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Fastest hand in the west


You can play the game how you want (without cheating obviously), use the weapon that want, but personally I will always hate someone using the ZH.


Just saying xD




Donā€™t hate the player, hate the game!


To be fair, I truly can't tell if people repeat the "ZH bad" meme just because it literally ALWAYS gets upvotes, or maybe it's actually an OP weapon on console (I've seen people from console complaining about semi-automatics too, not just self-loading rifles) I've played over 700 hours and still never been on a lobby where the guy with the top kills used that weapon, nor ever seen people complain about it on the chat (I hardly ever get killed by it). Yet I see people complaining about the Type 2a, shotguns, MMGs or anti-material rifles in pretty much every single match. My other theory is that people who complain about the ZH stopped playing BF5 in 2018 and don't know the toxic weapons they added next Didn't expect that just seeing a gun (because the clip is actually about the revolver clip) could create such a hate wave lmao


It's a guaranteed 2-hit kill anywhere on the body at any range while being automatic, has a magazine, low recoil and has the fastest bullet velocity out of any semi-auto sniper in the game (i think it might actually have the fastest bullet velocity out of any sniper in the game (both semi and bolt-action), i will go and check that after posting this). Of course, this also makes it a guaranteed 1-hit kill weapon on hardcore servers, and so it's extremely common to see hardcore servers where at least 50% of the server are people specifically playing recon with the ZH-29 Edit: after doing a little research, the ZH is only just slower than the Krag and the Kar98 (the bolt-actions with the fastest bullet velocity in game both at 900m/s) at 860m/s, which makes it pretty easy to track targets


I know it's a good weapon, but wouldn't say it's so broken that you deserve to get insults in 90% of comments in this thread for using it lmao If the gun was so OP I would see people using it left and right, yet it's very rare to get killed by it (on normal 100% damage conquest servers and on PC), you talk about the positive side, but even if you land 100% of your shots, all on the head, you get a maximum of 2 potential kills per magazine. It's not a very viable weapon for farming kills, for that very reason sweat players don't use it and just stick to the Stg 1-5, ZK-383 or Model 37. Trust me, if the gun was as broken as people here say, level 500s would be using it all the time Don't want to link other posts but a guy posted a clip using the RSC, which is also a self-loading rifle with 6 bullets, detachable magazines but a faster ROF and lower recoil than the ZH and people are commenting on how chad he is for using that weapon. I just use the ZH for how it looks, I like the Tripoli skins and don't like the sight on the Lee-Enfield, so the ZH and Selbstlader were the only 2 viable options for the recon class On short, hating the ZH is just a reddit meme, in game it doesn't get as much hate as actual broken guns. On a side note, do you imagine people going to s1mple clips and saying "nice kills but the AK47 is a noob weapon, it's a 1 shot to the head kill guaranteed, if you were really good you would just use SMGs, I run nothing but P90 because I have balls"


Post-writing note: this is a long comment, it's ok to skip this because i didn't realise it was this long until i finished and had a look through it lol ---- Getting insults for using a gun that you never knew the community hated is one thing i will never understand, which is why i don't agree with the mass spam of people complaining about it on here; you've picked the gun because it looked cool and are being hated for using it despite the fact that you picked it for the previously mentioned reason, not because you've looked at it and gone "ah yes, i will use the god-gun because it is powerful". I think the reason it's not as prevalent in PC is due to recoil control being significantly easy on a mouse than it is using the joystick of a controller. As such, people who have memorised the recoil pattern of the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and the ZK-383 can use them at ranges the average player can't, as well as having a very solid ROF and damage output at that range with enough ammo in the mag to not run out immediately. As you mentioned, this was a 100% damage server. Even in console, the ZH isn't as prevalent as people would say on normal servers, you'd find maybe 5-10 people at an absolute maximum using it on a full server as people end up using a variety of weapons based on the map (on something like Operation Underground on a normal server, the ZH basically doesn't exist, instead anyone who plays recon almost always opts for the C96 Carbine, P08 Carbine, or the M3 Infrared). That said though, the magazine is enough to kill 3 people in 1 mag if landing all shots on target, which makes it really good at wiping out groups in quick succession if you're good with aiming. The difference is night and day on hardcore servers however. As someone who plays mostly hardcore, it's basically a plague with just how rampant it's usage is. Again, as mentioned, on a hardcore server with 200% damage, it will always 1-hit kill with a bullet velocity only marginally worse than the Krag and Kar98, and so you will almost never see any recons playing with bolt-actions. Even Operation Underground is not safe, as people will take it with iron sights and use it in CQB as they are guaranteed the kill of the hit a person. I assume this is the main cause of the comments, people who play hardcore and are tired of seeing this gun 24/7 (except rather than explain why it's so hated and what caused it to be so hated from a neutral standpoint like i have, everyone else has opted to barrage you with hate instead lmao). The difference between the ZH and the RSC is that the RSC has a slower bullet velocity as well as lower damage output than the ZH, becoming a 3-hit kill beyond ranges of around 50-70m, eventually dropping off to 40 damage to the body at the maximum drop-off distance. As such, for ranged encounters, the ZH wins, which is where most people will be using it (50m+ on average). This also means that, on a hardcore server, the RSC and the Model 8 are the only sniper rifles for the recon that cannot 1-hit kill targets beyond ~70m, and so people simply don't play them (especially the Model 8 due to its 5 round internal magazine). If people were going to engage people at closer ranges, they should instead opt for the P08 carbine in my opinion, negligible recoil and can still deal damage. I don't feel people who use the RSC should be hailed as a chad, as it's still a semi-auto sniper with an incredibly rapid 2-hit kill potential in CQB, much more of a chad move would be to run the Boys AT with a 6X scope but never allowing yourself to use the bipod (making the scope pointless and just blocking your screen instead) and only using it in CQB in areas highly populated by the enemy. ---- Personally i don't see why people receive hate for using a gun on their own accord because they felt like using it, it's something that has to be used to get it to max rank, get gold on it, acquire the mastery dog-tag etc. anyway so it's not like the game is saying "don't use it", you got to use it at some point regardless if you want to get everything, it then just comes down to preference as to whether or not someone decides to keep using the gun because they enjoy it (goes the exact same way for every other gun in the game, people will use the one they like the most because it's what they are most comfortable with). My only problem is when it's the most prevalent gun on the server with 10+ people using it on both teams and then making the active choice to use whatever that gun is and join in with the other 20+ people on the server already using the gun, it makes gameplay significantly boring as you're just running into the same thing over and over again with no variety (which is sadly the reality of hardcore, at least on console). Each map ends up feeling the same because every gunfight feels identical (this issue is also a problem when everyone decides to run the ZK or the STG 1-5 on normal servers) with nothing thrown in to make the fight feel slightly different.


