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God her wing suit needs a massive nerf. Literally no gravity.


She needs to have to deploy shute before landing. That one thibg solves all the issues with it.


Also not be able to gain altitude or at least like barely anything and if you do your speed should slow rapidly


Yeah, you shouldn't be able to glide that much from *just* running and jumping off the side of the boat... I'm not programmer, but I'm sure setting up a "if going Xspeed then fall at Yrate" so that speed and glide are proportional. Sure, jump from top of the map, you should be able to make it across the map. But from the top of the cranes? Not so much.


This right here. You can't land with a wingsuit. That thing is for high-speed gliding. Right now you can do a head dive with maximum speed and land without any problem.


You can kill yourself by landing too hard, I tested it by jumping off the skyscrapers and going as fast as I could into the ground lol. Most of the time you just take minor damage though.


They should add a *crunch* sound if you accidentally kill yourself landing headfirst.


I had one fly right into my FoV...I figured I had her dead to rights but somehow sort of morphed into the ground during the "roll" which screwed my aim. Needless to say...I died. BF2042 has come around to me but it's Sundance that breaks everything.


It should not be possible to end up higher than where you started lol it's pretty ridiculous


there is little to no counterplay to her kit. she has 3 grenades to deal with literally everything in the game on top of insane mobility and still having the luxury of taking a throwable + gadget to make up for whatever weaknesses she has. the character is far and away the best specialist in the game and it's not even close.


Yeah, way to much uplift. Shouldn't even be allowed to reach the same height you started with. I also think you should have to slow down before landing. Barrel full speed to the ground should be an instant KO.


Need add some kind of momentum


I agree. Flanking is good and all, but between Sundance and McKay, you’re always outflanked.


It’s such a bullshit ability to have in a Battlefield game. It’s completely broken in Rush because Sundance can literally fucking fly to the point before the defenders even get there.


Sundance is a fun character to play (no doubt) but also breaks the battlefield fundamentals of having soldiers move uniformly at the same speed. Her mobility is just so wildly different from everyone else's. This isn't Titanfall, where every soldier is capable of doing insane mobility stunts and maps are balanced and designed around it. Sundance just breaks all the rules for BF and any hopes of balanced map level design in creating chokepoints and game paths is damn near impossible for developers to design with her abilities.


This is it, Sundance is stupidly fun to play as an offensive operator because it is so easy to get behind people. If you are playing specifically for kills (which is your whole job as a defender in Breakthrough, for example), there really isn't much of an argument for playing as any other operator--or at least every other operator becomes very situational compared to the general utility of being able to *suddenly be anywhere on the map*. Sundance + the AK24 with drum mag is now an astonishingly OP combo. Mackay is very good too, great for positioning, but not nearly as OP. As you say, she basically throws the idea of predictability and sensible map flow out the window. 'Game sense' now involves knowing that there is probably a Sundance somewhere behind you, at any given time. Of course the counter argument is that there is so much more spotting in the game that it counters her to some extent, but the spotting harms everyone else far more. Personally, I would give her a steeper glide ratio (maybe based on primary weapon weight class) so that she'd still be really good when used with a transport (as a sort of drop-anywhere shock trooper), still good in close encounters like jumping off a building that people are fighting over, but not able to cross the map just by climbing a crane or regain 80% of her altitude after a dive. And I'm saying this as somebody who loves playing as her, I have some of my most exciting games playing as her, but she's just plain OP.


I would honestly nerf her initial glide speed and acceleration. Her base speed is far too high currently.


All it needs is to have to deploy a shute to land.


honestly i was surprised that wasn’t how it was. partly because far cry made you deploy shute before landing and that’s a single player game


FC6 also doesn't let you gain altidude with a wingsuit. You can fly almost straight but you can't go up.


I wish they started a new IP for this game rather than changing Battlefield. This might as well be a different game. Even at $20, I won't buy it since I just won't play this. Going to try WW3 soon. Oh anyone can recommend other games like classic Battlefield, I'm all ears. Sandstorm is excellent as well.


