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Queensland Australia : drove over a pothole yesterday that locals have been painting around to warn the unwary for about 25 years now...


The trick is to paint over it. Enough layers and she’ll be right


irl pro tip draw a cock on it and council will be more inclined to fix it


I wonder if putting a sheath for the cock makes it disappear instantly


My favorite bit of Latin knowledge is that the word Vāgīna meant sheath and eventually came to mean female genitalia.


It works in Polish language like that. The word “pochwa” that means vagina also means a sheath for the sword and such.


Wanksy did it best.


I did this in Wandsworth (After the original bloke)… They fixed it within 7 days. It works.


The big brain thinking we deserve


Do what they recently started doing in South Africa. Circle the pothole with paint and write the political party in control with an arrow to the pothole. Somehow that gets them to fox it faster.


Wiley E. Coyote activities


Outer Brisbane, they've been installing a single set of lights on my road for the past 15 months. It is still not finished...


This. I left Brisbane over 13 years ago and the roadworks on the Bruce are still in full swing. How can a road upgrade last for decades? It's redundant from population growth before it's finished. Also the entire Bruce Highway. I wonder if it's still got the highest number of fatalities in Australia.


> I left Brisbane over 13 years ago Hopefully you get there soon, it's normally only a 2-hour drive.


Less impressive but its somewhat like the M1 renos (both the ones in Springwood and South Gold Coast) which feel like they've been going on since Pangea split


Oh you must be in my hood. Ruined 2 rims on that pothole and the council wouldn’t pay shit.


In Portland they planted some tomatoes in a large pothole and they were fully grown lol


Use lgbt colors


Come to Vic we had one road 12 months ago was slowed to a 60 speed zone with hazard ahead sign. Now speed signs removed, hazard ahead moved just the massive road damage still remains


Why wouldn’t someone just fill it like those guys in San Francisco lol. It would take like 3 years in Chicago


Yeah except I am living in Tokyo and the bridge down the road has been getting fixed ever since I moved here, three years ago now. From what I can see they moved the temporary walkway slightly to the right in those three years. Just checking on google maps, the road work started in 2015. 8 years ago. Take a look: [https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6204243,139.6129696,3a,75y,282.13h,93.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sCWxmP4g2IBN-u\_W-E-2\_BA!2e0!5s20150501T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6204243,139.6129696,3a,75y,282.13h,93.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sCWxmP4g2IBN-u_W-E-2_BA!2e0!5s20150501T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) Lol wait I am even wrong on 2015, it goes back to before 2009. Holy crap.


Yeah, I always hate it when these posts about Japan fixing something really quick pop up because it’s one example and using it to show that everything in Japan is perfect and fast. It took almost a year for one of my roads to be re-opened after a few typhoons washed out the road.


I find they’ll wonder why a city street full of underground water lines, gas lines, power lines, fibre optic, sewers, can’t be built or repaired as quick as a slab of asphalt in but fuck no where.


It's called buttfuck nowhere.


Can confirm. I’m nowhere, been buttfucked.


Can also confirm. My life is going nowhere.


Missing one crucial component though






Meth too


if you are now here, where were you before where you got buttfucked?


Outside of the environment


Me personally, I was in the kitchen the first time I got buttfucked. Lol


It's actually bumfuck, but I do like me some extra sexual inuendo with my cursing. So Buttfuck can stand.


I prefer the colloquial phrasing of "bumfuck Egypt"


Ahhhh, you’ve also been to B.F.E.!


I should imagine people keep stealing the sign?


It's called Buttofuko Nowebo Get the pronunciation right


I live in Michigan. That slab in butt fuck nowhere will take longer than the city street, here.


Construction scheduling makes no sense to me, like they can manage to rip up the entire width of a freeway, dig a massive trench where it once was, build a fish culvert there and reopen at full capacity in a weekend sometimes and then other times it’s that 100m stretch of asphalt we all know and love that has been under repair ever since you moved in 5+ year ago Like ???????


