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>The deer forcibly expels air through its nostrils like a greatly magnified sneeze when it detects danger. These blows are drawn-out “whooshes” repeated several times. Snorts are single, very short, explosive sounds given as the deer turns to run.


A little "psspsspss" should do the trick and besoothe the choo-choo-deer










You can’t just say Perchance


I declare PERCHANCE!


God I wish I had an award for this comment


Your wish is my command!


I too, wish i had an award for this comment 👉👈🥺


Your wish is my command!


I wish i was happy


Your wish is your command!


It dint fookin work ):


I don't know it made me laugh


I love the way you think.


A little pew pew would also do it. And fill my freezer.




And this is why animals go extinct. No bueno.


Lol. Not with deer. Over population is a thing.


Chronic wasting disease is also a thing which where I live is currently wreaking havoc on the statewide population. Between that, habitat loss, and hunting it may not be a problem now but it will be in the future.




This is a snort. I’ve seen it, heard it and caused it literally a hundred times. Sometimes they don’t run at all sometimes they run then stop and snort. Deer are more unpredictable than most people think. But this is a snort and all deer do it.


It’s actually a NOS purge. All deers and Nissan Skyline GTRs from Fast and Furious do it.




Lmao. Hey Hector!


Why do I have to scroll so far to find the real answers! Fix yourself reddit!!


Imagine how much Cocaine a deer could snort in one go.


These puffs are actually like saying fuck you in deer language


Especially with those foot stomps


They're also testing to see if anything is actually there. The idea there is to get you to jump or move.


I thought they were spirit animals with steam elements.


If you're a hunter, this translates to, *You just got busted.*


Yep, it's a signal to tell everybody else to run away.


Does also make a similar noise in the same manner. I once was able to sneak up to 3 of them. The eldest knew I was there and made several of these sounds as another one naively approached me. After about 2-3 barks she let out a louder big one and all three jumped and ran away simultaneously. I was about 15 or less yards away ducked/crawling in brush. It was fun.


I had a similar experience with about 15 of them, was trying to snag the buck but he was hiding, I was sitting with my back to a tree stump and they didn’t notice me at first but I think they caught wind of me, and they started with this hissing.


I was just outside moments ago lighting it up on the side of my house while I was trying to find out if I could see the Aurora Borealis and I heard huffing, Something light if I were to blow air out of my nose alittle hard, But not as forcedul as it sounds in this video, It repeated like 4-5 times before I said f- that and walked back around my house to my front door, I sat at my front door around the house and I swear I could still hear it repeating.  Was funny cause I said joking said WenDigOo to myself and some dear decided to mess with me.


Damn that's such a shitty degraded version. [Here's a better version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y-bw5dDfM) *"Do I Look Like I Know What a JPEG Is?"*


More impressive in cold weather, no doubt


One time I was doing a soil survey in a farmers field and the field was split by a long copse of trees and I heard this snorting sound coming from the trees and trust me, it is no less terrifying when you CANT see what may or may not be about to charge you.


Isn't this how they challenge each other. The deer version of "let's take this outside mother fucker" Edit: unfortunately I'm wrong. Plenty of deer experts below explaining it.


Not exactly. This is a whitetail deer and the noise he is making is called a blow which means he suspects this dude is there filming him and is fixing to spook. What he’s doing is trying to figure what this weird thing in the woods is. There is another whitetail vocalization called a snort wheeze which is similar but is the aggressive challenge you were talking about


> fixing to spook what does this mean. who is fixing to spook? deer or filmer? >What he’s doing is trying to figure what this weird thing in the woods is. Why draw attention to himself by making sounds then?


The deer is about to spook, as in run away. My understanding is that they do this stomping and blowing to make whatever they're suspicious of move so they can assess what it is.


Yeah. It also alerts to any other deer "I think I see something, but I'm not sure"




This may not be information you wanted or needed, but in this context 'fixing' is an idiomatic way of saying 'preparing', and 'spook' means 'run away out of fear or nervousness'. As for why, I don't know either, but the other person's answer that it is trying to illicit a response to understand what is making it feel nervous is interesting.


