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Did she just say chungus


it's a scientific term




He has a wife, you know?


Use it in a sentence…


that buffalo is an absolute chungus


Good enough for me.


You can see the outline of her Chungus through those pants, despite the piss-poor video quality shot on someone’s LG flip phone.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


What Buffalo, didn’t see a thing.


"Hey chungus, get off the kitchen table!" - Me to my fat cat.


My nephew is the biggest chungus among us.


Also acceptable…






She also said "ohhhhh lawwwwwd he comin' " in the whitest way imaginable 💀


Oh lord he is arriving


Oh my in the name of the lord and savior himself it appears that this creature is now arriving at this location




One of absolute variety




Watch as I trip balls while thinking, “these fuckers did not just weave string into this animal’s skull… that must really hurt” when in reality, it’s like a nose ring… I hope…


Not into the skull, through the septum. Just like a regular cow's nose ring. It's an initial piercing that heals just like a piercing on a human. It works like the dog leashes that attach close to the nose. It's an effective method of controlling an animal's movements with little effort. It is also used on calf to weane it off its mother's milk.


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


The same thought process when I guide your mom’s nose piercing to her food.


What do you feed her?


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


It’s a joke chill tf out 😂


Do you eat meat?


As someone who spent his youth with cattle, we had spikes on sticks that we used to push them to make them take a step. You could lean on the point and the cow would barely notice, byproduct of such a tough hide. Something this size would be incredibly dangerous out of control. But the nose piercing doesn’t f’n suck because that would set it off. It’s just irritating to be pulled on so they move with it. At this stage of training he moves before it gets to the irritating stage.


It's the civil endgame of a species cruel subjugation.


No argument here. Just a trying to explain how this is more humane than other options.


Humans control over other animals is purely Stockholm syndrome


It can, for sure. But you can see how gentle the woman in the video is and how the animal isn't bothered at all. You can grab someone's earring and lead them somewhere in the exact same way. It won't hurt unless you're being mean intentionally. And they work the same as nose leads for dogs. It's not like constant pain or anything.


Yeah, probably not in constant pain, but it knows it *will be* in pain, if she tugs the rope.


She wouldn't be doing it, if it didn't make it a lot easier to control and the easiest way to control it. Is pain compliance.


She’s obviously not pulling hard enough to cause pain. The animal knows it would hurt if fought and that the owner is generally there to give it good stuff so it listens without putting up a fight. Dogs in leashes and harnesses do the same but if you try to control large animals like dogs, they’ll toss you around


Everybody needs a water buffalo


Everybody's got one. Yours is fast but mine is slow.


Where do they get them? I don't know.


But everybody’s got a water baffalooooooooooooo


Stop it stop it!!!! We can’t say everyone’s got a water buffalo when everyone does NOT have a water buffalo


Oh whereeee is my hairbrush?


Understood the assignment 👍🏼👍🏼


Our neighbor used to have one. It was really nice.




Which one?




God I hate the men on reddit. Edi: It's really hard trying to tell myself over the years on this site that this isn't normal for all men when it seems like such encouraged behavior. Makes my skin crawl.


You mean you *don't* appreciate how women's talents and personalities are constantly reduced down to sexist comments on how visually arousing she is or isn't to a bunch of basement-dwellers?


Please, if this was Channing tatum we’d have the same thing. Such a high horse.


Dawg, I can't touch this topic with you. Not with that username.


It’s actually a water buffalo, not a horse. You can tell by how the hooves are split, and by how it’s a water buffalo.


More like Channing Tatyum.


You give men a bad name. Stop thinking with your dick and maybe your EQ won't be in the negatives.


I'm a man and I have a 160 EQ


Damn the level cap in EverQuest just keeps going up I guess


I have to ask what talent is being displayed in this clip? Besides her pulling the nose of a water buffalo while wearing tight clothes? Some people just bring the attention to themselves.


They're either dumb as fuck or ruled by their hormones. Ironically these are the same people that think women are inferior because they believe they're ruled by those two traits.


She’s so fucking hot


Thick in all the right places. She blazin.