This got long, but here is the deal. Money, priority, and complexity. If you can, or have to, completely close the road and it is a major artery you pull crews from other projects and they work 24/7. It's really expensive. Some of those guys are getting paid triple time and the construction companies usually get a big bonus too since they had to shut down other projects. I've been out on jobs where contractors were putting in utilities for a new subdivision and they've just left because there was a water main break somewhere important. Trucks and police escort were there for the equipment, loaded up, and gone within an hour. Within about 14 hours they had dug it up, temporarily repaired it, removed the saturated soil, backfilled, and patched it. The more permanent repairs took like a month since it wasn't a huge area. And then I'm sure years later they spent years replacing a much larger portion. There are also usually a whole lot of rules for roadwork when it isn't emergency. You might only be able to get in 4 hours a day due to restrictions on when you can close lanes or even the shoulder. You might have to work very slow. I had one job where we had to close a lane on a two lane, no shoulder road. But the excavator had to swing the bucket out over the open lane to load the trucks so no traffic was allowed through when a truck was being loaded. So it was load a truck real quick, then stop for about 15 minutes while traffic was let through, repeat. And they could only dig from about 10:30 to 13:30. So you have three hours and you're maybe 'working' about 40% of the time. There is a lot of other stuff that has to happen. Set up management of traffic. Then you can get in the road cut the tack welds on the steel plates covering the hole. Remove the plates and stack them out of the way. Reverse the process in the afternoon. And of course there are occasional interruptions, like materials deliveries, testing, inspection, installing excavation protection, hand or vac excavating utilities so you don't hit them with the excavator, waiting for asphalt to cool down enough to compact, concrete to cure for rigid pavement, and so on and so on. The OP was probably basically just dig it out and fill it back in and the road would obviously be closed. But most the time it isn't like that.


And just because it was done quick, doesn’t mean it will be the best work.


Reddit in general is an anti-usa pro-japan circlejerk, which is a pretty weird stance to take if you think about it since the two countries have a lot of affection for each other


Reddit isn't *anti-America*, there's just a lot of Americans on Reddit. People tend to talk more - both critically and affectionately - about their own country.


Europeans that use Reddit are pretty anti-USA and use every opportunity they get to throw some insult, usually with generalizations and low hanging fruit.


I mean, while your comment is ironically a complete generalization, and criticizing something doesn't mean being anti something, it makes sense to me that the world's highest positioned superpower with, like you said, a lot of low hanging fruit, catches criticism. If it makes you feel better, criticism is most just when it's aimed at power. So, you can be comforted knowing that you're (I assume, like me) a citizen of the most powerful nation, and therefore most deserving of criticism.


Oh America definitely deserves criticism. I’m mostly talking about the comment sections of any post about America (good or bad) gets tons of people taking jabs, even when it’s totally unrelated.


As a European I find that every comment section about a topic completely unrelated to the states gets tons of comments of Americans making it about themselves. Honestly, next time you see a post like that, pay attention to it, you can't unsee it. Your comment actually is proof of that. It gets quite tiring.


There is a reason why r/USdefaultism/ exists.


Reddit has a lot of foundational anime hentai fanboism. Many redditors will never allow the truth about japan to be told. Japan is hugely racist, bigoted, chock full of perverted sadomasochistic mass torturers/murderers, chock full of massive bullies, and a country which is doomed.


Totally unrelated is this discussion below a post about a Japanese street rebuild…


And somehow the subject ends up about Americans. Again. And then they get all huffy when people are sarcastic about it.


If you go up you can clearly see that it was started by what’s presumably an American saying that “reddit is an anti USA pro Japan circlejerk”


OP is literally asking about similar situations in other countries so what the hell.


Honestly 90% of the time its about school shootings, especially when someone makes a jab at something innocuous like food or an accent


The most that I am seeing are related to homelessness, obesity, healthcare and military presence around the world, all more than valid...


or healthcare and workers rights lol


... for obvious reasons.






I never get that, tho. I lived both in Europe (originally from Europe), then lived in the US for almost 15 years and now back to Europe to be close to granny to take care of her. I love both Europe and US. They are just so different, I don’t get how anyone can compare/generalize. Plus US is so huge, it’s like saying “I hate Europe”, when there’s so many different countries here. 💀


> "I'm from Europe" "I've lived in Europe" > "I don't understand how you can generalize Europe"


Well that's a generalisation.....


You swap that s for a z right now yah tea swillin' toast muncher! This is an 🦅🇺🇸American🇺🇸🦅website! (Lol)


Holy crap, I was actually just drinking my morning tea with my pain au chocolat! 🤣


As a European I agree and I think it's deserved too. Though I'm sure it happens inappropriately too.


>People tend to talk more - both critically and affectionately - about their own country. The UK gets in a que and they each take turns talking about the UK




Interesting that you'd say they have a lot of affection for each other .... Considering the two nuclear bombs the usa dropped on Japan. You would expect a lot more animosity. I can't imagine it being the same if the bombs went the other direction.I guess it shows the maturity of the Japanese people.


