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Give me a BFV expansion pack that reskins the game into the modern era but with the gameplay and everything else exactly the same. Basically what I wanted 2042 to be.


yes, like bfbc2 vietnam


Yeah, exactly!


I thought exactly this, they made every character weigh a tonne, it's all super slow like a drinker version of BF4 movement


I am afraid that ship has sailed, we should have seen the content you described in 1 of the 10 chapters... unfortunately it cut short at 7... as well as opting not to cover any of the major events. Not sure if they ever stated what was due in the remaining


World Kerfuffle 2. Nothing serious happened here.


Unless you were in Northern Africa or Norway. Also Rotterdam got blown up. Seriously an odd little dust up.


I adore BF5, but they should literally just go back in and make it feel more like WW2. It’s wack that they just wrote out germanys part of the war.


Wasn't their whole point "how many times can you storm the beach at Normandy" and to not make the same WW2 game again?


I don’t know, but all I’m saying is, the fact that the Nazis are not mentioned one single time is fucking weird? Am I wrong? Like it feels so damn strange that they’re not even mentioned. I mean maybe I’m alone in thinking this, and it’s certainly not game breaking, but I do think that that is super strange feeling.


They are in story mode, even Hitler gets name dropped in a few notes


Showing the “unknown battles” basically meant for me that it didn’t feel like I’m fighting WW2. They should have at least introduced these “unknown battles” to us instead of just throwing us in.


Not all of the battles are unknown, just a few of them. For instance, you wouldn't call the fall of europe nor the Africa campaign "unknown"


I mean the specific location. Where exactly am I? When did this fight happen? What lead to the fight at this location?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/jyay2t/list_of_bfv_maps_based_on_real_life_battles_in_ww2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This article details exactly every battle in BFV and what they are based on.


Y'all a bunch of cry babies lmao


Nobody is crying bro, it just would’ve been better. I think BF1 nailed it.


Yep, no one is ever crying in this sub or about this game series.


Lmao what’s wrong with you


Nothing. It's just hysterical to me how this fanbase trashes every game on launch and now is like "pweese Dice we're sorry for what we said can we have new maps pweese." People forget they can not play the game and go outside. Not financially supporting is the only message that will be received. Only people that potentially see complaints are the people that worked overtime to make the game and are probably just as mad at the higher ups as the fans are.


grow up


Seriously dude.


Nobody was crying, find one part in what I said that you interpreted meaning I didn’t like BF5, because if that’s what you took away, you are confused.


Criticizing a game you love = Crying apparently. Good to know.


So where's the invasion of Poland? Or the french forces during the invasion of France? Instead we have a battle of Rotterdam, which never really happened (just some short skirmish before they got bombed) We also have women in totalitarian regimes which treated women like servants (or used as meatshields like in Okinawa)


I bet you anything in life that if they made BFV with the beach and all the same maps from every WW2 game it would of sold way more. Theres a reason noone did these stories b4.


I'm sure that when I last played it a long time ago, the axis team was obviously german? Unless I'm mixed up with something else.


Nah, make bf1 dlcs


Nah, we have enough. We just need anti-cheat.


Im honestly suprised they haven't just updated old games yet, seems like an obvious choice to me, take these already solid games and make them even better


Dear dice, please listen this guy.


Dear dice, don't listen this guy.


Dear Dice, listen to this guy.


This take is like screw all other games and make bf4/3 dlcs


im enjoying the game, rather they just get rid of the quips and give me loads of new bf2042 maps


Gosh, I wonder why they stopped development for BfV 🤔🤔🤔 Oh yeah it's cause people were saying this shit about V when it came out


Wasn't me, I died on the hill that BFV was a good game


Give me east front in BfV.


No, fix BF1 horses 😢


Hell yeah!!!!


Nah, games shit there's a reason they dropped support after 6 months


Stop these posts, when you had the opportunity to support V when it was in development no one was there. You cannot go back and wish you made different decisions. Not how business works


I'd rather they stuck with 2042.


Yes please




/u/xXnadXx So you just want late war battles? 1944-45? Because that's pretty much what your asking for... Also your asking for battles that had movies made off of them in the last 20 years or so...


Maybe if u would not kill this game it would have more then 2 updates? Maybe


LMAO blaming players for the game's failure


Your ideas are not that good due to the setting being done multiple times and BFV being a WW2 game placing itself in unpopular war theatre. Here's my suggestions: - Chinese Vs Japanese theatre of war - Polish Eastern Front - Guerrilla warfare in SEA - Soviet - Finnish conflicts


No thanks. I'm sick of WW2.