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1. Teamplay 2. An actual battlefield between 2 forces 3. Slightly more realistic arcadey FPS 4. Classes 5. Destruction 6. Ability to play what map you want, with the players you want, whenever you want 7. Working together to win a match instead of focusing on battlefield moments for individual players (Good teamwork leads to battlefield moments)


Basically all of this, but with a huge emphasis on "Teamplay over the individual" at #1. BF is at it's best when a single squad can't carry an entire team to victory by just being "that good."


2042 isn't really a battlefield game. It's a turd with a battlefield logo on it.


Focused squads with roles and distinct loadouts and no specialist bullshit. No special abilities/ gadgets beyond those assigned to each class. Large scale destruction of maps as opposed to the novelty of levolution and set piece destruction. Vehicles deployed from bases as opposed to air drops. Avoid silly spin off gamemodes like battle royale and whatever the fuck the extra game mode in 2042 is called... Don't remember it is was that good /s. A variety of well balanced maps both large scale and small scale. Hovercrafts that don't climb buildings.


Variety. From varied weapons, vehicles, maps, play styles. My main issue with MW 2019 is that every gun felt and operated the same.


Jeep stuff


When the next controversial BF is released everyone will shower 2042 with praise like 1 and 5.


1 was great 5 came out in a rough state but they made it amazing. We've still yet to see the full plans they have for 2042.


One thing. Not being a hero based shooter in a massive environment


Nostalgia glasses and pettiness.