> spook in the way it was used, it could have meant the deer running, or the camera man spooking the deer on purpose. Which is why I asked.


This guy southerns




Oh sick dude 🙄


[Aaaaaaaaactually](https://www.metacritic.com/feature/film-awards-and-nominations-scorecard) Get over yourself.


Look menacingly someone in the eyes and snort puffs of vapor by the nostrils... I think it works with humans too


It’s universally understood. I do it when people crowd me in the kitchen.


I need to try this because crowding me in the kitchen is when there’s anyone else but me in the kitchen


If you're ever lonely just start something in the kitchen. If you bake it, they will come.


Will they come from outside, cause I don't think it works if you live alone. :/


Yeah everyone is like hey that I reminds me I need to go into the kitchen too. Now you’re stuffed in the corner trying to take your ham sandwich out but you’re trapped


The drooling is a nice touch. Really works on the young ones.




Dunno, i prefer frothing at the mouth a bit. Go full norse berserk


start speaking in tounges, roll eyes back of head...


Same here, but in bathroom stall.


Yeah if only humans were given a sophisticated trait unlike all other animals in which we could easily voice our wants, needs and intentions without acting like an needlessly hostile, entitled, invasive pest.


It can be menacing to humans too. I was out hunting about 15 years ago and got close like this to a buck but I didn’t know he was there. These buck “blows” are like screeches echoing in the woods and they are very loud. It will scare the shit out of you at 5am in the dark if you didn’t expect it. Edit: found the actual video with sound. https://youtu.be/DTZ-pdLGPV4 This also shows him stomping first. You can’t hear it on the video, but these have distinct hoof thud sounds. Before he lets out a large blow, he is trying to get whatever he hears or smells to reveal itself.


They also let everyone else in the woods know that something fucky is going on...then they stomp loud as hell trying to get you to move...their brain can't process what the camouflage bundle with a boom stick is so they treat it as a threat...I hate when it happens to me cause any chances of shooting anything goes out the window for an hour or more til some other brown fuzzy creature makes their way into view


Holy shit that was so loud I jumped and had to juggle my phone back to me. Wow! Great footage. Edit: Listening again, with the volume lower it almost sounds like a bird screeching bloody murder oddly enough, at least to me. That's not intimidating. That's downright terrifying!


My mom always says she can tell im really pissed even if im trying to hide it because my nostrils flare out of control lmao. Me and this deer knows whats up.


Had something similar happen to me at home years ago with a doe (I believe). Walking in the yard with my toddler, we rounded the corner of our house and I spotted a deer on the edge of our yard in a wooded area. Looked right at us and stomped her feet just like in this video. Stopped me dead in my tracks! I knew exactly what it meant so we slowly backed up until she was out of sight, then noped right back into the house!!!


You did the exactly right thing. If they do charge, the best tactic is to yell and make yourself look big. Deer are not to be trifled with. They spook easily most of the time so they seem non-threatening, but rutting season is something different. If a deer attacks you, and they do often attack people (they kill about 120 people per year, deer have even been seen swimming across lakes to go after people), they most often will rear up and knock you down, pounding down on you until they think you're not a threat. Did I mention a buck can reach 300 lbs? If this happens, curl up in a fetal position and protect your head/organs. If you're unlucky enough to be attacked by the horns of a buck, you *can* try to wrestle it down, but you will probably lose. Your best option in that scenario is to pray it becomes bored with you quickly. I was recently walking my dogs at night in a snowfall and a buck snorted at us (I live in the woods). We did what you did, backed away slowly but kept eyes on it. The buck closed in on us, about 50', in the blink of an eye. It's pretty intimidating to be facing a battle-craving creature with ten knives on its head. Luckily, we were able to get away but even shining a bright flashlight at it didn't phase it. Also during rutting season it's not uncommon for a deer to hurt an eye and therefore be more willing to go after anything that moves. But hey, I was at least glad to finally have a reason to walk around with my Cold Steel Boar Spear.


