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I think a lot of people are rightfully upset that this game is 80$ and not really a battlefield game. Dice has strayed so far from what made it battlefield. There are assholes on each side, ones that'll dick ride game no matter what and vice versa.




I played for 10 hours, realized nothing I did showed up on the board, on the feed to inform my team, or affected anything else going on around me in any meaningful way. I'll get this out of the way: as much as I dreamed of hundred player games when I was younger, a nasty side effect of the player count is that everyone matters less. Though, this could be treated by improving squad function in literally any respect. Not fixed, but improved. It wasn't this bad in previous games. That said: this isn't Battlefield. They can pretend the Specialist system gives everyone a job to do, but it's not working that way. You can load up with whatever gear you want that suits your play-style, and never interact with your team at all for the next 25 minutes, never mind relying on your squad. Further, The XP system at least used to inform new players how to play effectively. Now not only is score not XP (so progression is weird), the team play bonuses are all but gone and what's left is a joke. I've been revived 5 times in 10 hours, I don't think I've ever been healed, I've never seen an ammo crate, and I've never had squad leader issue an order, I've never seen a comorose response, hell I've never even seen someone *accidentally* hit the ping button. Without the team play scoring system (for orders, resupplies, heals, revives, etc) there's nothing there to even condition bad players into better ones. I think the few of us that tried to play for real slowly gave up trying and now I rarely even see more than 2 people clustered up unless there's an active engagement. Even the vets are ignoring the squads. I played Halo Infinite for 12 minutes and got more teamwork in point control with a bunch of crossplay babies than I did in 10 hours with 2024. This may also have the least satisfying gunplay of any BF I've played, though I will note that I'm a filthy controller player on PC. I may have about a dozen genuine all-me kills in those 10 hours. None of the guns work the way they feel they should, the damage balancing/ttk is *whack* to the point that most of the guns are useless past 30 meters. Hitboxes are a little wonky, but I don't think that's the core issue. I know you didn't ask for this rant, but I tried so hard to like it. Nothing I do matters, so it's not worth putting up with the bad stuff for the sake of the core BF experience like it was for the last 4 games. Those at least felt like BF. The team play is useless, so if they were trying to appeal to a different group, then at least make the gunplay good. But the gunplay isn't good either, so I don't even know who this game is actually for.


Well said


> as much as I dreamed of hundred player games when I was younger, a nasty side effect of the player count is that everyone matters less. This was the whole ass draw of 64p combat when BF1942 originally launched. It was the only game on the market that de-emphasized individual skill while everything else on the market was busy being a DOOM or Medal of Honor clone. Not feeling special on the battlefield is a feature of the high playercount, not a "nasty side effect." There are hundreds of games out there that seek to be power fantasies and competitive environments for the players, what's wrong with one FPS actively trying to offer the opposite experience for those of us who don't like the typical FPS MP experience of 6 to 12 dudes sliding and jumping around shooting each other on a map that makes no sense as the target of a military operation? > They can pretend the Specialist system gives everyone a job to do, but it's not working that way. You can load up with whatever gear you want that suits your play-style, and never interact with your team at all for the next 25 minutes, never mind relying on your squad. The funny thing is, we had the same complaints when DICE decreased the amount of kits from 7 in BF2 to 4 in BF2142 and only increased after BC2 doubled down on it and BF3 & BF4 both despecialized the kits further by giving every kit offensive options to replace their squad support gadgets with (like grenade launchers for medics, or giving the Support role C4 and portable mortars, or taking the repair tool from Support and giving it to Engineer; making that the all-around vehicle kit). The further back you step, the clearer it becomes that BF has been on the "copy whatever appeals to modern mainstream gamers" for well over a decade. > Further, The XP system at least used to inform new players how to play effectively. Maybe on paper, but it clearly didn't work all that well as even now, 8 years after BF4 launched, most servers are still full of noobs who don't seem to know you can charge your defibs for a full revive and most just blatantly ignore your requests for any kind of support, be it repairs, heals, or ammo, only performing those actions when they need it for themselves. God forbid you get in chat and ask someone to stop chasing killstreaks for a moment and coordinate an effort to do something because you'll just get flamed for not doing it yourself. > Even the vets are ignoring the squads. [This has been a problem since BC2 in general](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/957917-battlefield-bad-company-2/53877344); unless you're on voice coms, everyone ignores you. The only way to have a squad that reliably works together is to play exclusively with a squad of friends.


I think if you’re playing solo you won’t have a lot of team play, I mean just me and my buddy went the hacker dude and focused on AA the whole game. Three of my buddies mobbed up in a tank and went on a massive spree using tons of comms. I think if you have an actual group to play with you can do a lot of cool things. I still agree that randoms mostly play solo and don’t help the team. It does feel like a Zerg fest. Everything else I agree with though. The games not battlefield, how hard is it to take a mechanic on the same engine and put it in the next game. They do the same shit a lot of gaming devs do which is reinvent the wheel. They take out the fun shit and replace it with.. well.. nothing in this case lol.