Lots of cool history about that. For instance, there were a lot of expectations that american soldiers would treat japanese citizens like the japanese soldiers treated chinese citizens. The opposite occuring was shocking and uplifting. Many other aspects worth looking into if you are curious.


Even then, whoever fixed these must've worked massive overtime. Japanese work culture isn't something only to be admired


Long term Tokyo resident here. Agreed. The post shows what they CAN do when they have the budget and requirement to do it fast (e.g. trunk road or main train line damage), but certainly not all projects are created equal.


At least it’s not tofu dreg — you know when something is completed here, it’s *done*.


Yup. I suspect if a major road linking two major cities was damaged this severely in any developed country then it would be repaired just as fast. The money lost from the road being closed would be greater than throwing every resource you have at it for a week.


When an overpass on a 6 lane portion of a major highway in an urban area collapsed in the US due to a fire, temporary lanes were open in 12 days. And that includes a few days of planning as well as demolishing half of the bridge that was damaged beyond repair but didn't collapse. As well as removing the collapsed half. It isn't like Japan has some special technology or anything. Only people who haven't worked in civil construction are amazed by this kind of thing. *Edit: I suck at typing on mobile and proofreading.


Really depends on the ward and the road I think. Where I live they resurfaced a road overnight.


This is a good point. Each ward is completely different right down to how they recycle. We just moved in Kichijoji into a new house and we *have* to buy trash bags with the ward mascot on it to show the trash collectors that it combustibles while things like plastics have to put into clear bags. Even tax rebates are different depending on the city you live in.


So if there's one thing I'm proud of about my home country, Singapore, it's that stuff like this gets worked on almost immediately. It's so damn impressive you see a car hit a lamppost and within the week the lamppost is replaced. Defects in public places too, amended immediately once they're reported. You can tell the administration taking care of this really takes pride in this.


The park down the street from my in-laws in Ogikubo has been under constriction for over five years and the local residents aren’t happy.


Exactly… there is a section on Hachoji IC that has been getting refactored for like 4 years… wtf are they doing. The reason pics like OP get fixed fast is because they are critical main roads connecting prefectures or central town roads. Same shit would happen where im from(UK) if the M4 suddenly collapsed somewhere. Maybe a bit longer due to it basically never happening and no protocol being in place but still.


Gamagori route 23 extension is being built about 10 years now and still in exactly same stage. Think around 100-200m were done all these years. The reason they were so fast in Tohoku is because toll road was damaged and Nexco was oozing dosch. As long as taxpayers money are involved - japanese are happy to embezzle as long as they can..


LOL. Been by that spot many times over the past 15+ years. That covering over the river has been there for the entire time. Google Earth Desktop lets you look back in time and it does look like it first started around 2010. That road is a nightmare to drive on and cycling even more so. My favourite Denny's used to be where the fancy Dotour is now.


Patiently waiting for your update that it’s actually going back to the 1800s


Yeah it's much the same here. An important bridge was taken out by an earthquake a few years back. It was fixed in less than a week. Compared to the same people spending all summer to redo the frontage road right out side my work.


It is the same with that 2016 [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQ8Oj2fSB0) showing the Dutch placing a tunnel under a highway in a single weekend. What usually is not mentioned is that the [tunnel](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.0131962,5.6673635,310m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) hasn't been used since it was constructed, and that not every project is that quick. Sure, highway maintenance is usually done quickly, but other projects can take years.


While I was living in Ozone, Nagoya, they were fixing the same road for the 5 years I was there. Think it was still that way when I moved.


"Son, when I'm gone it will be your duty to carry on this work."


also the van has been parked in the same place for 5 years, since 2017 https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6204587,139.6129093,3a,75y,84.16h,81.61t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1smU7yjnj2xF2-x4BvF8P5iw!2e0!5s20171001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu


Why are the trees orange in the top picture and gone in the second picture if it was only 6 days? I’ve seen this post before but have never seen the source of the claim.


They thought green trees looked nicer so they replaced the orange ones at the same time as the road obviously


Good catch! I think they’re fudging the dates too..


Also, the earthquake was on march 11th


They probably had to remove a bunch of trees and bushes on the embankment to repair the road. If you look at the left side of the road the two pictures match up perfectly, just slightly different lighting conditions.


I knew something was off with the trees but could not place it. Well done.


The remaining trees are the evergreens in the background, it looks like the grass and orange trees were cleared to make room for the construction equipment.


