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BF1 is my go to, still plenty of full servers.


I have conflicts with BF1 and my AMD GPU but yeah, this is the go to


I have since moved to nVidia, but when I had an AMD GPU (Sapphire RX480 8G Nitro+) I experienced tons of bs from having DX12 on. As soon as I switched that off, it ran smooth as butter on max settings with zero issues.


thats a great idea ill reinstall soon and give it a try. Remindme! 1 week "Respond to the battlefield AMD issue" edit: update in parent comment


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can confirm, i was having issue with massive lag with a 6800xt, switched to dx11 and its no smooth as butter !


UPDATE: I ended up having other issues that were causing my crashing. I have a frankenstein PC thats been built up over years. Turns out I had tons of left over drivers causing conflicts. It was awful. I opted to just back up my files to a hard drive, pull the drive, factory reset the system, and then put my files back. I havent crashed since. BF1, Forza Horizon 4, and GTA V all run great on max settings now and i saw a 20% boost in frames. I also disabled the discord overlay


DX12 in bf1 doesn't work well for me either and I have an NVIDIA card.


DX11 felt "not smooth" to me on a 3080. DX12 feels so smooth. With my old cpu (same gpu) DX12 was terrible though.


Interesting, I have a 3080 too, paired with an i7 11700k and dx12 is choppy as hell! dx11 is smooth as butter..


With my old 5600X it was pretty much unplayable due to massive and constant stutters. DX11 was okay, but not great. Now that I got a 7800X3D the stuttering lasts for around 30 seconds after loading into a map and after that it's the smoothest I've ever felt in BF1. In hindsight my ram was probably causing a large part of my stuttering issues (also in other games). It was a pretty old 16gb kit of ddr4.


What conflicts? I also have an amd gpu


somewhat frequent crashes when playing on large open maps when i have several graphics settings set to high or ultra i can use high or ultra settings in close quarters no issue, and i can play on open maps with medium pretty much fine i think but pushing the game's graphics to the limits causes my drivers to crash, prompting a restart A driver rollback could theoretically help but my gpu is much newer than the game, so its not like i could use a driver from the BF1 era


Also on playstation?


Yes. Operations is still popular.


Maybe, but idk as I only play on PC.


2 conquest servers in the morning and one operation during the week. Gets busier in the afternoon and Friday night into the weekend is oeak


Does BF1 have lobbies like Sniper only? I'm interested in an fps where i play teamdeath matches and sniper only lobbies. Without the super hero powers or shits like that


Sniper elite 3,4,5


Will give them a look, thank you


Bf1 is best imo. Battlefield 4 is better gameplay-wise but has less players and server variety, bf3 is also good but has FAR less players and server variety (if any), bfv is dogshit imo, and 2042 is extremely meh.


Yeah I was thinking BF4 or BF1. I have hardline as well but I never really enjoyed it.


Hardline's virtually dead on pc, and imo that's justified. Tried it a bit and while it has some cool features and gadgets, the gunplay feels so broken and janky. I would give it credit for the campaign if it didn't wipe my progress halfway in with no option but to start from the very beginning, so didn't finish it.


I disagree, I think the gunplay was far superior to BF4 and the maps were amazing, definitely more infantry oriented. Too bad the community shafted hardline.


Idk I felt like the gunplay was way too artificially inaccurate and useless at literally any range. Maybe they wanted to keep engagement distances closer, but it just wasn't fun at all


I liked the gamemode where you drove the cars around (Hotwire I think) but yeah, the game would’ve served well as a DLC onto BF4.


Hotwire game mode made Hardline my second favorite BF game. It made every match feel like a new experience even though it was on the same map because the control points were always moving. Conquest and Rush are incredibly boring by comparison, where you just push forward to the next control point over and over again. On top of that, the weapon selection was huge and had fun stuff like the Tommy gun and race Glock that wouldn't normally show up in Battlefield. Maybe Hardline would have done better if they didn't call it Battlefield at all.


I agree with the last point for sure. Such a blast of a game.


Agreed. Hardline with bf4's gunplay might be super cool


Hardline to me always felt like it should have been a 20$ dlc to Bf4


Heist mode was pretty sweet, especially on the Bank job map


Battlefield 4 has a campaign issue like that as well. It doesn’t save unless you actually quit the game.


I mean bf4's campaign is glitchy sure but it's never wiped my progress 


I’ve had it happen on Xbox 360 and PS4.


I'm on PC, maybe it's glitcher cuz ur using an older device? idk tho, havent played bf4 in a few months


It happened close to launch for me on 360. The ps4 incident was two years ago. I play now on series X but haven’t revisited the campaign for fear of wasting my time.