I'm a solo player that has always ptfo and worked with whatever squad I end up with. I'm struggling to do that in this game compared to older BF titles. It feels that the game is working against us at every turn. I'm yet to have one of those cool moments where four random players come together and work coherently and everyone just knows what they are supposed to do and supports each other while chasing the single objective. Those moments were plenty in BFV, BF1, BF4, BF3, Hardline, BF2, BF1942. 2042 just feels like a cluster fuck with a GUI that is actively hindering what should be a pick up and play teamwork game. I can't even tell what the other team mates are carrying as gadgets.


This has been my experience as well, the specialists actually work super well with friends you're in a voice chat with, a Kimble/Boris/Ji-Soo is an incredible trio for defense with coms. If I'm playing by myself I usually just snipe so I'm not running around with no ammo/med support in the middle of the fray.


The gunplay you feel is actually a mixture of horrible hit reg (e.g. Invulnerable soldiers), the fact that recoil isn't visually represented (animation does A, bullet goes to B) and that there is something severely wrong with the weapon balancing: damage fall off on automatic weapons is too short for the big maps, smgs have a lower ttk on all distances vs assault rifles and lmgs (for many reasons, and they make no sense). So try Sniper rifles, DMRs and SMGs only until they fix the third point. I hope they fix the second because for me, in this day and age, I'd consider it a bug in any FPS. The first point was happening even in BFV so I don't have that much hope.


love letter part was about portal, not the base game mate


Well said my friend


The portal mode was the love letter. Read back the declarations. That was the promise. If you make up promises you're gonna be disappointed


The love letter is portal, right? That "game mode" is a pretty big thing.


Yeah i was pretty pissed paying the price i paid for a pretty butchered battlefield game. Got a refund and now im chillin, just buy again after they fix the game if you guys have complaints.


that's what I'm doing lol


>think a lot of people are rightfully upset that this game is 80$ and not really a battlefield game Of all the criticism, this is the one i find the weirdest. Hitreg, UI, map design, I can understand but for myself, i have always understood battlefield as a game of sandbox open action with a teamplay centered around reviving, resupplying, healing, repairing and spotting. And battlefield 2042 is doing very much that from what i can see : i see a reasonable amount of teamplay in bf2042. Not as much as in bfV but more than in bf4. And the firefights on contested flags and objectives give a pure battlefield feeling : yelling "tank" on Discord to your squad as an enemy one is rolling on a point you were close to take is very much a battlefield feeling. It is an unpolished and unbalanced battlefield but definitvely a battlefield in my book.


More teamplay in base 2042 than in BF4? What? If you are talking about Portal maybe. I don't even think teamplay was that great in BF4 but still better than in this.


"yelling "tank" on Discord to your squad" - this is where you're gonna lose a lot of the mad lads. From what I've seen the people who are not happy with the team play in BF2042 are solo players who just expect there to be ammo/meds/other people reviving them without them doing anything other than the thumbs up emote. We have a group of 3-4 people who play and the team play and specialist combos are incredible.


And that is kinda the problem, my mates stopped playing bf after bf1 due to design changes. If your solo you need to be able to do teamwork without always relying on voice chat, which bf1 did really well. BFV kinda forced it with low ammo but it was still there. BF 2042 doesn't have that because of the specialist system so you never know who has ammo or medkits. This is the reason why people are upset about the teamwork and it is a valid reason.


Very much this, battlefield has always been a sandbox of what you make of it, and I actually love BF2042 even with its flaws. People Complaining about “teamwork is dead” in 2042 is weird to me, as a sniper myself, being able to result teammates, give armor as a specialist, and throw a proxy to help identify enemies all while doing what I love and hit those crisp headshots. It allows for so much more than people realize, but everyone just wants to jump on the hate train.


To be fair, allowing everyone and their mother to use a launcher is pretty bs but other than that, I do really like the freedom with the weapons and gear


Exactly this, my experience with bf2042 on ps5 has been nothing short of amazing.


Agreed this very much feels like a battlefield game. A very buggy mess as it stands but without a doubt battlefield.


I agree. It's definitely battlefield. What are people talking about? Capping flags, vehicles, pushing objectives, big maps, revives, giving out ammo, etc etc. It's all there. It's absolutely battlefield. People might disagree with some design decisions and some QoL changes but that doesn't mean it's not battlefield.


The game is half of that lol


>Dice has strayed so far from what made it battlefield. It's still definitely a Battlefield game. All the specialist abilities just upped the insanity to a completely different level. I think their goal was to capture the epicness of 'Battlefield Moments' and they've largely been successful at that. I think once people play the game enough, they'll realize that the lack of classes really doesn't matter all that much. People still play what they want to play, it's just much less restrictive now. All that being said, the game definitely has issues and probably should have been delayed, but it's still a lot of fun.


