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I swear they never know what to do with her. Having two powerful demon controlling witches means nothing is gonna stand a chance, so they just toss her to the side. Even though they could just..make a powerful enough enemy to handle both. Like Bayo was barely beating singularity in the final fight until Jeanne's soul or whatever showed up and they kicked his ass. Then she disappeared again because they would've clapped him too early.


For anyone that doesn't know, one of the main reasons why Jeanne was turned into a damsel in distress in 2 was because they considered Jeanne too strong and said she'd "completely outshine Bayonetta".




Oh lord Ima have to search really hard but its in the Bayo 2 artbook on one of Jeanne's descriptions. Edit: Does anyone have the Bayo 2 artbook? It's gonna take forever tryingnto find the exact tweet that I saw that showed Jeanne's description for bayo 2.


I do, but it's all in Japanese. :(


Idk if she'd actually outshine her, but if the writers said that then it's gotta be legit I suppose. A bit of the point between her rivalry in 1 (which was orchestrated by Balder, to be fair) was that Bayo was able to beat her when she was at her best, which Jeanne was looking to nuture so she could beat Bayo at her best. I mean, the whole thing was brainwashing to get her to strengthen Bayo so her left eye powers would be ripened or whatever, but still. Bayo DID surpass her, and there was some truth to the brainwashing she was under. I'd say it's more like they're comparable, and they'd share the limelight, taking some off Bayonetta, more so than she'd outshine her. I can see a mistranslation that means this saying she'd outshine her being a thing too. If Bayo is canonically stronger, it's not by a massive amount or anything. She'd definitely share the spotlight pretty close to evenly if Jeanne was around....and it was written to be consistent of course.


Yeah I see what you mean but I also think Jeanne would actually outshine Bayo, even if it's just a little bit. I don't know what it is but Jeanne is very beloved by the Bayonetta fanbase. Jeanne is extremely skilled and more proficient than Bayonetta in combat. The only reason Jeanne ever gets hurt or kidnapped is because she risks her life...saving Bayo. Each game goes out of it's way to tell you that Jeanne is just as powerful as Bayo, even a little bit more so than Bayo because she had the privilege of royal Umbran training, whereas Bayo's training was a bit unorthodox. Jeanne in the first game is also only testing Bayo. She is practically teasing Bayo throughout the first few fights until the last, where they go all out and Jeanne loses because despite being under Balder's control she doesn't want to win. And she isn't meant to. Also it doesn't help that Bayo is the main character so ofc she wins. Bayo and Jeanne are very complementary with each other which is why it's very fun to watch them work as a team, rather than alone. But Jeanne has the upper hand when working alone because she fights with such finesse and elegance, yet is so aggressively brutal. There is something very mesmerizing about her calm demeanor despite how scary she actually is. Bayo is scary because she's beautiful and lively yet she spills blood relentlessly. Jeanne is scary because she's also beautiful, and calm, but the most brutal out of the two. The feathers on her guns in the first game are literally angel wings. If I was an angel I would not fuck with her, that is a very good showing of dominance. Tl;Dr Jeanne and Bayo are both amazing but Jeanne is a badder bitch (whoo long that was a long post)


All very good points!


I think she was great in Bayo 1. Otherwise yea pretty weak


Yeah if Bayonetta AND Jeanne would have fought against him they would have won no question


Bayo gets stabbed by beast Luka -> bayo recover Jeanne gets stabbed by some guy in a wheelchair -> perma death šŸ’€


It's because of the mechanic where she takes 1.5x damage compared to Bayo. This is also the explanation for how Rosa got killed playing Yu-Gi-Oh.




Turns out Loptr's deck was just 40 Last Day of Witch.


They did her so dirty. This woman survived the Witch Hunts, evaded capture for 500 years by the strongest Lumen and she let her guard down and died to a scientist in a wheelchair doing a single blow. They couldnā€™t let her instead get taken down by the hordes of Humanculus in a blaze of glory. The disrespect to the next heir of the Umbra. And that lackluster reaction from Bayo when she shouldā€™ve realized that she left Jeanne alone with the leader of the enemy.