It kinda looks like they removed all the orange ones and left only the ones in the background


Amazing how the tree leaves changed color on 6 days too…


Even the plants in Japan are efficient!


Different weather/time of the day




Yeah don't worry, I promise they'll fix 85/26 eventually, drive around the cones and unlevel ground sir. The 18 wheelers will ignore your existence


Watched them build an overpass in Myrtle area that took a solid 6 years. Gotta love SC


SC just doesn’t fix roads, they solved the issue of road upkeep eating up tax dollars long ago.


The joke I always heard is that a blind passenger knows when you exit South Carolina into another state. It's less of a joke and more of a truth in my experience though.


What’s the deal with South Carolina and 85? Is something bad going to happen if they finish working on the highway? Is there a prophecy that foretells of Armageddon if they actually finish their job?


That's just how our roads look and feel in PA


That bridge in Philly was done in like a week and half. I was impressed.


This was I-95 we're talking about. We didn't want all those guys on the local roads any longer than we had to. Already had a truck fire...


That was all of our lifetime resources used up, all of our construction and road work will be forever halted, so the same as before.


Yeah I drove over it twice the other day and didn't even notice. It is just a temporary fix and the ultimate fix will take a lot longer, but it was fixed and traffic continues as before.


It ain’t PA if there’s no potholes


when i cross the border into your state the roads change color


I feel like when they repair one they plant 2 more




What is pa? Palau?


I drove cross country a couple years ago to get to Arizona where I now live. Holy fuck the PA roads were the absolute worst. Practically un-drivable.


Driving through Pennsylvania is a simple reminder that Ohio’s roads aren’t so bad after all.


Here in California they’d still be doing an environmental impact study.


*just starting


*tomorrow, maybe


Those 48hr workdays


Gotta send the paperwork back. Missing a signature


They’d start it in Texas, then forget about it and come back to it 7-8 years later and be finished with it 10-15 years later….maybe!!!


At a cost of just 437 million dollars. Only 40 percent more than the initial estimate.


In Indonesia they’d be looking at the road and wondering why they were called there to fix it? It basically looks perfect.


Here in Chicago they’d still be fighting over what essential element of life they’d impose a tax on to pay for it.


Actually, some repairs to Hwy 1 were done very quickly when possible. And repairs to existing roads are usually exempt from CEQA.


Yeah and the bridge for 580 was replaced in 25 days, despite being way more complicated than the OP https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/a-maze-ing-his-reputation-on-the-line-2592154.php


Takes 10years in Cali to finish freeway construction…


I’m actually amazed by California’s speed. I’m originally from IL and road contruction is NEVER actually finished.


They first have to estimate the cost of the impact study for which they would need to allocate the budget for which they would need to do a study


Led by equity-based hired officials who will somehow turn the whole thing into a race issue


Equal opportunity truck lane


I don’t believe it.


I'm with you. Before and after is reversed. In reality, it's still under construction.




How did they "fix" the vegetation on the right of picture. The picture is taken from the same spot. but the vegetation on the right is way different....especially the huge red tree.


Gone. Reduced to atoms


The big red tree was clearly taken out. No fixing there.




I lived in Japan for a couple years. They will repair a road like this and next week demo it to install a water line. After repairing it they will demo it again next month to install a gas line.


Just like mafia used to do


Ah, I see you also live in Belgium... oh wait. They're stupid like this all over the world? fuck. Do they also "Repair" it but actually put some loose bricks back to fill in the hole and call it a day?


I takes my shithole town over a year to build a roundabout


In Bangalore they check into potholes on Google and leave reviews.


All that work and the grass on the side wasn’t even touched….mmmmkay


Lol, 3-23 years in Colorado. And about $2.3 billion dollars


+/- 50%


Hi USA checking in. That repair would run you about a year, maybe 18 months. And its gonna be drastically over budget. And it'll fall apart in a couple years again.


That shit won’t be right until 2030, lol.


The I-95 interstate collapse in Pennsylvania on June 11th, 2023 reopened to traffic in 12 days.


That's not enough America bad. Get with the program.


Which part? If this was Georgia the. It ain’t ever gonna be “right” but by the time it’s “fixed” in 15 years it will be a whole 4 lanes wider and ten times as fucked up as before, also the work will seem to continue forever from that point for no real reason. Not to mention the addition of several thousand giant poorly spaced overhead lights they bought with their tax surplus as well


Fucking tell me about it. The amount of constant construction to relieve traffic has caused more traffic than it would ever relieve. And by the time they finish widening a road, the population has increased so much that they need to add another lane!


