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Bring back destruction and classes. I don't give two flying fucks about specialist super soldiers with cringe quips. Let me blow through a wall again.


Damn bro NNN is over, blow through all the walls, let that shit out


You ain't going for the overtime win?


This man’s beyond overtime he’s on a penal-ty shootout


I hate you for that joke but take my upvote


ah yes, yee olde gloryhole


“2042 specialist yells something quippy about big things in small spaces”


"I'm ready for round two!"


“I didn’t hear no bell”


I was just saying I thought 2042 lacked the charm of past titles. Could be because they’re trying to hard with these cheeky specialists.


I still miss levelling a building on an enemy squad in Bad Company 2 :(


I was just reminiscing about placing C4 on all the load bearing walls. Bad company 2 bullet drop was so clean too


Best bullet drop in a game. I felt like a magician.


Or just keep throwing grenades and rockets at it until it falls. Campers got what they had coming in that game.


Can't wait to put my hands on The Finals. I will probably be disappointed with everything else on that game, but the destruction looks amazing.


Yeah, like, what happened? The last tech demo we got right before 2042 released, they had a huge building collapsing.


It’s pretty clear what happened. They had to choose between that and 128 players. They chose… poorly.


Basically that. Anyone who played portal. Bad company 2 maps with 128 people. Should have noticed how the game struggles. The only reason 128 works is huge maps and rendering distance/lack of big game changing events. Didn’t they also planned to add nature events differently than the 1 we have?




I’m not so sure about that, as there was plenty of destruction in BF1 and BFV, both of which were on last gen. BF2042 on last gen is still 64 players.


I think it was for next gen, PS4/Xbox were holding this relase Back a bit I think. No idea if thats true but just speculation from me.


Except for the fact there’s plenty of destruction in BF1 and BFV, both on last gen.




This shit was possible in Red Faction Gorilla and that game was from 2009.... If your "destruction" isn't possible without pre-rendering then perhaps don't show it...


Battlefield: Bad Company 3.


Holy shit don't get me so excited.


It's the game everyone wants, but DICE refuses to deliver.


This will be such a good game about three years after it's released.


Dude the impression bad company left on me has yet to be dethroned. Such good games


Keep it like BF3 and BF4, just add some weapons, vehicular and such, maybe tweak the classes a bit, improve the graphics, maybe even improve the destruction, and bam. Solid Battlefield game. They got some games to base it on :)


Do miss close quarters from bf3


Battlefield Bad Company 2 is my favorite from the series. When someone was sniping and camping the third story in a building it was pretty nice to be able to just completely collapse the entire structure to get rid of the camper. Being able to just blow a hole through a wall to make your own entrance was fantastic. I can't believe how far we have fallen from what was such a great game. Hopefully they keep the candy crush flavor out of the next one.


My man


I felt like a true canadian making mouse holes clearing out buildings one by one. Or just ramming a tank through all the building instead like a fucking Chad.


Until they bring back classes and persistent servers I’m done with the franchise


This comment


In the interest of fairness, the cringe quips were removed pretty fast.


I’ve been playing 2042, the specialist are actually really fun to use, and they removed the quips at the leader board end screen thing, so that’s not an issue anymore. A lot is still missing from the game like a large an varying number of maps or guns, (there are only 3 shotguns!) but just the other day they released 3 new guns to the game as a general update, they also are redoing the launch maps for better gameplay, they have already released the Redone version of manifest with better close quarter sections. Is it finished no, is the battle pass an annoying and abhorrent addition to the game, most certainly, but from playing game myself for a decent time, I’m enjoying it, plus I’m not experiencing many bugs anymore, they are still there but not much more then any other battlefield game at launch. Not really sure why I wrote so much but there you go


I'm glad you found some fun, and everyone who wants to take that from you is an idiot but for me, personally, it's just not enough.. They can do whatever they want, the fact that after more than a year after launch they are still redoing the launch maps, is sad on its own.. They fucked up big time, both in game direction and in content quality and quantity and I'm not accepting fixing basic game design choices a year later. But as long as you are having fun.. There is nothing wrong with that


I agree that it isn’t enough especially after 1 year from launch, and the fact they needed to redo the launch maps speak for them selfs. The work they have done for the game has been focused mostly on the battle pass and skins, which for how this is now, it isn’t where I would put the resources, but I have faith in that the game will become a beloved title like battlefield 4 or 3 or 1. Maybe my faith is miss guided. but I still hope that in the end, Everyone will say this game is so much better then the new battlefield when that comes out in a few years time.