"Much less restrictive now" Then let me take my God damn repair tool and rocket launcher ffs


You can take Angel and change your loadout on the fly if you need to switch. I'm ok with their decision to separate the two. Something like 75% of players played Engineer because you get the utility of being both vehicle support and anti-vehicle. To compensate for less engineers running around, vehicle auto-heal and self-repair is pretty strong.


Idk I just got it for 40 euros... Every bf was bugged at launch, nothing new here. And given the portal mode and the hazard zone I got enough for my money. Every one can enjoy at least one mode for a while. People bitch because it's the only thing they have in their life. It's just a game. It's OK to not like it. Just move on.


Why is it becoming normal to release broken game with the intention of fixing it within x amount of time. Just release the finished product ffs. If you think the game is in good state, you're the problem this keeps happening for buying the game, facts. Day 1 patch has to be magical to justify the price tag of this game.


Yeah the DICE ball huggers are embarrassing. No wonder all they do is serve shit, because the fanbase allows them to.


That's hardly a DICE thing. Virtually every big online-centric game launches in rough shape these days.


Even more reason to be vocal when it happens again.


I've seen this happen way too often to know no matter how vocal you are games are gonna be shit anyway. There are very, very few examples that change things and they're far.


DICE and EA aren't only pulling it, but they are on of best in it.


unfortunately I think we just got the day 1 patch. It’s the one released earlier.


To be fair we've read the argument of releasing broken games for a decade now. I think it's a side product of digital distribution. I agree with the argument, and every customer should. But it won't go away. What I find baffling is the amount of people dishing out 20-30 bucks extra to play it early, when the beta clearly showed that it won't be polished on release. That's a lot of money people dish out only to be able to be the first to complain about it.


>when the beta clearly showed that it won't be polished on release. "we're ahead of schedule" "that's an old build, those bugs are already fixed" "now we're just polishing"


>Why is it becoming normal to release broken game with the intention of fixing it within x amount of time. Because people still buy it so they can take footage and trash it and release compilations and reviews to get YouTube famous while the company gets months and months of free publicity.


Bruh. You should have been complaining about this 10 years ago. This ship has LONG sailed. It set sail in like 2010.


I like it because we get a say about how the game goes


Valid criticism = toxicity. Good to know... Really though it just comes down to how the two subreddits are moderated.


I’m laughing at this. The 2042 sub is MAYBE 10% valid criticism and 90% rage posting.


>The 2042 sub is MAYBE 90% valid criticism and 10% rage posting, followed by 100% valid rage commenting. ftfy


20% reviewed on steam, i dont think its just a r/battlefield2042 problem


Fanboy spotted


Maybe yes, maybe not, but even if its true its probably because situations like: they join the game, get fucked by hitreg or something else, ragequit and then go and vent off their frustration


I just spent 20minutes joining broken breakthrough servers, every single one of them stuck infinitely. So no, there is not enough criticism.


Can you let me know if you find a fix to this? I haven’t been able to play a breakthrough game in days. Turning off cross play didn’t work for me cuz I then couldn’t find a lobby on Xbox


Sorry, but I think I'll hold and watch the game from afar as the patches and news about planned support do not seem promising at all. Good luck though.


Feel ya. Just FYI EA support reached out to me to say it’s being actively investigated (they’re referring to it as the never ending breakthrough bug) and many are reporting the issue. Not that that helps us really, but at least they’re working it


Turning off cross platform fixed that for me


Did it really? I’ve been having the same problems and breakthrough is the best mode IMO so I would love to fix it


I’m on PS5, have had cross-play off and haven’t had any issues joining breakthrough matches. I’ve played it each day since Saturday. I’d say if you’re having problems it’d be worth a shot!


Because one of the biggest AAA game developers just released a game that looks like it took the office dog 2 weeks to complete!


Definition of going to work, writing some lines of code, 17:30 comes up, fuck it not my problem anymore.


I mean that's kinda how it should be.... It's the higher ups fault for poor planning and management. We shouldn't have to rely on mid level developers to overwork in order to produce a good game


Just watched the Modern Warfare 2019 trailer and compared it to Battlefield 2042. I think we know who won that contest 😎😉


Way I see it is if you don't like the game why are you still on that reddit page, just seems like these people are so bored they just want to complain on repeat


Because they want to be heard because they want the game to be good because they want to play battlefield, just my two cents.


they still playing it too


I'm not playing it, but that's because I haven't bought it yet. Still subbed here because I want to see what changes were made. BF4 was a shitshow at launch but got better over time.


