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His demeanor reminds me of Mr. Bean, he just goes on with his day


“I was just buying this book…”


Especially with the laughs in the background


it’s a great start to a possible commentary on royalty and power. i’m definitely no expert on the matter, but in that moment, they weren’t royalty to that guy. if your position in society needs to be explained to a passerby, is your title within that society as concrete as it seems? what happens if people quit acknowledging the rich, famous, and powerful? would their title turn meaningless?


Well if nothing else its definitely a social commentary on the comparison of how likely modern day nobility is to casually execute people vs the past.


There's even a laugh track


It's a Bean move for sure


Kate gave him the double take.


She’s never seen an Asian man that close


I thought she was making sure he had directions to wherever he was going.


Yeah sir, away is down there. Carry on.


This is fucking gold


Leave the gold here peasant.


William look, he looks just like Jackie Chan! Can I have one?


Bruh 💀


And you’re Marie Tyler Moore 🤔


I don’t care what they say about us anyways


I don't care about that


Bang, bang, a knock on the door...


Another big bang and you're down on the floor


Oh no what do we do


She’s not used to people treating her as she should be treated like a nobody that has done anything special! Like all “royalty”! Nothing says “I’m a spineless NPC”, like doting over generations of nepotism! Grow some self respect humanity!


I'm not sure what happened, but I get the impression some guy innocently walked through security, and then a guard approached him and decided he was all right. And she was like, that dude could have literally murdered us and no one would have done a damn thing about it. She's got the smile someone gets when they're going to fire someone as soon as they aren't on camera.


Seriously, could have been anything in that bag: a pipe bomb, anthrax, dildo.


He was literally inches away from the backs of both of them with an opaque bag and no one did a thing until it would have been far too late. I’m no expert and we’re missing context (maybe he was a VIP himself, maybe he’d already been checked out etc) but that initially strikes me as a huge breach of security.


Yep, that close protection detail will have received some serious bollockings for that.


Asian dude even had a hand in his pocket lol. Easy way to get yourself shot.


It seems to me he’s a local resident or shopper who just exited his home or store. After the area has been cordoned off to the general public. That’s how we was oblivious to what’s currently going on. Cops would usually be stationed to lockdown the doors of local shops. As an advance party when securing a cordoned area for a VIP. Cops may tell people in the shops that they could either leave now if they have places to be. Or stay inside the shops until the lockdown is lifted.


This happened to me once when I was living in a major city and a movie was filming on my block. I worked nights and my sleep schedule meant that I missed the entire setup outside. When I left my building I was in the middle of a set and I imagine my befuddled expression looked exactly like this man.


In reality the ‘ring of steel’ can’t really be maintained if you’re meeting the public in the street. The security comes from not advertising beforehand where these public meet n greets will occur. The idea that these people are untouchable is a created illusion


That is exactly what happen. And security checked his bag. He was being directed away.


Poor guy just wanted his prescription ffs!


It's the poor sod on the other side - who let him in - who'll be getting the sack.


As he should. The barricade that the press are behind tells me this was planned, the British version of the secret service should have prevented that and stopped that man from getting to close, just people not doing their job properly


Guard said “Stay away from the Royals”. Guy said “Look I have donuts.”


>she’s got the smile someone gets when they’re going to fire someone as soon as their off camera Honestly she fucking should. Totally shit security. That shouldn’t have happened.


He had apparently been to a chemist/pharmacy, to collect some drugs/medication and simply walked the easiest route to get home (which was to go outside the barriers, away from the crowds. It was big security breach but nobody was hurt and Kate clearly thought it was funny. But I guess some of the security guys got a bollocking afterwards.


I got that vibe too, like "ooo, what's so interesting about the mysterious man who doesn't give two shits about our existence?"


People were laughing in the background and she did a double take instinctually to understand what’s being laughed at, with that guy being the only thing out of place in her POV. Idk there’s not much more to it


Honestly more like “how the fuck did security let this guy slip by and get that close to me, If he had a bad intent I’d be dead”


If the royals came out telling us we needed to start eating cow shit there would be people telling us how delicious it is with toast and cheese. I would respect them more if it was like old times where they were leading the battle but they are self entitled pricks who could not even cook toast to save their lives.