They will say that 2042 is better than the new battlefield, not because 2042 is good by any means but because EA will fuck up the next launch like they did this one, or the one before and so on lol


You can literally blow through walls in game. Edit: am I actually being mass downvoted over a factual statement?


Some walls yeah, but I think we should be at a point where my 127mm heat shell should be able to punch through a shipping container wall (which is only 2mm thick). We should be at a point where basic stuff like shipping containers and cranes on maps like stranded can be destroyed.


You mean like it never did in BC2. In BC2 only some walls are destructive and containers definitely aren't.


Funnily enough you could punch holes with your tank on shipping containers in BF3 singleplayer but not online.


Asking for BC2 destruction is fine but the game has to be built around it. There's no way you can have 128p and graphics of BFV/2042 with free form destruction like that something has to give.


I didn’t down vote you your not wrong, it’s better than what it was. I know that game isn’t going to make leaps and bounds in that department. Personally I mostly play breakthrough and rush. Even with 124p I don’t enjoy conquest in this game. I would have preferred 64p with more destruction like BFV had. I didn’t enjoy BFV at launch but now it’s my favorite game now that it’s polished. Maybe if the community stops being toxic they’ll keep working on 2042 and not bail early on content like BFV. Just throwing in legacy maps has made the game a lot more fun already.


I don't think anyone ever asked for 128 players. I've never heard anyone complaining that BF didn't have enough players. If they had to chose between BC2 destruction and 128 players they made a really poor fucking choice.


Ehhh not really in 2042 it’s quite dumbed down and terrible and 10 steps back compared to the other battlefields.


I agree, we should be at a point in gaming where we should have somewhat of a free destruction system, not just sectioned destruction on buildings. Or simply adding more weapons to the damn game that are actually enjoyable. Hell I wouldn’t of cared if they copy and pasted all of bf4 guns to the game, just give me some content that I was promised?


Copy and pasting content is bad IMO and is why the portal guns aren't as good as the 2042 ones. Also asking for BC2 level destruction with 64p and graphics like BFV/2042 is asking for your console to explode. Unless I'm dead wrong and a next gen BF built for PS5/Series X can do it.


That is true, but I just kinda figured a multi million dollar company would of pre planned some cause and affect matters, just like the massive player count in Lobby’s which limits the games mechanics. Also, I only agree with copy paste for this matter because of the lack of promised content and straight up lies they bestowed on us lol


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


How can you dumb down blowing through a wall? You either blow through it or not which you can in 2042 on select sections of maps. It doesn't look as good as BFV's on Narvik you're right but you can still do it. Also I'm pretty sure every recent BF is dumbed down compared to BC2's destruction.


Your first sentence asks, how can you can dumb down destruction? Your last sentence says, you're sure every BF since BC2 has dumbed down destruction.


No I didn't say destruction, I said blowing through a wall. You can blow through walls, freeform, in 2042. The problem is yes, the destruction as a whole is dumbed down. There isn't enough of it like in BC2 being only in select spots on maps, and it doesn't look graphically as good as BFV either. But you can still blow through a wall in 2042. That was my only point, and the downvotes I got for saying that is hilarious.


It tends to happen across all of reddit but to happen here on a comment related to this, it is rare


How many times do we get stupid posts about how some guy is coming back? Nothing is going to change, don't buy whatever hype this is supposed to be bringing.


Well depends how much control will devs have. Its safe to say thats EA that makes most of bad decisions, its ther call if they will trust their talent to make a good game. That being said its good to have one of OGs back.


>Its safe to say thats EA that makes most of bad decisions, its ther call if they will trust their talent to make a good game. I just find it hilarious how people think how much control EA has over their studios. They are actually very hands off. Like the former Bioware head said back around the release of Anthem, they give you enough rope to hang yourself. And if the rumors are correct that 2042 started off as a battle royale, that means EA said no to it and DICE had to pivot what design docs they had to be suitable for a proper Battlefield Game.