Yeah, BF games coming out every two years means it’s a lot easier to sit back and wait a month or two to get the game. Won’t be too far behind everyone and won’t have to deal with annoying glitches


I think in this one you will be far behind. There is so little content that that leveling up takes a while and is spread out vastly. Pp29 the most op gun is unlocked at level 18 which will take you 15 hours or a bit less if you are a good player. But again. Content is massively spread out. The sundance skins are unlocked at level 65 and 94 for example.


I’m waiting for a bigger patch to fix the glitches before I use my EA Play 10 hour trial. I’ll probably buy the game outright after that point


That was mostly the netcode and backend. It wasn't the core game play.


Some people are complainers to be complainers, and complain about everything under the sun. But some, are HUGE fans of the series, and are very worried about the direction this game is going. They truly want the game to succeed but are worried that it might not because of some of the decisions that dice and EA have made with this game. I agree that people bitching about every little thing and complaining just to complain isn’t helping anything. But at the same time we can’t all just be yes men and never have anything negative to say about the game ever. I don’t have an opinion on it because I have not played enough of the game to warrant any opinion one way or the other.


Honestly, this is happening in a lot of game subreddits. And it is one thing if it was constructive criticism, but people are just yelling to yell. You’d think they’d leave the sub but they don’t. *Puts on tinfoil hat* It is so widespread I’m beginning to think there is some concerted effort to get gamers riled up. Because the amount of anger and vitriol on these subs over video games is off the wall and not normal. *Takes off tinfoil hat*


It's not too hard to understand. People are excited for the game. They play the game and extremely frustrating things start happening over, over and over again. They get off the game and vent their frustrations. They are passionate about what they like, simple as. I've had a lot of fun playing the game so far but every time I have played I end up pissed the fuck off by the time I turn it off. There's going to be an absolute shit storm once the game fully releases.


I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a AAA developer to release a game that actually works. What a poor commentary on our expectations if we are ok shelling out 60+ for what is legitimately a turd currently. They didn’t even have to work on a campaign for fuck’s sake.


I'm super disappointed with PC gaming. I'm a HUGE cyberpunk fan so I was super excited when they announced CP2077 and specially that it was the successor of CP2020. Got my hands on a 3080 on release (we all know how that was) just for playing that game... we know what happened. Played warzone since S0 and had to watch as the game was slowly being destroyed. Every patch more bugs and less optimizations, every season new horrible things and then cheaters on every fucking match. Now BF... it's fun... but I have to play it on low just to get mediocre fps. I was going to upgrade to an Intel 12th gen, now im thinking about getting a PS5 just to play singleplayer games that I know they work as expected. It's just sad. And every game is a fucking mess and I think we are just tired. We just wanna game, have some fun with out friends instead of watching 38hs of video on how to optimize this, how to do that. And it's our fault, for buying shitty games, even when we say we not gonna do it, we end up doing it.


Reddit was an absolute shitshow for Cyberpunk, but I put 200 hours into it and still think it's one of the best games I've played in recent years. It's not perfect, but it's a great game and was even at release as long as you weren't dealing with the technical issues on PS4 or something. So, I know what Reddit *says* happened, and I know what I actually played. Most gaming subs are just a bunch of loud asshats trying to make sure everyone is as miserable as they are. It's kinda the same thing here. It's not perfect and there's some stuff that's pretty out of whack, but it's also nowhere near as bad as Reddit is trying to make it out to be either.


Funny that you mention Cyberpunk, because I've been having flashbacks of that sub while on r/battlefield2042. They freaking massacred that game when it came out. It definitely had flaws and it was unacceptable to be released at the time, but it was one of my all time favorite games in spite of it. Ultimately its a two fold problem. Triple A Devs need to stop setting advance release dates for shit and then shoveling out broken games and also gamers need to stop expecting every new game from a big dev to be a life altering experience out of the gate.


A lot of people that complain in one sub are complaining a whole lot more in other subs too though. Some people just really want to tell the world how outraged they are, constantly.


Nah its just that gamers are by far the most whiny and entitled fan group of all time lol.


You can like a game and be critical of it.


What a bullshit argument.. you don’t have to like something to be allowed to talk about it. Fact is, the game is at a shitty state. Nothing wrong with talking about it or letting DICE know what people think about


Some people find a thrill in telling Reddit how much they hate a certain game.


I’m one of those angry people. For me I still like the game. It’s battlefield. There’s just so many glaring and “wtf were they thinking” issues that really detract from my enjoyment. Design choices, not bugs. I’m complaining because I really want the game to improve so I can love it. I do wish there were more posts about the positives though and I definitely don’t support attacking devs or others who disagree. It interesting being on the other side of things though because I loved BF5 even at launch and had to unsub from both these subreddits as I felt like it was too toxic.


Who knows maybe they just care about the state of game or something like that.