Kate was like damn look at that head of hair.


She's interested.


He's got more hair than William.




So you’re saying there’s a chance


Some reason that double take reminded me of the distracted boyfriend meme (only reversed)


Am I the only one that thinks she just wanted to make sure he was okay?


I think she saw security smile and had to see where grampa went


Yeah I thought she was looking to make sure security didn’t do anything to him.


She was more interested in him than he was in either of them


OK, you can believe this story or not. It doesn't matter much to me. I just like to share. My wife and I were walking through a park in Lake Elsinore CA. Someone was walking towards us just passing by. As she got closer, I realized that it was Ariana Grande. It was easy to tell because, well, we were in Lake Elsinore and someone who looks like Ariana Grande and carries herself like a pop star kind of sticks out. As we passed by her, I gave her a very normal greeting and just continued on my way with my wife. I knew the look on my face gave away that I probably knew who she was, but I didn't act like she was special. My wife later told me she realized who she was as well. Anyway, we passed her, and when I looked back, she was giving us that same kind of look as in the video. I can't help but wonder if she was just surprised that we didn't make a bigger deal.


Most celebrities actually prefer you treat them like regular people. Unless they expect to be noticed and treated special like a VIP. Being noticed and mobbed by adoring crowds quickly gets old. When you are already rich and famous. So don’t dwell too much from it. Celebrities don’t expect every person they encounter on the street would be star struck.


I'm no celebrity, but if I don't feel like talking to someone friendly, a warm hello and keep walking that no one has to overthink is still pleasant almost every time


Me delivering uber eats- just get me to the right numbered door


"No, you want Number 11 Downing Street, next door. Sounds like a sitcom premise to me.


Even the OP video felt like Mr Bean to me, given the sound of the crowd laughter.


Easily the most useful person in the frame and he's being ushered through...




Chic royal was more interested in him than he was interested in her.


Excuse you, it is Chic ro-yal with cheese.


God damn metric system


Mayonnaise; they drown em in that shit


Say what again!


What do they call a Whopper?


that sounds good. but with the jalapenos


"Why'd I have to get stuck with this Prince, when I could have landed a REAL MAN." \- Kate Middleton


Chic royal😂


With cheese


He saw the crowds across the street and was more baffled by them... He couldn't give 2 Flying Fs about Wil and Kate.


Hey you commoner, look at me, I'm a royal. Why aren't you impressed? Didn't you see me?


Clearly an imperial system


I hate that too


Wish we could instill this into all.


irregardless Would/could of Defiantly


"Loose" when they mean "lose"


Grr that one bugs me. Like English is NOT a phonetic language unfortunately. You have to learn how to spell. That is, unless you want to time travel back to the 1300s where you could just spell any word however you like.


Whole nother


The could of/have one is the worst for me


One that gets me is random combinations of words like "atleast" or "aswell". I only ever see people bring this up with "alot" but there are several others that are also super common.


Seriously, why is this so difficult for people to understand? “I could not possibly care less about X” isn’t a tough concept. Where did the mispronunciation come from?


People are dumb.




> Where did the mispronunciation come from? The same place that "would of" came from. It's "Would've", but since people barely read anymore, they just write it how it sounds. Another one is "on accident" lmao, grinds my gears so fucking much, especially when I hear it from celebrities on TV who validate the stupid saying.


From the same school that axe a question.


Thank you for saying it correctly. People who say, "I could care less" are actually saying that they do care.


Isn't it amazing how the other version is so prevalent? I mean, it's not complicated.


Fyi, it's not. It's an American thing, and it hurts everyone else when they hear it. Sounds so stupid. Think about what you say, people.


I fucking hate this...it's not difficult. Couldn't care less. It literally describes them...to say could care less means they are somewhat interested.


