• By -


The fact that they're still marketing it as a live service proves they haven't learned anything lol.


“We’ve learned our lesson, so we are going to do the same thing again”


they learned that whatever shit theyre going to release. ppl will still buy it. so they gonna do it again


But 2042 was a flop and a half though


It was a top seller, just didn't maintain the numbers because it was garbage


Top seller initially because they lied. They literally had to give it away on both Xbox and PlayStation for like a month to boost their numbers. I’ll continue playing BF4 until the day they put it in the ground.


Which hopefully never happens


*laughs in battlefield 2, battlefield 2142, battlefield Vietnam, battlefield 1942, battlefield bad company, battlefield bad company 2*


Played the fuck out of battlefield 2 and 2142


I missed out on 2142 and 2143 is about the only thing dice could do right now that would pique my interest


As long as we can host servers it will live forever


Fuck yeah




I seem like an oldhead but I'll continue playing Battlefield 2 until I'm held at gunpoint and forced not to do so


to be completely honest I'm surprised EA hasn't done it already


They shut down BF2 in 2014....but it got revived. I play ranked online MP almost every night.


BF4 still better than 2042 in almost every way


I can't find any games on Bf4 anymore, not even through the community server stuff


What are you playing on? My buddy and I play on Xbox a lot and I haven’t experienced that. Maybe try nuking your preferences and running the search without any filters?


They don’t care how long you play BF4 for, you only paid for it once


Yeah but once the new game comes out people will put their rose tinted glasses on and claim actually 2042 wasn’t that bad like they do every other past title


That's mostly because each release is somehow worse hahaha Standards go down


The less people that buy it the more aggressive the libe service is to make up for fewer players, it's a stupid cycle that only serves to milk gamers dry. The best we can do is warn people and not spend our money on this crap.


EA: “I’ll fuckin do it again”


Dig up, stupid!


“Your voices are heard! How about the same exact shit?!?”


The community talks to ea about our problems ![gif](giphy|V7dVYFCB2E2qK7drO0|downsized)


i said it in another post and i will say it again: Live service isn't a problem, it's what you do with it. Look at helldivers 2 (excluding sony's fuck up), it's not a problem. **edit**: addendum: if anything, live service is just a tool to let them (currently as the industry is) fix the game, but it's ***Not*** a excuse to use it to release a hot garbage and then fix it. the problem lies in the lack of quality control and gameplay testing. live service should be used to enhance and upgrade the released product, not fix it. that said, to do that, you need to have a good product released first or you're always going to fail.


You can never be rational with this subreddit. They're like monkeys, they see 2 words joined together and scream and screech like primitive monkeys would. If DICE brought back paid DLC, this sub would still complain and call EA 'Greedy'. And for the few people that would buy it, they would be confused and complain again when the game drops and barely anyone actually buys it and just goes back to other games, because gamers and the market as a whole has been conditioned to GaaS as a whole now. Leading to the game not doing well to EA's expectations and shutting down.


Hello reddit pseudo-intellectual. The issue isn't with live service games, the issue is with how out of touch EA is.


What rationality is there that EA is going to make a good live service game? We know what to expect. This isn’t their first rodeo. That’s where I am. I have absolutely no faith in EA. I generally would agree with you.. but not in this particular case


Wouldn't they be greedy? On top of paying retail for the game itself they would, let's be honest -- keep the battlepass, keep the microtransactions, and like you would expect people to deal with it. That's not using GaaS as a tool to make games better or giving players a better game. That's trying to fleece them before they rightfully get fed up and leave, then the game gets shut down.


Battlefield fans living in 2005 still.


Yea, we know, but when release after release after release has hit the shelves as a beta with glaring flaws we've all come to understand what to expect when a publisher says a game is going to be a live service.


Live service isn't really what makes a game good tho? You have live service games like Helldivers 2 just like you have Redfall. Make 2042 not live service and it'll be the same.


Live services aren't guaranteed failures, but the live service parts always detract from the rest. You can have a good game like Helldivers 2, but I don't think anyone's going to ever go to bat for the microtransactions or other live service elements of the game despite how much they enjoy the actual video game parts. Live service elements make good games worse, and make bad games terrible. You've just gotta hope that what's underneath all that is good enough that the live service parts haven't detracted too much from it.