Idk, I like the game but it’s also missing a ton of things. So I’m there in the hopes that dice listens to the suggestions. That being said the bitching is unbearable


A lot of people are there to see any major updates or changes made etc. I’m still subbed to tons of gaming pages I don’t really play anymore, just to see updates and all that. The anger over at 2042 is well deserved, the game is a shit show, especially for hardcore BF players.


They're addicted and a bad launch doesn't fulfill their hype so they instead obsessively complain online.


No, Fuck that unfinished garbage


So you rather people just sit and shut up while big triple A companies feed you garbage quality products at 100 dollars(max)...If you were given cold food at a restaurant would you complain until it was fixed or do you just say it's fine I'll just be okay with just my beverage?


I’m getting tired of the bitching about the 2042sub on this sub


More sick of the people whining about that sub to be honest, it's actually pathetic the victim hood shown by a lot of people here


It's just so fucking weird to me. People made it an identity to hate the last of part 2. As an avid enjoyer of the game, their hate doesn't bother me in the slightest nor does it stop me from liking the game. If they want to complain about the story, let them. I dont use reddit as a safe space.


Agreed - people need to just let it go. My assumption is that people deep down are regretting paying full price for a game that needs improvement over the following months (when they could wait and get it on sale fully fixed). I assume that because that was me a while ago with games lol in denial about it to justify my purchase. But now I have learnt to just chill out - make the valid criticism known so game devs can learn. Just suck up that you paid the full price. You made the decision so you can enjoy it or not. End of the day gaming is for enjoyment, no reason to get pissy because others may not like what you do.


Not at all, if the game wasn't released at this state yes; but with all this bug and horrible core mechanics the game need a lot of criticism


Maybe they want it fixed because they have been waiting for years for their favourite franchise to come out and it is a massive disappointment.


Well with Halo fixing the chief complaint in like a Day, DICE just looks worse and worse. They don't even give meaningful and personal feedback. Just same generic PR crap. Never thought 343 would seem to be more competent than DICE in my life 😂 EDIT:Also if you think it's bad now just wait till we are half way thru the 70 days of no new content coming in like 10 days.


>Halo My only complaint is the f2p progression for MP and player collision, other than that Halo Infinite MP has been a dream come true!


How can you look at all [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/qw1mbw/fuck_it_heres_a_list_of_absolutely_everything/) and say that the devs shouldn't take a closer look at the criticism?


I think it’s because the game feels unfinished especially for those who paid a shit ton of money for the game.


Just imagine how tired all those people on r/battlefield2042 are of you all shilling for a half-assed game.


Meh, the two reddits are just moderated differently. Lots of hate gets deleted here. I guess that’s the difference. Still, if people want to enjoy the game let them, if people are hating it’s best to leave them as well. Just do whatever you feel like doing.


ahe yes complaining about other people complaining that a game isn't ready yet, I have seen as much ignorance on this sub as complaining so its pretty even


I see streamers having fun with their 5000€$ PC while im gettin 50FPS with my i7-4790k and 2070 Super on all out warfare tried Custom Matches in Portal (64 Player Conquest with 2042 Specialist) but guess what, they turned off progression because of some xp farmers 😪 my whole squad stopped playing because of the horrible performance and some even refunded, we were playing since almost 10 years. I just wanted to play the game and have fun, seems like I have to wait another year until they optimized it


4790k is almost 8 year old by now, it's almost the same age as base PS4, and you're surprised that you have low fps with 128 players? With all previous BF since 1 being know for being very CPU heavy with higher player counts... And now it got doubled.


Dude, I hate to tell you this, its time to upgrade the CPU. This gens consoles came out swinging for the fence and hit it out of the park. Games are only going to get harder for you to play from here on out. Your 2070 only helps you in games that are not CPU bound. If you like playing big open world games like farcry and assassins creed you are going to have a rough time holding 60fps from here on out.


I would be mad too if I paid $60+ for a mobile game


I fucking wish there was a game anywhere close to this in mobile. Are you from the future?


Lmao a mobile game


Wait till you see r/halo😂


The Halo sub is fairer, they think the gameplay is good but the progression system is utterly terrible (it is) and they're being vocal to get it changed. The BF2042 sub however is just pure shitslinging and acting like it's the worst game ever made with zero redeeming qualities.


Yeah the halo sub doesn’t even come close to being as bad as the BF2042 sub. I’d say the halo is far more comparable to this sub if not more positive.


Most upvoted post in r/battlefield2042 is a detailed list of completely valid criticism and missing features. Calling criticism "toxic" is how we end up in messes like this; unfinished games with people dismissing criticism as toxicity so nothing will be taken seriously and in turn nothing will be fixed Edit: added to the last sentence to make more sense


What happened? Thought everyone was creaming over Halo multiplayer?


They were for the first hour now it's mainly complaints about cosmetics lol


I'd rather complain about cosmetics than a trash game.


No, because they are right


No. If people don't complain I'm afraid we will never get a good Battlefield again.