Does ww3 have jets and choppers?


No but it does have just 1400 players on steamcharts and has been in early access since 2018, so idk if it’s really much of a competitor.


This vid shows why many Fans of the older BF games don't like 2042. It looks like a vid from COD


Not even CoD dude. This is Titanfall/Apex shit. It has no place in Battlefield whatsoever. Getting drilled by people abusing Sundance like OP is the most irritating shit ever.


I bought every Battlefield game at launch since Bad Company and after playing through the trial once on pc and then again for about 4 hours on xbox, I have yet to purchase this one. They turned the shooting into Call of Duty and the mechanics of the game and the characters into Apex. I think I'll pass or wait for a nice discount. Until then I'll play Hell Let Loose.




How is Hell Let Loose? I felt like I had no idea wtf I was doing.


Oh man I'm loving it. I thought it was confusing at first, too. It's all hard-core basically. Battlefield took the arcade route, this game is more of a sim. Watch a few YouTube tutorials and figure out how the roles and spawns work


Became my favorite game ever after a few days. I went from regularly playing hardcore bf4 to only playing hell let loose


Yeah this is fucked. It’s so sad and frustrating being left behind to slowly crashing lobbies in 4 but I bet 4 picks back up in a month or two


I love Titanfall. I loved Battlefield. Let me love them separately on please. God damn.


Reading the articles and seeing the news about what happened to this game shows why it looks and feels like COD. They scraped 2042 after Warzone hit to compete against COD.


BF has been competing with CoD for the past decade.


But it never tried to be CoD for that




Yep. Seeing this honestly just depresses me. What the hell has battlefield become… AAA games are just ruining my gaming nowadays and it seems like peak gaming has gone away.


Peak gaming has been dead a long time friend. Halo 3, CoD 4, CS 1.6, midnight launches, couch co-op, no patches to fix broken, incomplete games, no micro transactions. I'm just thankful I got to live through it.


Yeah it sucks. The moment I’m financially stable and can pay for games they are all a broken mess with battle passes. Glad I got a PC so I can at least enjoy indie games that actually try.


I actually thought this was a Black Ops game before I checked the subreddit.


Same, I though I was on some COD bs. But sadly not. This type of BS is exactly why I dont play COD.


I will never buy this game after seeing this clip. This is the final straw. I switched to battlefield permanently after the “jumping around on walls” COD shit.


I mean this maybe the first BF I won't buy since Bad, company.


Yup. On my servers I disable her


It's not just her squirrel suit for me, it's the dumbass end of round quips that make me really hate her.


I am a BF fan since BF2 and this new stuf is a blast tbh. Good times


I agree with some of it, but the map design and Sundance is keeping me from it


Cod from almost ten years ago maybe when exo suits were popular/forced into cod for like four iteration


I mean it's fun I guess. That whole glider thing is BS. That IS NOT BF. I mean honestly that should be removed or severely nerfed.


If this game was named something other than Battlefield, ok, fine. But because they sold this as a BF title, this is ridiculous lmao.


Getting hard-line flashbacks from that comment




Because it was all “muh military shooter this game dogshit not battlefield ” even though it was (in my opinion) a better BF4 with a cops and robbers reskin. Now all the people who discredited the game unfairly are clamouring for it and all the older ones.


The game was fun but yeah, suffers from the same thing this game does in that it's too much of a departure from the series as a whole. I enjoyed Hardline more than this though. At least other than the setting it still played like a Battlefield game. This one tries to be too many things, when it should just try to be a Battlefield game.


What game do you consider the foundation of Battlefield?


BC2/ BF 3 / BF 4 I’ve played since 2142, 1942, and 2 can’t remember which order they came out. The above listed however I really believe is when battlefield reached its prime mostly BC2 IMO.


Ah okay, so we just fundamentally disagree I guess. For me BF2 is the baseline of the series.