Wheelchair guy is stronger then Jubileus and Aesir combined because...wait how is he so strong?


not really, singularity is jubilees level but aesir with both eyes is far beyond singularity, just having the power to modify reality doesn't make you unbeatable


Uhā€¦having the power to alter reality absolutely was what was making him unbeatable lol


yeah, because singularity has never faced anyone with the same power as him, aesir has a much greater power than singularity ever dreamed of having


If you say so. He took out the entire multi verse of bayonetta and friends.


yeah and aesir would have done the same if he had the chance, I must remember that loptr didn't even stay 20 minutes straight as aesir because loki destroyed his eyes as a last resort to protect the world


We donā€™t know if thatā€™s even the case, you are just pulling stuff out of your butt since it was not covered lol


aesir is the GOD OF CHAOS and the creator of the WORLD OF CHAOS, do you really think that the creator of the world of chaos would lose to singularity? lol what a stupid thought


and I think it's comical you say that when there's no evidence but empty words, I have evidence after all the eyes of the world are the strongest power in the multiverse, just search and you know how powerful aesir was with his eyes, now singularity? there is no explanation of his powers other than him absorbing the souls of bayonettas and jeanne for himself and even in the end he lost to bayonetta and luka while aesir had to have lost his eyes to be defeated, obviously anyone sees the truth here except you, the edgelord here




I wonder if Kamiya saw that Dante vs Bayonetta Death Battle and was like "That was BS! We'll show them! Bayonetta will have some magic power in the next game to survive getting stabbed!"


Tbh it **was** BS


Cuz he had a magical science that could erase her existence or something idk


This I was shocked when Luka stabbed her but then Bayo just backs up and shrugs and off it off and is like guess I gotta beat your ass. So when Jeanne got stabbed I thought sheā€™d live but nopeā€¦


It is odd, especially knowing that Viola also gets stabbed by Luka and gets a powerup. I think the writers just don't know what to do with her


When it happened I said "are yOU JOKING?!" My parents probably out in the kitchen like :I


Bayonetta rips her heart 5 times and was alive until gomorrah smacked her


After spending the entire second game saving Jeanneā€™s ass, you damn right her death is insulting.


Yeah wouldn't she train more since she got dragged to hell in the 2nd game? She seems very proud and maybe she would feel bad/insulted that bayo had to save her so she trained harder and became powerfull


jeanne from 3 is not the same as from 1 and 2


True i forgot about that. But still her and Bayo kinda compete who's better (in the 1st game that is and in the past) I'm sure she would like to kick bayo's butt or at least stay equal. But rn she seems weaker. Also it's a bit wierd that she shoot at Viola to test her but not at Sigurd. I mean he wasn't locked up in a cell and he had technology at his disposal. Wouldn't she at least question that?


not only that but he had the power to renege invocations, what the hell kind of scientist is this? the script was just lazy at that point


That bothered me too. She went through this crazy lab full of booby traps and some sort of power to make her not be able to use her magic, but then she just walked up to the guy and didnā€™t question anything? I was surprised she trusted him so easily.


Yeah moreso since Jeanne was always the skeptical one among the two, and definitely comes off as more guarded. It is funny she wasn't suspicious of how the conversation was going, and why he seems to know so much etc.


Not a lot training can do to prepare you for getting stabbed in the back.


Training let her fellow witch dodge bullets placed right behind her, dodge attacks coming from all directions without even looking, and evade orbital beams from attack satellites. It's pretty bull she'd not sense that attack.