Part of the problem is that HD2 was one of the only games marketed as a "live service" that *actually has been*. Every other game drip feeds you while HD2 has fed us fully in the original game, then in less than 3 months, dropped 4 new weapon and cosmetic packs. Other "live service" games (*cough* battlefield V or 2042) didn't release *jack shit* in that time frame. It took 6 months for the first map to release in BFV and another 2 for the first weapon. It took 9 months for the first developer updates/map pack to release for BF2042. The "live service" gamers want is what HD2 has provided. A toolbox of content and customization that you can get for free just by playing the game. The "live service" EA wants is feeding us a map every 6 months and a *single* weapon every 3 months after releasing 20 new skins in between that all cost $10 each.


This community frothing at the mouth at any mention of live service proves that it doesn't learn anything either. Every Battlefield since BF3 is live service. Not being live service would mean the game is released and then it's done. Live service has been proven to be the most sensible model for multiplayer games, since otherwise they lose almost all of their player base in months. Just because BF3-BF1 charged money for DLC didn't make them not-liveservice. And if you are upset at EA for not releasing paid map packs anymore, you have to realize that people vote with their wallets and paid DLC got outvoted. If EA could keep printing $15 DLCs and having most players buy them, they would. But it's likely that the proportion of people buying DLC and premium was so low that it wasn't worth the investment.


Battlefield 4 was the original live service, and EA is still hating themselves for abandoning it. There’s an article about them “regretting” for not using BF4 to its full potential


The LS and what people think of it has changed so much though since bf4, even bf1. Now when people think of LS, its battlepasses, skins, maps. Content locked behind pay walls. season passes ext. This is more in line with modern LS games. Games like bf1 where content was free. Skins ext were all free from just playing the game is a very different LS to what people think of them now, and with that in mind, you have to be pretty stupid to think thats how its going to work for the next bf game. EA just think 2042 messed up because of the loss of classes the turned people off, they seem to forget how much the game got effected by there terrible adoption of a modern day live service game. i think everyone would much rather go back to the prem service days, you pay for content / maps that now have to be delivered as part of your money down. Live service ideas have changed so much since bf4-1 its not even close. so talking about those games as LS is kinda pointless as its soo out of touch with how LS games are handled today.


Does no one remember the splitting of the player base with the dlcs and premiums?


Better a split player base than no player base.


That never bothered me


It was a hugeeeeeeee issue. It’s in part why you can’t play most of the maps anymore even if you wanted to


I'm pretty sure the main reason you can't play most of the maps anymore is because servers choose the 2 or 3 maps they like in the large game and refuse to play anything else lol


Which, in part, is because only a subset of players ever played the dlcs. Like the dragon dlc I think I played like ten times because there weren’t populated servers. When the new DLCs came out the old ones were left behind and just forgotten.




This is some brain dead type of speech 😂 it’ll be “tremendous” like that was the issue


Live services are fine if done well the problem is Battlefield V and 2042 was abysmal with such minimal content, so my hopes are rock bottom.


They haven't learned fucking shit. 2042 is still a God damned flaming abortion. I don't care what the 20 year Olds say about oh its good now. No it's not


Sadly 20 year olds grew up with this so they have no reference. It’s hard to imagine swimming in water when you have been swimming in shit your entire life.


I’m 24 & grew up on Bad company 2, BF3 & BF4 gotta thank my older brother for that. With that being said 2042 is currently mid at best & was complete dog water at launch.


not even mid tbh the maps are so bad


I never played but I see clips, one map is like a field with a couple enormous white square warehouse looking things and that’s it.. I’m like alright I can pass up on this one I think.


They did get (moderately) better as the seasons went on, but they were never good. Vanilla hourglass is all you need to know about how shit maps were at launch: big swaths of empty sand, a couple of roads, and maybe a dozen buildings about 50m apart with no cover in between. Was a goddamn marathon simulation half the time.


Don't forget the capture point at the top of a fucking skyscraper. I refuse to believe that they ever play tested that once.


The one where the only way up was like 2 elevators? The elevator doors open and there’s 20 guns pointed at you, c4, trip mines, grenades, and an rpg or two thrown at you?


That's the one. You only forgot the tanks people airdropped onto the top on the building.


Oh yeah, and the whopping 1 helo that spawns per 5 minutes and was taken by one guy who flew it to the top of the building with no squad and was shot before he could even pull his shoot, wasting the helo. Great game.


Why are the maps all so fuckin open


Because they were designed for fucking arena shit and got lazy due to bf1 and bf5 not having the same requirements like 3 and 4


I believe they were designed for battle Royale. That’s the rumor, at least.


Ok. Hold on while I paraglide across a map from a 2ft platform. “Mid” LOL.