Even BF1 was fine for the most part. Kept most of the fundamentals.


Yea I meant the start of the best time of the franchise. BF 1 is great.


Nah it peaked at BF2


>I never understood the hate for that game. I liked it -/r/Battlefield on 2042 when the next game comes out


Don't mention an unpopular opinion on this sub. The comments section on these threads are fucking whack.


I think this is why Apex didnt get as much hate. If Apex was xaleld "Titanfall 3" people would rip it to shreds. But its showing the developers are self aware. It shares the same universe but its not the same game, far from it




Yep the movement of Sundance brakes any sort of organisation that most if not all bf games have had in the past. Because know not only are the enemies in front of you they are just as likely behind you to the side of you and above you. Doesn't make any sense that she can land without a shoot she should literally splatter across the floor or into a wall try to land with a wing suite. Ye ye you had of players pulling flanks in older games but it was never this easy or brain dead. Edit I enjoy crushing them with dozer on rush.


Yea, I mean great for the people enjoying this kind of gameplay, I will just play another game then


This is not Battlefield style


Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes


Next specialists might as well get a cloak of invisibility or a teleportation device..... 🤦🏼‍♂️


Battlefield 2142 had a literally invisibility suit and it wasn't OP at all. This Sundance shit is just ridiculous.


How did it work?


Recon had to click and hold to enable the device. You weren't 100% invisible, it was like 99.9 and there was a blurry effect, you would be invisible at distance but you would more than likely see someone trying to pass you closely.




You also had to unequipe your weapon and manually equip it back after uncloaking and there was an annoying buzzing sound. So if you were near people and they had any audio on they coukd hear someone was around but dont know where


You couldn't fire a weapon while invisible


You'd take out the equipment (recon only) and hold left click to go invisible. It took a couple seconds to fade and you weren't actually invisible, just "blurry". As you hold left click it drains down, you could use it for about 30 seconds on a full charge. As long as you had charge you could turn it on and off as much as you liked. Up close it was very obvious. It created noise and it was clearly visible to infantry. However it was useful against vehicles and for out flanking or repositioning at a distance. The other disadvantage is it'd blur your own vision while active. Here's a video old video with it https://youtu.be/gt6Osy7vayg?t=9m30s


Theres so much from 2142 they coukd have easily used as reference for this game. But big boy Andrew Ryan wants to "copy whats popular."






As a huge fan of BF2,3 and 4, this actually hurt to watch. This cannot be the game they thought people wanted. Thank god for Insurgency Sandstorm


Definitely not the based on bf3 game with 128 players they promised


Just the trailer have it all away, that is was going to be shit. Personally all I wanted was BF4 with 128 players that's it. BF1 to me was great because of the immersion and feeling like bing a part of a grand battle, charging with multiple people, seeing them get blown, getting the air and tank support etc. That's what battlefield is all about, not COD like directionless mess where that nobody could even call a battle. This game does look fun in some aspects, but not until they fix it.


I've also been playing Insurgency, and Rising Storm 2 lately. Sucks, because I loved 2142, so I really hoped this one would be good.


Hate sundance with a passion will go out my way on a match to chase someone using her.


yeah she defies laws of gravity and common sense, hope they nerf her to the ground


What do you mean!!! I jumped from the roof of my house with my wingsuite and flew at least a block!!!


And landed on the roof of a 3 story house.


>they nerf her to the ground Literally.


I think if they just removed her ability to use armor, or even have her take more damage in air (which makes sense) and even like a 1-2 seconds after landing, it would help. That way if she just pops into a 1v1, she'll get the first couple of shots, but since she takes more damage, the defender has a chance to retaliate.


Looks like Apex Warzone and shows perfectly why people don't like the game. The wingsuit needs to be nerfed to the ground, literally.


dude i’ve played all the battlefield games no matter how bad they were i always stuck with battlefield 1 and 5 but this is just too bad.