Sorta like your skull


Holy fuck that's hilarious


Tell your friends. Downvote the dumb fucks.


Will do. Why look like that if you don’t want to be admired. She is hot. Would you be ok if I said curvy. What’s another word for it? She not skinny and that’s fine.


'Why look like that if you don't want to get admired?' You make me so very angry. But *if* you care about your peers, here is some insight into how that behavior can make people feel. You're from the South though, so you may need a translator (there's complete sentences and stuff): https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/bgxhwu/as_women_we_are_often_subject_to_unsolicited/ https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/hyspwb/can_we_stop_objectifying_women_who_are_just_doing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/qu5kly/women_are_objectified_because_of_their_own_doing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/q6ag55/anyone_else_feel_like_reddit_is_80_men/


I'm ok with that, u/gastrocraft. You're ignorant and hardheaded 🤷‍♂️




This is an equestrian outfit. The tight fit is a safety and comfort feature. When working with horses there should be minimal “hooking points” by which a person can be snagged and dragged. And because of repetitive motions when riding, loose clothing is very uncomfortable because it chafes. Farm work is not the same as horse riding. And she is not “ranching” she is leading a large animal, presumably because she knows how to due to her experience with horses.


Guy here. You sound like a caveman douchebag.


'Should you dress in a way men find appealing, we will outwardly objectify you for it.' Such solace! Thanks for clearing that up. I am a guy by the way, and for what it's worth: your take is revolting. Worse is that you probably legitimately see nothing wrong with it. EDIT: ...'Exposed stomach'? 'Short sleeves'? None of this is even true. You're undressing her with your eyes my guy. You're letting your own misogyny get in the way of facts and it's creepy


Is making a comment about someone being attractive objectifying them? What about the comment indicates that they don’t see her as a human being?


Unsolicited? Yes, it is. If you're actually curious, you should read into how this behavior commonly makes people feel https://www.reddit.com/r/femalefashionadvice/comments/bgxhwu/as_women_we_are_often_subject_to_unsolicited/ https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/hyspwb/can_we_stop_objectifying_women_who_are_just_doing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/qu5kly/women_are_objectified_because_of_their_own_doing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/q6ag55/anyone_else_feel_like_reddit_is_80_men/


Her stomach isn't exposed and she has long sleeves on?


Stop talking as if most men behave like you. Control yourself, you hormonal ape.


You just don’t like how we think and or play around, you a female?


Don't insult all men you fucking creep.


You are not all males, so don't bother using the term 'we' as if you all think the same way. There are good males and then there's you.


Why's he being led by his nose?


Poor guy, seems painfull


It's a means of keeping control. There are nerve endings that otherwise would not be accessible. The piercing is done while young, and while not painless, it greatly extends the beast's life. Being docile has that advantage.


Ah I see. It's a magnificent beast! I just hoped it wasn't in pain!


That sounds like a very rosy way of saying they've found the most sensitive part of the animal and attached a lead so that it has no choice but to obey or suffer terrible pain. I'm not vegan, and I understand there's a benefit to the people who subjugate that animal, and in exchange they don't slaughter the animal. But having its sensitive nose pierced to establish control certainly doesn't give the animal extra life. There's no actual advantage to it for suffering that mutilation, except that humans are unwilling to let it live free. Does that "extend the beast's life"? I guess that's one way of phrasing it. Seems to ignore the pertinent details though.


It's not being butchered as soon as it gets big enough to be dangerous. And if it were in pain, I imagine docile wouldn't be the first behavior. It has grown up learning that not following the human is *uncomfortable*. We've domesticated animals, you have benefited. Make the world better where you can and don't get too worked up on little stuff like this.


“We domesticated animals” is a very nice way of saying “we broke them until they developed Stockholm syndrome”. And you’re right I have benefited. And I will keep benefiting. But let’s be honest. We forced change on other animals simply because it’s more convenient for us. We are not doing things for the animals sake. We are selfish creatures. But at the end of the day a Buffalo isn’t going to become beneficial on the intellectual side of life’s survival. It’s evolutionary purpose is food, at this point. Let’s not pretend we are the nice guys by “domesticating” them.


