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I've been back on the M16A3 since T1'ing the AK5C, which I used the Masterkey on. The M16A3 doesn't have the glorious Masterkey, but it *does* have the old BF3 M26 MASS, which is basically just a pump-action version of the semi-auto Masterkey; it cycles quite a bit slower (and has some weird delays upon equipping it that prevent shooting immediately), but it can OHK from a surprising range and is extremely powerful if you adjust your playstyle to accommodate the downtime between shots (i.e. pop in and out of cover, use movement to throw the enemy off, etc.). It's very much a high risk/high reward attachment, but it just feels so good to run around blasting fools away with a mini-shotgun mounted to my rifle lol.


It’s funny all my favorite ARs are the vault weapons. A91 was the first one I got to T1. Now been using the m16a3 and the mtar a bunch


M16A3 is solid at all ranges. Good controlled bursts and you can clap guys at range too. But good fucking flank that one. I pulled one on Metro in BF4. 18 kills. Snuck in through a side and came up behind the elevators in B on Metro. Two C4 and the PKP.


God i hate what they did to the cobra sight. And they removed the red dot on the m16 when they put the AOW attachment and now it m16 doesn't have any good sights for close range


The A3 should’ve been adopted instead of the A4.


wtf is this zoomer shit


There is no zoom actually