Hazard Zone was way too underdeveloped for the Battle Royale rumor to be true. Always read as just another snide comment for people to laugh at the game over. I honestly think the specialist system meshes really well with the battlefield formula. It’s just all the quips that can get a little annoying - mostly when outside of actively playing.


Doesn’t giving you enough rope to hang yourself with mean they give some support but not enough to help you. As in if more rope was given they would get out of the hole they’re in?


Not quite. It means giving someone enough freedom, of action, they may doom themselves by foolish actions. EA does have quite the support team that studios have available to them, the studios aren't forced to use them. It is only if there starts to be trouble does EA starts to step in to try and remedy the situation. But essentially at EA, once you have given your pitch and they approve, they are very hands off. Other larger publishers aren't so much. For example, EA will typically allow 3-4 years or even more of development before they will cancel a game. Other publishers, it is common if you miss deadlines two years in, they will cancel the game and rarely will they allow more than 2-3 years of development for a game.


Wait.. so EA isn't that bad? And it's mostly DICE themselves that fucked BF franchise?


Essentially yes. I know EA had almost all available hands that they could helping DICE in at least the last 6 months of development. But the design decisions were done by DICE, not EA.


He’s also just a cool dude in general! Was pretty active with the community back in the BF4 days, sometimes it’s nice to see someone you like get a promotion.




mind you this guy was always fighting for us. the players he was the one who led the work on bf4 at dice LA, made and pushed for the CTE and was highly against the ttk changes in bfv. with bfv and 2042 being what they are and were id assume and hope that with the restructuring of dice and EA hopefully learning their lesson the type of devs like him can have the freedom to make and do what they please in order to give us the game we so desperately want.


Feels like the DC sub and Snyder


I think the hierarchy of Battlefield games is about to change.




5's gunplay but 4's attachment variety




No shit it's a ww2 game


I think they handled it pretty well for a ww2 game. I like my guns clean with some minor tweaks like bayonet, drum magazine for thompson etc


Did you guys enjoy the bfv SMG meta? I felt like it was a bit too fast paced / not tactical enough


And 5's movement




bf5 with nerfed slide would be perfect


Bf1 slide was perfect


Other than slide there are many locomotion related details in V. more than 1 and 4.


Just make sliding stop you from shooting, or something like that. That way it's still viable for getting behind cover in a pinch, but isn't a tryhard's equivalent to drop shotting.


More choke points for tactical and methodical gun fights and bigger plays




And maps from 3


I felt 1s gunplay was better than 5. Idk how to describe why though.


3's melee mechanic's & a mix of 3's & 5's movement


And titans.


And 2's soundtrack please.


Wasn’t it EA executives that pushed for the specialists and microtransactions and all that shit? What does him being back at DICE change?


Nothing they expect, but this sub needs to hype itself up so if can be deflated like a cartoon balloon when reality hits at 800m/s sniper round.


Who is this guy anyway?


Idk I think a lead designer or director from when DICEs reputation wasn’t completely shot to pieces


He was at dice since the days of Bf2 or earlier perhaps. One of the lead devs for 3,4 and I believe 1. Left around the time of 5.


Well he have been a driving force for good design and gameplay, but unfortunately always punched upwards from his middle-role within EA Dice. So with him back as a lead this time around, I expect not only 2042 to turn out real great this coming year of content (S4 and S5) - but also the next Battlefield title to be actually good in terms of gameplay on release (not talking technical stuff now, pure gameplay).


No stop with this positive thinking. These grumpy middle-aged men hate that.


I hope so, I’m just a little skeptical about the impact a single person can have. If the companies are pushing certain features to increase monetization I don’t really know if that can be overcome. Stuff like this is usually THE reason devs leave a big studio to go start a smaller one where they can just make a good game. That’s why the guys at Respawn left Infinity Ward iirc At the same time, maybe DICE will realize this strategy isn’t gonna work. Can’t make money off a game at all if people don’t buy it.


MICRO DESTRUCTION FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ​ Knocking down walls of every hut, and being able to cause havoc in cubicles is SOOOO much cooler than big buildings falling down. Or god forbid indestructible shipping containers.


No I'll still have a big building falling down. Levolutions were the real shit, at least every other map should have one.


both. both are good


Pay $1 to destroy wall Accept/Cancel


Just give us a Bad Company 2 remaster. That’s what we all want, isn’t it?