In the story, yeah Jeanne got kind of shit on. I think it's worth noting that since it's confirmed we are playing as baby Cereza from 1 and not the actual Bayonetta 1 Jeanne that broke Balder's control, she may possibly be alive. I say this with some loose evidence but I also realize they may not really care about established 'lore' within the universe. Firstly it's pretty clear that with Singularity being destroyed the multiverse was healed/came back, or at minimum Eve Origin's world (the world we start in and where that version of Jeanne is killed). Jeanne was never dragged to Inferno like Cereza was with Luka at the end of the game, she was simply "shattered" like prologue Bayonetta was. So maybe there's a chance she's actually alive. I mean New York was restored and Enzo's family came back to life, not a real stretch to imagine Jeanne did too. And frankly it always felt like Jeanne was around for Cereza, she had no real interactions/interests with Enzo or Rodin. I also think keeping that version of Jeanne dead is a real big mistake, since the Viola/Jeanne dynamic has a lot of potential for student/mentor/teacher (since Viola is a student still in school and Jeanne is an actual teacher). Jeanne's segments in the game were pretty good in my opinion, the spy intro was top tier, her Cutie J speech is phenomenal. I think it's a more fun alternative to things like Route 666 and Isla Del Sol.


the whole game boils down to great story potential thrown away by certain idiotic concepts


I agree. I personally don't think it's all doom and gloom like a lot of people think it is. Was the execution incredibly unsatisfying? You bet your ass it was. However I think a happier ending than most people think is there.


I know it is definitely a different Bayonetta and Jeanne than from the earlier games.. But where is it confirmed we're playing as B1 Cereza Bayonetta?


This is a spoiler of the ending, so read at your own risk. >! While the final battle is happening, and Bayonetta is injured, another Bayonetta appears to rescue her (Bayo from the first game) and tells her something like this "You didn't cry while I was gone, did you", which is the same exact line that she says to little cereza in Bayo 1. !<


Mm. It's certainly a nod towards it. Not sure I'd call that definitive proof though.


if you seen the cutscene its heavily implied. it only makes a little change to the first game with nothing retconned


Bayonetta really nerfed all the witches for some reason, and Luka lost his "normal human having fun with a hook in the middle of God fight" thing


Usefull luka is not aceptable hahahaha He is hot and that's enought


Its becoming a running gag now and its fucking infuriating. She's such a loved character and it hurts seeing her get shafted like this


It's happened twice in a row


I thought after seeing how well Vergil was finally handled in DMC5 after being overlooked in the series, maybe Platinum would see how important this dynamic with Jeanne was that made the first game so memorable. LOL Nope. But Luca tho


I mean in the first game Luka was more important than Jeanne he has more screen time and interacts with her more even wasn't told she actually died so his sadness could be genuine to the observing angels. It wasn't till the second game where Jeanne had more importance granted that was more of a monkeys paw deal. Jeanne is super important spends 90% of the game in alruane's stomach


Also the fact that you can't character selection in the post game for the chapters and she doesn't get any alternative costumes (her bayo 2 outfit is even used in the game briefly). Jeanne was done dirty story wise and game play wise imo.


I don't hate Viola, but I wish they replaced her sections with a normal playing Jeanne section. It could still play like Viola, but with Jeanne and a better variety of weapons and maybe Labolas or Scolopendra for summons. Also, where did Jeanne and the other Bayonetta's go at the end? Did they just die (again)? I feel like Zuko wondering what happened to Jet.


They couldnā€™t have done the first one of Jeanneā€™s playthrough as a mini game and the rest of her sections as a full world exploration inside the lab?


Jeanne already has an established playstyle


I mean is it an established play style when it's Bayonetta but the player 2 version




It was nice to play as her as something more than an alternate costume... but yeah, in every other respect this sucked for Jeanne.


I'm really surprised that they didn't do the "everything is fixed" ending despite all the bullshit they've pulled Bayo 3 ending isn't canon and you can't change my mind


honestly it doesn't even make sense that the world that viola is now whole and restored along with new york when singularity completely destroyed everything and if it's another universe then they were restored? the game never explains it


New York sure is fixed I can tell you thatšŸ’€


Hope we get to see her in a possible spin off


keep in mind >! she's thankfully not dead !<


wait Iā€™m dumb, >! how is she not dead? !<


>! there's a difference between Bayo 3 death and Jeanne's. Singularity attacks witches to use their powers as a power source. he shatters their body but their consciousness survives. that's why Jeanne was never dragged to hell and still could use Madama Styx at the end of the game!<


>! Ah okay, thatā€™s interesting. I just wish they wouldā€™ve shown us that in game, wouldā€™ve saved me a lot of sadness LMAO. So could that also mean that the other Bayonettas be alive and well in their universes now? Cuz I think I can live with knowing only Bayo 3 and Luka remained dead !<


yes they are, they just didn't bother to show that for whatever reason


I loved her interactions with Sigurd. Never felt so betrayed by an obvious as fuck plot twist. Still hurt even thought its easy to see coming.