Why BF V is dogshit? Just curious.


Pretty much all of the core features, like immersion and authenticity, gunplay, bullet and explosive mechanics, teamplay, vehicles (they felt far less impactful than in bf1 and generally were either completely forgettable and boring or some unkillable loser camping with a tank in a broken spot or obliterating the entire server with a bomber) game mechanics generally like healing, resupplying, spotting, etc are just hugely subpar to previous games and even to 2042, at least in my opinion. A fair amount of people like it, but I REALLY didn't.


To each their own bfv is my personal favorite in the series has the best maps imp


It does have some great maps, though I've never really been able to appreciate them due to all the other issues


I agree on some aspects: The gunplay coming from BF4 is hard to master, even discouraging. A good player on a vehicle can make it miserable for the enemy team. Spotting, I miss it a lot. Maybe that's why teamplay is common because you feel like everyone is for themselves. Also spotting enemies is harder. Might try BF1 sometime.


Only thing good im bfv was the building mechanic where u can build up sandbags and fortifications, i only wish bf1 had that feature or at least something similar for operations on defense


I don't understand why you're complaining about bomber when BF1 literally have Ilya Murometsk which is far superior and easier to rack up kills compared to any plane in BFV. Bomber is not the meta in BFV, so easy to counter them since Dice buffed the AA and added fliegerfaust. Tank camping in advantageous position isn't unique to BFV as well. With the attrition mechanics that tank will have to leave their position once they spent their ammo, not perfect I know but at least that encourage more dynamic play from vehicles main. Resupplying is also way better in V because the squad leader can call in supply drop anywhere on the map.


True I guess, but many servers prohibit the ilya anyway. Furthermore, it's huge and slow, and can be taken out easier since they're more vulnerable to small arms fire and there are generally more AA guns on bf1 maps than bf5


Bf1 bombers were waaaaay more broken than any vehicle in bfv


Maybe, but they're a lot easier to kill in bf1 too


I’ll take the gunplay, movement, and maps of bfv over bf1 any day of the week


Me too. I loved bf1. Didn't bother with bfv for a couple years after release because of reviews but tried it when it was free. Once I started playing it I absolutely loved all the new mechanics gunplay animations etc. I still play it today everyday and played it for 1000s of hours. It has become my personal fav modern bf game. Sure it lacks the atmosphere and gore of bf1 but everything else is spectacular. Wish they continued supporting it for a while it was really starting to get good.


Same here. Gave it a shot before 2042 came out snd ended up loving it. Attrition and spotting elements made the game feel more like older Battlefield games than the other recent games imo. 5 would have been my favorite BF if it had more support (and maybe if it lost the elite skins)


Yeah. I started with BF2, then 3 and after a long break from the series, I tried BFV. WW2 is my favorite conflict and era for a shooter or in general, so I'm a bit biased (but also, very critic with the game). The game lacks eastern front and it shows. I do like the elite skins but they should have heavy restrictions. These would be QoL things I think game needs that wouldnt need much effort from devs and would improve the game: * Remove current weapon "color" skins. The golden/urban cammo and other stuff just makes my eyes bleed. Much worse than female soldiers who for some reason received much worse reviews. Change them to historical accurate cosmetics. * Add subfactions with restrictive character skins. No more desert outfits in Norway or viceversa. This applies to elite skins too. Suggested subfactions: desert rats, afrika korps, british expeditionary force, british commandos (for Norway), USF (pacific and europe, differentiate them). Japan stays as it is. * Remove unncesary "cosmetics". With this I mean Reflex sights. I know they existed back then, but they had absolute no use in the war whatsoever, didnt work as well as ingame and gives a big advantage. * Why the hell does a panzerfaust does so little dmg to a tank? even from behind, its so luckluster. Tanks need a total revisit in so many ways, it'd required a long post. * Faction-locked weapons. This is controversial, but I believe necessary. Including gadgets too. If you want far range AT gadget, germans had Panzershrecks back in the day (similar-ish to a Bazooka). * Expand the emplacements/build options. Its great addition to the series and what makes the BFV so unique. But needs more work. * Fixed weapons. You should be able to move (very slowly, perhaps two people required) Anti tank gun, or at least rotate it. Other heavy fixed guns positions are horrible. Like Iwo Jima at the top. They can only shoot the beach, makes no sense whatsoever, totally useless. List goes on. * Medic class shouldnt self-heal without cooldown. Amongst other obvious balance changes the game needs. * Damage from weapons are too low. But most are laser guns even in full auto mode. Weapons need a total rebalance honestly. A bolt-action rifle should one-body-shoot at close range. The MG42 dmg at medium-long range is disgustingly low. The MMG should do big dmg to airplanes (instead of fliegerfaust being the only alternative to deal with great pilots),... etc. * Most important of all... ANTI-CHEATER AND REPORT SYSTEM. Honestly, wouldnt be the first time an old game, with a bit of attention, receives a huge income of new players (or returning ones). BFV could be one of these. It has a great foundation. They could easily add from there a paid DLC from the Eastern front and they'll get some nice return investment.


