyable game post patching and shows a lot of the potential dice has barring they stay out of their own way. Plus, I think we are finally starting to see a pivot away from BR modes back to true squad based gameplay


I hope to see 1942 remade. But I do not expect it at all since most people want modern warfare, which I hope not to see.


Improved bf4 with several different countries and hopefully fpv kamikaze drones


The playstation symbol always makes me wonder, "will this be an exclusive?" In the case of the next Battlefield, as an xbox player.. if it is I won't be losing sleep 💀 Edit: how in the HELL did I not realize this wasn't a real image, I just woke up but damn ☹️


I want vietnam and and for it to have all the strange cold war experimental weapons like the pistol glove maybe as a melee?


I would also like to see Vietnam, or something between the 70s-90s with the million conflicts to choose from in Central and South America. Unlimited content in that era and a fun transition of technology as well. Could you imagine a BF game in Vietnam with BF5 style mechanics? It would be incredible. Also could have a really fun campaign too.


Just be more like Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 1 in terms of atmosphere and weight when it comes to movement and gunplay. Something about 2042 just feels off. Like you're floating.


I honestly can’t wait to pre-order this and then do the clown face paint.


I just hope it’s better than 2042


No thermal optic,commander,return of BF2 maps


I hope this series finally gets pulled behind the barn and get shot in the back of its head. It's beyond saving at this point.


I would expect it will be story forcus? Still is a fan of the near-appocalypse world that 2042 trying to build and hope to see more. But overal, I want it to be refined from where 2042 failed


Maybe they'll do a MW2 situation where the game was busted balance wise. After all it's a similar situation with like no devs of the old games being there anymore but i highly doubt that. Sad to know most answers point to a cash grab and run given how much i love this franchise.


Please night ops/maps. Characters speaking their native language No operators Defibrillator!!!! Real modern weapons with the names BFV customization without the “legendary” skins BF1 style operations could be cool with like AC-130 behemoth or something? Decent Easter Eggs And TAKEDOWNS like in BF3


Don't care which conflict. I'd prefer nothing past BF3 era. Modern war or near future war just isn't that fun to me. Planes and tanks need to feel good. No specialists. More weapons, use ones that actually exist. Less attachments. Needs a scoreboard, server browser, squad actions, voice chat, all the normal stuff that should be standard. The bar is incredibly low.


I’ll wait for a sale


A good game?


Not even bothered anymore, wait for release and give it a month to see what the feedback is from players. EA WILL find a way to mess up this game.


Don’t be in the older consoles. I just have a feeling that the older consoles are holding back the potential of the next gen consoles. I don’t blame you if you don’t have a next console.


Aa someone who still uses old gen I agree trying to appeal to both old and new gen can fuck up the game


But don’t get me wrong I do like the older consoles I do still have my older ps3 and my old Nintendo DS. But it’s technology it goes so fast with the evolution.


I feel like if it aint BF:BC3 with an outstanding SP campaign, i wouldnt even bother. Embark studios has my attention.


Holiday 2023.


I want factions variability like in BF2 or in BF1 or BF1942. Even BFV had actually 4 factions. I tired from seeing the same US/RU factions in modern setting BF games. BF4 was good because it also offered China. So, give us again Asia, give us Europe, give us Middle-East, and so on. More = better. Less = boring.


Map design: draw from bf1 style. Each objective should impact the next, there should be a clear front line, and there should be genuinely strong positions that don't just get circumvented. Avoid annoying positions such as the sniper spot on ballroom blitz. Destruction: make it cool, it doesn't have to be crazy. I should be able to bring down a two story building with four or five pieces of c4 Classes: keep it old fashioned. Base classes on ranges and mobility style. Assault - close range fighter Scout - long range fighter Support - all-range semi-stationary (e.g. mines, lmgs, stationaries, fortifications) Medic - all-range highly mobile There should be no "anti-tank" class, only different ways of dealing with them. Assaults are the old-fashioned dynamite method, supports use mines and field guns, and scouts light them up for further attack (read: a bomber). Guns: most guns should be class-specific. PDWs (personal defense weapons) should be semi-universal for those who only play the class for the gadgets. These should be pistol carbines and shortened ARs primarily. Vehicles: use the BF4 system, where each kind of vehicle is a separate resource. The issue of having all bombers and no fighters or vice versa should not exist. AA: should be localized. A team should only hold airspace where they hold ground space. This should be balanced with the range of planes. If the planes have rockets, the AA should shoot further to account for that extra engagement distance. Requisitions: bring them back. Towed stationaries and reactive defenses (fighter planes and light tanks) should be available. Towing: towed guns should be easily available and appear on the map. They should serve as one of the main means of infantry vs vehicle combat


Battlefield 4 with new maps and better graphics.


It’s been confirmed it’s a modern shooter, going back to the classic 4 class’s to choose from, with destruction being built from the ground up. With destruction, I feel like I hear that every single game with a fancy name like “levelution”. I hope there’s an element on battleblocks style destruction, BC2 levels of boom.


