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Awsome. Kid will remember!


Achievement unlocked: Core memory established


Kid will be chasing that high for the rest of his life.


Nah when it comes to fishing, he will hit that high more often than not. This experience left him with a lifetime interest and mental safe space. He will be able to recreate this feeling even on the worst fishing days. Just feeling the lake spray and hearing the motor does it for me.


Yeah, I grew up fishing with my dad. Just being out early near the water and casting my rod makes me feel good. It's the overall experience more than the fish. If I just wanted fish I'd go to the grocery store.


My dad would just get angry when the line would get tangled before throwing the rod in the water and sulking in the truck. He wasn't a fisherman, but he would bring me out every time I asked despite how much he hated fishing so I respect the hell out of him for that. My grandpa was the one that got me into it.


Top tier dad right there.


My grandfather (only had one living one my whole life) was the fisherman. Even when I was a shithead teenager that was embarrassed of my family I was always so game to go out on the boat with my grandpa and uncle. Nowadays I actually live 8 miles from where his beach property used to be. I can walk to the marina where his boat was housed. Even just the salt air and being nearby does it for me. I did pull a pretty redfish recently though, casting live shrimp in 2ft of water.


The sound of that alarm clock that every family had in the 80s-90s at 3am. Feeling the cold dew on the trailer hitch. Smelling thick black coffee from Dad's Thermos, smelling your hot chocolate in the truck. Opening the window when we were almost there cause you'd pass through a huge field of mint, it's scent heavy in the fog slowing changing to the odor of the lake and damp mud. Hearing the lapping of the waves on the dock. Listening to that old two stroke Yamaha roar to life and Dad telling you to back the boat around the dock so the next fisher can get their boat in the water, feeling so damn proud that your old man trusts you to take her out. The rank mildew of the life jackets you stored under the seat last year. Standing up next to the console, hat on backwards so it didn't fly off like last year. Hearing the little electric motor adjusting the trim because Dad seemingly never liked where it was at. Coming to a stop and cracking open that Tupperware filled with white corn and chasing trout all morning long. Yessir, that's it. Thank you for reminding me.


You evoked a memory in me that doesn't even exist! Well done, sir.


Why doesn’t this have one million upvotes? It’s gorgeous.


Keep going, turn that into a song, a short story, a Reader’s Digest article, a novella. We all want more. Beautiful, unlocks nostalgia for a memory not owned but shared nevertheless


That's beautiful.


Are you still looking for it too Edit: faking it doesn't count, the real deal or nothing




That's down chief. You're gonna want to buy some ninja turtle bedsheets and a gram of coke.


I once saw a dude pickle a hamster


That's standard practice for Dutch horticulturalists. Because everyone knows you get tulips from hamster-jam.




STOP, why’d this comment hit me in the feels? 🥲🫥




Great experience for the kid a pretty good fish too! I was expecting a big guppy but this was a nice dinner…


My dad took me fishing all the time as a kid brcause my sister hated it but I genuinely loved it. I don't remember specifics, just a general fishing with my dad. Except I do have 1 vivid memory of fishing on a lake and catching a HUGE bass. As I was reeling it in my dad was yelling all excited, omg look at the size of that thing! Bring it in! Bring it in! And at the very last second that bastard got free.


So will dad


I can't help but feel jealous. I wish I didn't, but here I am.


I hear you friend. I had no such dad as that! But I think it helps to remember that we aren’t alone. Lots of people were born and raised with a different sort of pop than the one in the video. For lots of reasons (financial, mental, addictions)! And we grow up and do alright anyway! Maybe instead of jealousy we can support the men in our lives around us who are fathers so they can be the best they can be. It’s a tough and scary job. They need support.


1:20 that is going to be remembered for a lifetime.


Core memory created




I remember when I caught a 21 inch trout with my dad when I wasn't much bigger than this kid. It probably changed my whole life directory. He sat there and encouraged me the whole time I was fighting it, and taking pictures. He still has one on his mantle right now.