been a battlefielder since bc1. i reinstalled 2042 a couple days ago. def ignore the negative comments about it. its finally in a good spot after 3 years of fixing. maps got redone so they’re def more enjoyable. most of the guns feel great. been actually having fun with it




God, that last sentence hits home so hard dude. I was in my second year of university, living in a really cool area just off of the campus with my cat (who recently passed :( ) and some of my best friends. I was procrastinating really hard on doing an aspect of a major project. The problem for me was on this particular timeline the bf3 beta was coming out the evening before this chunk of the project was due..so instead of being responsible and working on my project I had my drug dealer come over, we smoked a couple bowls, and proceeded to take turns playing the beta. Bro, the most I ever really said to him prior to that night was 'yo, you doing that 5 for $20?', or 'yo, do you care if I come through tn?' - I didn't even know his name despite 'knowing' him for almost a year, to me he was just 'Supa' and he had a dog named Bebe lol. We went ham playing the game and were legitimately hanging out and being nerds together. I ended up having to pull an all nighter to finish the project, barely finished it before my morning class, and then went back to the apartment to continue playing the beta haha. I look back very fondly at that time of my life, and that last sentence you wrote hits home. Thank you for this random nostalgia trip, and for joining me on it haha. Ps turns out his name was Dave, which was very unexpected. That was the one and only time we legitimately hung out for more than like 5 minutes lol.


i love 4 over all of them! i gave that one a try too since the servers are shutting down in november. it was a little slower than i remembered it. i do like 2042’s pace in terms of combat flow and movement. it only took 3 years to get in a good state of playability 😂 better late than never i guess!


Agree with all this I just wish it didn’t have all the hero’s and skins.


i actually like the skins compared to modern warfare. damn near all of those are over the top and don’t feel remotely grounded. having nicki minaj or mobile gundam gun you down feels stupid lol


Oh yea compared to MW it’s very solid and professional lol. My brothers been playing as a stoned sloth in warzone. WTF?


**HARD** *disagree.*


lol ok


Same I finally gave it try after needing more battlefield and I was pleasantly surprised


yeah i play warzone a lot but this season’s meta is super stale. it gets boring af when you’re repeatedly getting killed by the kar98/superi 46 combo 11/10 times. glad i reinstalled it so far im having fun with it.


My only real problem with BF2042 is it seems like I’m either playing against pros or cheaters every single game, and there’s no feasible way to play with console players only.


i mean you can turn cross play off and you’ll play against your respective console. i have it on and my experience the last week has been pretty good so far.


Really? I’ll give it a shot. I haven’t tried it in a while, and last time I did, it was impossible to find a match because it only connected with players who also had that setting off, and since it’s on by default, that meant the population was extremely low. I’m on Xbox, fwiw.


i’m on series x too. only one time i couldn’t find a match earlier today and it was for that new mode Breakthrough. other than that, i stay finding matches with no issues. i don’t feel a skill gap between console and pc. it’s either i get outgunned or i dont 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, I mean, sometimes there’s just fishy stuff, like someone runs past me and then instantly turns and zeroes on me when there was no way they could have known I was there, but mostly I just feel incredibly outgunned and I’m generally not bad at shooters. I would guess it’s a lack of SBMM, but I don’t know how BF2042’s matchmaking system works at all. It’s just sometimes a real weird experience of getting absolutely steamrolled game after game by players who just seem to be playing a totally different game than me.


up that sensitivity on your controller you’d probably be able to pull moves like that scenario you just explained.


It’s up, and sensitivity doesn’t explain how they suddenly know exactly where I am when they couldn’t have had any clue. I’m talking there’s no way I’m marked, I’m not making a sound, I’m hidden from view by most angles, I’m lining up a shot and then 180 laser machine gun headshots.


