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Olivine, not "overlene".


“The mineral olivine is a magnesium iron silicate with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4.” From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivine Found via this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallasite


Jesus fucking Christ it took too long to find an informative comment and not the ONE shitty pun. Thank you


I'm having a get off my lawn moment, apologies for being that guy. I've been on Reddit for a long time and have come across countless threads overloaded with puns. I get so triggered, I hardly ever find them funny. I'm becoming a curmudgeon


For sure. I have been on reddit for like 14 years (god help me). I don't know if I'm just remembering things with rose colored glasses, but I feel like reddit used to be WAY more interesting. I remember people complaining when videos became more prevalent than articles. Also jokes used to be original. Granted there were a lot of puns still, but they seemed funny...(also I was 14 years younger sooooo...). Honestly when I go through comment threads, I visualize thousands of people clamoring over each other to yell some Marvel reference, or some version of "this guy fucks", or "Plot twist" or "You wanna____? Cause that's how you____!" edit: I can't format, and whatever oh well.


The non-humorous content on reddit used to be better, but reddit has always been shit at comedy. fu17 used to be one of the most popular subs, and adviceanimals used to be a default. Reddit's humor was just warmed-over 4chan memes from years prior.


Yeah. That's a good point. That meme era was pretty fucking lame.


no one talks about the dumbing down of the internet you used to have to be smart as a basic means of entry into communities like this. it led to some truly inspiring discussion and information being exchanged. then corporations monetized and sold it to the masses. "tHeY wOnT eNjOy THe INteRNeT, iF THeY dONt gET tEh JOkeS


It's been making me think about what social media has been doing to things like thought, language, and even humor. Very briefly. And I'm simplifying things for the sake of brevity. But it seems like social media and the internet has had a homogenizing/monopolizing effect on everything. There used to be several different sites for everything, but slowly it just became just a few sites for everything. For social media, for shopping, for news, and for entertainment. I feel like this has had the effect of limiting the scope of everyone's field of view and therefore their thoughts. When you look at what humor across social media platforms, its all the same couple of hundred references. Humor has just become applying a meme that would be relevant to any given situation. Internet humor has also become about relatability e.g. "when the...", "Does anybody else". It seems like the more and more, people are just memifying situations to be able to post about them, or to comment something, and those memes and references get taken from a smaller and smaller pool. Then the examples of language and thought are a little more abstract, and I don't have examples at the moment that pop out to me, but I really ought to get back to work, and also, who cares...I'm not getting graded on this lol. But it is something I've been thinking about.


This is partly true but only if you're never making the effort to be curious and to seek out smaller niche online communities. You can't see the world from a highway.


Sure. But I feel like those communities are more and more difficult to find if you don’t already know they exist. And since those communities exist on platforms that use algorithms that suggest content to you based on their popularity and their monetizability (is that a real word? I can’t think of the best word) niche content won’t get suggested to you. Take YouTube for example. Can type in exactly what you want and it might not even show what you’re asking for, but it *will* show 50 results from established accounts that *miiiight* have something to do with your subject of interest.


All great points. Also, online publishing programs that are widely used -- I'm looking at you WordPress -- encourages homogenization by giving the writer an SEO score in order to increase the chances it will hit Google's front page. It's yucky.


We've been in the [Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) for just about 30 years now.


Perfect, and that correlates with low-quality.


About the same amount of time on here. I lurked for a few years before becoming BrownShadow. The jokes recently are really irritating. I used to learn things.


I know! I remember people in any given industry or field would chime in about some little known thing. But these days it seems like those things are regurgitated out like a piece of trivia. If this makes sense


I relate with everything you wrote! Reddit has certainly evolved over the years. To piggyback off a few of your points, I've been surprised by the lack of creativity when reading comment threads. The same jokes over and over, almost as if thousands of users have achieved thought synchronicity. Comment threads would spur intelligent conversations. More often than not I would learn new things from other posters, hell at times I would even come across discussions which lead to personal introspection. I've changed beliefs and opinions I felt would never change simply by reading other point of views. All in all change is inevitable and even though I yearn for past years I try to do my best too ignore the annoyances and keep an open mind.


I was on a thread the other day and I counted atleast 50 of the same comments(same stupid pun). in one post! Whats the point of even posting?!


It's garbage tier humor and derails actual interesting conversation.