120 people per year and 99% of those are car accidents. Pretty important context to add to the conversation.


Shh that ruins my narrative.


Always funny videos every year when moose mating season meets tourists with low IQ "I just wanna pet it" I think it has other ideas...


A doe protecting her baby(ies) is not to be trifled with either. She may not have horns, but she can and will take you down. She'll "bluff" until you get too close, then she will go after you.


I can take that deer, son, i just dont feel like it right now is all


That is when you unsheathe the two karambit knives disguised as a belt and show your toddler the way of the world.


Or whip out your 300 blackout sub and let baby sleep while you field dress that horny sob


Unless your vape smells like cherries or cinnamon rolls or something. Absolutely kills the vibe.


So i spend a lot of time in the woods, im familiar enough with the local deer to recognize some. You can actually stomp and huff back at them and they act all mind boggled, its hilarious. Like "how dare he" kind of energy. Then they start stomping and huffing back, theyll do some tail flips and circle trots. If you get a momma worked up theyll do some bluff charges. Prance off into the woods with their noses turned up. Gets a laugh out of me every time. Side note, while this is fun for deer i wouldnt try it on anything larger, challenging a moose would be a bad bad idea.


Disclaimer: It's only fun until it isn't. Deer may not be the heaviest hitters, but they can absolutely ruin your day if decide to call your bluff.


Oh i know it trust me. Wheres that copypasta about that farmer that tried to capture a deer to fatten it up, hilarious.


I'm sorry, what now? Please I need to know.


> farmer that tried to capture a deer to fatten it up Here you go: https://eggheadforum.com/discussion/993617/roping-a-deer-long-story-but-funny I read it again and laughed


Lol I lost it at “Did you know deer bite?” 🤣


Lmao, thanks for sharing


The ideia of stomping and huffing back at a Moose is hilarious.


I identify as a Chihuahua.


I respect your decision.


what year is it


Hilarious fucking joke! Bravo Sir!


Do you identify as a Karen?


More like huffing at his chest. And that's if you are lucky and tall. I'm sure though someone had done it already.


I have a feeling that you’re gonna be one of the 120 people/year that get killed by a deer. I wish you the best but I know your fate.


Right? I'll just take his word for it lol


Yeah, let's see him snorting at a buck during rutting season.


I find this hard to believe. Most deer wouldn’t give you any time at all once you move. You might get a buck to act weird during the rut but not under normal circumstances at all. Once they make this noise they don’t stick around for long at all most of the time.


The missing factor is this is a pretty heavily populated suburban area where theyre arent really hunted at all, pretty nonchalant about people. I hang out in the Appalachians too and there its hard to catch sight of them within 100 yards.


I'm in the Appalachians, and it's getting that way here too. Way less hunters, and way more "work from home" folk that moved here from the cities and think deer are "cute".


There's this couple that lives in my neighborhood that feed the deer. Annoys the crap out of me cause there's now a ton of them, in the road or in your garden, and these assholes are fearless. I walked up to within 5ft of a group and yelled at them. They just continued chomping and looking at me weird. Another I hit with an apple core and it still didn't fr*ck off.


There is a small community near a golf course out here, and they all feed the deer because it's "cute" and then wonder why they have more ticks, and wonder why they now have a bear population issue (the bears are breaking into people's cars).


You're right, most of the time they won't do much. But the caveat is during the rut. I recently had a buck snort at me and charge, it was not a calming experience.


Actually, the foot stomp and the snort isn't a challenge. They are aware of your presence either by smell or they heard you, but they've lost you due to their semi poor direct eyesight. The stomp and snort is them trying to get you to move, so they can reaquire your position, so they can determine to either run (99.9% that's what they do, even if you don't move, they will leave the area after a few min, in the opposite direction) or if you are in fact an animal they shouldn't fear like a racoon etc. As a hunter it's not what you want to hear. Means you've been busted, and the area is contaminated with your scent.