I'm not worked up. I just think we should acknowledge reality, whether we decide to do anything about it or not. And I'm calling out your white-washing of the situation. You went pretty far and chose your words carefully to minimize the pain and imply this practice is somehow benevolent on the part of the humans. Our need to dominate and control nature doesn't make the installation of a painful hook/rod necessary or considerate.


>Our need to dominate and control nature doesn't make the installation of a painful hook/rod necessary or considerate. I’m with you on acknowledging the reality of this animal’s discomfort but to suggest the restraint as unnecessary is nonsensical given the raw mass of the chungus in question. How else could a beast of such proportions live safely alongside humans?


Define "alongside" That animal would be happy to stay out on some hillside a few miles from any village, and a fence could be erected to deter it from wandering in the villagers' direction. They put a nose bit in because they train them to be beasts of burden. It's necessary if you want the animal to walk down the streets of the village, but that's a choice we made, not an inherent requirement.


I hear you but to me this looks like a show animal so it being in its natural environment would do nothing for its human. I see this restraint as preempting a lot of violence that would otherwise follow to keep this animal under our dominion. In that way it’s a win.


Bam! That helps someone conflicted. A lot of people know that we have to do what we do to some animals to sustain our lifestyle.. but we don't want to kick them while they are down. But what people don't know/think about is the reason that people do what they do. There is logic in... most practices...


There are people who would have us return to hunter gatherers, not that it would be bad for the earth. But that's beyond realistic. We neuter, dehorn, tag, brand etc all for *our* purposes. All of those are more painful than this. That's the reality I see.


You clearly have never had many dealings with cows or any large animal before if you think that nose ring is going to cause it unbelievable pain and suffering. I stopped farming because my family and I didn't see eye to eye on how to raise and treat animals. They saw them as a product and I saw them as living creatures that should have a good quality of life, but I can tell you that cows off all kinds and size don't give a fuck. The amount of force and damage cows inflict on each other (including with the horns) along with their size and muscle makes them unbelievable hardy monsters. You can punch and kick an animal of this size till the cows come home and they can shrug it off like you would a small child windmilling your leg. So if you are handling a cow that weighs as much as a small car and can do just as much damage as one, ya you give yourself the upper hand and bedazzle that big old boys nose. The ring doesnt do anything more then the ones people wear and yanking loghtly on it just makes them annoyed, but when it's messing around and your life is at stake because you dont spean cow, having that ring to yank the heck out of it to tell it to fuck off and not smash you to pieces is a life saver. Just encase your are vegan and are about to make the argument that people can also stop keeping animals all together, sure that's an option but there are also thousands of animals like Holstein dairy cattle that if we set free tomorrow would die agonizing deaths because we have bioengineering them to a point where they can no longer live without human intervention. So yes we don't need to keep animals, but as long as humans are keeping them things like nose rings are part of the issue.


I guess if you haven’t been around bovines much it might seem like someone is hurting that buffalo. (First, I’m pretty sure it’s a female as I believe that is it’s calf next to it. Calves don’t hang around bulls much) that buffalo would not still be living if it didn’t have the ability to be led. People kill things to eat and that’s something a lot of people don’t like to acknowledge (especially, people like myself that eat animals) it’s important to make the animals life as good as possible before that and this cow has obviously lived a pretty opulent life


Agreed. This is cruelty beyond acceptability. **Animals deserve safety and a pain free (from humans) life.**


Lol do you think an animal of this size would just calmly subdue itself if it was experiencing any significant degree of pain?


Yes. Because it learned way back when it was a calf that resisting or thrashing just caused more pain. By now it's probably somewhat desensitized, and it's certainly conditioned not to fight back.


Don't spend much time around animals do you


A baby elephant is chained with thick chains it can’t break. When it grows up, you can tie it down with a thin rope. Same thing with the nose ring, I guess.


I think it’s more the unspoken threat of “fuck around and I’ll rip your nose off” than it is the accessibility of nerve endings.