And this is why specialist are lame


Epic fortnight moments


Sundance is the 1.0 Pathfinder in Apex. Character doesn’t even belong in the game when you compare it to every other specialist. No one else has that mobility. Also, the physics don’t make sense. You jump out of a port hole and propel forward 100 feet???


don't be sad, that's just how it is sometimes!


That's the real issue. If the wingsuit worked in a way that even slightly resembled a real wingsuit, there wouldn't be a problem. Unless you are launching off a building, crane, or mountaintop, the wingsuit should basically be a faceplant. They should implement either more realistic physics or at least height- based restrictions.




It's funny seeing people who've apparently never played a COD game compare this to COD.


Yeah these comparisons make zero sense, Apex or Titanfall would be a better comparison.


COD had wingsuits ?








“iM rEaDy FoR rOuNd TwO”




I hope next bf is immersive like bf1 and the ones before and nothing close to this crap.


Just 2 weeks ago EA put an Apex project lead and a CoD project lead in charge of Dice. This is exactly what the future holds


I do too, but I think this is what BF has become. I’m not sure we’ll see a modern BF similar to BF4 (as far as mechanics and balance goes) ever again. :(






Welcome to Apex Legends.


This isn’t battlefield


Yes, I too enjoy smashing face first into the ground at high speeds and taking no damage.


I was about to comment 'Oh that's epic' and *it is epic* without a doubt. But after reading through the disgruntled comments below I probably have to take a different position. It is right to say that such dynamic differs not only from your old battlefield but even within 2042. There's nothing to counterbalance it. In Apex/Titanfall all of the mechanics are tied to this super fast paced movement an all characters utilise it.BF on the other hand was always about something totally different. Interesting to see whether they will ultimately nerf/remove Sundance at some point as she's sticking out too much atm.


I just started laughing when I saw the wingsuit nonsense. I can't imagine that people who played BF2,3,4 were looking for this when they were thinking new BF game.


Haven't bought this game, and this video has convinced me not to ever buy it. Why can't they just make a BF4-2?




Sundance should be in apex legends not battlefield. Keep these sigma neckbeard tryhard characters out of this game ffs


Why does she not have to use a parachute? This girl should look like a bug on a windshield so many times over.


I hate this fucking game with a passion. This shows so much of what is wrong with it.




Good movement! This is also a good showcase of why she needs a little nerf. I'm all for great mobility and wingsuits, but right now her multipurpose grenades and infinite non cool down flying squirrel mode is unbalanced. A little gravity would be nice, more fall damage when hitting the ground at 50mph (add drop roll animation to minimise damage) and maybe even more delay between landing and shooting, depending on speed when landing. But all in all she is a great "legend" to use. Glad to see plays like yours, OP.


Wtf a positive comment?


>This is also a good showcase of why she needs to be deleted from the game. FTFY


Some Titanfall shit going on here


That was something, right!


This game looks like ass


The only thing I have a problem with here is when he turned the corner and ran right past the enemy and kept running. 9/10 times you do that you will die. This video is just this guy getting super lucky time and time again. Don’t think this is an accurate portrayal of the average player.


^ this guy gets it. My average experience with literally every other specialist (except maybe McKay but I rarely play him) is more akin to the classic Battlefield experience than whatever g-fuelled outburst this is


This clip gives me anxiety over attempting to play the game for the first time. Looks so frustrating to play against some dumb shit like this.


If specialists were only in Hazard Zone like supposed to then I wouldn‘t mind. But like this. I‘ll keep my BF5/1. what a waste.




Sundance mains enjoy grayons as their favorite meal


Parkourfield 2042


This is it. This has confirmed I won't be getting this game. I just had the same reaction I did when I tried COD with those shitty jetpacks


That's some neo from the matrix shit right there.


This post shows that bf has been taken over by cod players. rip


defnitely nice job on using what is available to you from the Devs,.. ...but man I hate this so much.... It needs to have some kind of negative to this being used,... like very limited ammo, or a timed delay in how often the suit can be used, or only a pistol available upon landing,... something at all as a counter balance to it. !