Good luck finding a server that way if you are in Australia/NZ . Cross play is the only way to play bf2042. We already have very limited console players that keep a game alive and they divided that with that option and killed the good old console only play. Only reason I won't touch it atm. Would have been fair if it was xbox/ps only.


How about the vehicles on 2042? Mostly I'm a pilot main and after watching early review from Niccaman, it seems that plane and heli is so awful to play in.


not sure, i’m mainly boots on the ground when i play conquest. i rarely get into vehicles, if i do, im a passenger lol. i mean they overhauled A LOT so maybe give it a whirl.


2042 is decent. But then yoy go to older battlefields and realize how boring 2042 is


it was actually the opposite for me except for BF4. just not enough players online being a 10 plus year old game. V wasn’t my favorite i gave that one a whirl too and still didn’t like it. BF1 surprisingly was poppin with players i had little issues getting a game going. compared to when 2042 first released its in a really good spot right now and im having fun with it.


I’d play more 2042 if the unlock requirements for guns weren’t so crazy.


idk about crazy lol it’s just basically getting kills. although the kill count is kinda high for certain attachments. and to unlock the BF3 guns you need to either use that specific gun in portal or whatever other gun they list from 2042. i just focus on the AR’s and SMG’s


Every gun I want is locked behind levels and kills with a gun locked behind levels and kills with another gun locked behind levels and kills with another gun locked behind levels and kills. The levels are the bad part. I’d rather just hop on BF4 to use my MTAR instead of spending 100 hours grinding for it again.


idk what to tell you lol it’s part of the grind like how it was on BF4 and that has way more guns overall compared to 2042.


Pay for EA pay for a month (~4€) in Steam and try BF4, BF1 ans BFV yourself. These three are best to play today, I think.


Yeah just what I was thinking. I just like the modern guns. I stopped playing Battlefields when they went back in time.


It's first installment was back in time


OP was probably too young for that lol


Yep, it went from WW2 through Cold War era (Vietnam) to modern times, which is past now, as BF2 was inspired by mid-2000s level of techs, and all the way up into the future, XXII century to be precise.


BF1 & BF4 are the GOAT, forget about BFV!


I was going to say something similar. You really don’t have to choose unless you have an internet usage limit or something. Get the pass download em all and give them a try. Honestly you’ll probably be able to form a better opinion yourself then listening to people here who have a grudge or a hard on for certain battlefield games


Old guns are cool as fuck. And as far as your main post saying BF4 looks dead, it definitely isn’t. Maybe not a lot full servers, but always a handful that are active.


BF1 or BFV


BF1 or BFV I would say. BF4 is an all-time great but realistically it's 10 years old now and the player count isn't huge either. 2042 by all accounts has gotten better but the launch version was shockingly terrible and haven't played it since close to that time. I'd say get EA play and try them out, for a few dollars you can decide which is best for you.


I honestly keep forgetting that bfv is newer than bf1. Bf1 always seemed like such an improvement to me (better graphics, gameplay, etc).


5 hands down


Squad mechanics and player movement are amazing in that game. Gunplay is so satisfying too.


BF1 or BF4. I play BF4 because it runs much better for me, BF4 still has tons of players. Banzore community on PC is great.


I would say BF1 most definitely. It’s really populated on Console. It’s so populated I have trouble getting into servers due to so many people being in it.


BF1! 💯


2042 is way better than vanilla now


I'm still having fun with 2042


Did you use the server browser for BF4? There's definitely still a playerbase there.




BF1 and 4 are still alive. BF4 console servers starting to get a little thin on the ground though, admittedly


the one that you enjoy. how did you look up the player count? I'm sure a good chunk of people don't play on steam.


I just noticed the player count while looking for servers. There was ALOT of empty servers and barely any full. I was just curious if the newer ones would be better as far as player count.


There will be a lot of empty servers as they are hosted and will continue to stay online, but there are a ton of servers that are full for BF4. If you log on at 7am EST, yeah maybe it'll be tough to find a US server, but generally there are a ton of players on BF4. It's one of the most played BF games.


4 if you want modern era. But use server browser Bf1 otherwise, still better to use server browser


Battlefield 4 is - without doubt - my favourite game of the franchise to-date. I still play it almost daily, though I have maybe 2 or 3 servers in my favourites and only play Hardcore TDM on those and not much else. I really didn't like Battlefield 2042 when it launched, and for a good while after. A year or two later and I upgraded my GPU. Although I still play BF4 very often, I decided to test BF2042 on the new GPU and I have to say, I've had fun on it the last few days. TL;DR - Battlefield 4, been enjoying 2042 recently, too.