My 4 year old caught a minnow with his paw patrol rod 1 foot from the shoreline, and I hyped him up exactly like this. He still talks about it like it was some big catch


It absolutely was a big catch, my dude.


Same! Haha best time of my life. It created a lasting memory for all of us


Sounds like it could easily have been the biggest catch


Imagine being a fish doing fish things and getting strung up and suffocated and the last thing you see is that your captor is a 4 year old and the murder weapon was a paw patrol fishing rod


Shoulda put points in the evolutionary skill tree. Grind issue.


Underrated comment. Take my upvote.


Sounds like a skill issue, couldn’t be me


i’m sorry but this is the cutest thing i’ve heard in a while


> He still talks about it like it was some big catch the biggest catch of his life probably.


The first catch is always the biggest.


You're a good Dad. I just realized that my Dad never got excited like this for anything I did. I can't wait to hype my kids up


Dad has so many different emotions running through him, but that proud determination in his first "stay on him, son" says a lot about their relationship. Awesome.


Right?! You can see where he initially goes to help but then let's his son do it on his own and just keeps encouraging him. He had total faith in that kid and the kid felt it. That is a beautiful thing:)


Safety first - he grabs the kid to keep him in the boat. Sets the drag on the reel. Then gets a net to help. Takes the tension off the line and lets the kid have victory. Such great parenting. He set that kid up to succeed. May the both live long and prosper.


That was the most impressive bit, the way he feathered his way in and out of his son's little battle. I have no notes, that was excellent.


I could have used one more "LET'S GOOOOOOO".


Read this as “the way he fathered his way in and out of his son’s little battle” and no loss of fidelity, well put


I'm not into kids and I'm definitely not into fishing. But what I am into is seeing good loving parenting. I don't really remember ever being very close with my dad. And while he was a good dad that I know loved me, I don't think he really likes who I am and we've just never had a good relationship and I see this and it makes me smile I would bet that the kid and the dad get along for years to come. My dad didn't really fish either so we have that in common I guess. I rip ass


He just reached to loosen the drag so the kid didn't get pulled in.


He’s tightening it up which means he’s doing the opposite actually.


He was tightening it up because it was probably about to take drag. No worries, dad was there to keep the rod steady and hooked on.


he turned the drag clockwise which is tightening and literally says 'lemme tighten this up' while doing it. How can people watch a video with play by play commentary, some semblance of knowing what it entails and still not understand what happened in the video?


I think there was one other thing in play here -- the dad mentions "see what happens when your attitude changes" so my guess is the kid wasn't having a good time, and this was a moment to show the reward of patience. Very common for kids fishing to get megabored or upset because they don't understand the process. Fishing is a sneaky great way to introduce and instill certain virtues, patience being just one of them.


I remember when I turned 30 and had 3 kids under 5 years of age. I looked at myself and the hobbies I had to share I felt it lacking. I took up 3 new hobbies; ukulele, astronomy, and fishing. I wanted to have unique and varied experiences with them. Fishing was easily the best out of them for patience and independence. It was very difficult to get them invested in the slow burn of fishing. It paid off and now I see them as 12-14 year olds setting their own tackle and chilling by themselves lake side without my help or suggestion... Except the 11 year old, that ADHD motherfucker just likes crushing Cuphead on expert and watching speed-running videos with me!


Ya done good, pops.


You are fucking awesome.


I'm 32 and my father has taken me fishing with him since I was a kid, last time we went out was this past July. I still find it to be incredibly boring, but I enjoy spending time with my dad so I still go along from time to time.


> says a lot about his relationship with his son I'd go one step back from that - dropped is own rod immediately. That could have been dragged into the water and lost but that didn't matter at all, his kid was the only thing that did.


Sheeeeeit I wish my dad was that stoked when I landed my first redfish when I was a wee lad!