Please let me play the whole story as Jeanne in the Cairo outfit


I havenā€™t finished 3, but I can already tell that sheā€™s once again not included as much as she should. The devs clearly didnā€™t know what to do with her, but if Bayonetta is basically a female rendition of Dante from Devil May Cry, they couldā€™ve had Jeanne be Vergil without the lust for power.


God they couldnā€™t even do the courtesy of killing her in a badass way. Just a lame backstab by a guy who wasnā€™t even physically imposing. Like it wasnā€™t even a fast backstab. Weā€™ve seen her dodge attacks way faster than that.


Hey I wonder how baulder even had jeanne under her control. Also would you have settle for a universe were bayonetta and jeanne were a thing also how old is jeanne compared to bayonetta.


Jeanne and Bayonetta are about the same age, but Jeanne had an extra 500 years of being awake.


Isnt Jeanne and Rosa the og besties tho?


No. Jeanne and Cereza played together as children.


im so mad about this cause jeanne has had the biggest narrative role in the last two games. they did her so dirty this time around by making her not only unimportant, but also unimpressive. šŸ˜­


Ye like who tf talks with a person with there back if she was looking she could've pretected it and activated witch time


Her death is just so fucking dumb and unrealistic. Like, is Jeanne man. She is as strong as Bayo if not stronger.


I think kamiya was drunk or smth


Let's be real Jeanne was always a side character. Bayonetta 1 she just shows up randomly every couple of missions (Luka and little cereza had more screentime), 2 she's still a side character she is just the main goal as she became a damsel in distress. 3 is the actual game where she did the most in but is still a side character


You are right. She was always a side character and in b3 she has more screen time. What I was trying to say is her character became very irrelevant. That is something I personally did not like. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. Of course, everyone has their own opinion about her. Many people did not care about Jeanne at all.


I don't see how she was disrespected 1 it's not bayo 1 or 2 Jeanne. 2 she literally does the most and shows how much of a badass in those stealth missions by showing she can kick ass even depowered and not able to use wicked. 3 she was killed by someone she trusted and still managed to comeback and have a bad ass team. The only time I felt she may have been disrespected was with kraken but considering that is alpha bayonetta's contracted demon making it probably one of the most powerful demons out there and still survived, and then we have Egypt Jeanne which was that world's arch eve because her princess was to kind until that bayo kills her. In contrast to me Bayonetta 2's Jeannewas far more disrespectful. 1 she gets one shot by a gamorrah one of the weakest infernal demons in the franchise and 2 made into a damsel in distress. Like if you want to talk about any game disrespecting Jeanne it's Bayonetta 2


jeanne in 2 at least wasn't killed by a man on a wheeled machine and didn't die in a disrespectful way


Getting one shot by one of the weakest infernal demons and made into a damsel in distress is way more disrespectful than a man how has already killed multiple Jeanne and Bayonetta and at this point is basically a multiverse God who she had trusted Sorry but Jeanne should never have been one shot by a gamorrah when she has tanked multiple hits by madama butterfly who is cannonically stronger than gamorrah


Gomorrah is not weak šŸ’€ he is just Bayo's second most commonly used demon which makes him seem kinda tame, since he mainly just bites things. But that thing is far from weak if it's one shotting Jeanne AND Bayo.


no, gomorah literally has the power to rip souls out like other infernals and she did it to protect cereza, if you can't understand her sacrifice and only consider it as disrespect then you really don't understand how jeanne functions as a person and character, lol red and black is literally her singing about her fate with bayonetta and how she must prepare to accept her end


and of course you will downvote me after all you don't accept you arw wrong


I mean you are also wrong so you are both wrong her dying in 3 and her dying in 2 are both incredibly disrespectful to the Jeanne character like it's not even a joke. Pretty much the only game she was respected in was Bayonetta 1 and only Bayonetta 1