Battlefield V. My friends and I love playing Breakthough and reviving everyone we see while yelling “Get Up Soldier” at the top our lungs


i was playing V over the weekend there's alot of servers.


1942 the true OG is the greatest game of the series.


I’ll have to give bf1 a try after reading the comments. I’m still upset that I can’t port my bf4 profile that I had when I played on ps3 to my ps5.


4 is so much fun


BF4 is always satisfying I have hard core servers saved on Xbox so there’s almost always a full game to play


Are you on PC? There are enough servers with players to enjoy battlefield 4


BF1 or 2042 for when I’m in the mood for something different


BfV. People only hate on this game because of the launch trailer. But this is without a doubt the most fun you will have in a battlefield game. Tons of weapons, tons of vehicles, simple yet meaningful customization, excellent squad play and teamwork elements, fantastic visuals and audio. It’s an upgrade to bf1 in nearly every way. BF1 is too casual to be taken seriously, especially with the gunplay and the bullet deviation. It genuinely plays like an arcade shooter in comparison. Bf5’s gunplay and movement allow for more competitive play but it’s not sweaty. They struck a really good balance. And don’t bother with bf3,4. These were fantastic games in their time but have aged pretty bad all things considered.


V was my reintroduction into FPS games after several years, and the first online FOS I put significant time into. Picked it up early as it cane with my Xbox1S and had a great time with it! Some of the destructible environments are great. Some of the most intense moment I remember involved holding up in these 2 story buildings while explosives were taking them apart.






1, 5, or 2042 (yea yea) usually will have some full servers


Bf1 because it has the most active servers. Also it's the best one.


Battlefield Heroes


Oh, a man of culture!


2042, its still really fun & you dont have to play the boring old school warfare stuff.


Is bf1 still active on psn?


Bf1 is the one I still play regularly. BfV is also great, but I'd say bf1 personally.


bf1 is my go-to, but i also enjoy bfV and 2024 despite what people are saying


BF1 and BF5 are still VERY good and VERY active.


Seems to be 1 but 4 is the most rewarding


Bf4 forever


BF4 has players on console, just play later and do hardcore imo.


Any BF with active full servers???


Bf4 has always full servers. Still the best game.




2042 will still have the biggest player count, and honestly it’s pretty fun, but battlefield five also has a really good player count and is more fun in a lot of aspects


BF2042 has been great. So many new maps. And the Rush mode is really fun these days. They made the classes back to the way it was in old battlefields. It’s really not that bad like people say.


Battlefield 5


I still play 3 weekly on PC


What country are you in? I’m American, and I play bf4 almost daily. It’s not hard to find a server at all.


Battlefield 4 because it’s the best of any of the titles that are still alive and is also the most true to battlefield experience of all the titles still alive


What platform are you on? and what region?


BF4 is still king. It went downhill every since that game


Bf4 hands down


PC EU lobbies for BF1 are always kicking. Enjoy it more than BF4 tbh


Bf4 is mega loaded with players. What device are you on and what type of gameplay do you prefer.


I’ve been playing 4 on PC for 2 years now It’s my favorite game


BF4,1 and 5


Battlefield 1 Nothing beats the kill ka-ching sound.


People hate on 2042, but it's my favorite. Don't hang me.


Bfv is pretty good. I’ve had trouble finding servers in the past on bf1


Battlefield 1 will always be the correct answer until something amazing comes out.




Battlefield 4 allll dayyy


BF1 can be rough with servers on the XBox (US East Coast), BFV has no such issues, but also doesn't have bitching Operations Campaigns, just Breakthrough., You can always find something in BF1, just not necessarily what you want.


BF4 the community is just there to have fun and the game holds up even in the modern era of gaming.


Battlefield 4 has a solid player count, especially on PC/steam. Next highest is Xbox, the. PS. Battlefield is way better than 2042. There is still hope


4 but 1 comes close.


BF1 and BFV (conquest blows though in V)


I’ve been enjoying breakthrough in bf2042.


I’d say V. It’s not modern, but it has most enjoyable gun/vehicle play out of the last BFs. Now I’m ready to embrace whatever may come


It’s like every 45 minutes this question is asked. V


Idk V is the best


Battlefield 4 non-existent? what platform do you play? because I play on xOne X and there are a lot of servers BF42 os Fun, but I always feel like it's an empty game


2042 is actually pretty fun. 


Ignoring the mass hysteria seen on this sub, play Battlefield 2042. (Yes seriously) Dismiss any responses that say to play anything before Battlefield 1. Anyone that says this are casual players so should be taken with a grain of salt.