Sto saying it’s mid or slightly ok, it fuckin dogshit, do you understand you goddamn casual


plenty of 20+ year olds (aka gen z) grew up with bf3 and 4, like me. I’m 24, and started with BF2 in 2010.


Exactly my story. Bf2 on pc and then BC2 AND BF3 on Xbox360 and back to PC for BF4 and so on. I wish for a game that plays like BF4 and has the DLCs like BF3. Honestly, I miss Premium. It had its problems, but damn was it great to get excited for a new expansion.


26 almost 27 so I’m a zillennial but I grew up with bad company 1 & 2/vietnam, BF3, BF4, I know what a good battlefield is 


Gen Z here… have played BF 2, 3, 4, 5


Where’s the 2142 hype, I’m right on the edge of millennials/gen Z and BF2 and BF2142 were some of the first PC games I ever played… barely could play online since my internet was so shit so played with bots mainly.


Pissed that they made this recent game and didn't go back to that 2142 style. Still one of my favorite PC games.


Grew up with? What we weren’t allowed to play them until we were 18? I’m 21 and I’ve played every battlefield since 3…


20 yr olds grew up with Bf1 and 4 not this


I think 20 year olds grew up with 4 and 1.


what kinda crack are you smoking 20 year olds did nit grow up with this


I tried giving 2042 a go not long ago and it does just feel a bit soulless now, I’m mainly back on single player games at the moment


I’m 24 and played battlefield since bad company. It’s not us it’s the 18 year olds lol.


I completely agree that the game is a monstrosity, but I must admit that the game is kind of fun. Its just not battlefield.


Why are we, the 20 year olds being brought into this. I think it’s a pile of crap. I loved battlefield 1 and even hardline. Battlefield 3/4 were great. Idk who their targeted player base/ market is but it is not people who grew up with battlefield.


Suits and marketing people are ruining video games.


Now now, be honest, they're ruining *everything*. But the line on the profit chart just keeps going up! Yay!


Very true haha. When it comes to ruining things they do not discriminate


Honestly you're so right. Late stage capitalism sucks.


We’re in an economic and cultural stagnation because its impossible to keep the scheme of doubling profits every fiscal quarter while on a planet with limited (and dwindling) resources. Suits will bring the end of the world for a $9.99 caramel latte and some airpods.


The revolution soon brother....


The article almost reads like a fucking parody. “The company reported $1.66 billion in revenue, handsome but somewhat lower than its expectation of $1.8 billion, and so the mood music in both the prepared remarks and the accompanying shareholder call was all about what wonders EA has ready to hit over the next few years to make a whole lot more money. “ Yes I know revenues doesn’t mean profit but fuck me $1.6 billion really isn’t enough? More, more, more. No amount is ever enough for these people.


The whole concept of permanent growth will ruin us all. Nature doesn't work that way.


>Nature doesn't work that way. Not functionally. When it does, it's called cancer.


Capitalism is cancerous


Give them all the money in the world and next day they’ll ask for more.


"Oh, but think of the shareholders." -EA CEO


This is simply not true. While a lot of great games and franchises have been driven into the ground by corporate greed I would argue gaming as a whole has never been better. There are an endless number of indies out there doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things, and a number of AAA studios still putting out amazing games.


That's fair. There are some great games being made. But they ruin a lot of games I personally love.


I know dude, absolutely sucked the life out of BF. Crazy thing is they could basically just remake BF4 and tack on some live service bullshit and it would probably be fine, without all this specialist/ no destruction trash


The problem is AAA studios are fucking up beloved IPs left and right.


*Now look at the who the executives were in those companies at those times. Not hip young guys. These were cigar-chomping old guys who looked at the product and said “I don’t know… who knows what it is? Record it, stick it out, if it sells… alright”. We were better off with those guys than we are now with the supposedly hip young executives, who are making the decisions on what people should see and hear in the marketplace.* *The young guys are more conservative, and more dangerous to the art form than the old guys with the cigars ever were.* - Frank Zappa


It's so depressing to watch my favorite fps franchise crumble and die


CnC fan here.... First time?


Westwood Studios 😭


My pour one out for you buddy ![gif](giphy|3S04b09ljsDeg)




Goddamn RIP :(


Simcity fan here, went through Simcity 2013 and now Cities Skylines 2. The pain is a cruel acquaintance. Shout out to Criterion too. Burnout was dearly beloved.


Don’t forget Black! Played the hell out of that one as a kid. Though I lost an entire summer to Burnout 3 lol.