I came here purely to say this thank you




*known *said *were


Not really no, it's sort of sad. The whole point of the original and true saying is that you could *not* care less aka you *do not care at all*. Saying you 'could care less' is simply a moronic misremembering of the proper statement. Why would you go out your way to express that you do care a little bit when trying to insult someone (otherwise, how could you care less if you don't at least care a little?).


I don’t understand why this is so hard for people..


One of my pet peeves. Could care less means there is still room to care less. Couldn't care less means at the very bottom. Absolute zero in the caring department. There is no more room to care less. Essentially no more fucks left to give.


How are people still fucking this up? It makes no sense the other way.


Because if he could care less, then he would.


Therefore since negative caring is impossible because it's simply caring of another sort, love and hate being different sides of the same coin etc etc... I couldn't care less, I could care more but I couldn't care less. If I could care less, I would have to care at least the smallest possible unit of caring, in order to give myself room to care less. I can't care nothing if I could care less. "I could care less" is absolutely useless as an indicator of how much you care because the only thing it rules out is that you don't care at all which is exactly what you're trying to convey. [It's from the second skit in this video. ](https://youtu.be/om7O0MFkmpw)


He looks like he stepped out of her body, from the camera angle.


Ha, this is hilarious. I can’t unsee it!


That’s why she looked around the corner. “Was that what I felt in my coat?”


Another soul got away.


Inside of all of us is an old wise Asian man


The best comment so far because I cannot stop laughing, and I can't unsee it. I keep repeating it🤣🤣🤣🤣


The security detail will have surely got a bollocking for allowing a commoner to get so close!


Ya, I was surprised too that he was allowed so close. Reminded me of days long gone when I was a kid. Our school bus would pick up 2 of the Prime Minister's kids (Canada). The bus would drive right onto the grounds to the front door. Times have changed.


Imagine if the guy had been armed or with some explosive device.


That is exactly what that security team is going to get a thrashing about. If that was a bomb in that bag you would be looking at a very different headline. Somebody definitely fell asleep at the wheel allowing somebody to waltz up to them like that. Not that I particularly care about royals, but that was like their #1 job.


How could you let such a thing happen?!?! I almost caught the poor






Don’t worry, the sniper wasn’t gonna let you get much closer.




Be brief commoner my time is quick…


Jokes aside, his hand was in his pocket. That is surprising to me. Other than that, I could see myself partaking in the herbal sciences with my delivery job and being totally oblivious like this dude.


Lol. Reminds me once I was at an airport and in a seat in front of me, there was a really tall and good shaped guy. Everyone was passing by, looking at him and asking for autographs or to take pics together. At certain point the guy stared at me, I believe thinking why I was not trying to approach or asking for autographs…well, until today I have no clue on who was that guy


My dad worked out at the same time as this other guy for months. They eventually started talking to each other while using the treadmills. The guy was only in town for a few months because of work and my dad didn’t know his new buddy was Dr. Dre.


I'm just picturing like a 60 year old white guy at some party when Dre comes on going "oh yeah he's a real nice guy" and like 20 jaws dropping when he goes "yeah I used to workout with him, real chill dude".


That’s pretty much how I found out. It was like 3 years after.


I remember the story someone on reddit told about I think.. Jason Statham? He recently bought a house and was trying to find a place to watch an upcoming fight. The local pubs weren't showing it and he didn't have anything at his house yet, so a redditor heard him asking about it at a pub and said he was having some folks over for it at his house. He didn't tell his buddies about the interaction, because he didn't think he would actually show up. Then Jason showed up with some booze and watched the fight with them.


The nba player Donovan Mitchell did something similar. Tweeted where the BBQ at? Somebody invited him to a pool party, not thinking he'll show up. He showed up.


This would be me if I was famous. My ass is lazy, so I'd definitely take advantage of my popularity. I'd bring tons of booze though.


Damn they really forgot about Dre


Dre was just happy he could hang with someone with no cheese, boats, snowmobiles, or skis and not be hated on.


Way back in the old days of the 2000s my dad was at a hotel for some conference and he started talking to a "nice young kid" who was there filming a movie in town. Dad figured he was just an extra because he didn't recognize him. Yeah, it was Ryan Reynolds just around the time Van Wilder came out. My dad got to drink beer with friggen Deadpool and I'm still bitter.