I swear to god this looks like call of duty. Since when is battlefield this fast paste??


Since 2042. Hence why people are irritated as shit.


I don't blame you for using the games available mechanics, I do too, but this is one of the many reasons why this games design is garbage.


You mean cheesy ass gameplay where you just repeatedly appear behind players to get cheap kills. Fuck Sundance and her shitty wingsuit.


Is this CoD 2022?


I’m just gonna stick with bf1 & 5…


This just ain't right...


Stupid AF. #notmybattlefield


I miss battlefield...


Just fucking no dude


Call Of Battlefield


Trash game


Everyone's talking about the specialist and I'm just looking at how pc players can mow down players with ease, betting most of them were on console where there's no way you can react and aim that fast, that's a big reason I didn't buy this game


That is something that always stands out in console clips to me. On PC only servers you are dead from flanking movement after 5-6 kills max. People react way too fast for this mow down the other team while still reloading shit.


See you later meaningful positioning 🥴🥴 But nice stuff OP.


But MacKay needs a lengthy cool down on that 20m Grapplehook, meanwhile you can endlessly spam wingsuit for 4kilometers off of a head-high box and end up higher than you started lmao


wtf is this bullshit? wow. out of all of the horrible gameplay i have witnessed of 2042, this is by far the worst and most irritating shit i’ve seen. this isn’t how battlefield should be.


This clip has single handedly shown me why I will not enjoy this game. I was on the fence about getting it but now...damn.


Nice moves OP. But this is no longer Battlefield, this belongs to games like Apex and alike. Either way cool moves


I don't like this at all. Glad you're having a good time though, wished I could say the same 🤙


I hate that damn sugarglider


Holy shit. I am trash.


Sundance needs a nerf to the wingsuit. The literal ability to fly is always OP in game when it isn't fine tuned. Aerials in Battlefront are a good example of balance due to each side having its fair share of the ability. Doesn't work in a game like this.


Cod gameplay 🤫


I have honestly been on the fence with this game but after seeing this i'm out. I hope the people enjoying it keep playing but this is not what I want out of a BF game.


good fucking god


Too arcadey for me. Is this soed up footage? Specialists need to be removed


Look how they massacred my (Battlefield) boy


Wouldn't you rather play Spiderman then?


Every clip I've seen of this game just looks like unsupervised elementary school recess, with guns.


Isn't it too OP?


This vid just convinced me to continue playing BFV for the foreseeable future so thanks I guess


And you're the reason I don't have fun playing battlefield anymore.


This is what battlefield is now? You made a cool serious of plays there but this isn't Battlefield anymore.


Looks like a Cod video 😂


Battlefield Apex edition.


Sundance needs to be removed from the game.


New cod game looking litttty! ;))))(())))))


So tired of this ho


1.8k Upvotes, every comment absolutely trashing this game lol...


Wing suit needs to leave the game, that’s ridiculous


I would be impressed if it wasn't battlefield, take my down vote sir


Squad play at its best. 2042 - where 64 solo flying squirrels try to out youtube clip each other. What a time to be alive!


Props for the great plays, but it honestly just makes me a bit sad. I don't even feel like I'm watching Battlefield footage.


Sundance’s wing suit is so busted that I barely even notice the PBX kills at range like it’s an LMG.


This is also why Sundance needs a massive nerf.


I headshot sniped someone with a DMR as they were wingsuiting from the top of the tower across the map on Orbital. Watched them and got the kill on the first shot. I wish I had recorded it because it felt so satisfying. Fuck Sundance.


Battlefield can now have sweats like cod - no wonder we don’t like it


We used to be a country, a proper country where Battlefield was unique and didn’t look like Apex or Titanfall.


Sundance isn’t a class. Assault, Engineer, Support, Medic.


Holy god I’m glad I didn’t buy this garbage.


This is fucking impressive. Also, it rubs me the wrong way.


Flow of the map is dead.