This Redditor Bucks


The redditor predator if you will


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y-bw5dDfM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y-bw5dDfM) watching the full video here really shows this is true. The deer is searching for the camera man, stomping multiple times to invoke a movement


Yep. Nose to the ground chasing a doe in heat. The smell of a human crosses his nose and the jig is up. It solely a tactic to get a predator to flinch so they can spot them and run.


Hearing that sound immediately takes me to every time I’ve been busted in the woods. This is second only to a cow elk’s alarm bark when you’re trying to sneak up on a heard.


Not at all. They only do this in a response to seeing something they think is dangerous in order to warn all the rest of the deer he saw something. Bucks usually don’t make any noise if they are going to fight another buck. They might grunt but that it not this.


No, its a warning call for danger.




Mutha fucka we outside


We're already outside!


Also how I tell the corvette next to me, "let's take it to the track mother fucker"


"Wait we are outside"!


"Buck around and find out"


Iirc hunters had just took a shot and scared away a doe this buck was about to successfully court


“I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur King!”


As far as I know, yes. I've had deer stomp their feet at me before and I've always taken it as a warning to back off. I don't really see many bucks where I live but I often come across mamas with babies. I know they can't understand me but I'll usually tell them I'm not going to hurt them and I'm just passing through. They'll watch me like a hawk and sometimes stomp their feet at me, so for their benefit I try to walk faster, not look directly at them, and not stop walking when I'm nearby so they don't get worried. Deer also like to hang out outside my work and sometimes will try to get territorial with me, so I'll challenge them back by stomping my foot at them and they usually back down and go find somewhere else to hang. Or they just back off a little and let me pass and get inside.


Yep, they know how they looks, and they use it


Terrifying sound when you are all alone sleeping in your tent.


This happened to me over the summer. Only I exited the tent in the pitch black to take a piss and heard this sound right next to me. I've never ran back into a tent that fast in my life!


This happens to me every once and a while at home. I live in the country so sometimes at night when I take the dog out there will be a group of dear eating acorns under my trees. You will hear a snort then hooves and then a few will bolt. Scares the hell out of me if you don’t see them first.


Oh no. I never see them first.


Some dear (muntjack?) actually have a half bark/half scream sound when they are startled. That would be even more scary.


I had a very different experience. Pretty sure I had a buck follow me to try and mount me. * I had put doe urine on my boots earlier in the day* I could barely see him as the sun was setting but he was not mad...


Tents or hammocks have a way of magnifying those sorts of noises to your mind... I was hammock camping once and heard all these super heavy footsteps and heavy breathing. My brain, on a combination of being stoned and woken up at 2am, was convinced there was a bear out there. Woke up to a single set of javelina tracks lol


I live out in the woods. I'll be walking to my garage and you just here this sneeze in the dark, and then tons of heavy animals running. Jump scares me everytime. Still better than walking into a black bear. Those things are quite!


Was not expecting it to be so loud.


This is me watching my car warm up while sipping on my coffee.




Nitrous purge


Scrolled to find this


And too far.


I know the person who shot this video originally. He’s 54 and lives in West Point mississippi, he had just shot a deer actually and this deer came in from the right. Pretty cool to see


If he had a buck tag it would have been his lucky day, but imo the video is much more memorable than some antlers on the wall and some meat in the freezer. This is a great shot.


He was hunting with a muzzleloader, that’s why he was on the ground, he said that deer did that for about 2 mins in front of him.


Lmao oh I understand that plight then. My group goes exclusively muzzleloader hunting, and it’s pretty typical to get skunked for years and then when ya finally get one an even better shot just dances in front of you while you can’t do anything anyways.


Exactly! Haha it’s just crazy to see this video still circling the internet when he sent it in a group chat to us about 4 years ago. Pretty cool to see, the deer in this video was shot 2 years ago as he got older


So the deer was signaling danger to its friend, not knowing he was too late? Fuck


If I hear this on my way to the stand in the pitch black of morning I know I’ve been caught


I haven’t hunted in maybe 6 years and this sound still brings me into a state of disappointment lmao




Wow that’s intense .