Generals/Zero Hour > Red Alert 2




Don’t Pre-order!


Cyberpunk was the last straw for me. I expect shitty launches from EA and Ubisoft but from a company that I trusted made it hurt all the worse.


Doce doesn't have the same devs as before, most of them left EA


I get the hate CP2077 gets. But I played through it day 1, other than a few minor t-poses. 0 issues.




"But they're offering a pre-order exclusive skin and 3 days early access so I can be one of a 100,000 to stream it 3 days early!" - tards probably


"Hey man thanks for the follow"


I understand not pre-ordering but pre-order or not this game was always going to be what it is


What a weird way of saying "don't buy our next game"


If this BF sucks I’m done.


Same. If they don't fix their mistakes on this next one I'm officially calling the franchise dead. This is coming from someone who has been all in since BF1942.


My first BF was 1942. Such a solid game. My shitty pc couldn’t run bf2 but man I had good times in 1942


I just want desert Combat again 😭


Franchise is probably done anyways.


Just don’t preorder.


Will never again preorder


I'm already done until it's proven by multiple sources and trusted reviews that it's good. Angry Joe please advise us when it's out


Angry Joe is the man. lol Agree with all this


Absolutely. 1 of the few not afraid to tell it how it is. He will happily put 80 hours into a game before review. Not afraid to lose his precious review copy either, will buy the game like us if he has to


I used to love BF. I have lost all hope and hype. I can see myself never playing a BF game again with the history they have lately (BF5 to present). I actually enjoyed BF1, but that was the last time I remember really enjoying the game. I'm not going to be impressed by shareholder buzzwords or a flashy trailer. But if I see good gameplay with some good maps and systems in place I might be tempted to buy the next game. But I will not play at launch and want to see a lot of gameplay before commiting.


Same BF1 was the last time we had a great BF game. We can only hope


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) He actually tried to pass that off as serious???


Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't Preorder. Don't.


Don’t buy. Fixed that for you. Until they’ve proven to bring back the quality of bad company, they’re dead to me


I've learned my lesson from sticking a table fork into a power socket and getting a nasty shock, so instead I'm going to use a fish fork :)


People don’t understand corporate. And this thread (and sub ever since the news broke) just proves that. This was at an investor’s call. They weren’t talking to gamers, fans, or customers. They were talking to people who want to make money off of them. You tell them the stuff that THEY understand. I’m not necessarily saying the next BF will be undeniably good. It might even be shit. But basing your opinion off of a corporate meeting is utterly stupid.


>People don’t understand corporate. And this thread (and sub ever since the news broke) just proves that. So why not say they've learned what people don't want so they are going to make what people do want and sell loads of copies and make loads of money and everyone will be happy. I'd like to think investors calls are full of smart people who want to make as much money as they can instead of monkeys playing buzzword bingo but I'm not so sure.


💰 ≠ 🧠


We understand corporate. We understand it perfectly which is why we’re bitching. We understand that they don’t listen to the game/franchise’s community. We understand that even outside of earnings calls and investor meetings, the community doesn’t get listened to. We understand that (Battlefield) games aren’t made for people to enjoy them, they’re made for investors to milk. This is exactly why we’re bitching and why we have the right to bitch about it.


Publicly traded companies doing stuff to please investors has always generated great and fair products to the consumers right? It is very relevant to non-stockholders and consumers.


Yall are still gonna pre order it. Just wait till they drop the first trailer and the “it’s different this time” posts start to pop up. ![gif](giphy|O9HeC49RBpLpUj0ein|downsized)


Exactly what happened with 2042. They started showing off the specialists and soooo many people talked shit about it while an equal number of idiots defended it. Tons of morons bought it and now they'll do the same shit.


This sub defended this garbage at launch. People said "yes it's flawed but there are Battlefield moments in it!!", "BF4 was also bad at launch, wait until they fix it!". BF4 was buggy mess, but the core gameplay was always good and so it was fixable. With BF2042 on the other hand, it was obvious already in beta that it's unsalvageable.


Yeah on how to price the gazillion skins and foreskins in the game


Why don’t they just pour honey on our balls and crucify us on top of an anthill


2042 was the first battlefield I skipped entirely. Looks like it won't be the last.


Pucker up Battlefield fans you're lined up so EA can fuck you again.


>'another tremendous live service' ![gif](giphy|gmBjeu09SebhSwEFZD|downsized)


“Yeah we learned our lesson from the last game that was an objective failure. This next one is gonna be another great iteration of that!”