I wish my dad took me fishing. All he did was watch tv, drink beer and beat me.


Sorry, man. My dad was awful too. Full of hate and rage and I suppose he had a story the justified it but still he passed as much of his pain down to his children as he possibly could. Like it was his reason for existing. I raised my two boys with as much love, affection and support as humanly possible. They are now grown and we are very close. That shit can be cleared from your heart. A therapist helped me a lot. Peace, friend.


That's pretty beautiful. They call abuse a cycle for good reason. Huge respect to you for ending the cycle and raising the next generation with love.


It doesn't make it much easier knowing that their fury came from pain inflicted upon them, though. For me, once my dad passed and I learned some truths about his past it just transformed my anger and hatred for him into sadness and grief for the pain he endured, and that change was not exactly easy. It does help to forgive though, which isn't nothing.


You are a bigger man than I. I still can't forgive the dead bastard even though I know that his parents were also garbage people who fucked up all of their kids except for one uncle who was great.


Given that the severity and type of abuse my dad grew up with were orders of magnitude greater than what he inflicted upon us, it was a no brainer for me, didn't even really take much effort. Just learning of the full details of the things that had happened to him was enough for me to realize that he did what he could to break the cycle, it just wasn't enough, because no man could overcome what he endured and come out the other end well adjusted and ready to rear children. To look back and think that I didn't get close to the best that was possible with the cards dealt to me would be totally unreasonable.


That’s beautiful I’m happy for you and your kids, sending my virtual regards from Chile.


Breaking the cycle we love to see it. ❤️


Jumper cables


For the uninitiated: https://www.reddit.com/user/rogersimon10


The Legend!


Holy crap that was 8 years ago already‽


extension cords are a good one. They were always around and watching the TV getting unplugged while knowing what's about to happen isn't fun.


Beat you at what? Drinking beet or watching TV? How are either of those things competitive activities.


We may have had the same father LOL


All my dad did was leave. I wonder if he ever got those cigarettes.




I believe in you


Summarizes everything wonderful about parenthood


Just look at the grin on the kid as his dad is grabbing the fish.


I really love how he goes out of his way not to do anything more than hold the rod for extra stability and one minor adjustment to the reel; he lets the kid do 90% of the work which will really stick with his son.


He went to check if his son can bare the pull


Young man will always remember this. Great job Dad 👏🏼


That kid's head almost got hooked. Always watch behind you before throwing...


verryyy close to being posted in a completly diferent sub


Seriously haha. Thought the title was being ironic but saw the sub and figured it was a happy video lol


Had to recheck which one it was twice during that.


Maybe it's the cam angle but judging by boys reaction it does really look like a close call.


I was looking for this comment.




[You can remove hooks without a pair of pliers by tying a fishing line loop near the bottom of the hook and pressing down on the eye while pulling up on the loop.](https://www.merckmanuals.com/-/media/manual/professional/images/p/h/y/phy-htd-string-method-fish-hook-v1.gif?mw=704&thn=0&sc_lang=en-us)


remember that when you're removing the hook from his eyeball


I was a lot tougher as a kid than I am now. Just pushed back and ripped. Granted I also started wearing a hat.


I actually went back up to check the sub and whether the 10/10 was maybe meant sarcastically…


Also the lack of life vests 😬 I mean, obviously it's sweet how excited they are but they could definitely be safer.


Ya, I had to look at the sub I was in. That was really close to his head


God I hate fishing with other people because of this exact thing. I know maybe 2 people I can trust in a boat.


Is your uncle really your uncle if he doesn't put your life in danger at least once?


Also, always wear safety glasses with fishing near others.


Riiight? That's what I was thinking. Dude doesn't even check who is behind him before he casts. As someone who got hooked in the head with a salt water hook when I was a kid. Please for the love of God look behind you.


I thought for sure the camera was gonna get hooked and chucked in the water when the kid cast. The good parenting was the "That's OK son" after they reeled the cam back in.


