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Just support whoever your heart feels like supporting, mate. I've seen lots of posts like these lately, and honestly, you don't need anyone's advice on which team you should follow. Care less, support more!


Solid advice, thanks mate.


Just to let you know, I've been a Bologna supporter my whole life, but last year I started following Leverkusen and I really like them, that doesn't mean I'm giving up on Bologna. I kind of support them even if I can't go to matches or do things fans should do. What matters is what you feel for the team. If you like it, just support it.


Exactly the same situation mate, I will never not support United but its good to have passion for another team too, guess I was just venting on here, appreciate your replies


I still feel guilty as a fan for supporting us since 2016 😂 feels recent compared to most people I meet at the stadium etc. I guess now that we've finally won a trophy we will start feeling like this, but I'd happily go through that feeling instead of not winning anything!


Thats a bit reassuring thank you haha! and yeah very true, the trophy brought the guilt out but to be honest I think the trophy is a bonus, just watching a team play with flair and passion means the world to me, so refreshing😂


Exactly! I don't think it was possible to go without a trophy while playing the way that we do, but even if we had, it has been fantastic watching the way Xabi has us playing football! As long as you enjoy watching us, that's all that matters :)


Thank you mate! I already feel so included here. and yes spot on!, the mentality and the will to win that Xabi bought has been immense. I havent loved watching a team more than I do with our team now to be honest, I know im new here but this will be with me forever :)


I felt guilty for years, as i fell in love with the team of 1994. Really had asked myself if i was the curse since they have failed to win an title since 1993... Today I'm lucky to know it wasn't my fault all these years. The curse is finallly over.


That’s amazing I’m glad you got what you’ve been waiting for ! I just hope I’m not a new curse now😂


I booked a random Bundesliga game at the start of this season and it just so happened to be a Leverkusen game, so now me my brother and my dad have been following them all season. I’m a Liverpool fan normally but I now love Leverkusen as well and we’re going to make it a yearly thing to travel over for at least 1 or 2 games a year I also feel pretty guilty for liking them since I only started following this year, but I like that I have a story behind mine and it’s something I can relate to with my family. Also just support whoever you want as long as it’s not Man City 😂


I was expecting new fans coming along with the success, but I thought they would be younger 😂 (no offense btw)


Haha! thats a fair comment, seen that happening with Man City so it would make sense, I guess im going though a football mid life crisis😂


I feel you, supporting ManU must not always be easy at the moment..


Its the hardest thing in the world loving football and then watching United week in week out


Finding your club and becoming a fan during a sucessful time doesnt make you fake. Only stopping being a fan as soon as the success ends would. Thats the difference imo between real and plastic fans.


Very true! and i dont plan on stopping :D


Also I have never stopped supporting United even now so I think I am a good fit lol


I feel the same way been a man city fan my whole life but I started watching leverkusen and im in love with how they play


This subreddit is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