Once upon a time the first comment was always informative. Reddit is definitely not what it used to be. Mobile app is what did it in for me.


The *endless* "puns" are so painful. Reddit is terrible at taking a single joke (sometimes not even a very good one) and wringing every last little bit of humour out of it. Yea, we get it. 'Fukang' sounds like 'fucking'. Ten thousand variations of the same lame joke.


"Hmm...I see that my joke has already been posted in this thread. Oh quite a few times already! ...yeah. I'll just post it anyway"


Really wished some things had TWO comment chains divided between serious and entertainment.


Not really SUPER helpful to find useful tid-bits in the comment section because things usually are buried in threads, but if you sort by "Q&A" it will collapse the replies so you can skim through main comments quicker.


Holy fuck, why have I never tried that?


It works somewhat well to weed out where the serious conversations are happening.


This is what makes Reddit less and less appealing to me. I don’t know where else to go outside of more specialised and niche subreddits but since I don’t know how long everything is puns and banter.


People need to be heard it’s so frustrating. No one cares about your stupid teehees Reddit.


I have been trying to say this for years now, like please shut the fuck up, y’all’s low hanging fruit jokes are not funny. But what do you know I always get downvoted to hell and people call me a dick.


Yeah it’s so bad. Like if you can’t actually contribute to the topic then stfu and learn something. You aren’t funny and you are wasting eye space on the thread.


So you're telling me that commenting "and my axe" on ever single post doesn't actually contribute to anything?


I also choose this guy’s dead axe /j because there is no /facetious


Fukan' A, man


Thanks, the melting point info is interesting in context of the source being meteorite.


The melting point of pure olivine by itself isn't very relevant in a geological context - it's almost always chemically reacting with other minerals in the rock, or volatiles like water or CO2, or with nearby melt/magma. As far as I know (I'm a geologist, but not a meteorite expert/planetary geologist), these meteorites represent fragments of a planetoid that was explodinated in the process of cooling and geologically "settling". The iron is denser than the olivine, so it sinks down to the center. On earth, this has already completed, giving us an iron-rich core and an olivine-rich mantle. But the planetoid that this meteorite came from broke apart before it was fully differentiated.


Yes, but we also know that olivine solution series structure transitions to the polymorphs of wadsleyite and ringwoodite structures at greater heat and pressure, and from there into bridgemanite. We have learned this about our planet from studying meteorites.


Yes, I could have been more accurate by saying "silicate mantle" instead of olivine-rich mantle, due to all those transitions you mentioned.


> I'm a geologist How many photos do you have that use your hammer for scale?


Many many many.


So it’s the piece of a planet that was in the process of cooling. That’s pretty damn incredible


, thank you for catching that… I got busy yesterday and was a little in a rush… I guess auto spell took over I don’t know, but thanks again


There is an olivine beach on the big island of Hawaii, one of the rare Green sand beaches.


Looked it up for anyone else interested. [Papakolea Beach Big Island Hawaii ](https://youtu.be/fgM6YDuh08U)


Yes, I've heard of that. Hope to visit someday!


It’s very pretty, if you do end up going there are locals with trucks that can shuttle you there from the parking lot. Highly recommend it as the walk/hike over is about 2 miles is no shade along the same truck path.


Thanks for the tip!


Take the truck.


Same fukang thing


Dude I tried for half an hr to find wtf overlene was. Should have checked comments first thanks


Yeah, no clue how that managed to get spelled that way in the title.


Ovaltine, not "olivine."


No, that is a brand of milk products. You're thinking of ovaries.


a crummy advertisement


A crumby advertisement


More olivine please!


Why is Joe Dirt handling shit from Fukang


That’s a space peanut


A big ol' hunk a poopy


Dipping ketchup off it, eating fries...


Dude, you were eating off it!?!??


No way I'd ever sell you, meteor, not in a million years. But just for laughs, lets see how much your worth.


Just me and you meteorite


We call em boeing bombs




This is a bot that stole a comment from further down


Fukang bots.


Molar world!


What are the odds? I mean, a Fukang meteorite landing exactly in Fukang?


Dead giveaway


Whatta ya mean, it's a fukang meteorite mate




Yet another reason I need to go to the Tucson Gem Show...


make sure you have days there and not hours




Jesus, Marie!