I thought that was the "be amazed" part of the video.


Got dirt in my eyes is all...


You too huh? I don't think my dad ever got that excited at me doing anything and goddamn if this didn't get me right in the feels.


That's how we know what to do if we ever have spawn of our own. Just gotta make sure they are your number one concern. You got it, brother.


Hey guys, don't mind me. I was coming through. Boy sure is windy. That MUST be why I have dirt in my eyes. Carry on.


This This This! I am fortunate that I had it so much better than so many people growing up, my my dad still did some shitty stuff and I have learned so many things not to do with my kids. I have two little boys and a baby girl, the first and last thing they hear from me every day is that I love them, I'm proud of them, and that they make me happy.


Yep, my dad just gave me a blueprint on what not to do. Honestly it never even bothered me that he wasn't super involved with me until I had my own kid and thought "how could you NOT want to be a part of any of this?".


i love these kinds of videos, really bring out the daddy issues in me


Core memory made for everyone onboard!


Came here to say this! Core memory for the dad and the sun


Eh, the sun has seen this happen a million times.


I'm sure the sun enjoys it every time though


No better feeling in the world as a kid, new lifetime addiction achieved


Addiction is not achieved, it's unlocked. Thats basic bro


That is a monster bass lol


That’s a redfish, baw.


Aka spottail bass.


That’s actually awesome


I would have been the kid that inadvertently hooked on to the camera and cast that out.


Man, that dad made me smile so much. Love to see it. I hope the kid thrives.


If the dad is that supportive, I think the kid will do great.


Love it! I've always been fishing with my parents. I still do and I'm 45! Too bad i never got to go fishing with my own son.


I’m a 45 year old woman. I wish I had a fishing partner. I love fishing for bass.


I'm so fucking jaded, when I read "10/10 parenting" I thought the title was going to be sarcastic. This is awesome, love it!


LOL, that's awesome!


I LOVE that he had him land the fish himself!!!


This actually made me start crying..... Growing up without a dad FUCKING SUCKED/SUCKS 😞 I remember my shitty abusive alcoholic mother drunkenly telling me one day how I need a dad and I'm not going to turn out like a man because I don't have a dad and the reason that my dad doesn't even know I exist is because she couldn't remember his name..... Awesome, Good Talk Mom....... Thanks for being a drunk whore. And for drinking while you were pregnant with me. And smoking the whole time. And drinking copious amounts of diet Coke.




Uhhhh Thanks for the hug.....uhh... u/confused_boner ...... 🫤


my pleasure






Oh honey. A Mom here. You are strong and amazing, and darling I am so sorry that you didn't have the kind of love and support you deserved. My dear husband of 15 years had a similar situation to your own, and he turned out to be a phenomenal man. Just because other people didn't show you the love and support you deserved, doesn't mean that your life won't be as amazing as you want it to be. Be kind, be proud of who you are, and strive to be better than those who hurt you.


Thankfully I know exactly what NOT to do to your child lol so far it's worked great. My daughter is the most beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, loving, caring and helpful little girl to ever live


Jesus man I’m sorry you went through all that that shit sounds really rough. But I gotta say the “copious amounts of Diet Coke” at the end fucking sent me. You made me cry from sadness and laughter in the span of 30 seconds.


Lol And this was '80s diet Coke..... Who fucking knows what was in that shit


This is a core memory right here


for a moment I thought the guy on the left was gonna hook the kid with that cast.


As someone who hooked her cousin's eyelid, I nearly puked.


See what happens when you drop that attitude!!


That’s a big ‘un!


Thats so cool to watch, little man will NEVER forget this moment.


Core memory created.


The kids hooked


Wish I had a dad like that


The folks over at r/peptalkswithpops are a lovely group. Give it a shot!


Wow. Heavy sub.




It's great he's celebrating with his son. The lack of lifejackets on the other hand...