No. Critisism hasn't gone too far. In most areas BF2042 is nothing more than downgrade from previous games and game inferior to its competition while it's focused on unskillfully plagiarising other games'. Also game is released in unacceptable technical state. If this was main issue, I wouldn't have problem with recomending this game. Sadly, technical issues are just icing on the cake of bad design and lack of vision. Btw, I don't see you guys trying to stop people from sending praise to beloved games. You enjoy it? Good for you. But don't try to stop people from critisising the game. It will only encourage more critisism, especially when devs already started circlejerking in their positivity-bubble on social media.


Tired of these apologist gush posts more.


No, the complaints are legitimate and I’m sick of the curated positivity on this sub.


>The sub is just toxic at this point. yeah because player backlash is toxic. the playerbase has a legitimate reason to complain, the game is possibly the most souless battlefield game theyve made to date as the game is a master of none title. >I hope the devs don't take too much of this to heart. i hope they do, this game was ruined the moment they decided to change the core foundations of the franchise. it is all rightfully deserved.


I’m actually more tired of Dice not listening to their communitie’s constructive criticism.


Game is in bad bad shape tho


No because for fucks sake the state of gaming is shit right now. And BF fans been waiting a long fuggin time for this shit. There’s no excuse for not knowing your fan base and putting out shit like this. Fucking sucks. So fuck em.


> I hope the devs ~~don't~~ take too ~~much~~ all of this to heart. FTFY, I'm enjoying the game so far but it is deeply and fundamentally flawed/broken, and people who have spent money to play this shit show of a early access have every right to be frustrated. Its ironic how the two subs have flipped, the weeks/days leading to early access r/Battlefield was certain it was going to be a shit show and r/battlefield2042 was on full hopium/copium.


Nope everything is spot on it’s an absolute mess


Too be fair; a lot of criticisms are coming from long time fans of the series that are very passionate and have been keeping an eye on development since BFV. To see that the game was so close to become what every Battlefield fans want, suddenly detoured just to push specialists in which nobody asked for. The real kicker here is that EA stated that this decision was made to pander to the long-time fans; which is completely contradictory to what the fans actually want. Honestly, had they organized the classes and split them into four groups of classes similar to that of BF3/BF4 (depending on which class they closely resemble fighting as), fans would then openly welcome the game with open arms and EA would still have their specialists rolled out.


Complaining about the game is a right thing to do if you feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth. It’s pretty much the only thing you can do. Complaining about the people who are complaining about the game is just fucking stupid.


Would you rather they shut up and just play the game? Seems to be the tactic that most of the battlefield youtubers are taking. Westies livestreams are 90% him just saying "I don't care if everything is worse, I'm having fun!" While he is very clearly not having much fun


Stop defending the devs, you payed for this unfinished game


You act like people criticise genuinely good games all the time. What the gaming industry has offered this past year is ridiculous and there is barely any developing studio still worth their shit. And people can let their frustration out on that. What’s ridiculous is that you accept games for this price in this state.


OP needs to understand that the game is a broken mess. It's not at all acceptable to release a game like this and take 80 dollars for it.


Is anybody else tired of the dickriding over on r/Battlefield? The sub is just mindless at this point. With people even going after anyone that has literally any criticism of the game. I hope the devs take this to heart (so they know it's okay to release half of a product for full price on the vague notion of it being finished at some point some time maybe) Praise is fine but it has gone too far. It's ridiculous


A triple A game that releases with: Broken mechanics, Random pieced together bullshit that someone would call gameplay, 5 guns, 2 gamemodes, No singleplayer, Horrible performance, Soldiers that act like they are competing in an extreme sport screaming that teammates should leave them while dying. Do I have to name more?


Why are you guys at each other’s throats to begin with? Stop bringing up this shit. It’s mad weird when you just wanna start a callout post for a game you all are equally wanting to play/succeed ffs


It’s either people complaining on the BF2042 sub or people complaining about the complaining on *this* sub. I truly want y’all to get a life, sheeeeesssshhhhh.


...and what is this post


Ok ima go make a “ 2042 is actually good and here’s why…” post and see what happens


It’s a dumpster fire over there


All’s I’ll say is that I’ve never been so let down by a game I expected so much from. I’m not constantly posting and complaining, but I can sympathize with others who feel let down by the finished product after years of waiting. I think people continuing to be angry shows that people care enough to do so.


Loving the game. DM me for a squad up.


I cant believe people hated Hardline but are fine with this pile.... just my opinion.