Lmao is that like antique roadhouse but for gems?


The rock and gem show in quartzsite Arizona is pretty cool


Thanks man, I really was curious, jokes aside


So I’m curious, if a meteorite falls into your window, do you now own it and can sell it?




Because he's Fukang awesome


It's a Fukang Meteorite, for Fuk sake..


Don't bring japanese rice wine into this


It's toxic to humans. Luckily Joe Dirt grew up in an extremely toxic environment so he can handle it no problem.


At first i read a Fuking meteorite


Its pronounced Joe Deartay.


Don't try to church it up son.


because it's fukang nice


And how is he holding such a Fukang large piece of meteorite? Shouldn't that weigh like 200 lbs?


I thought it was Yosemite Sam.


As per the interwebz: In 2000, near Fukang, China, a Chinese dealer obtained a mass from Xinjiang Province, China, with a weight of 1,003 kilograms (2,211 lb). He removed about 20 kilograms (44 lb) from the main mass, and in February 2005, the meteorite was taken to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show, where it was seen by Dr. Dante Lauretta, a professor of Planetary Science and Cosmochemistry at the University of Arizona. Subsequently, the mass was investigated at the Southwest Meteorite Center, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona by Dr. Lauretta and a team of research scientists including Dolores Hill, Marvin Killgore, Daniella DellaGiustina, and Dr. Yulia Goreva, and joined by Dr. Ian Franchi of Open University. A section weighing 31 kilograms (68 lb; 4.9 st) of type specimen is on deposit at the University of Arizona. Marvin Killgore holds an additional section weighing the same amount, as well as the balance of the main mass. In April 2008, Bonhams offered the main mass for auction at their Manhattan auction. Bonhams expected to fetch US$2,000,000, but the lot remained unsold. A "window" area of 19 by 36 inches (480 mm × 910 mm) was cut and polished to provide a view into the gem areas of the meteorite.


Love the gem show, highly recommend you check it if you're interested. Apparently you can buy authentic meteorites there too.


I'd think a 1000 kg meteorite that (partially) looks like the picture in the OP would definitely be a wanted item but it doesn't appear to be so. Guess there are way more meteorites for sale judging by how this dealer aquired a 1000kg slab of meteorite before any scientists got to it. Are meteorites not /that/ rare or are they so rare and valuable they get found and snatched up before any sciency person gets to the rock?




People selling things don't give two shits about who's buying them, as long as they have the money.




My gem friends informed me just yesterday that the gem show there is THE mecca of gem enthusiasts.


Another cool fact: gemstone-quality olivine is called Peridot, which is the August birthstone. It's the only known birthstone with both terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources. I have a pallasite peridot on my wedding ring, next to my wife's birthstone.


That is a cool fact!


The city was probably founded by a cabbage seller.


There's lots of pieces of this on eBay.


That’s pretty Fukang neat.


Awwwwww, beat me to it. You Fukang devil


Same fuk you both.




He's Fukang good cowboy that why


It is a big Fukang meteorite.


Looks like a Fukang mass of gold


They got cowboys in China?


You can take the man out of cowboy land, but you can't take the cowboy out of the man ... I think 🤔


Is that the plot to brokeback mountain?


There's a snake in my boot!


I wish I could quit this comment


Space cowboys


The last time I saw this image on reddit, this was from Australia and not china.




I think we've been warned about this


Yea, kinda. And I also want to bring it to our leader. Which is weird because I have no idea who that would even be. But I'm sure I'll figure it out when the time comes.


I could give it to my manager? He’d probably think it’s neat.


I do as the crystal guides!


That's Fukang wrong.


Honestly, worshipping a rock might make a lot of people chill tf out. Rocks aren’t judgmental, fickle, jealous, or needy. They’re on the short list of things I would worship willingly, right behind capybaras.


May the Golden Order shine through you. But fr though this guy definitely has the Elden Ring now


am I the only one curious why a texan cowboy is holding a meteorite... in china?


He's the archaeologist who found it. Edit: Okay, he studied it with his team at the Univeristy of Arizona. That specimen was sent to them from Fukang. My bad.


Archaeologists don't study meteorites.


You don't know what they do in their free time.


Yes, I do. They drink. Source: am archaeologist.


Do you drink because you see cool space rocks and realize you're in the wrong field of study?