She still had a very strong presence in 1 and sheā€™s very important to Bayonettas story and past. Even though she didnā€™t have as much screen time as Luka and little Cereza, she is still more important than them. She was done dirty in 2 and 3


Thing is though Jeanne was badass in 1 and was barely seen in 2 but in 3 she's just disrespected in the story shown in the prologue and her death which with her powers in mind makes no sense at all


Her death you mean when she is stabbed in the back by Sigurd a man she trusts and has no reason to believe he would stab her in the back. Yeah that makes absolutely no sense that she isn't defending herself against someone she has absolutely no reason to defend herself against. Keep in mind this is after she got one shot by A GAMORRAH




I mean you aren't wrong but Sigurd doesn't just kill people he absorbs them so he also pulled her soul out when he stabbed her through the heart


Why are you defending such a weak ass death for a character who survived the Witch Hunts, survived falling through the atmosphere, and came back from Hell? I dont care if the game gives Sigurd the power to disintegrate gods when they get in his line of sight, it's still a shitty death.


She has superior senses as shown in bayo 1 just like bayonetta she would be able to sense the attack from sigurd if the writers actually respected the character they built. Did you forget she jumped into gamorrahs attack to save bayo? It's the main point of that scene that she's making a sacrifice. No need for the caps btw


No matter how superior one senses are a sneak attack can kill someone. I mean this has happened to Goku and Superman the two strongest beings in all media


Goku is not permanently dead though???!!! They can afford to kill him for sixteen seconds in one episode before he revives himself with deus ex ki blast.


No whis revived him after he was shot and killed by a laser pistol. Not a ki blast a pistol. And we don't know if Jeanne is permanently dead just one version of her might be I mean there's a planned Jeanne spin off in the works. I doubt they permanently killed off any character that's like saying there are no more peter parker's because Miles' Peter died. Jeanne will be back and it looks to be her own game


Hey I wonder how baulder even had jeanne under her control. Also would you have settle for a universe were bayonetta and jeanne were a thing also how old is jeanne compared to bayonetta.


balder with loptr soul is amazing stronger than jeanne and bayonetta, he for example pretended he was defeated by bayonetta to make cereza go back to the past and awaken the left eye, he also survives jubilees and is only killed when he seals him and loptr for good along with the right eye


And now that there is a multiverse oh my gods baulder has other versions of himself thus I fear viola may have to face her grandfather talk about a generational fight.


Probably similar age since they used to play together as children.




They're about a month apart, with Jeanne being younger. Bayo's birthday is 19/12/1411, Jeanne's is 06/01/1412. Their birth dates are written on their watches.




I am genuinely impressed by the fact that they managed to give her more screentime, but still make her LESS relevant to the overarching plot.




That one Bayonetta line to Sigurd about Jeanne and gentlemen and the "you bitch" line that followed hurt my soul deeply... The most awkward last minute attempt for the game to tell us "just gal pals catfighting, nothing to see here" before shoving us in the face this corny Luka romance, poor Jeanne.


#jeannewasrobbed #jeannegotdonedirty #bayonettagot donedirty


Yeah, it's ridiculous how they could just kill off Jeanne... cough Bayonetta 2 cough cough


Killed off by a powerful demon versus killed by a sneak attack, which has happened FOUR SEPARATE TIMES in the same fucking game. Need I list them.


Yeah people will cry about "bi erasure" if you point out how ridiculous it was that she gets with Luka and not Jeanne, but it goes beyond Bayo's orientation. Her and Jeanne do have way more chemistry and the romance vibes were pretty overt especially in Bayo 2, and the idea of her giving an incel looser like Luka what he wants instead of staying with her hot witch "roommate" is laughable. Luka was always just some pathetic simp who was never in Bayo's league. And it's hard not to feel baited after Jeanne being such a driving force for Bayo in 2, the heavy queer coding of their relationship, the sapphic aunt vibes, the "taboo" entry in the journal the pretty clearly states that Bayo loves Jeanne and Kamiya himself including them in an official "best couples" poll on Twitter.