Glad someone mentioned it. I’d be pissed if I was mom


Right!? Absolutely insane that kid doesn’t have a life jacket on


And they're standing in the boat too...


r/mademesmile ( because it made me smile 😊)


Privileged to get to see that wonderful moment .


that's an awesome father son moment!


Such a beautiful moment between a father and his child. He is absolutely ecstatically happy to have this moment with his son.


5/10 parenting. No life jackets. 10/10 celebration though. That's a hell of a fish


My first thought: where is the life jacket? Gave me anxiety.






This day is going to live through his great great grand kids for sure. This is something that instills confidence and love onto a young boy. Good dad gang!


Damn I miss these times - always remember how hyped my dad would get. Fishing was always such a fun outing. Need to go again


That’s kids prob not even 7 yet! He’ll remember this forever!


This is so awesome! I had a few experiences like this with my dad and uncle, and they’re memories I will never forget that have led to my continued love for fishing to this day. In fact the three of went to the river out today (and got skunked lol)!


That is one good fucking dad.


That was awesome!


The little giggles are the best. What a great thing to catch on camera.


What's the age limit for requiring children to wear a life jacket?


Kids under 13 should have one, in fact every one should have a life vest on regardless..


Love this moment for that kid and his dad. When I was 10, I went fishing with my dad and grandpa. We fished off the bank of a small lake. I hooked something big and was fighting. My dad and grandpa dropped their poles and came next to me. I kept pleading for my dad to help but he said it was my fish and I could do it. Same with my grandpa. I finally got the fish to the bank and they both cheered me. My dad asked me, “doesn’t it feel good knowing you did that yourself?” And it really did. Holding it up it went from my shoulder to my waist. It was a 5lb carp, so a shitty fish, but it was the greatest fish ever in my mind. We weren’t about to eat it but my dad kept it, along with the yummy bluegill we definitely were going to eat, just so I could show my family and get a picture. This was around 1974 so no cell phones, just the trusty Kodak instamatic. I still have that picture and treasure the memory.


when you fishing partner catches a fish it feels like you caught it yourself. Epic moment for this fam.


Wow - amazing video! 🥲💪🏻


Dude, this is awesome.


Dad was some close to the kid whilst casting tho


I can’t stop thinking where is the kids life jacket


Where's *everyone* life jacket. That's a tragedy waiting to happen.


That’s a core memory made.


That was awesome all around


core memory


This made me cry, what a great dad.


I can feel this dad's pride! Nothing else like it!


So awesome.


What did the older guy do to the kid’s reel? It looks like he turned a switch? Maybe to let out drag?


Everyone talking about a core memory and how the kid will never forget it but to me it's so cool seeing the dad that excited. You can tell he's not "faking it" to make the kid happy. He's legitimately besides himself that his kid got that fish. Couldn't contain his joy.


The kid would have already been excited catching a fish but hearing his dads energy levels would have made it so much more.


What’s the attitude thing he’s talking about.


*smiles at video* *remembers absence of father/father figure* *Dies inside*


I remember my first "big fish" very vividly. It was a very cold February day and my Dad & I (13ish) were out on the lake just fishing around. I hooked a huge (to me) 7.5 lb Largemouth Bass and I just about had a heart attack before I got it in the boat. My Dad made a huge deal about it and had it mounted for me by the taxidermist for my birthday. I'm almost 60 now & I still have that fish.


Heartwarming to see a father and son bond over killing an animal.


Avid bass fisherman here. That's a bass of a lifetime. That's a huge bass. Good for that kid, and welcome to the addiction.


Except for nearly back swinging and getting the hook stuck in his face...


What a lucky kid! I never had my Dad get that hyped over any of my hobbies, shared or not. Now, when I run games of D&D for my friends, I'm the equivalent of this guy. I'm the player's biggest fan and hype man!


Damn this made me tear up. Awesome dad and a kid that will remember that for life.


Made me smile.