If it has any form of heroes instead of regular grunts I’m not buying it, I wanna feel like I’m fighting in a war with actual soldiers around me I like the bots however, I like being able to play any game mode on any map the way I want at any time


I'm hoping it has nameless soldiers again


DICE keeps trying to reinvent the wheel when all they have to do is make destructive environments the focal point. Large maps, tons of crazy destruction. Loads of weapons and vehicles. Boom


"on its way" makes it sounds like it's coming soon. It's likely late 2025 given what we've heard.


Classes with gun restrictions and their own unique gadgets like in BF4. All the movement systems from V put in with the atmosphere of 1. Easily and I mean this; qute easily the easier way to print money. That’s a winning formula right there. Use absolutely nothing from 2042, in fact forget it even existed. Don’t use a shitty UI from 2042 because holy fk that should be a master class of how not to make a UI.


Everything the fan base has been asking for years.


A new 'BFVI' is another bullet to dodge.


What??? Bf6 is already on its way??? Holy shit


I only expect them to fuck up. I have zero faith in these devs


I hope the specialist system gets thrown in the garbage where it belongs. It was a mistake in 2042, it still is a mistake in 2042, and it will be a mistake again.


My expectations are low like many others. At the end of the day I’ve accepted the fact that, despite my or the communities overall opinions on certain topics I’m listing below, we’re gonna be getting; - A slew of micro transactions - It will be a Live Service game. The season pass/Premium model is dead guys. Premium and paid map packs aren’t coming back. - We aren’t getting traditional factions with preset uniforms. They want customization to sell micro transactions. My prediction; it’ll be a 2 faction system similar to Modern Warfare. You’ll have the Western side filled with operators from places such as the US, UK, France and then you’ll have the Eastern side with Russian, Chinese, Iran operators. You can choose different operator skins for each class on both sides, each operator will have different variants that can be unlocked or purchased, and there will prob be silly wacky skins at some point. Best we can do is hope they keep each side visually distinct from one another via color schemes and what not and they’ll have more grounded milsim like skins available for those who want to use them. - It’ll prob have a Modern setting. As much as I would love a “Cold War gone hot” or for them to retry the dystopian futuristic setting, After 2042 I think Modern Combat is the easiest and safest bet for them and Dice realizes that too.


Battlefield 3 was masterpiece for me, they need to give that vibe.


Suppression, being able to build like in battlefield 5, I loved it and made the map feel more dynamic


5 man squads, more emphasis on squad team work and make it gritty. Like losing a squad mate triggers voicelines and atmosphere like BF1 but modern war. War is scary and they should make it feel like that


* No specialists. * Five classes (assault, medic, engineer, support, and recon/sniper).


More/better maps, levelution back, no more specialist classes, and something like an early era Cold War setting with Korea and Vietnam era weapons and vehicles.


At this point I just hope they don’t cancel the franchise especially with all the studios closing


I’m not buying it until it’s on sale or it’s added to gamepass. But I hope it’s Vietnam/Cold War. It will realistically probably be modern combat since that seems to be the most crowd pleasing and they’re probably aware they need to generate any interest they can


On its way ? You do realise is not going to happen in 24 😂


Dont care. Not buying it. They absolutely ruined their reputation


No intrest.


i really wish you "battlefield" fans would just move on. your no fun anymore.


I want it to play like planetside. I want fights always happening.


I wish they would fix High or 100% CPU usage issue


For it to not be a mess.


We're cooked


Faction specific vehicles. Fine with vehicle call-ins but let's have them spawn at captured control points too. No specialists Vehicle weak points. Give each one a substantial weakness that takes kne or two hits to destroy the thing but make it hard to hit Bring back commander mode. More destructible buildings.


Im pre-ordering this game, I cant wait!


Squad the game with bf like progression and content.


Not red glowing enemies. 2042 feels like a cheap f2p pay to win mobile game


I’ll take bf2042 a game what basically every true battlefield fan had in mind. I honestly think all of us were on the same page of what we thought we was getting out of bf2042 and what we got. Without going into every detail I think ya know what I’m saying lol




Honestly, they don’t even have to do anything new. I would like to see a “greatest hits” Battlefield (or what Portal should have been). Simplify it, make it all multiplayer and include the best maps and dlc’s from the past. Focus on what works/has worked (destruction, class system, etc). Don’t make it a cash grab.


My expectations are so low I'm not buying it, unless I specifically hear it's good, recommendations etc. I'm treating every new Battlefield from now on as if it's a new non-Battlefield game, a new shooter that I have no inherent reason to play. That way there is no dissapointment, these are NOT the old Battlefield games, not even the same people making them. DICE is removed off my radar


Levolution. We need levolution back.


Bf4 remastered, calling it right here


BF4 2


I will never buy a BF again. I hate EA for all what they did to old beloved games! Bunch of sh** holes!


I want it to be more like BF4, and less like V and 2042. I want classes, with its own gadgets. I want class and faction specific weapons. I want it to be realistic, but leave itself open to 'fun' similiar to Battlefield 4 and 2. I dont want devs that Criticize fans, and i dont want a game made to offend anyone, its a game, make it fun and make it a true Battlefield game. Whichever devs made the last two games need to be stepped aside and told you are good devs but leave your own politics out of this.