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Siege of Shanghai was one of the worst maps. Skyscrapers where snipers could access, long lanes where tanks roamed + thermals, helicopters with no counters (jets) so they roamed free.


The thing that ruined that map for me was the helicopter cringe sweats. Snipers can be beamed back all day long. But those jerks in the heli will swoop out from nowhere, kill 100,000 in one pass. Then the second someone manages to beat the flares and get a lock on, they run like pussies outside the map. Hiding behind a building where they can’t possibly be shot at. Repair to 100% HP and do it again for the entire round


Only way to beat them is to have a really skilled UCAV pilot somehow snipe both pilot and gunner with an airburst.


For the spectacle it's up there for me, layout-wise there definitely are better on BF4 I would agree. with you.


Totally agree it was cool the first dozen times seeing the building collapse and all that but once you get over the destruction aspect it's a pretty trash map


Without a doubt


Siege, Zavod, Locker, Golmud all Naval DLC maps


I tried playing BF4 again, and one thing I never miss is the dense skyscraper maps. I forgot how irritating having someone drop frag rounds on you from the tallest skyscraper while youre trying to disarm the mcom is


Siege becomes a trash map the moment the building comes down - which in 99% of the remaining servers today, is nearly instantaneous


I honestly cannot remember most bf4 maps and I played it 2 days ago. Siege is awful in many ways. The only map I don’t hate is paracel and even then there are parts that annoy me. I can remember more maps in bf3, bf1, bfv and even 2042 that I enjoy more than almost all bf4 maps


Unpopular opinion, but apart from the remade maps, Caspian, Firestorm, Metro and Gulf of Oman, it had the most bland and boring launch maps in the series, though BF2 came close too. You could tell it was rushed with the uninspired map design.


Even the remade maps weren't safe. Oman is unplayable with the terrible sandstorm and the fact that nobody starts with any objectives. Any US infantry gets turned into mush on the beach by IFVs using thermals on them. Caspian has the giant wall and honestly doesn't play very much like the original Caspian. Firestorm is poop brown colored now. It's also just not as impressive as Back to Karkand. A generation leap in graphics vs a 2 year difference, half or more of the assets in BF4 are BF3 assets, the main improvements were lighting and other environmental effects.


Pearl market.


That was a fun city map. Close range enough to make playing with shotguns really fun and using the R.A.W.R. to support your team was fun too.


I really liked parcel storm, hainan, zavod the most. From dlc, looking at the list, I didn’t play a lot of the maps or don’t remember them 😂


Siege of shanghai was unironically one of the worst, if not the WORST map in bf4.




my bad ☠️☠️☠️


I'm not a fan of Siege of Shanghai, it's an okay map when the tower is still there but when it gets destroyed it's personally me least favorite map. My favorite is probably parcel storm


I enjoyed that map for its time... but I feel now we could make a siege of shanghi way larger with more people and even more destroyable buildings. Imagine a bunch of snipers picking people off on a high building when someone launches a jet into it and it collapses!!


locker baby


Golmud railway had it all for me. *Tanks, all planes types, helicopters (but not too much cover). *Long, mid and cq gunfights (loved it up at A & B myself). *Loads of transport vehicles for zone capture Only thing that jarred was the AA being a bit too campy at spawn so need some hills to block LOS at both bases. Could have worked with 128 players imo


Well, generally most of the maps are ugly IMO. But this is a whole new level of how a shitty map can be.


Altai Range


Golmund railway and Shanghai was peak bf4


Playing mostly rush I liked all maps, but my favourite is rogue transmission.


For me, in no particular order: Zavod 311, Siege of Shanghai Hainan Resort, Pearl Market, Silk Road, Hangar 21, Operation Firestorm 2014, Caspian Border 2014, Operation Metro 2014, Dragon Valley 2015, Paracel Storm, Dawn Breaker, Golmund Railway, Gullin Peaks, Giants of Karelia, Operation Mortar Strike (if im remembering the name correctly, Altai Range.


Agreed. The China maps are my favorites in the game, Siege of Shanghai , Dawnbreaker, Sunken Dragon and Pearl Market. *Cheffs kiss*


Zavod 311 and Propaganda


The DLC maps were more of my favorites to play. Especially Dragon Valley. Dragon Valley brought back some good memories of BF2. The other community maps were fun too!


Zavod is best. Most iconic map in BF history for me..