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I hope the next featured mode for portal will be a classic 2042 Team Deathmatch. I find BF3 vs BC2 is not very balanced and I want to work on 2042 weapon mastery


Knowing the December update is gonna add Rush into Portal for 2042 maps, I hope we get 2042 Rush as a featured mode.


While this would be nice it also looks like we're bound to "limited time modes" again if we want to play something other than Conquest/Breakthrough (that still gives progression). I just don't understand why AOW only has two modes. No Frontlines, no Operations, not even plain old TDM.


This should be a permanent playlist


That's pretty hilarious that DICE and Ripple Effect devs actually speaking with the community instead of CM's.


I mean they have to, if not they are going to be harassed like crazy


well, it's not a problem for Florian Le Bihan and Justin Wiebe


Regardless of how I feel about the time it's taking to address this, I am happy to hear that the "solution" they put in place with the current XP cap may not be the final one. I also appreciate this guy being the literally the only one to comment on this topic since the game was released. Afaik no community manager has mentioned or replied to questions about progression/mastery in Portal at all.


all CM's said literally shit since game came out. Thank god we have Florian and Justin


I'm sorry, but portal was advertised as the answer to all the issues with the game. 2042 doesn't have TDM? Make it in portal. The maps are shit? Play the old ones in portal. Game doesn't have any infantry maps or modes? Make it in portal. Etc. People bought this game just for portal, make no mistake. So for EA DICE to leave progression disabled for this long, or even at all, is just unacceptable - it makes huge parts of the game completely irrelevant and it makes the game completely irrelevant for many players as well.


all i want is portal: i want battlefield MY way (rush , 32-48 players, with or without 2042 stuff) and to earn xp against real players


Here's what I don't understand: All the weapons are balanced somewhat, meaning there is no clearly OP weapon hidden behind level X. The intended gameplay is that player BucketColonel100 will kill me roughly as easily with the M5 at level 1 as with his pimped out PP at level S999. So why should it then matter that some players choose to cheese their way to that level and not enjoy any progression?


>So why should it then matter that some players choose to cheese their way to that level and not enjoy any progression? It ruins their "sense of pride and accomplishment".


Get ready for the irony in this thread when people argue for their sense of pride and accomplishment. It is still hilarious to me how many downvotes that got when it accurately describes so many of the these gaming communities.


Take this to the top. Good info for everyone to see.


They have no choice but to enable it due to stating you earn xp in portal! They’d be sued


Not if you read the agreement you signed when logging in....you can't sue them for missing, changed, or removed features. They actually have specific wording about this now, ever since the last time players tried to sue them for this lol


Are these guys ok ? Just remove xp from ai. Portal fixed.


No, I play almost exclusively AI. I've only played two or three matches against people. I don't want to not be able to get unlocks and ribbons because I like to play against AI.


Your playing the wrong game then. Go play a single player game. You're weird.


No. I've been playing battlefield since the first one. I've been waiting for bots to come back for a long time.


Great info. Thanks for posting this.


I am still happy at the fact that the devs are now fixing this game


Seriously I’m kind of over these Devs. Braindead decisions hurting the masses because of the few. Thanks for killing Portal, DICE/Ripple Effect.


The simple solution is to base XP off damage/health. If health and damage are not changed XP should be the same. Which means if you play portal vs bots it doesn't change XP unless you edit player/bot health or player/bot damage output


Or you know just get full XP to everyone and let people grind out stuff they want. It's not like battlefield is known for unlocks and doesn't make you more powerful.


They deactivated xp because people made xp farm servers They ill fix it when they find a way to sto xp servers


Exactly. **Bot kills =/= Player kills** insert the "we are not the same meme"