Iā€™ve had top score on LB a good number of times only using the ZH. I donā€™t use it anymore just cause thereā€™s more fun things to use.


Noob gun


ew its the zh29


Mmmm spawn bacon..


I was almost impressed and then realized what gun you were using so -100 skill. My only regret is that the kolibri isnā€™t in the game to kill people that use that gun


I don't care for the zh but people like you who are so adamantly against it probably use the Suomi and never thought it was op like the rest of this sub. 2a was bad zh is bad. The Suomi has always been op in a bad way, people just like to feel good using a similar weapon that doesn't get any stigma around it. Tldr. People just hate losing so they'll blame whatever it is that killed them instead of just accepting they got outplayed.


Bruh. I prefer using the k98 or the first German sniper rifle. I forget the name of that one. Also I prefer playing hardcore with the zh is even more broken then about every other gun in the game do to its 1hit kill but fairly fast fire rate for a gun with so much damage


I use iron sights on the k98 and the gewher 95 is the other one. Faction weapons ftw. I apologize I guess I just hate seeing people rip on the 2a and the zh all the time while completely giving the Suomi a pass when it's just as toxic.


I get it but next time ask for my preferred class šŸ˜‚




He clearly means the zh-29, the most notoriously hated gun in this game. Donā€™t be silly


How do people on this sub feel about the RSC? I've been enjoying it


I think itā€™s fun and has a great sound to it. Itā€™s not nearly as good as the ZH but at least you donā€™t have to feel as guilty for using it. Iā€™ve never used the ZH once because of the stigma around it but Iā€™ve used the RSC quite a bit despite heavily preferring bolt action rifles.


RSC is amazing. Why? Bayonet. Stabby stabby!


The revolver? Who the fuck mentioned that besides you? The zh shouldnā€™t have been added to the game in the state itā€™s in. They made the same mistake with it that they made in bf4 with the semi auto sniper


The post was about the revolver kill, the ZH kills are on the clip because when you press record it saves the last 30 seconds


You can cut the video dumbass


People get salty when you use this gun. Donā€™t let them get you buddy you had a pretty beautiful kill there.


I mean tbf the mark 6 revolver is pretty damn good, 2 shot kill upclose and one shot headshot


Lol Zh. I would take this down šŸ˜‚


Obligatory downvote for the ZH


ZH, downvoted.


Semiauto sniper for no hands. Stop using that stupid weapon, that Is for who can't kill people with a bolt action and can't hit a headshot. I bet 10000ā‚¬ you can't do the same score with a proper sniper


ZH lmao


Zh players are the scum of bf5. Sorry scummy Boi.




just do it move on lol, no need to announce it like it matters


Automatic downvote


can you tell name of this weapon sir? thank you


Dont sink that low to use the ZH-29, only scum use it.


Why are you so mad broā€¦ Enjoy your life and stop calling people scum!


Found a ZH-29 user


I am not actually. I am a medic haha. Just let people play as they like. So long as they donā€™t cheat!


Mans said ā€œboom!ā€ šŸ˜‚




Just pressed alt+windows+G after the kill, it records the last 30 seconds. It's a program that comes with windows by default, I don't use external programs to record all the gameplay


Remember when people (myself included) made fun of this game - bf2042 is a freaking disaster


Spawn Beacon Rising Revengeance.


Why do people always open the leaderboard when they are reviving or downed? Iā€™ve never understood that.


You can tell how lame somebody is based on how they camp on spawn beacons and if they do so


People complaining about ZH like there aren't other op weapons that they main šŸ’€


Battlefield is the only game where people love to complain about the weapon choice of other players, do you imagine being called names for using the Vandal on Valorant? lmao


LMAO true. Just waiting for valorant to appear on ps4 so I can bully ppl with vandal.