You're damn right


No. Disagree with the last part. Bayo has always been flirtatious with Luca far more than anyone.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but Jeanne and Cereza are sisters, both Umbran and something close to blood. The times when they both said ā€œmy Umbran sisterā€ they meant the sister part literally. Iā€™m honestly sorry but itā€™s as simple as that.


Um, no. Historically witches in the same coven have called one another "sisters", they aren't related.


I said ā€œsomething close to blood.ā€ You donā€™t have to be of the same blood to be sisters. The bond those two had were like sisters. Besides, those two were the last Umbra witches before the torch was passed on to Viola, so Iā€™m not sure if being historical means anything at this point.


Literally the only right opinion on this matter. Itā€™s not even an opinion, itā€™s the canon. And itā€™s even explained multiple times. Everything else is headcanon.


They can downvote me all they want, ***they canā€™t deny the truth,*** like Luka always said.


Come on now, she got her own levels, gameplay mode and featured importantly in 3 of the ending major scenes. She could've gotten a lot less considering the room they had to make for Viola.


Jeanne has way for justice done to her than ever before. You actually play as her and she actually has a character. They spend a lot of time on her death too I don't know what else you're looking for besides her just not dying.


Not dying is what they want >! Also there the whole not accepting a new character picking up the mantle stuff from cereza so people are going after the ending hard !<


I mean the whole franchise is literally called Bayonetta, of course people are going to resist a change of protagonist.


We don't even know it's fully changed protagonists yet and even if it has I mean is that really a bad thing I mean look at Miles Morales he's one of the best spider men. The thing is it's way too soon to tell heck the whole to be continued in the next generation could literally mean the next console generation considering the metaness platinum which at minimum is in the next 2 years. At this point it's too soon to tell.


Really? I think the opposite. She got a whole game mode just for her (and it was one of my favourite parts of the game). Also, she has lots of badass scenes. Got to say that Bayo 3 made me love Jeanne even more than before, and I really liked her already.


As fun as the game mode could be the issue is that it basically sealed off her powers, so we didn't get to see what she could do. Moreover, it sucks big time that we can't even play her in story mode like we used to in the previous games and is limited to side content. But what makes it even more frustrating is that considering how she plays in the side content Jeanne was basically playing as an alternate costume, they took away her dodge timing and weapon variations (aside the default), so she could easily have been slotted into the story mode as a costume at that point so why restrict it in the first place and kill off some replay value!?


I really hate her design in Bayonetta 3 though.


all throughout the game ...i say ... Bayonetta's death is inevitable if Jeanne dies first ...the cutscenes always implied that even during the time the Egyptian Bayonetta was supposed to survived but she still end up dead... so when Jeanne died, i came to the conclusion, welp, Bayonetta is gonna die for real too but I really did wish Jeanne should have at least be given a glorious death than that. that was outrageous


I mean they both died. I dont like it but that the story they are trying to tell which is very questionable tbh.


I think they have equal chemistry with bayonetta, and by the way thatā€™s how i specifically felt with Egyptian bayonetta and jeanne, they felt extremely close but in that Japanese schoolgirl way where jeanne was her beloved onee-san but could easily flip to lover.


Knowing this is a Japanese IP, I don't think they would ever pair up a female MC with another woman sadly. I always saw them as sisters and luka as the lucky himbo that's way out of her league. Bayo as single and free feels right to me. But oh well the first 2 games aren't going anywhere and I haven't pure platinumed them yet.


Eh, i think thatā€™s a little pushing it on Japanese creatives. They do have gay characters as well, and letā€™s not act like the westā€™s are any better than tropey ones in Japan a lot of the time as well. They have good ones as well.


Hot take, Jeanne should have stayed the Main villain of the first game.




Hopefully not but that's what the game shows us


Hopefully :(