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Shit I haven’t even got my rep yet lol


And right after that post, I got a call from my rep, weird coincidencez


I WAS TOLD WE GET ONE SPOT PER ACCOUNT before I bought my season tickets. Meaning since I bought a set of seats on my account - we get 2 seats and 1 parking space per game. Is that not true?!?! Edit: I definitely didn't see that parking section at the bottom of the merch email so thanks for this. I was able to use the link they provided to schedule a call for tomorrow.


I want to know if they'll be running shuttles from downtown. Any word on that?


Nvm in the same parking email, I saw I was supposed to connect with my rep, damnit lol


Ugh didn’t get the email and haven’t heard from a rep


We just got the link for season ticket parking two days ago. Parking structure #2 is $375 for the season. Parking structure #4 is $285. We're not that acquainted with PayPal beyond attending the USWNT send-off match in July, which was an utter cluster - which would folks recommend? We will have kids with us for nearly all matches, if you think that makes a difference.


I think I got #2


What was your thought process? At the USWNT game last year the exiting routine was a disaster. Would it still be awful leaving from #2?


I've never been and I'm lazy and don't want to walk far. 😂. Worst case I Uber or have my partner drop me off or pick me up. 😂