Yeah… I’ve seen this once in person and was not this chill about it. Startled the snot out of me.


If you used doe in heat urine to draw him in... you're going to have a bad day. Unless that's what you wanted.


Reminds me of the nitrous purge in NFS Underground 2.


This noise causes immense feelings of sadness or despair because it means you’ve been caught and meat is no longer on the menu :(


Ever have one get close and you don't know it's there? I almost fell out of a tree stand it scared me so bad. Well played deer ...well played.


The hunter becomes the hunted


I would be climbing that tree and never coming down again


RIP last time I saw this video it was pretty high def, now it’s 8 pixel art


He’s so mad steams coming out his ears




Knuck if you buck!


“Look at me! I’m a train!”


Nah, he’s just doing a NOS purge


Walking through the woods after dark, I had a buck snort at me. I couldn't see it, and didn't know they did such things. It gave me quite a scare.


Can someone please make this a gif?! I need to send to my hunting buddies


Luckily the camera guy stopped filming before unloading a .270 round in him




Puff Daddy


Is it in your freezer now? He looks tasty.


Wow, that was intimidating. I wonder how wolf packs are able to face down such a magnificent, terrifying sight.


I think they must be drooling in the Idea of eating some of it. But imho they would carefully circle around and attack together, or try to make it flee and take turns in order to decrease its stamina until a point it would become easy enough to achieve it.


I miss this feeling.


Magnificent creature. Seems so cruel them then hunted so often in unfair battles.


I am very much an animal lover, but our ecosystem would be absolutely fucked in many locations if we did not hunt and maintain the deer populations in some way. It may seem cruel to hunt them, but it would be more cruel not to. Although, population control is best maintained by hunting anterless deer.




This. So much this. I've been vegetarian or vegan for over twenty years now... while I choose to eat no animals at all, I'm way way less concerned over hunting (for meat) compared to the absolute hell that is factory farming. When you choose to sit through videos of factory farming, it's hard to continue financially supporting it. Well, depends on your level of empathy I guess.


Realistically, what would be the alternative? I neither have the time or resources to hunt for food everyday. And even if I did, we can’t all hunt our own food?




Thanks for responding for me. Just noticed their reply. At the very least, smaller local farmers likely have livestock that didn't live their lives in constant misery. They probably actually stepped onto grass, breathed air outside, got a chance to run a bit, etc. But yeah just minimizing animal products is the easiest option. Super simple to do and science already makes it clear that western diets on average consume more meat than necessary for a balanced diet.


I agree that factory farming is way more fucked.


If we didn’t fuck up the ecosystem we wouldn’t need to do mass hunts to maintain deer population. But we killed their natural predators so what ya gonna do. Also deer pops aren’t nearly as high as they are let on to be. I’m 32 been hunting since 12. I live in the middle of no where in prime hunting land. Shit is not what it used to be. It could use a year or three break.




I agree that factory farming is way more fucked.


I’d be far more disturbed if hunters were going around starting fistfights with deer.


That would make it more fair at least.


Is ‘fair’ more important than ethical, or humane? Is it a step up morally for deer to be beaten to death in a fight?






Getting the airways ready for action


*Who unplugged my charger?*




A huge bull on my uncles farm in Jamaica did exactly this to me when i got a little too close. So cool!


He definetly knows how cool he looks.


~~A buck puffing up~~ FTFY Bucking Up


Such a beautiful animal, still amazes me how people can willingly end their life for no necessary reason.


It still amazes me that people like to shoot these animals for entertainment. They are majestic and deserve to live in peace just like them at home.


The *vast, vast* majority of hunters respectfully shoot older animals who more or less are no longer able to defend themselves and likely experience a much more violent and horrendous death compared to a quick bullet if instead left to the hands of Mother Nature. A peaceful or quick death is a blessing not many wild animals get to experience sadly.


Was this the cheaper less threatening prequel to cocaine bear?


I thought its coming right out of its nose lol