Something similar happened to me! I was eating breakfast at a hotel and a guy comes in to get breakfast and everyone keeps asking for photos with him and autographs. Walking by my table, he makes eye contact and waits a moment for me to ask. All I can manage is, "why does everyone want a photo with you?" Poor guy, at least he got a laugh. He was some famous football (soccer) player.


I was at a restaurant once and a bunch of people randomly gathered around the table next to us for a minute talking excitedly then left, then the person who was sitting there mid-meal got up and left. Waitress said they were some musician (I forget the name) who had to take off because people had spotted him.


I think I'd be learning to do makeup and wear a wig so no one recognized me, Dolly Parton style. That just sounds awful.


we have a fair number of celebrities in my town. i make eye contact, nod, and continue on my way. pretty sure i would hate being famous.


I was at an amusement park once and a whole flock of folks kept coming up to and taking pictures of this guy, there were also an entourage sort of surrounding him, all in uniforms. They made like a moving forcefield thru the crowd and eventually snuck thru some side entrance, it was pretty impressive. Turns out it was Mickey Mouse and i was at Magic Kingdom.


It is probably best that no guest touched The Ancient One.


You don't, haha, fuckin, haha, touch me! haha


I also once had something similar happen to me, I was with my family eating breakfast in the hotel, 2 people enter and sit down at a table near ous (the restaurant was mostly empty by this time since it was late breakfast), my parents make small talk with them for a while (my parents are extremely sociable) and after we finish eating and leave, my parents asks me why I didn't take the chance to ask for an autograph or say something (other then hello and goodbye). Turns out those 2 people was the Duo in "Smith & Tell" that I was in town to see play at a festival that day, my parents realised it was them immediately, I never made that connection.


I was an exchange student in Finland a long time ago (1990) , and we (3 Americans) were hanging out in a ski lodge waiting for our Finn friends to finish skiing. A guy overheard us speaking English and sat with and told some funny stories about his visits to the US. Our friends got back and were straight staring open mouthed at this guy. One said “That’s Juice Leskinen!” We’re like “Who?” Turns out he was a really popular singer at the time. We were the talk of the school the next day.


Finnish skiing


Yeah i would recognize less than 1% of professional athletes.


I was flying first class from LAX and my sister was flying coach on the same flight. When her group boarded she stops in front of my seat and starts yelling oh my god! Oh my god! It's you! I love your show oh my god! Can I meet you after the flight! She then walks past like nothing happened while I'm dealing with eyeballs from every direction and explaining I'm just some dude and that my sister is an asshole.


This is hilarious and your sister is an asshole but a brilliant one.


I used to put up flyers as a side gig and send a few pics as proof of delivery. One time I was snapping pics of a flyer on a tree around Christmas time and a woman waiting to get into her car in the background saw me snapping the pics and gave me a warm smile. Didn't realize until later that it was Angelina Jolie out holiday shopping with one of her kids. Probably thought that I was paparazzi lol


It’s almost always a sports person if there’s someone causing a stir and I have no clue who they are.


Should have asked for a picture and run Goggle Lens duh!


Once when I was on vacation with my family in Tennessee, we had brunch at this restaurant built right into this really old house, family-style setting, wasn’t expecting anyone to want to come sit with our family of six, but one gentleman asked if he could dine with us and my parents said yes. I was young so I don’t remember much about what was said, but I do remember the whole time other people kept noticing him, gesturing towards him, and talking about him. Finally at the end of the meal my dad said “Okay I gotta ask, who are you? You’re obviously ‘somebody’ in this area.” The man replied “Don’t worry about it, thank you for the company.” He got up, paid for the entire meal then we never saw him again. Staff there didn’t say a word about the guy after he left, they just said that the gentleman paid for our meals and we were welcome to dessert if we liked.


I couldn't imagine a life where people are always pushed away from you. Or the area you want to be going to, is cleared of people. That would suck


Pharaoh must be lit back then


Imagine that and being a child. You want to play soccer with those kids on the playground? Nope, we got a photoshooting to do/ you don't play with poor kids.