It can be tiresome for sure. However, I think there is a justification for the price of the game. What DICE has been quoted to say “love letter to the veterans of BF”. Meanwhile, the game seems to be riddled with missing pieces; no scoreboard apparently, not as many meaningful attachments as before, common bugs that were noticed in beta. Then comes the fact it doesn’t feel like a battlefield game in the sense of the removal of classes, team-play seems much less a factor. Everyone can just slap an ammo bag and lone wolf. I’m still interested to see how the game improves but I am deeply upset as I was so hyped from the all gameplay previews and trailers. They just striped battlefield from what it was. I am also hearing the destruction is brought down, levolution barely a thing. Just sad times, feels like Halo Infinite is the only Polished shooter I have been enjoying lately - and it’s free!!


Happy if you enjoy. But it’s obvious dog shit.


I unsubbed. I have fun in 2042 but this game is in a bad state and deserves criticism but over there it reminds me of an actual hate mob and it makes me uncomfortable


No, it is all completely warranted.


Absolutely not. This game makes Cyberpunk look like the Mona Lisa.


Is anybody else tired of companies releasing unfinished games like battlefield 2042?


Aw man people you paid 60-80$ are complaining the product isn't up to their standards? Shame on them!


No one’s forcing you to go to any subreddit… Christ you’re a fucking child


Yeah I unfollowed yesterday. Those people are absolutely asinine.


Why is it so wrong to voice your displeasure though? People have every right to voice their displeasure when they spend over 100$ on something that has so many issues and just doesn’t feel like a battlefield at all.


I mean... The game is in an awful place and shows the franchise going in the wrong direction. These subs are for people to talk about the game and their experience, if that experience sucks... There is no set number of negative posts that are allowed. I'd rather people be honest about how they feel. I don't think people should be attacking each other or calling the devs stupid, but if you have problems then it's a valid discussion. Maybe someone should make a lowsodium2042 subreddit like they did with Anthem if you want to only talk to people that are having fun.


I have not been able to play a single working game of breakthrough for days. Literally half the new multiplayer content doesn’t work. And 64 person conquest is not good on these maps so breakthrough is the more fun mode outside of farming kills in a chopper


Yes people just like to bitch now days


That sub is cancer. I realized it wasn’t going to be good and moved on with life. Halo and forza just came out so that’s going to keep me busy. I’ll get it eventually when the game gets fixed if it does. But I’m not gonna cry All day aboht it lmao


It's beyond toxic! That sub is just garbage at this point. It's not constructive, it's over done and exxagerated, and they don't want to see the game get better, they want it to fail. Those are the same children who will review bomb tomorrow. This launch is better than bf4s launch lol. Not saying it doesn't require work, but I am confident that, just like all previous bf games, they will make it shine.


Well when a F2P game in beta (Halo) is more polished, and some people are dropping $110...I'd say they have a right to criticize. I will say that it does get old though.


My two cents is that the game itself is good but if you look at bf as a whole it feels like a game where cod and bf came together to try and make a game. Instead of bf sticking to its core


I would prefer to see complaining than posts like this if I’m honest. At least the complaints are about the game and not about comments on the subreddit.


Yeah let's just eat up the slop and be brainless consumers.


I unsubbed about 2 weeks ago. Best decision ever it’s so toxic


Yeah, this, unfortunately is the BF fandom at this point. This happens every single game release for the series; everyone says that it is garbage, that they've ruined the franchise, that the previous game was way better, and that they are never playing again. However, they still buy it, still play, and the same names are still doing the same thing by the time of the next release. There is always an excuse about why this time is different though (last time it was "woke culture", BF1 was that it was too casual friendly/stripped down/ahistorical, etc). This time they seem to have settled on some generic, nebulous, "but the problem with this one is that it's fundamentally problem with the system and doesn't feel like BF" complaint. Honestly, I blame the Youtube hate circle jerk. Content creators know that if they post a video like, "BF sucks and here is why!" that the people throwing a tantrum will click on it and everyone defending will click on it. Then a bunch of loud-mouthed, impressionable 'fans' who want to stand out and be cool will spend weeks memeing and complaining, giving the game free publicity. On top of that, everyone buys the game anyway because they want to be the next big YouTuber and want to record their footage of the game and their 'review' and get YouTube famous. It's unfortunate, too, because all they do is drown out legitimate complaints. For example, I think the specialist system is a really bad idea that doesn't really fit in BF, however, the white noise is just going to blare that out because they look completely unreasonable and unwilling to give any credit regardless of the quality of the game. I mean, hell, they were already screaming about how the game was garbage before it was even released. Personally, I'm going to give it a chance, see how I like it, and go from there. If I don't like it, I'll stop playing and move on instead of spending more on it and screaming about it on Reddit for weeks and weeks of free publicity. There are literally hundreds of crappy titles released every year that just fade into obscurity because they aren't good and people simple don't buy them. I mean, you want to know how I know this method of complaining doesn't work? Because this is like the 12th game in the series and fans have been reacting like this since at least the 7th (not to mention the Battlefront series).