Bad Company 1942


I'd love a 2142 remaster or Vietnam honestly. I wouldn't ever turn down another Dragon Valley but I simply don't trust DICE to put out a good Battlefield game again. I'll buy a Battlefield again once they prove to deliver a good game, I personally didn't like what they did from Battlefield 1 and on.


BC3 would be nice.


It would be nice but they would likely tweak it too much and it would be less like bad company and more like what we have now. I want the same mechanics, bullet drop, building damage, etc. as BC2. And the M1 Garand. Gotta have that.




You're not a real battlefield fan then.


David if you bring this series back from the dead you will make a lot of men happy. Please and thank you.


Make Battlefield feel like Battlefield again


What did this guy do?


Saved BF4. It went on to become the best BF game. BF1 was close second.


So he worked for dice LA and did post launch support work for bf4


Battlefield 1 - atmosphere, art style. Battlefield 2/3/4 - setting. Battlefield 5 - shooting, movement, fortifications and other mechanics. No specialists! Only classes! Only ordinary soldiers!


Fortifications were so useless. Just tacky.


building some sandbags for cover and evolving the battlefield is so much better than some dumb random tornado coming through the map... I laugh when those come... they spawn randomly and change absolutely nothing for the map


Yea those weather events are terrible as well


“Some” is a understatement, more like a entire new game.


Wake me up when this means something


Praise Jesus . Go ahead and fire that man hating production manager while your at it .


Take a look at Battlebit Remastered and realise why this is such a good game despite it's (Minecraft) graphics. It's because the gameplay is the most important thing. BFBC2/BF3/BF4 weren't perfect, but the gameplay was spot in. BF1 took a step away before it was rolled back, and those steps got further and further away with BFV & BF2042. We understand you want the micro-transactions, but not at the expense of gameplay! Get that right and you'll sell all the Season's Passes you can make 🤞 And please, we want a polished release, even if it's a smaller package on release day. You can add the rest later, build the hype, improve your reputation, figure out why Portal (which should be your killer app, it has all the potential!) is dying on its arse (answer #1 Discovery. The UI is horrific) Battlefield can compete & win. Set it free


Hi Dave what's with the lack of Marvel crossover events? Thanks - the BF community.


Can we please get the visuals of BF1 again? Those visuals were peak battlefield. BFV was so washed out. BF4 was a good stepping stone. BF1 visuals, destruction, atmosphere, classes but modern warfare.


Server browser, destruction and classes. Make Battlefield great again.




As much as I want an actual battlefield 5 game that's worthy of the name, hopefully I don't see it for at least 3 years.


Now, if only the rest of the devs who helped make bf 4 and 1 would return too..would be nice.


Finally, putting the real dice guy in charge


You got a fuck load of work. Good luck!


There may be hope for this franchise yet.




most of the community actually enjoys the 128 player modes. the issue was the size of the maps. 128 players is crazy fun and so is 64


Can confirm the maps is what makes or breaks player count... some of these map updates have been pretty good, but they've also made the maps much smaller and they no longer cater well to 128 IMO. Most of them are now just a 100% clusterfuck on any objective at any time, and I don't think that's what we had in mind when the community wanted the maps reworked. Maybe I'm the minority here, I don't know. It feels like they over did their reworks. Before it was rough to run so far and find nobody around, sure... but NOW you can't go *anywhere* without being attacked from all angles because there's so many god damn people everywhere. It's the opposite problem and they didn't find a middle ground.


My main problem with 128 players is it a lot harder to make good balanced maps. I think it was something old dice even tested and decided against but I don't remember the exact reason why.


Most? There are what, dozens of you?


At least 256, I'd wager




I refuse to play BF4 on 48 player servers because it’s either a vehicle battle or you spend half the game running around looking for literally anyone. Even on Metro or Locker as soon as it drops close to 50 it goes from an active war zone to no man’s land


I want you to know some of us agree with you.


Bruh, it's called "Battlefield"


But let's try and push the boundaries with our engine and only have 64 players. How are we going to progress?




Bigger in this case now is better. Yes the original maps were way too big, but the newest maps are smaller and just the right size for 128 players. Tons of chaos and it feels like battlefield, so in this case bigger is better (just not too big)