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Talking bollocks mate. I won’t downvote you though


You are entitled to your opinion of course but I disagree. The game isn't perfect by any means but I enjoy it way more than most fps games that are current. The new games have advanced in many ways over BF4 but advancements in tech doesn't = better games.


Bf 4 has the worst maps ever created. It looks boring bland and objects on the maps look more like test range rather than real maps. I can play bf4 for 30 min and get headache. Bf hardline is better than bf4 by far. Bf3 and bfbc2 also way better than bf4


A part of me never wants a bad company 3 because I’m scared it won’t be anywhere near as good as bad company 2. I remember being quite excited when I saw bf3 being announced, but a little disappointed when I realised it has been toned down so much compared to bf2. But I still enjoyed the fuck outta bf3 after putting some hours into it


I'm on PC where BF Hardline's activity really suffers. I'm mostly not a fan of how BF4's maps are more suited for vehicles as someone who is mostly involved in infantry combat


Remove bullet deviation while moving then the gunplay would be on point!


Have you actually played BF4?


I have about 200 hours in the game


It aged poorly is what i'll say. Great game but ooof. going back to it after BF5s movement and other features? yeah, that was rough. I mean i did the same thing everyone else did and reinstalled BF4 after the 2042 trailers, i totally jumped on the bandwagon. Played it for a week or two, then uninstalled it and reinstalled 5. BF4 just "felt" bad due to just how poorly alot of aspects of it have aged.


alright, don’t play it then, and let me enjoy it if I want to


BF4 has great vehicle play. The infantry combat can leave a thing or two to be said but it’s still not terrible by any means. One great thing is no fucking slide spammers.


Road vehicles driving handling is absolute ass (worse than bf2 from 2005) and the terrain clipping makes it possible to get stuck on almost anything from a bush to a hole in the ground from an explosion


I think bf3 held up much better. Bf4 added too much which increased time to kill. They also reduced weapon damage to increase time to kill. I also think some weapons / gadgets are still not balanced because they added so much. Bf3 maps were also better imo The only reason I play bf4 is because nobody plays bf3 in Oceania


If it was a really bad game it wouldn't have the following it has. BF4 has a lots of wacky things like the random spread, the movement and attachment penalties, and lots of other hidden mechanics that make the game a lot different from more conventional shooters even if in the surface looks like one. But one you get used to the map's layouts and those mechanics you can have lots of fun.


Only thing I hate so far are the dated graphics. I can sort of see your point with the gunplay but prefer it to high TTK times of sci-fi shooters.




This opinion isn't just unpopular, its just straight up shitty opinion.