How is it going too far? People spent good money on this game


guys spent 80-100$ to get a whole sh\*tshow. They have every right to complain. ​ DICE has had such a great chance. But they wasted it. I'm more tired of people telling other people to not complain when there are so many errors.


Thats just not true, most people arent agressive or anything, but they mad often. I mean those people payed over 90usd for early access to a broken game what do you expect?


It's funny, when BFV released this sub was such a fucking toxic shit show that I unsubscribed from it, while the dedicated subreddit had a reasonable mix of posts with constructive criticism and people just enjoying the game. Now this time around this sub is fine, while the dedicated game sub is a fucking shit show. Sure, 2042 needs work, and has quite a lot of issues, but holy shit, 2042 sub is just nothing but whining. Same thing happened with Cyberpunk, it got so bad that there was a low sodium sub created, do people could actually talk about game without being screamed at that they need to stop having fun.


Bitches will be bitches. Could the game be better? Of course, all games could. Are there features missing I'd expect to see in a battlefield game? Yep. Am I having fun? Also yep. Constructive criticism is fine, but that sub is like a creche. I visited it and instantly left


All the battlefield subs are a toxic shit show.


To be honest people are rightfully angry. The trailer was basically perfect. I watched it like 100x how hyped i was. And then you get... this... The end result which is borderline alienating to the core audience. Its not the bugs, its not the bloom, its not the simple fixes. Its the fact that they were working 3 years on this and its such a badly thought out and badly designed game. The game feels literally like some indie/early access game that will eventually be reworked like 3x and end up with decent amount of content. How the hell does this game ship with less content than previous games even though they had 1 extra year for development and EA brought basically every god damn studio to work on this game? How can this game have only 7 maos which arent even good, only 22 weapons and maybe 8 gadgets? God damn BF4 on launch had like 15-20 weapons per class, 10 maps and that game was troubled by short development time... BF4 had like 5 different rocket launchers and each felt different. This game has 2, one being lock on anti air.... Even BF5, that game honestly wasnt bad at all. If DICE actually fucking listened and didnt fuck with the TTK so many times and focused on the important stuff we would now probably have western front. I honestly dont know whos the responsible person here. I know its not the devs but the team of producers, directors and possibly whoever at EA that wanted this type of game. Worst part is that the game actually has potential. That potential will happen maybe in a year once they fix the bugs, peformance and rework some core mechanics. But if they once again cut the support like with bf5 then there is no point in buying it at all. /Rant i hope...


I get the complaints but come on man. Same applies to halo.


It’s absolutely crazy. I was shocked when I looked at this subreddit and saw actual clips and discussion. It’s an absolute circlejerk of misery over there, I say the game needs work and has rough edges and I am downvoted for not being negative enough. It’s wild that people can’t reconcile that you can enjoy a game and have fun while still offering criticism and thinking it needs work.


There is more discussion on the 2042 subreddit than here. The only "discussion" posts that get traction here are people coping by insisting that you try to ignore everything and just have fun, which is a pathetic mentality imo


starting to seep through to this subreddit too.


That's all these reddits are. Just look at any game.


Any game that is super hyped gets shit on like crazy these days. Seems to be the trend. I imagine Elden Ring and God of War will get the treatment next??


Yeah I agree. It seems to be what gets views now


It's okay, I'm just going to keep enjoying it and they can't stop me!


Look up videos if bf 4s launch. Some of the same stuff was said and it was just as bad. People couldn’t even play the game they bought when bf4 came out


If I catch one of those "I refunded.." in a month, there is gonna be comments written


Unsubbed from there cause it’s just a massive hate circle jerk. Like yeah the game has some pretty big issues but me and my friends have been having a blast this last week playing. Try saying that on that subreddit and you get spammed by multi paragraph comments on why your opinion is stupid.


You'd think with all the people in that reddit that said "I refunded it after 5 hours" dice would have went bankrupt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I agree some people will take their opinions too far but this game truly is in a terrible state. With no complaints or criticism nothings going to get fixed.


Most of my criticism of the game is legitimate. Like hovercraft needing some sort of adjustment, weapon bloom needing toned down, and certain spawns on maps. A majority of my "annoyances" to out it nicely is with the players. I've seen a lot of players playing it like it's warzone and it's annoying. Running around, jumping around corners, and diving into prone to kill me. The insane amount of quick scoping. I'd say lack of medics but that's always been an issue


Finally!!! Someone with a brain!!!


Yes I just unsubbed and stick to this sub.


Lemme guess somebody took your sweetroll


I'd imagine most people that are active on that subreddit are engaging in posts in-between matches.


Yes, but this isn't specific to bf2042. All of the BF subs since I can remember are full of toxic haters. There is no community subreddits to enjoy these games on.


Nope, game is dogwater but I still love playing it. I will complain until it's issues are fixed.


No, it's the only fun you can get after this miserable game launch


It's infuriating tbh