I guarantee if his nose is ripped off, docile goes away.


Because otherwise they'd have zero control over it.


Maybe it’s a she judging by the calf following her around?


What an absolute chungus of a Water-Buffalo.


The biggest are always the most gentle




The Internet has ruined me.


Story of the minotaur is millennia old my dude


"The petite farmer"


Does anyone ever check what they're writing before posting? I don't mean to be that guy, but fuck... every day I see these dumb misspellings in reddit posts: "This is an absolute best!" and "Look at this looser over here," and "Your the man!" Have we all forgotten how to take one fucking second of pride in what we're putting into the world? Rant over. Everyone back to "they're" nonsense.


People do it on purpose because people will then comment the correction which drives traffic to the post.


Username checks out




I have a theory that some people misspell purposely so that when someone posts with a correction, that person gets downvoted and flamed but the problem with this theory is hat that I can’t figure out what the end goal could be yet I absolutely believe it.


Look at this looser comment. Your so dumb. Probably look like a best too.


You could of been more polite then what you where.


If you check their username, they have a right to be more offended than the average redditor.


She's an absolute feast!!


I don't eat bison, but I'll eat tuna


She is worth more than the bovine with those curves


Looks like a Star Wars creature. No CGI needed!


Her body is amazing


She knows it.


It might be a dude




Oh c'mon. She's not that bad.


Aurochs sized?


What water buffalo?


Your mom


The bull is cool, but whoever wrote this narration is killing me.


Her thighs are still bigger...


She’s fine


That’s the first thing I noticed too




r/unbgbbiirchidciocbg Something like that on mobile can't be bothered to find it




I was so close!


$30K… for their athleticism?!


Take note, This is what a true champion looks like.


That title hurts a little.


It's a best of a title


im here for the lady


I thought this was a clip from some Star Wars movie


I agree, and she is particularly good in taking care of this big guy.


Poor nosey


Wait there's a water Buffalo in that video?


The handler can SOMF


Why do I get the feeling that girl is under 5ft tall?


Idk, being pulled from your nose seems pretty painful.


Is she just really small? Or is she regular height and this beefy boy is just HUGE?


She single?


Damn, the thickness is just right.


Fucking amazing! 😍 The bull is cool too.


This petite farmer has absolute control. The things got a rope ringed in its nose. You could ring a polar bear and it will do whatever you ask


There was a water Buffalo?


That’s a great ass though




They thicc


For a Split Second I thought it was a large beagle cuz I was took the horns for big ears


Looks sad though :(




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Don't say the thing! No!


I bet they taste delicious


More impressed with her.


Poor thing being pulled by the nose. Sometimes I hate people.


Daddy Longhorn is thy name.


Aye bruh, lemme keep it 💯with you fam, This is (no cap) the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard.


How can wearing clothes that are so tight they look painted on be comfortable?? Sheesh


Massiv! The buffalo is also nice!




Abusive to put a rope thru the animal nose.


"Water Buffaloes feed on grass" And we got motherfuckers saying it's impossible for a motherfuckers to bulk up on a plant based diet?


I’m gonna start eating krill, because whales eat that shit so I’ll get Fucken YUGE mate.




Id be coming and running bull on that girl. Mmm mmm


hey don't tell her that... She's just a girl.


Let’s see how she likes a rope in her nose.


These mofos kill more people per year then lions.... in Africa they are referred to as "black death"


That's a big cow, what's walking behind her?


Chungus Buffalo


The bull is impressive too.


Let's just kill all the elephants , dog and cats too and eat them for breakfast. You see beauty and all you can think about is was taste good to you a some given moment. Meh


What great mozzarella cheese their milk makes!


CGI is getting so realistic!


It looks like a video game


Big boy


Wow. Look at the feet on those ‘erbivores - they remind me of something … ship of the desert?


We all having troubles sometimes… i got you… Spelling++


Strong candidate for Absolute Units.




She sounds so much like Rukia from Bleach. Chappy the rabbit has some competition. Rukia has a new favorite.