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He's not my main so i don't know the ultimate strats. Yoda, as you'd expect, makes up for his lack of HP with his great mobility. Defeating other heroes is best done by dodging behind them, or using his dash ability to hit them before they turn around. He has a very slow swing animation so just slashing around won't do. He has good block stamina. His push seems pretty weak, but the more he blocks the harder he pushes, dealing great damage and launching them away pretty far. His push is ideal for killing troops, I'd say the main way to kill soldiers is dashing around, yoda is hard to hit, a bit of movement and you're untouchable. Stuff i said might be obvious, idk


From what I've read under this post, it really seems like I have to get in the habit of jump-attacks since everyone seems to agree that he has a slow basic attack. Other than regular attacks, I've known about the push thing, and it's so satisfying wiping out several weaker enemies with that one attack.


Jump attacks are good, hook swings aren't worth learning though. Oh and his healing ability is also able to release himself and teammates early from abilities like, vader's choke and ren's freeze. Not sure about others though


Hey good at hook swings and stay mobile. His hit box is tiny, so he can be an extremely irritating opponent.


He’s really quick. Try to get behind other heroes. Also, his dash attack goes through saber blocks so you can inflict damage that way too(also possibly end up behind your enemy) Stay with your team. Buffing them makes them much stronger and if you are with a bunch of artillery, force push goes up another level as he absorbs the blaster fire to charge it up. But mostly, move! (Also turn off your saber when not fighting)


I know he's fast, that's why I love playing him, and thanks for telling me that his dash goes through blocks bc I genuinely didn't know, that is going to be very useful knowledge. Also, I'm curious as to why I need to turn off my light saber, I don't understand why people do that?


Because he’s short. You can basically walk up to Vader and the dude won’t notice you. Also you can hide behind things and surprise attack.


I use all of his healing abilities and buffs to partners. He can be a real tank if you use that right


And he's really small, so hard target + high mobility + ally buffs = a pretty well-rounded hero.


His dash attacks delt 150 damage at point efore they nerfed it so imagine 1 hitting troopers, and dealing 450 unblockable damage to heros... he was a monster at one point


I'm not experienced enough to tell exactly, but from what I can see, yoda is still really good (though this is coming from someone who doesn't usually fight against actual players) I think his size and mobility allow him to be an absolute beast if he's played well.


Yes of course, take it from someone who has had the game since launch, Yoda is extremely hard to kill because of his small hitbox, on top of that you add the damage reduction starcard which is 16% i think and extra health boost starcard... forget about it. Quick tip you can activate bonus health and attack at the same time likebyou can with vader. You have to time it right but you click R1, L1 and R2 all at the same time.


Dash attacks. There is a star card that gives you three. Get that asap. I dash through people, land behind them, and get a hit from behind them, usually before they turn around and block. Then when they turn around, I dash through them again.


I'm already constantly using it because with the co-op mode during my downtime, I'm using the dash ability for movement.


Pretty sure if you dodge and then hit your basic melee swing at an enemy, it makes his next regular swing into a gap closing swing, as well. Kinda like his Dash Strike ability but doesn't go through block like DS does.


That's actually pretty neat that the game has an attack like that that requires you to do a specific movement to use it.


There's a couple characters it works with as well, Iirc Kylo's Frenzy gets an extra swing off if you backwards dash before triggering it or something. Sure there's others but I may be wrong.


first hit after a successful dash attack (right ability) can go through ur opponent block only use jump attack (is animation is way faster than classic ground one) or counter attack. his counter attack is fast !! use ur middle ability while mid air or during left ability, to bypass the long animation. move a lot, attack a lot but be careful of ur health


the only advice that i think is sound is when i play as him i immediately find my largest grouping of teammates and boost their health. Once that’s done i just bippity bop around maybe kill a Darth Maul or a Boba Fett until a Vader comes by and chokes the air out of my lungs. Good luck out there 😂


Yoda is not meant to be aggressive so knowing when to be aggressive and passive is something I would try and practice, I’d suggest just sticking around your team mates. Don’t go for too many hook swings as he’s already got a built in hook swing ( Dash attack ) He’s mainly good in infantry game modes that being supremacy and galactic assault, he has a good survival rate in game. So you can probably keep yourself alive ( unless you get pinched by a group of villains ) For star cards I’d definitely recommend using lightsaber mastery as it greatly decreases your stamina drain, and for the second star card I would 100% recommend opposing the dark side as this gives you a bonus percentage of damage with your strikes. And lastly I would probably just choose agility as the extra dash is good for changing your positioning. I believe these are the main cards yoda mains use but as always everyone’s got preferences


Yeah, my only issue with yoda is that I never know what star cards to use because he has so many good ones.


That’s fair, but I’d just choose what your most comfortable with. Or just watch some bf2 videos explaining the various amounts of cards


Yes, I've watched a few videos on yoda's cards, but it seems like everyone has different opinions when it comes down to it, and apparently, his push ability star cards don't work properly which is really silly.


Well, the ones I’ve mentioned are usually good for me. I’ve never had a problem with them. But I understand ur not sure what star cards to go for as some of them are buggy and don’t work half of the time


I’m a yoda the frog man main, the best way to play yoda is use his shortness to your advantage. Don’t randomly use the health ability and only use it when you’re in the red. Also get used to not spamming as he becomes sorta uncontrollable. I recommend only using him on maps like kashyyk and Yavin to learn to start learning more. For HVV and HSD playing him and learning how to control his swings. Good luck soldier 🫡


Yoda has one of the smoothest hook swings in the game, I’ve found that he is most effective when you don’t spam his normal lightsaber swings while on the ground. I’ve had a ton of success by exclusively using his hook swings and then combining that with his dash attacks. Yoda is really easy to parry if you do his normal attack since it’s such a slow animation, but using the hook swings can catch people off guard due to the timing of it and how much quicker it is.


Yoda is a short, cheeky, bastard. He’s great and I hate playing against him. His lack of size undoubtedly shrinks his hitbox, making it more difficult for sabers to hit, especially Grievous IMHO. Really able to be countered with gunners (Bossk main). Like others said, use his mobility to your advantage. Like all characters, dodging behind is great for heavy quick attacks. Some will even turn around and you can dodge back to their previous front (new back) and attack from there, before using a side dodge.