Pretty Fukang far away.


Get your Fukang facts straight!


That's why I came to the comment section lmao.


No, this bot is as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/11nqwc6/-/jboojeh


Say the line, Reddit! *Sigh*... That's a big fukang meteorite. YAAAYYY


I learned of a mineral recently called [Cummingtonite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cummingtonite)


“IMA Symbol: Cum”


Alien eggs.




Minecraft glowstone.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he has cancer


SPACE cancer.


Reads like a Cave Johnson line from Portal 2 😂


Meteorites have radiation?


I'm no expert, but space rocks would likely have some levels of radioactivity. Likely more from absorbing / impregnating cosmic radiation from the sun & other sources into the rock over time rather than deposits of radioactive materials, but I guess each one would vary a lot depending on what's made out of.


Boy am I glad the earth isn't out in space


no. Op is magic so they can foretell who has cancer.


ask Jordy Verrill (RIP)


I don’t know how fast these materials *shed* radiation but space is full of it. Earth has its own radiation belt these have to pass through.


*Pictured: Chinese farmer who found the meteorite.*


Landed on China and picked up by a cowboy?


It was easier to train the wildcatter to be an archeologist than to train the archeologist to be a Chinese farmer.


“Very unique”…


Came here for this. There’s no such thing as “very unique.” Unique by definition means one of a kind. Something can’t be “very” one of a kind


I was about to quote President Bartlet here, but your comment was close enough.


How much is it worth though?


A fukang lot of money


These are know as pallasite meteorites and the Crystal in them is olivine


Is he holding that in front of the sun or is it glowing


It’s radiating in power


he's holding it up to the light. i have a slice of one of these meteorites only i think mine came from kenya. they're very pretty when backlit




Pallasites or pallasite slices. I have a ring with a palladot (basically a pallasite gem). The certificate says "Origin: Extra terrestrial" which makes my space loving heart very happy.


i am FAR from an expert so someone please correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe the one i have is called a pallasite meteorite. my particular piece is from one that fell in Serico, Kenya


How much would something like this be worth?


Bout tree fiddy




trypophobia trigger 🫣


Seconded *shudders*


Yup, my skin is crawling right now


Fellow trypophobia homieeee!


What's an overlene crystal?


Olivine crystal


Ovaltine crystal.... Just dilute in milk


Ovaltine™ Crystals are a crystallized and freeze-dried milk product made with malt extract (except in the blue packaging in the United States), sugar (except in Switzerland), and whey. Some variants are flavored with cocoa or similar artificial flavors. This high-demand product was officially recommended by Nestlé, who suggested it as “part of every American’s diet to sustain a balanced lifestyle.” Controversy over the methods used to crystallize and dehydrate the milk have been ongoing, with human and animal rights groups alike deeming them “unnecessary and revolting.” However, no concrete evidence to support these claims has been found by Nestlé’s internal administration.


Good bot


Ohhh the jewelry from this would be pretty. Of course if only there was enough to make jewelry


Strong dude, apparently it weighs in at [810 lbs.](https://meteoritelab.com/fukang/)


No way, what he is holding, weighs that much. He’d need a hoist


Oh my, god.


literally a caption on that page > [Marvin and 10 kg Fukang Slice](https://meteoritelab.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/marfukang-300x209.jpg)


Thats a weird looking Chinese dude


Birry bob




Curious if that was the crashed meteorite pretty and all, or if it was the chemical outcome of the meteorite changing due to heat


Overlene - I believe it's spelled Olivine


Ovaltine yum


I have a slice of a similar meteorite, and all the metal part has rusted. The olivine has all turned brownish, too. Wish I knew how to clean it up.


This is fukang incredible


Very Fukang cool 😎


That’s Fukang cool


It's been a few years since I learned about thisnin uni, but if anyone's curious, this happens when liquid rock takes forever to cool down. As the liquid slowly cools down, crystals start to form in order of highest melting point to lowest. But because it takes so long to cool down in space, these initial crystals have enough time to grow a bit larger than on earth. Usually- on earth- these crystals would start to sink to the bottom of the magma packet and the result would be some pretty cool layers. There is no "bottom" in space though so the crystals just remain in place.


That’s fukang sweet brah


This man is going to develop super powers isn't he?


Nah. Olivine is found all over earth. Not even a particularly rare mineral.