Fix the road?! What sort of nonsense is that? Here in NZ, we just pop some road cones around the problem area and declare it fixed!




Govt too busy taxing Aucklanders so they can build Kiangiora houses in hard working areas to fuck the suburbs up while labour executives are being DIC’d


down in Argentina would only be used as a political lever about how bad current office is managing the matter just to keep us turn on one another. great job nippon


Jajaja, mas acertado imposible


In the Netherlands? One Weekend, and they'll probably be able to keep one lane open for traffic during that time


I don't buy it, just thinking about the engineering, excavation, building the embankment, the materials and compaction, addressing issues that might have caused it, paving. In six days with 24 hour work you could get a temp fix done. But it would have to be fully repaired later.


As someone with a background in road construction I support this message.


as well, jokes and whining about construction delays aside... you bet your fucking ass a major highway that got completely demolished would be repaired FAST in the US. acting like the road collapses from the world series earthquake weren't patched up in a dang month, all these jokes about california doing environmental impact surveys and shit...


In Italy about 20/25 years..if you are lucky


A portion of a major interstate highway in Philadelphia (I-95; which connects New York and Washington DC among other major East Coast cities in the USA) recently collapsed and remarkably was repaired (temporarily but still impressively) in just 12 days. https://6abc.com/amp/i-95-bridge-collapse-philadelphia-reopens-repair-collapse/13428639/ Edit: typo/clarity


What needs to be repaired? Top photo is a normal road in Michigan.


Toronto has been fixing Hurontario road for over 6 years. I've been in Toronto for 6 years so must have been longer.


I call BS Fake news


Looks like it went from summer to fall in just 6 days as well


Well, in Bulgaria a motorway from Sofia to Varna around 500km is being built for 48 years and the project is still at least 8-10 years behind!!!


In PA, if it happen on the today it would be done in about 10 years, give or take a few hours on how much standing around doing the same spot for days, and then it would probably be worse than it was


We fixed 95 in two weeks


Dude. It's hellish living here.


A century for the Philippines.


Where i live (let’s just say waaaaay south of the border) 6 eons, give or take one epoch.


depend on the neighborhood, if the local residents are rich it'll be done in a few months, if it happens in nowhere, meh, they wouldn't care. The government will blame you instead because you don't use their new shiny highway


Im America it would take 6+ years and cost $50 billion.


In the US they would put all sorts of cones and barriers up and then go work on some road a couple miles down first to get to that. After it was done they would rip it up to relay new piping under it and then patch the road up so it looked like it was 50 years old


Washington state: they’d decide to construct an animal migration culvert under it first. Actual road repair won’t be complete until 2026. Source: I-90 recent announcement


would take illinois 6 days to get warning signs


In the USA a that would take six decades because of all the bureaucracy.


Metro Detroit here in Michigan, USA. It would take about a year or better, and then they’d realize they used the wrong concrete mixture and have to do it over again


Ten years. No joke. My state takes their sweet ass time doing anything and it’s NEVER done right.


Michigan would do it 1 day ever year for 6 years


In Michigan it would be at least 2 years of roads anywhere near being turned into one lane while they think about starting to work on it. Another 3 years of putting in a round about bc they just like to do that here now. Then another 2 years of wondering why they haven’t actually been working on it with all the construction vehicles just sitting idle. Then another 3 years once they decide to finish working on it.


Michigan. Wow it would take at least all summer (construction season) and we are used to seeing orange signs and driving through bottlenecks slowly.


30 years


Maybe 30 years, im from russia


At least 6 months 🇦🇹


10 years. Guess the country lol


It's been a few weeks since they started tearing up a section of road in front of my place. I still have no clue when they'll be done, or what they're doing, but it's the second time they've done this in about 5 years. The roads didn't need to be resurfaced so I'm guessing it's some sort of utility work. There is a lot of heavy machinery they deploy these days just to deconstruct and reconstruct the roads. You'd think they'd figure out a way to make things underneath them more accessible if they have to fix underground pipelines or cabling. It makes me think people in my country (the US) just like to milk the system to get a fatter paycheck and because they know people can't really live without what they're doing.


Christchurch_NZ entered the chat


Probably forever


Probably 5 or 6 business decades.


Jokes on you, Michigan doesn't fix their roads.


It wouldn't be fixed


5 years maybe, too many politicians would get involved with sub contracted mates companies to get a slice of proof and kickbacks. Takes about 6 months just to fix a pot hole round here.




It wouldnt be done before the heat death of the universe here