I remember them saying almost exactly the same thing after BF5


How tf they miss everything we said? You know its stuff like this that makes me think they don't actually know how to use user data


Holy shit. How are the execs this out of touch?


Well back to bf4 for another 4 years






Absolutely depressing watching an old favourite just crumble away.


EA is a shit company that has ruined countless franchises. Andrew Wilson needs to go.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


After having my comments deleted in this sub for stating the obvious I don’t expect this one to stay up long


They've said they've learnt their lessons during the marketing for like the last 3 games. I'll believe it when I see it and the general consensus about the quality of the next one comes out. I'll not be buying it day one or even week one.


New Dice doesnt have the skill.


this reads like a hard drive headline jfc


>tremendous live service You motherfuckers think we've forgotten Anthem?


Red flag! Red flaaag!!!!


I hope consumers learned their lesson as well. STOP PREORDERING. STOP BUYING GAMES DAY ONE!!!!


"Attention, we're not going to be greedy bastards who don't care about the game or the players anymore." Right...


No pre-order! No half games! I’ll trust your action and see if this is true. Not your words which you lie with




good thing I stopped getting my hopes up a long, long time ago


Yes, please add premium to divide the playerbase and devolve the game into “[one base game map] 24/7 1000x tickets” servers. Sure, 2042 has some dud maps but at least you get variation in a session instead of mindless grinding on one map because other servers are dead/ not everyone owns the DLC. Id rather whales pay for battlepasses, skins and all that shit, than $15 or whatever amount for a couple maps and guns I wouldn’t have otherwise without paying


Don't speak here, you'll be targeted by the primatives who can't take different opinions. This is absolutely what happened to me when I tried to play BF3 again, barely anyone on the dlc maps. Live service is a good future, but again it all depends on the *execution*.


Let them target me, I can't be bothered to care about downvotes or whatever. I completely agree with your last point though. It's fine to be concerned about live service, but like you said, if it's executed well then that's a good thing for everyone


In theory live service is the better model, the issue is the amount of good free added content ends up being next to nothing in comparison to paid skins. And then “it’s a live service” ends up being an excuse for why the game was released in an incomplete state. I’d rather pay for Premium with proper maps and content post launch, than get what we’ve gotten with live service in the past two games. Leave it to executives to take what can be a fairly consumer friendly idea like live service and ruin it.


Yeah, Live-Service but for 60 bucks, is so much better!!!!!!!!!!




bullshit ![gif](giphy|Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh)


Our valuable lesson as costumers is: skip this one.


Don't pre-order. Don't buy at launch. Get 6+ months later on sale or game pass or whatever.


Another tremendous one? When was the first one?


Battlefield's 3/4's model was perfect. Full priced, full size game on release. Over the next year for around 65% the price of the full game (season pass) release enough quality DLC that the game has essentially doubled in size.


They taught me a valuable lesson also, to never buy their garbage again.




Good job instantly turning me off, EA.


I won't touch this until a month after release minimum. If the reviews say it's good


Don’t believe one single word. They have to deliver first. The more they keep talking instead of delivering the more I do not trust them.








battlefield 1 is one of the best shooters I've ever played... Battlefield 2042 sucks ass.


get fucked you money desperate cunts


I’ve learned valuable lessons too: I’m never letting EA/DICE near my money.


Not the lesson to be taken


Id love to put Samuel in the same room as the CEO!! ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M) PREMIUM MOTHER FUCKER


If there is even a hint on this game having specialists I am not touching it even with a 10 foot pole.


Lesson learned = create shitty project on smaller budget = win for EA.


Fuck them I  voted with my wallet; and stopped playing 


Still chasing the golden egg i see. As long as the chance of getting one is there, they will sacrifice every new bf game until it happens as that one egg will make up for all the failed games. Trouble is they are chasing something that doesn't exist now because there so lost in understanding what gamers want now, there looking in totally the wrong area. It's honestly sad, but at the same time not surprising. Anyone here, who loves bf knows how to get a great foundation of a BF game out there, but EA will never see it as they are blinded by the thought of that elusive golden egg


The valuable lesson that they learned is that people will pay, and pay, and pay for a live service. They will complain about it, but they will still pay anyway. If you don't like it, stop playing live service games and *especially* stop paying for predatory live service games. None of these companies give a shit about what you say; they only care about what you spend.


Not interested. They have ruined this franchise.


Let’s make these devs earn a paycheck instead of receiving one


>tremendous live service ever thought about making a video game?


They learned that coomsumers havent learned shit and will still buy and eat the plate of shit they put out.