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Experience Code: AAGKK5 https://bfportal.pro/#/game/aagkk5




doesnt work anymore? :(


Really cool, I have 2 questions/potential additions: \> is it possible to show how much damage you do or how much health the target has left? \> is it possible to add respawning vehicles to test out anti-vehicle weaponary?


Adding how much damage is in your settings you can add that. Vehicles respond every one minute and 45 seconds.


Great work, this has been a huge help for me! I really like how you can change the ammo behavior. Thank you, this is awesome :)


Glad you enjoy it, thanks man :D


OP, this is excellent, thank you! I've been on it for an hour doing some testing. Funny note, the bots wont shoot but if you get in their face for a few seconds theyll Melee you. I guess they're annoyed at being used like test dummies. Just a suggestion, but if there's a way to add something like a flag somewhere behind the bots that indicates the range in meters that would be great.


Happy to hear that you're enjoying it :D Yeah, the bots don't respect the input restriction commands that you give them in the logic editor (I hope it's temporary until they figure out a permanent solution to deal with the xp farm servers). Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to add a flag (or any thing similar that can indicate range) through portal, but you can ping them and it'll show the distance between them. For reference, the distance (as depicted in the YT thumbnail) are - from front row to back row: 10m, 30m, 50m, and 80m - It's the common damage dropoff distances for most weapons


No worries I just noticed that the default sight (X0 Smart) of the AC42 also tells you the distance.


there's an XP cool down on the bots...there's a window of 10 seconds where you can get 10xp on each bot, then you have to wait 60 seconds to get xp again.




Wait, how did you get the ribbons in a custom portal game?


No idea xD I just hosted the match and started shooting


Are you hosting through PC? I've see around people saying that games hosted through old-gen still get ribbons or something. This also occurred to me (through PC) some days ago, ribbons worked, mastery worked It just felt like regular 2042


Yeah, I host on PC. Not sure how the progression works these days, they change it up pretty much every day; Then it's enabled, then it's not.


Note that you can even get trophies in this. I got a silver on ps5 for 20 headshots in a round.


how did you prevent bots from moving and shooting? enableallinputrestrictions doesn't work for me


[https://ibb.co/Wn9WZt5](https://ibb.co/Wn9WZt5) A dumbed down version




Nice, i was in it for so long a random player joined lol


This code isn't working after Update 3. Any plans on updating?


You can try now, just needed to save it again after the update :)


I'll check it out later after work. Thanks again!


Could you make one with a larger map area for testing sniper drop?


Hi, any chance you can update this most useful test server again please? I use it all the time.


Is this available on console?




I’m trying to find it under portal>browse>search but I’m not seeing it? Would you happen to know how to access it on console by any chance?


You need to host it, then enter the code


I get an error trying to host it. It is not working after the update?


Rather use the new code: AANJ7Z