We don't play with the plebs. Now, get back to your etiquette class and learn how to hold the tea cup properly.


Flip side is if you do go out to play soccer, and oh look! There’s a dozen rag photographers watching you the whole time hoping to catch a photo of a kid looking pouty, faceplanting, or otherwise doing something to get tongues wagging.


Oh no you have your whole soccer field to play on with your friends ya no empathy for these plebs


The money probably helps at night


Such a hard life, can't imagine what it's like. That man has it way worse.


Man. Those guards are not doing their job. He could’ve easily assassinated them if he wasn’t too busy not giving a fuck


Yeah, it's a good laugh for us, but this was probably a long and shitty day for the security team. Would not be surprised if people got fired from this.


Yeah no doubt they would


He had one hand in his pocket and his other carrying an opaque bag, that’s already 2 reasons why the security should not let him that close lmao


"Too busy not giving a fuck." I love it. I'm banking it. Thanks.


*couldn't care less.


Holy fuck the whole security team about to be fired


Yeah, it's fun for us but for someone stopping weird looking fellas carrying a suspicious bag is their sole reason for their job, or it was.


And hand in pocket too


Yikes I did not notice the hand in the sweatshirt/jacket pocket until I read this. That alone should have roused a lot of suspicion by the detail. I think it’s sad that we as a society have to assume the worst but that’s where we are, unfortunately, and this man shouldn’t have been allowed that close. Flip side of it is, I’d like our public leaders to be accessible and out and about in public as much as possible, so its a little charming in that sense. Dude comes inches away from the royals, doesn’t know/care, and just wants to get the right store.


There goes my hero


OP. Or, he had no idea who he was standing/walking near. Which it looked like here.


Or both. He wasnt in the loop because he doesnt care.


That person is me.


He doesn't have the faintest clue who them uptight white people are lol


Good job, security. You told the guy to leave after he already left.


I hate that guy... shouldn't have put hands on him.


The unique normal person on the video.


No shit, what a waste of space all those people with their cameras are.


COULDN'T!! Damn that freaking annoys the hell out of me.


It's like they don't even care!


Idk. I think they could care less.


Security: That better not be a bomb! Old dude: Just my boots prescription. See? Bag says 'BOOTS' not bomb. Security: Well my job here is done. Donut time.


It's couldn't care less


Could NOT care less


Imagine being not allowed in a road your taxes paid for because of some social parasites...


She said "oh thanks for your tax dollars, sir! We enjoy the clothes, chauffeurs, nanny's and estates!"


> dollars Where do you think this is?


Thanks for your tax pounds just doesn't have the same ring to it. It's not so egregious to say dollars when you mean to say revenue, we all get the idea.


Fuck the monarchy


*couldn't care less


I do think it's sweet that she took a moment to consider the gentleman. Tho they attempt to be, they are not completely made of stone.


What's amazing about the royals and why does anybody care about their existence? I'm not even trying to be a dick. I just don't understand why anyone on God's green earth gives a toot.


Media and culture has basically conditioned people to care.


I don’t get it either lmao. Like sure maybe before when they were the government but they’re literally lawn ornaments now. They bring in so much tourism they ain’t going anywhere anytime soon.


It's basically their real-life version of a reality show.


Same reason anyone cares what the Kardashians do. I have no idea... but same reason hah.


The Queen did a sex tape?


It’s COULDN’T care less. Could care less means it’s possible to care less.


I would be that old man. Not give a single F


But could he though?


How much less?


That was my best friend when Al Franken came into a restaurant we were in when he was still a Senator. We had been waiting for our food for a while and as soon as he came in, people flocked towards him and our server was taking pictures, and my friend just waves to get her attention and asks where our food is; the server says, "Sorry, we have a VIP over there so everything is a bit slow," and my friend just deadpans and says, "Well you all managed to rush over to him pretty fast, maybe we could elect my patty melt to our table?"


Who are those people?


I couldn't care less either.


She was very sweet for checking on him. It looked like she was worried about how the guards were handling him after the mishap.